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Book online «It's Your Baby by Belén Domínguez (any book recommendations txt) 📖». Author Belén Domínguez

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Copyright © 2016 MBDP98


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or in any means—by electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission.


This story is PURE fictional and 100% my idea. 






Ever since I was a little girl, I kept on dreaming how my future was going to be. What College I planned to assist, what job I was going to get, how my kids were going to be named, what features did I look at in my husband. Everything. Then I grew up and things changed in a drastic way.


I had mixed up emotions, responsibilities, decisions that I never thought I would ever have to make. I had to stop my plans to focus on a mistake that changed my life forever. That mistake that crashed with everything I've worked hard for my entire life. 


Then he came crashing into my life. . .


We met, he seduced me, we hooked up, and we both got what we both wanted. He wanted some fun and to be carefree for at least a night. Me? Well. . .I was sick of being teased because I was the inexperienced virgin, goody-goody two-shoes. I wanted to taste what true freedom was like. But, what happened after that supposedly one-night stand was more than I imagined. My little adventure turned to be a life lesson I never thought I would go through at a young age. All those times I felt pity towards those misfortune young girls, now I was being part of them. 


I was a normal 17-year-old girl. With the feeling of discovering myself, to have a normal life like any other teenager. But one mistake leads to another, and life turns serious all of a sudden. With responsibilities, choices, lessons, and constant drama with a famous pop star, with who the chances of encountering should’ve been none.


I just can't believe yet that I'm carrying his baby. . .

Chapter 01 - Bumping with Mr. Super Star

“He was totally checking me out!” my best friend, Dani, started squealing as we entered this bar whose name I never heard. She kept blabbering about this guy who obviously wasn't interested in her, but who am I to explode her little bubble of happiness? So I just smiled and nodded once in a while.


“Why are we at a bar? You know I don't drink” I said as we sat on a stool.


“That's the point of bringing you here, Gwen. Is for you to finally stop being a prude with no life” she smiled innocently.


“First, ouch. Second, I'm not a prude” I said defensively.


She rolled her eyes. “Right,” she said sarcastically. “Give us two shots of vodka, please”


The bartender nodded and grinned at my friend, but she was too busy re-applying her make-up to notice. When he placed the two mini glasses in front of us, Dani just picked hers up and drank the liquid-like if she've done this a thousand times—which I wouldn't be surprised, knowing her.


I stared down at mine for quite a long time, grimacing in disgust. I’ve never liked drinking alcohol. I’ve tried it a few times, but I always ended up taking just a sip and then giving the rest to my older brother. Dani let go a sigh and turned to me.


“You're the one that wanted to go out and learn how not to be so uptight. Let go, would you? It's Saturday and we're in a bar, perhaps we can get you laid” she chuckled.


“Do you see anyone here without the face of a serial killer?” I asked and motioned for her to get a look at the place.


“Good point” she replied giggling. “Now, go ahead and drink this” she commanded and placed my shot glass in front of me.


I sighed and grabbed it, smelling it first. Dani laughing at my disgusted reaction. I send her a death glare and then drank it. The strong liquid burning my throat, making me squint my eyes, moving my head repeatedly. 


“God, how can people drink this!?” I asked and coughed a little. Dani shook her head in amusement and started swallowing the second drink that the bartender placed in the table.


After what seemed like her fourth drink of the night she excused herself and went to the bathroom. I tapped my fingers against the wooden table and stared at my surroundings. My gaze fell on one of the tables in the far end, where two girls—that seemed in their twenties—pointed and laughed at me. I looked down at my clothing and rolled my eyes. I was wearing a simple white dress, what's so wrong with that? I tried to ignore them, but I must admit. . .It was getting on my nerves.


I looked beside me and saw there was a tray full of shot glasses, each one with liquids. I shrugged it off and grabbed one. It was still strong but I was already getting used to the taste, so it kind of burned a little less. It was my third drink and the room somehow started to spin slightly and I was feeling lightheaded. Is that normal?


“Excuse me, may I sit?” I heard a voice beside me. I looked up at this person and was soon met by two chocolate brown eyes.


