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Book online «The Unthinkable by Living·my·life Forever (best books for 8th graders .txt) 📖». Author Living·my·life Forever

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joking… or not. You'll nevva know. Why? Because I am a ninja. Hiiiiii ya! Boom pow! Slice!) Chapter 6

§ Zuri's P.O.V §

" Do you want me to seriously kick your ass or is this a joke? What's up with this underwear? Like for real!" I pulled out some pink Victoria Secret underwear, which is recently voted sexiest underwear, that was bundled up in the shorts. Zane shook his head and rubbed his temples.

" You guys, my mom picked those clothes out. I guess she doesn't have any normal underwear. Look, I'm going to sleep. It's too late for all this yelling." I gasped but decided to let him go. I could tell the little nimrod was laughing on the way out with the way his body was shaking lightly. It made me sick. Purely sick, if sickness can be pure... I-I don't know. 

Instead of running after him and scratching his eyes out, I chose to go to sleep in my window seat for the night. It certainly was big enough to the point where I wouldn't fall off. I went into the bathroom to get a hair tie to put my hair in a messy bun. Guys at school always used to tell me it was pretty hot but... yeah I agree on that one. My eyes scanned the window seat like it was a piece of meat and I curled up on it and went into a deep and peaceful slumber. 


" Mmm, five more minutes, okay?" someone kept nudging me softly on my shoulder, trying to wake me up by whispering in my ear, 'wakey wakey' in a seductive tone. 

I whimpered. " Please stop." 

" Wakey wakey, sunshine." I pouted and heard a throaty chuckle. Who is that? Oh yeah, the ass wipe. I chose to ignore him and that's when I heard shuffling. My eyes slowly opened to see Zane laying beside me with his chest bare and his arm snugly wrapped around my waist. He also had my leg snugly wrapped around his waist too. All of this was to the point where his junk was near my... area. I rolled my eyes and didn't even try to move because I knew I'd just be pulled right back. 

" What?" 

" I would ask if you wanna fool around but we both know the sad answer to that. So, I thought I could cook for you." 

" Where are your parents?" I shrugged off what he just said to me so that I wouldn't kick him in the neck again. 

" They went to the bank for your shopping spree thing." I groaned into his chest and laid my hand there. " You like the way I feel?"

" Where is my sister when I need her?" 

" With my parents." gah!

I got up, surprisingly he let me, and went into the en suite. Brushing my teeth would be good and washing my face too. When I came out, he was gone. That made me so happy you wouldn't imagine. I looked down at the outfit I was sporting and grumbled under my breath. I looked like a whore. That's probably why he tried to spoon with all this. 

I took a walk over to my bed and and grabbed a blanket off my bed. Then, I decided to face him but with the blanket wrapped around my body looking like an innocent little girl.

Before I entered the kitchen, a sweet and savory aroma graced my nose with its presence. Zane was in the kitchen cooking up a storm. I walked next to him by the stove and he was preparing two omelets in separate skillets at the same time. Boy got skills. Both of the omelets had cheese and lots of it with seasoned spinach. On the island behind me was a feast for a king. There was french toast, grits, oatmeal, hash browns, cooked cinnamon apples, and Pillsbury Dough Boy cinnamon buns with the cream cheese icing. He had also prepared a fruit platter that included fresh apples, grapes, oranges, and strawberries. In that order, he arranged them all in a circle, the apples on the outside with the strawberries in the very middle.

I was pleased to the top. I only hoped it was as good as it appeared. " So, where'd you learn to cook?" I asked, enthusiastically. 

 " Cooking school last summer. My mom put me in it. Go sit in the booth while I make your plate." He had a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead, aiming for his eye when he turned around to the island with the omelets. I quickly went to him and gently wiped it off with my thumb. Sweat in your eye is the devil. He smirked in a sensual way and turned to me. 

" You're so sweet. Thank you." his face was so close to mine that our lips were this close to being in contact. Oh, I had a serious urge to kiss them again. I backed away slowly and turned to the booth. I was sure he'd find some snide comment to tease me about that. 

 After we ate, I leaned back in complete and outright pleasure. Everything had the perfect amount of seasoning. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad to have him as a husband. Or not. I looked up to see him smirking, which I returned. I was so happy I didn't even care about the way he looked at me because the meal was far too good to complain. 

