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Book online 芦The Unthinkable by Living路my路life Forever (best books for 8th graders .txt) 馃摉禄. Author Living路my路life Forever

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then. "Good." 

"Shhhh." I placed my finger against his lips. He was talking too much. He laughed and began leaning towards me but I aimed for his neck. I was gonna make him moan again. I didn't say it was sexy did I? Well, it is, very much. 

I spread kisses on his neck and started to lightly suck behind his ear. He moaned softly that was followed by a raspy breath, his soft spot obviously. He's easy. That raspy breath was sexy too. My hands went up his shirt again uncontrollably and ripped it off. Oops! I pulled back from his neck because his shirt was now on the floor in shreds.

"I am so sorry!" I gasped and put my hand to my mouth. 

He sat up. "Don't worry about it." He pressed his lips to mine softly and affectionately. He then pressed his lips roughly, deepening the kiss. His tongue slipped in my mouth and tangled with mine. This time, his hands began to take off my shirt and before I knew it, my tank top was shredded too. His eyes slid to my boobs which stuck out my bra. He started to kiss the top of them and I moaned loudly. My soft spot. 

"Zane... we should stop." He kept on kissing my bust and began to unclip the pink lace bra I was wearing. "Zane...stop." my 'stop' came out as a whisper. He unclipped my bra and let's just say, I ran like hell.

Chapter 7

I feel like a naughty girl. Sitting in the car between Lori and Zane on the way to mall. I have been glancing at him in the corner of my eye, but not by my choice. I only wanted to avoid him. He was obviously staring at me the whole ride, not just sneaking glances but literally staring at me. His body was slightly facing me and his eyes were cemented to my face. 

What is your problem this time? 

Why are you avoiding me? Is it because of what happened this morning? I'm sorry I practically forced myself on you at first, but I didn't think you'd go for it. 

Are you really apologizing or do you just want me to fall for your apology and then almost give it up again? I ain't stupid, bruh. He laughed at my slang that always come out when I'm angered.

Stop thinking I'm such a douche. Yeah, I may be hormonal but I'm not half bad okay? I didn't respond. Fine. I'll prove it to you.

As soon as we arrived at the mall, I climbed over him and walked to the doors of the huge mall. I linked arms with Lori and we strutted into the mall like runway models. This is how we do it! 

 "Nice ass, wifey." Zane murmured in my ear and lightly took my hand in his. I tried to snatched it away but his grip was too strong.

"So this is you provin yo' self! You're doin' such a grand job!"

"Ugh. Sorry. Let me start over."

"Nah. No thanks." I took my chance to yank away my hand and walked into Wet Seal, credit card in hand. 

By the time our shopping was over, well, the card was limitless. Everyone had at least five or more of our bags of clothes, accessories, fragrances, shoes, electronics, and little knick-knacks. We wanted to add some color to our room instead or the black and white theme. 

People eyed us down when we came out. The amount of clothes we had was pretty insane but there's no need to stare. Gosh. My sis and I had changed clothes while we were inside to look more, rich? I guess to fit in with our new family. Though, we looked more like hipsters. I was wearing:

My hair has been died red and curled! I look awesome, baby! My sister:

She had gotten some honey highlights to her already dark brown hair. We found out it was dark brown instead of black in the salon. Who knew? 

Zane of course was drooling beside me and Nicky was as jumpy as a grasshopper. That was corny. As jumpy as a grasshopper. I could have said something different. Oh well now. She had helped us pick our outfits and I must say, she is incredible. 

The car was packed and loaded and we were now on the way to our home. Jorge seemed a little uneasy when we arrived at the house so I asked what was upsetting him.

"I don't want to sound like a prune but... I very much dislike those outfits you girls are wearing. I'm sorry but did you see all the guys drooling over you? Including my son?" Zane checked his mouth for saliva and there was a tiny drop. Awkward. "See? I just think you should wear some shorts that are slightly longer."

"Oh Jorge. They're teenagers. Let them have a little fun." 

"But I'm just saying-" Nicky motioned behind him for us to go upstairs whilst he ran his mouth. We used our magic to flash us and our bags to our room. 

I put my new yellow iPOD in the speaker thingy and blasted We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus. 

