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Book online «breaking glass by KLeena Girl (free ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author KLeena Girl

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„What is, Davy?”
„It’s already Christmas Eve. Time’s running fast, since we met you.”
Serena nodded. „Yeah, it is. Thank you for letting me live here since summer. I’ve never really showed my gratefulness, but I really am.”
„No need to thank me, sister”, he smirked, „even though, I don’t know how I’ll explain my father the fact that you live here, when he visits us the day after tomorrow.”
„Oh no, I don’t want to get you into trouble, Dave.” Serena stopped and looked at him seriously.
„Don’t look like that, it’ll be alright. We’ll find a way and my father won’t be mad at you.”
„It’s Christmas Eve, nobody is allowed to be mad at anybody”, Jenny said in a sing-sang voice, entering the great living room. In her hands she held a bowl of soup. „It’s dinner time, my friends!”
All stuffed and sated – Jenny had just proven herself as an excellent cook – the distribution of presents was on. The boys had given Serena something very special. It was a silver necklace, a heart-shaped pendant tangling down from it. While outside the initials of the first names were engraved „LSD” – for Lucas, Serena and David obviously – the inside contained a picture of her and Lucas on the one side and on the other half a photo of her, David and Lucas. It was absolutely marvellous. Serena couldn’t just thank them enough and her fingers played with the pendant the whole evening.
And among the Christmas cards, there was something for Serena, too. A letter, ornamented with small snowflakes, was addressed to her. Curiously, she opened the envelope and took out the letter. Her laughter stopped as she began reading the words silently. Jenny viewed her friend with concern. „What’s wrong, Serena?”
She answered immediately, her voice hoarse and insecure. „My parents are back. They want me to live with them again.”

* * *

„It is going to be so awkward”, Serena sighed, as she packed the rest of her belongings into her bag. „I’ll miss this house.”
„You can always come by and visit, sister”, David said shouldering her backpack. „Well, then, should we go?”
„Just a moment”, she answered and walked over to him to pull him in a great hug. „Thank you, Davy, thank you for everything!”
„Hey, hey”, he said, not quite returning the embrace because of the bag on his back, „it’s not like we have to say farewell for forever. We’re still your friends.”
„I know”, she sniffed and grabbed a second bag from the bed, „I’m ready, let’s go.”
Bad memories weighed down on her, as she entered her so-called home. She hadn’t felt at home in here for the longest time, after all the Newton mansion had become her home and now she was supposed to live here

again. How was she going to do this?
Her thoughts were interrupted, when her parents approached her. Her mother quickly hugged her, her grip tight and almost suffocating. She was crying.
Her father behaved more composed, though Serena noticed the tension in him. Steven had come back, as well. Serena went upstairs into her room. Someone had tidied it up. The razor blades were gone and the bed was made. Also, the whole room smelled fresh and finally held a note of comfort. Unpacking her clothes, Serena sighed in content. Maybe this time, things would turn out for the better.

* * *

Serena had never understood what really happened with her parents, while she was away, but she decided that it was best for her not to know. The paradise at home was definitely nicer than that nightmare of life before, yet she knew that most of the happiness was faked. Though, she couldn’t care less, everything important to her were her friends, especially Lucas. It was in March, some weeks after her 14th birthday, when Lucas had invited her to stay over the weekend. His parents were gone and so was his sister, and Lucas wanted to enjoy his free weekend with Serena. Until now, the couple had done nothing more than kissing and some innocent touches, but tonight that would change. At least, if Serena had a saying in this. Yes, it was actually her who wanted to take their relationship a step higher. She loved Lucas with all her being and was glad to be given such a chance to be alone with him.
So, here she was, sitting on his bed in loose black trousers and thin grey top. Night had already fallen in, and candles – she had lit earlier – illuminated the room. Lucas entered the room with hesitation. „You know, we don’t have to do this tonight.”
„Lucas, we’ve talked about his, I am sure.” Her eyes narrowed. „Or is it you who is actually afraid of this?” When his gaze avoided hers, she just had to laugh. „I never imagined my fearless prince would be scared of sex.”
„What?” He blushed deeply. „I can’t help but being nervous. Remember it’s my first time, too!”
„That’s why you don’t have to be embarrassed. I’m sorry I laughed at you. I just want to experience this together, with you”, Serena’s voice turned honestly and all of the mocking tone was gone by now. „Now come here, sweetheart.”
Lucas did so and went over to his bed. Serena knelt, her hands reaching for his face, caressing it lovingly. They kissed deeply at first and then very slowly, his lips were the softest and warmest lips she'd ever felt. The sweetness of his lips made her want more of him. The gentle kiss quickly became a wild embrace as she led him down onto the bed with her. They rolled around in each others arms giggling with delight. But fun was not the only thing they would share tonight. As passion overtook the control, Lucas pushed up her top and pulled it off of her. He laid her down on her back and looked at her exposed breasts, now only covered by a thin black, satin bra. „You’re beautiful”, he whispered against her skin before he started to shower her flat stomach with butterfly kisses. All the while his soft hand caressed her pale pink breasts, fitting in his hand so perfectly.
Soon, the rest of their clothing followed, as they continued to explore each other bodies. When Serena’s hand wandered over his chest to his lower abdomen, he sighed in pleasure. Lucas turned around to grab the condom form the bedside table, before rolling it down onto his manhood. Then that final moment had come, as he entered his love. Absolute new feelings ran through the teenagers. Her eyes grew wide, she unconsciously began to thrust her hips against his, needing stimulation. Lucas answered with a smile, before complying with her request. They held each other motionless and silent for a few moments, and then he began thrusting. It seemed like hours passing. She met him each time and their eyes locked until their orgasms built up like a wave.
When they had come back to earth, they laid beside each other. Lucas wrapped his arms around her small, gorgeous form, holding his love tight. He kissed her hair and stroked her soft skin. Serena smiled in the afterglow as they became drowsy, their bodies overwhelmed by the newfound sparkles of pleasure.
Before they fell asleep, Lucas softly whispered in her ear, „I love you.” Serena was about to reply the same, when sleep won the fight over her consciousness.

