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Book online «It's Your Baby by Belén Domínguez (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author Belén Domínguez

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kissed his cheek. Chapter 09 - Talking things Over

“Are you serious!?” Dani gasped as I was telling her what happened with Finn showing at my door. I walked towards my full length mirror and stared at my reflection. I already feel fat, and my bump has grown just one bit.

I touched at my stomach and let go a heavy sigh. “Yup” I simply said.


“Wow. Finn really wants to get killed” she chuckled. “He should come to your house more often”


“Umm. I don't think so. . .I just want him to disappear. He keeps insisting that we should talk, but that's not what I want. I don't even know what I will do with this baby, neither how to tell my parents. Having Finn just complicates everything”


“But don't you think that you guys should talk? I mean, he is the father after all. . .”


“Please, don't defend him” I said.


“I'm not defending him, G. I'm just saying that you know what is the right thing to do. You just don't want to face him”


And as always. . .Best friends are right.


“Yeah, but what happens if—” I was cut off by something hitting my window. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I told Dani I would call her later and then hung up. I walked towards my window and opened it slowly.


“Hi there, mommy” it was Finn. He was grinning while putting his magazine on his lap. He was sitting on a lawn chair putting his hands behind his head.


“W-what, you, wait. . .What!?” I couldn't form a coherent sentence.


“I told you we need to talk” he said.


“If you don't leave, I will call the cops. . .You're in my property!” I said.


“Nah-ah-ah. . .I am near your property, sweetheart. After that line where your house is. . .I am basically in the middle of the pavement. You can't arrest me for this” he said making me speechless.


“You are such a—”


“Genius? Yeah, no need to tell me that, babe” he said smugly. I let go an exasperated sigh and closed my window a little too harshly. That jerk! How dare he!? After everything he did yesterday. . .Ugh.


I stomped my way downstairs, earning glances from my family that were sitting in the living room. I opened my front door and walked towards that idiot we know as Nash freaking Grier. He was there sitting, with a cocky expression. His long hair was pulled back with a red headband, he was wearing a blue t-shirt, and grey sweat pants.


“Missed me?” he asked. "I did miss you, babe" he said with a pout.


“I didn't miss you. . .In fact, I just want to kill you” I said raising my voice. “How dare you coming again, when we told you not to? My parents are inside and they don't know about—” I trailed off. “You know. . .”


“Aww. It breaks my heart” he said placing his hands on his chest.


“You can't break something that you don't have” I said and crossed my arms across my chest.


His hands fell to the side and his smug face was replaced with regret. “I'm sorry. . .” he said as he scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry you're going through this. It is my fault, and that's why I'm here. . .I'm trying to take responsibility for what I've done to you. You don't deserve this”


That made me stay quiet for what seemed like forever. I sensed sincerity in his voice, but these days. . .You never know. I also thought he was a nice guy when we met; and looked where all of this lead us to. He was waiting for my response, patiently standing there.


“What do you want me to say to that?” I asked. “What do you expect?”


“I expect we have a civil conversation about this. . .Like mature people. And not having to fight with your angry brother every time I come around. My face still hurts”


“Good” I laughed. “I believe that was the point”


“I'm glad my pain makes you laugh. . .Your smile is more beautiful than your frowning” he said and put his hands inside his pants.


“Well, who is this young man?” my mom asked from behind us. I froze and stayed there motionless. But Finn just smiled and extended his hand towards my mother.


“I'm Finn, ma'am. Nice to meet you” he said with his charming smile.


“And why are you here?” she asked while crossing her arms across her chest. I started fidgeting with my fingers nervously while giving Finn a pointed look. If he tells my mom now, I'm screwed. . .Big time.


He stared at me back and nodded, then smiled. “I came here to talk to Gwen, you know. . .We-we are classmates. . .” his lie made me sigh in relief.


“Oh. How lovely. We were just about to eat lunch. Do you want to join us?” she asked. I stood behind my mom, and started shaking my head no uncontrollably, but he just grinned.


“I would love to”


He's so dead if he goes through that door with my brother there. I quickly ran to the living room and nearly tackled Alec.


“Wow, wow, wow. . .What's up with you little sis?” he chuckled.


“Finnisabouttocomeinsidesincemominvitedhimtoeatlunchwithus” I said so fast I'm lacking air.


“Can you repeat that? I didn't get it” he said furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.


“Hi there” Finn said, smirking at my brother. Alec was about to take a step towards him, but I quickly grabbed his arm. Why did my mother needed to invite him? And why did Finn had to say yes? Dammit. . .