He nodded as if to say yes she's satisfied, then stood from the booth and took our plates to the sink. It seemed like he did all this on his own will without his mommy telling him. Which surprised me because, why would he cook me such a fancy meal? Zane had to want something in return... something I didn't want to give him. Otherwise, maybe he was just trying to show me another side of him other than the hormonal twit. It would be hard to imagine the gentleman side of this guy mostly because I would have never thought it was in him.

"What was this for? Are you trying to win me over or somethin'?" I crept my way over to him by the island.

He turned around from the sink to meet my skeptic gaze. There's that smirk again. Does he ever not smirk? "And why would you think that? I can't cook you a meal without wanting something in return?"

I thought about it for a moment. This dick is trying to play me. "Nope." I simply stated, popping the 'P'.

"Why would you think that?" He pouted, but it was evident he was joking. I crossed my arms against my medium-large chest. Trying to play me.

"Okay, just one teeny tiny itsy bitsy kiss. You won't even feel it."

"Ofcourse." I stormed off, pissed off at myself for even thinking he could be an okay guy.

I felt his stride behind me but kept on walking. I didn't even know where I was going but I turned to a door. It was a bedroom and I was trapped. Smart. 

"Bad place to stop, but okay. Um, Z, I cooked that meal...because...I um I...just want you to like me. I didn't think I'd get anything in return anyway...so I just wanted to make you happy. The smile you gave me was...it was beautiful." I sat on the bed, unsure of how to answer. His face showed sincerity but how would I know for sure? Zane could be lying to my face. He's probably done this type of thing millions of times just to get some.

"No. That's not true at all. I am not trying to get some. Not from you." Well...that was harsh.

"Wait, I didn't mean it like that okay?" He let out a frustration filled breath and pinched the top of his nose. His cute nose. Dammit. He smiled, obviously hearing another one of my thoughts. 

"Yes. Dammit is right. I have something else to joke you about." If he does not piss off.

He came to sit beside me but I immediately stood and walked to the door. "Stop it!" he grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the wall with his hands lightly on my shoulders. I crossed my arms again and looked dead in his eyes. 

"Yes?" 'Why are you so difficult?' I listened in on his thoughts this time. What now homie?! "I'm difficult because you are an annoying, hormonal asshat. I'm not gonna give into your charm like all your other sluts. Oh, and I can read your mind because-" I leaned to whisper in his ear. "I'm a better witch than you, baby." that came out way more sexual than I wanted it to. Dammit again.

I breathed in his luscious scent which now actually smelled like laundry detergent and dryer sheets. He seemed to breath in mine as well because his nose was now on my neck, his body pressed against mine. My frame froze. Gah, what do I do?! He pecked my neck with his plump lips. I stopped breathing, showing him that he got to me. 

He kept smooching on my neck. He went down to my collarbone and sucked. I tried my hardest to keep my moan from escaping from my throat. His lips moved from there and his hands went from my shoulders. He looked at me with hungry eyes and snaked his soft hands down to my arms and uncrossed them and put them around his neck. Then he trailed my body with his fingers and squeezed my hips. God help me. What is he doing? His seduction skills come so easily for him. The way he bites his bottom lip, oh man. It's too much for me.  

His lips went to my neck again and I let him. He dragged his tongue lightly up my neck and began to nibble on my ear. I let out a soft moan. He chuckled and went back to sucking on my neck. I put my hands up his shirt and felt his hard abs. Calming myself down wasn't easy so I just gave in. I pulled away from his lips on my neck and looked in his eyes. He could get that kiss now. He smiled, obviously hearing me and slowly leaned in. I went through his soft, thick hair as we kissed and totally melted. His lips tasted like strawberries and they moved perfectly with my lips which were as plump as his. 

I lightly pulled his hair and his moan was much louder than mine. I smiled against his lips and ran my tongue over his bottom lip, asking for entrance. Yeah, I got skills too boy. He let me in and I explored his mouth. Our tongues danced the salsa which felt like forever. His strong hands pulled me closer and I jumped up to wrap my legs around his waist. I giggled and he smiled at me. My blanket was seriously forgotten about and all my goods, of which I have a lot of, were out to the world. 

He backed up and fell on the bed with a thump. When was it so close? I might have used my magic when I got in the mood to have it closer. Maybe I should try and control that. 

"No." Zane mumbled against my lips. I guess I won't

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