I nodded slowly. “Go ahead”


“Thanks” he replied with a grin.


“Have I seen you somewhere?” I asked and knitted my eyebrows together, trying to remember. He chuckled and shook his head repeatedly. He took a sip of the drink in his hand and then turned back to me.


“Did you really asked me that?” he asked.


“I guess I did. . .I’m sorry for offending you, but my memory doesn’t apply for strangers I just meet. Aren't you that singing guy?" I asked now remembering how my friend is crazy over this guy. I believe his name is Finn? Known mostly because of having millions of followers because of his YouTube videos and having the most 'gorgeous' and ‘intense’ eyes.


He nodded and took another sip, not breaking eye contact with me. I smiled instinctively and took another shot that the bartender placed in front of me. It must be the one that Dani ordered before leaving me to go to the bathroom.


“Cool. I'm talking to a celebrity. Yay me” I said sarcastically.


A deep chuckle escaped his lips, which made me bring my attention back to him. “I've never seen you around here. Do you come often?” he asked and I felt how he started getting nearer every passing second. I moved my legs that were almost touching his. But he has longer legs than me, so anyway they ended up touching.


“Not really. But I guess I wanted to loosen up a little, so my friend Dani brought me here to have a drink” I don't even know why the hell am I talking to him. It could be all the alcohol that I have in my system that doesn't help me think straight. I just know that drinking is awful, but at the same time makes me feel so different, like if I could do anything.


“I can help with that” he winked. I stared at the table and fidgeted with my fingers, feeling the red rushing to my cheeks.


“Is my charm working already? I can see you blushing” he smirked and took a strand of my hair, placing it behind my ear. His long slender fingers brushing my cheek delicately. “I never met such a beautiful girl like you. . .”


I scoffed at his comment. “You have like a million fans, I suppose you meet thousands every day, and you tell me I'm the most beautiful girl you've ever met? Come on, be more realistic” I giggled and rolled my eyes playfully, taking his hand out of my face. He can't be serious if he thinks I'm the most beautiful girl. Even with all this alcohol, I'm not that stupid. . .


“I'm serious,” he said and moved an inch closer. “What's your name, pretty face?”


“Gwen. . .Just Gwen,” I said timidly.


“Well, Gwen, I'm Finn. . .Just Finn,” he said and grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips. He kissed the top of it as my cheeks turned even redder—if that was even possible. We locked gazes, and the sight of him made me feel. . .Breathless? I've never noticed how handsome he is. Yeah, I've seen his music videos, but I never truly noticed him. I was always focused in the music, never in his soft but well-structured features.


“You know. . .My friends and I are going to hang out in our hotel for a while, if you want you can totally come with us”


“Is that my friend and I—”


“Hey, what did I miss?” Dani asked as she walked towards where I was sitting. She stopped abruptly, completely frozen at the sight of Finn. “Oh, my God. . .You're Finn Harries!” she squealed, jumping up and down, just like a crazy fan would. She tried not to raise her voice any further, to avoid the attention of course—her attempts were obviously failing.


“And I guess you're Gwen's friend, Dani. . .Nice to meet you,” he said, smiling at my overly excited friend.


“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!” she nearly screamed. Finn laughed and shook his head in amusement.


“I was just telling Gwen my friends and I were going to hang out in our hotel for a little while if you want. . .You can join us too”


“We would love to!” she said, clapping her hands cheerily. We followed Finn to one of the tables, and we were greeted by a group of grinning boys. I bit my lower lip as I sensed something off in the way they kept eyeing us up and down; it made me feel so uncomfortable.


“Well, hello there. . .” said this guy with dark hair and sparkling blue eyes. His face was familiar as well. I’ve seen him before. He was Cameron Philips. He became popular because of his singing YouTube videos, just like Finn. He shamelessly stared at both of us from up and down, so did the others. I stayed closer to Dani, almost hiding behind her, but of course, she didn’t notice my uneasiness as she was too busy drooling over Cameron.


When we finished with our introductions, we followed the guys to their car. Finn grinned

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