* * *

„Okay, so now, stay still and smile!“ Serena said and rushed over to sit between them. The camera clicked.
„Are we finished now?” Lucas grumbled.
„Yeah, I think so”, David said, while getting up to pack his camera and its tripod together.
„Good, that means I can finally cuddle with you”, Lucas laughed and threw himself on Serena.
„Stop that Lucas!” She giggled, when he started to tickle her.
„Not in a million years!” He smirked. „I just love hearing your laughter!”
David shook his head. „You two are too embarrassing sometimes.” He went down on the grass to sit beside the couple. When Lucas finally stopped torturing the girl’s belly, they laid down next to him.
„This day is wonderful”, Serena smiled.
„It truly is”, David agreed.
The three friends lay in the garden of the Newton mansion. Above them the sun shone and the sky was all blue. It was June by now, a couple of days after David’s 17th birthday. The weather was awesome and the group enjoyed the warm temperatures by simply hanging around in the nature.
„I hope it could stay like this forever.” Serena said with a longing in her voice.
„I hope so, too”, Lucas hummed.
Suddenly Serena shot her head up and shifted to a sitting position. „Let’s make a promise then.”
The boys looked at her. It wasn’t usual for her to say such things. She took a hand from each of them and announced: „Let’s promise we’ll never let anything take away our happiness together.”
Lucas and David smiled. Looked like she had finally gotten past her dark times.
„Well then”, David said. „I promise.”
„I promise, too”, Lucas vowed and bent his head to kiss Serena’s cheek.
Serena’s lips turned up into a beautiful and honest smile. „I promise.”
But life is unpredictable and doesn’t consider the promises you’ve might have made. Though, in their young minds, they didn’t think about that. They wanted their happiness to last, but one day, the moment would come they’d get heavily disappointed. And this moment wasn’t as far away as they might have wanted it to be.

* * *

„I don’t want you to leave”, Serena was near to tears, when Lucas looked into her eyes. He gave her a feeble smile. „I know, honey, but I just can’t help it. My dad has to move because of his job and it’s not like I’m leaving you forever.” When he tried to kiss her in apology, she pulled away.
„Then why don’t you just stay in the first place? I’m sure you could live at the Newton’s.”
Lucas’ face froze. „Hasn’t Dave told you yet?”
The 14-year-old looked at her boyfriend confused. „What do you mean by that?”
„I’m moving, too.” David said, as he entered Lucas’ room. „My mother wants me to live with her in Hatfield.”
„Hatfield?” She asked unbelievingly. „But that’s in England. And - and Lucas here is going to Hamburg. What’s wrong with you guys? Why are you leaving me behind?” Unwanted tears welled up in her gorgeous green eyes.
„Serena”, Lucas said and wrapped his arms around her, „we’re your friends. Of course, we’ll stay in contact and we’ll see each other soon again.”
In between her sobs, she let out a whiny „How?”
„For starters, we’re going to write you every day”, David suggested.
„And I’ll visit you as often as I can”, Lucas added. „You don’t have to worry. In less than a year, I’ll turn 18. Then I’m going to buy a little apartment just for the two of us.”
Serena wiped her tears away. „I’m just so scared to lose you. I mean, all of you. You two, Jenny, André and Lucas’ awesome parents…” She began to cry again, her words going under during it.
„You won’t lose us, Serena”, Lucas hushed her. „Besides, there isn’t anything that can really separate us”, David spoke up, „After all, we’re LSD


* * *

Serena threw her bag into the corner with full force. She was so angry right now. It was her 15th birthday and no one of them was here. It wasn’t like she wanted a big party or anything, but she would have been glad to spend the day with Jenny, David and most especially Lucas. The latter had just called her,

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