"You're helping us fold and hang our clothes and decorate our room." Lori told the Zane who tried to get away. 

"We can't do that tomorrow? It's late." He complained. I opened the curtain to show him the setting sun. Yeah, around six at night is late. 

"Stop with the complaints and get your ass over here and help." Lori said firmly. His shoulders slumped as he went to pick up a random bag sprawled on the floor. I grinned and started putting up pictures and little objects on the walls while him and Lori hung up clothes. 

It took three hours to put away everything and in result of that we fell on my bed and laughed. 

"That took forever." Zane gasped. 

"Do you always complain this much?" I joked.

"Very funny." 

"I don't think he can stop, girl." we all laughed at her and then we were automatically sitting in the dining room with food on our plates. I screamed a little bit, but just a little bit.

"Sorry. I didn't feel like calling you down." Nicky smiled. "We have some things to discuss. Zane told you about your arranged marriage and about the school, correct? " I rolled my eyes and nodded. 

"Okay. Well, just so you know, Jorge and myself did not have anything to do with that. It was all your parents idea. I guess they just wanted to make sure you didn't marry a mortal to keep the power in the family. They told us you were the wild one." she giggled and I raised an eyebrow. Is she serious? Ain't nothin' funny. "Anyway, I'm sorry we have to go through with this but it is already settled. I really am-"

"You sure don't seem sorry. Our parents are dead! Why do we have to go through with this? It isn't fair!"

"Sweetie, please don't react this way. Like I said before, it is settled and that's final. So the school. I would allow you to go to normal school but from your past records, I'm afraid that's not possible. You both need more training so that you will be able to control yourself in the mortal world. Mythic Academy not only is a school for learning but also for training certain species. You'll learn the usual math, science, history, and English along with magic training. Is that alright?" 

"Yes, that will be fine." Lori sat me down. When had I stood up? My hair was flaring a slight orange at the ends and I then dimmed it down. She's got a point about the control thing.

"No. That won't be fine." I grumbled with my arms crossed stubbornly. No one heard me.

"Great. You can eat now." I looked down at the very appealing plate before me. It was a steak platter with mashed potatoes and string beans. I only sat there, pissed off out of my mind. 

"Dear, either eat or go upstairs. I know the predicament you're in is difficult but I do not allow disrespect in my house." I took in her words thoughtfully and stood from my seat and flashed myself upstairs with a fake smile. 

Did she really expect me to act like everything was lollipops and gumdrops? I am being forced into marriage. I am being forced into marriage. I am being forced into marriage. Nope, couldn't say it without almost crying. Why would my parents do this to me? How could they force me to love someone? To be stuck with someone forever? What would compell them to do such a thing? 

I threw the clothes I was wearing on the floor until I was completely nude, took my robe off my coat hanger, and went into the bathroom to take a hot bubble bath. When nothing or no one else could calm me down, that was my only option.

Chapter 8

I sat with my head against the tiles and my back against my new bath pillow. The water felt tranquil on my silken skin and I could feel it slowly easing my rapid nerves. My mind was clear, no thoughts were clustering my brain. There was nothing to think about but the cozy blanket of water and the sound of tiny bubbles going a quiet pop. 

There was a soft knock on the door. My eyes stayed closed, just waiting for that person to leave. The soft knock came again and opened my door. I groaned and turned my head. Oh shit, Zane! I thought it would be Nicky! My hands quickly reached out to gather bubbles to cover my floating...breasts. Zane struggled to keep in a laugh and sat on the edge of the tub.

"Are you okay? You've been up here for hours and your food is cold. I could put it in the microwave if you want?"

"I was until you barged in." I closed my eyes. 

"Do you want me to warm up your food or not? I'm trying to be nice." 

"You came in here while I'm naked. That's not very polite, now is it? Yes, you can warm my food and pass me a towel." 

"You're so cute when you're mad." He smiled with his forehead on mine. 

"I know that. Can I get that towel, babe?" He smirked and leaned to get it. "Um, can you um... get the hell out, please?" He shook his head no with that sexy smirk.

"And I'm difficult." I rolled my eyes and stood from the tub, quickly wrapping the towel around myself. He was sort of

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