“Alec, please, if you say something. . .I'm screwed” I whispered in his ear. He sighed, but didn't broke eye contact with that annoying blue-eyed boy, who was shamelessly grinning at both of us. Alec nodded and sat down on the couch.


“This is Finn, he's Gwen's classmate. . .” my mom chirped.


Finn smiled at my mother. “This is a lovely house. . .” he said. Is he trying to buy my mom? Good one, Harries.


“Oh why thank you, sweetie. How come we never met you? I mean, we do know all of Gwen's friends. . .”


“B-because he's a new classmate. He just got in this year” I said a little too quickly.


“But we went to the open house and we didn't see him. And that's the day where we get to see the new students” my dad butted in.


“I couldn't go to the open house, unfortunately. . .My cousin was very sick” he said faking being sad for just a moment. For a moment I almost bought it, but then I remembered he was just acting.  


“I'm sorry” said my mom. Finn nodded and then sat at the same time I sat too, he was in the chair next to mine. My brother across from him sending him daggers. If looks could kill, he would already be dead.


We ate hamburgers, which was weird since my mom almost never cooks that. But then again, she was never home, along with my dad. I didn't mind though; I love her hamburgers. I ate silently, while I watched Alec's and Nash's staring contest. It was sort of funny, but I'm worried that in one point they will just kill each other in front of my parents.


“So, Finn. . .In what class are you with Gwen?” my dad asked, trying to some small talk. Meawhile, I was sitting on my chair, wishing to bang my head against the wooden table. Please, take me out of my misery.


Finn chewed his food before speaking. “Every class” he lied. Thank God he's not my classmate.


“And what brings you here?” my dad kept with the interrogation. My palms were already sweaty; and it became even harder for me to swallow. I quickly grabbed my glass and drank the refreshing liquid. Please, dad, stop. . .


He glanced at me before turning back to my dad. "W-we have a project together, sir" he replied. I finished the remains of my food and then placed my plate in the sink.


Finn finished after and did the same. “I think is getting late, you need to leave. . .” I faked a smile.


“Gwen, he just got here, plus. . .Don't you have a project?” my mom asked sort of suspicious. I nervously chuckled and put a strand of hair behind my ear.


“Yes Gwen. . .” Finn said with a smirk.


“Fine” I sighed defeated. “W-we can go to my room” I said and walked ahead of him.


“Doors unlocked!” my dad and brother said at the same time.


“Believe me, I don't want to lock it” I mumbled more to myself. I walked to my room, but before opening it, I turned towards Finn.


“Listen to me, and listen to me clearly. I don't want you near me. I sit in the bed; you sit in the ground. Don't touch me, don't breathe near me, don't talk to me about anything else but this baby subject. . .Are we clear?” I said.


He smiled innocently and raised his hands up. “Good” I said and opened my door. I closed it, but didn't locked it. I can't let my parents hear this. . .I'm still trying to figure out how to tell them, but is hard. Soon, they will notice something is off. My stomach will grow much more and I will have to go to the Hospital daily. They will for sure interrogate me. I'm not good under pressure!


“First I will need your phone number. . .” he said. I turned towards him and frowned.


“Why?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.


“Well, how else are we going to be communicated?” he asked and crossed his arms across his chest.


I didn't argue with that, he's right. . .Unfortunately. So I gave him my phone number, even though I didn't want to.


“So here we are. . .” I said as I sat down on my bed. He was about to sit down beside me, when I stopped him. "Haven't you heard me, Grier? I said if I sit in the bed, you would sit in the ground" I said. 


“You were serious? Wow. I thought you would want me closer to you” he said and made me lay on my back in the bed. Supporting his weight with his two arms. I tried to push him off, but he was so heavy, he didn't even budge.


“Knock it off, Finn” I said.


“I love how you say my name, Gwen” he purred in my ear.


“I am so close of calling my brother. . .He will beat the crap out of you” I said.


“I'm not afraid of your brother. . .In fact, is kind of fun wrestling with him. He gives me a challenge. . .” he said and finally got off of me. I sat up straight and brushed my brown hair with my fingers.


“We're here. . .” I said as I watched him sit in the ground. “Let's talk”


• • •


It seemed like an eternity when we stopped talking. We tried to figure out what we could do. How this could affect our lives in so many ways. How we would tell our parents about this. This will change everything for us, especially for him. . .I mean, he is Mr. Famous Viner in the end.


“Ah, my butt hurts” he complained, which made me laugh. He stood up and

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