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Book online «The Alignment by Kristin Andrecheck (android pdf ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Kristin Andrecheck

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Chapter 1
Okay, my last day of school is terrifying. I have finals in all my subjects. Oh, I should probably introduce myself. Well for starters, my name is Teal Marie Osmond. I despise my name so much. We brunettes don’t ever get a break. Some of us get great names and amazing looks while others get atrocious names and are hideous. Others, like me, have average looks and a foreign name. Or is that just me? Anyways, brunette, green eyes, 5 feet 5 inches tall, and 14 years old. Well, back to school. I am so depressed! I have two more hours until school is done for, well at least until September. I know I should be excited but I’m not. Why? Its because I have to leave my best friend and transfer schools. I should be ecstatic because my school spends money on themselves. For one, they spend money on new bleachers that were fine in the first place. Then they put in new sensor water fountains that don’t even work. I hate this school but I’m leaving my best friend. How could this day get any worse!! This is still a big issue because I haven’t told my friend either. I don’t want to confront her with the news yet!
“Eyes on your paper, Ms. Osmond,” screams Mrs. Maple.
“Huh, oh right,” I look at my paper and then I recall that I’m taking my math final. I daydream a lot and I am horrific at math. Okay, a²+b²=c². We just talked about this, lets see, um…. Math is so confusing with Mrs. Maple. She teaches it one day, gives us a quiz, and then we move onto the next lesson. God, I can’t remember the lessons we need for the test but I can remember when I first tied my by myself. Ugh, I’m just going to guess. Letter (A)—5,000 square inches. 
“One minute left,” screams Mrs. Maple.
I jump. She screams like a bird diving for its prey. Its so annoying but scary when its so quiet. Further more, I know I’m not going to finish. I look on two more pages and I have ten questions left. I rush through the answers hurting my fingers because I’m going so fast. I don’t do well under pressure. I look at the clock. Fifteen…Fourteen…Thirteen. Oh come on Teal, don’t show your work GUESS!!!!
“Times up, put your pencils down and bring your tests up to me,” says Mrs. Maple. 
Oh come on! I say in my head. I get up from my seat and walk over to Mrs. Maple. 
Mrs. Maple looks like a horse. Her face is so long and just weird. I laugh out loud. Mrs. Maple gives me a look that if looks could say something, she’d be in jail.
Oh, I forgot! If I didn’t finish Mom and Dad are going to kill me. Can’t wait until I get home. I’ll just lie, it won’t matter because if I told them I grew an extra leg, they would look. I walk to my seat and wait for the bell to ring. Two minutes left. I talk to the person next to me for a while. Jennifer is really funny. She told me that….Ding, Ding, Ding!! Oh great, can’t wait until lunch. I just hope that I can tell Rose, my best friend, that I’m leaving!!

Chapter 2
I walk down the hall and stride to my locker. Rose is at her locker. 14…18…34. I keep looking at Rose while I put my stuff away. I just start walking and then I feel a tap on my shoulder, its Rose. I can’t believe I can’t tell her. As soon as I tell her she’ll laugh it off. I know that’s not true but I should try to gain some confidence. We tell each other everything why can’t I tell her this! She’s told me all her secrets. Oh, like this one time she told me she had a crush named Damion. He’s cute but not my type of guy. Well, Rose is friends with Jade who’s brother is Damion. So, Rose spent the night at Jade’s house and Jade knew that Rose was crushing, big time. Jade then dared Rose to kiss Damion in his sleep. Rose wanted too, but then Jade added the Triple Fire-Dog dare part and no one can back out of that. So, Rose went downstairs and, well, I can tell you she’s not single now. What happened is that when Rose kissed him he woke up. Damion then saw who it was, gave Rose this dreamy eye look and leaned in for a kiss. They started kissing and then started making-out. Rose deserves love. I mean, I had a lot of guys ask me out, I give them a chance and their total jerks. They just want one thing. Well, Rose is good-looking. She has natural makeup. She is skinny, tall, and has beautiful blond hair. She has these vague blue eyes that sparkle when you look at them. I do have a crush, his name is Justin Thompson, and he is hot. He has black hair that he always flips to the side. He is skinny, tall, always wears black, and available. Its too bad I’m moving. I was going to ask him out, but were friends and I don’t want to ruin that if he says No. Okay, back to reality. Rose and I finally arrive at the lunch room. I have been quiet the whole way there.
“Okay, spill it. Did I do something wrong? You have been very quiet, which is weird, because you’re never quiet,” Rose says.
“No, you did absolutely nothing wrong, okay. I’m just wicked tired,” I say, trying to sound exhausted.
“Well, you can sleep in tomorrow. OMG, I can’t believe were a few periods away from summer vacation. Oh, you know what we should do, we should have a party tonight. You and me pull an all-nighter. That would be so, fun,” Rose says, excitedly.
I try to think of an excuse.
“Oh, if I knew we were going to do this I would’ve told my parents. Tonight is ‘go to any restaurant you want, honey’ night. I’m so sorry,” I say apologetically.
“Oh you know, whatever. Things come up. Hey, what did you want to tell me. You told me you would tell me at lunch, and you know it’s lunch,” She asks.
Oh, I totally forgot!
“Um, after lunch we’ll go to the bathroom and I’ll tell you there. Its a, uh, surprise. But, you can’t tell anybody, not even your mom. Well, you can tell your parents, but nobody else okay! Promise me that?” I look at her with puppy eyes.
“Yeah you know I wouldn’t,” She looks at me back with puppy eyes.
We both nod and move up in the lunch line. 
Rose looks at the lunch lady and says, “Let’s go.” 
She starts to drag me and I say, “Wait! There’s nothing wrong with… Oh, the Lady Shedder. She has a hair net on, she won’t be shedding hair in our food today.” 
All of a sudden I see the Lady Shedder itch her back with the spoon she uses to serve the food with and puts it back into the soup. I look at Rose and start walking to the café. I order the Fajita wrap which is delicious. The chicken might not be real but the taste is excellent. I also got a Coca-Pepsi with chips. Rose got a Turkey sub with lettuce, cheese, tomato, and mayonnaise. She picked up a Mountain Fizz with a cookie and we both walked to our seat closest to the wall. 
“The Math final was super hard, but then again I,” I didn’t finish my sentence. 
“You going to hurry up,” Rose looks at me.
I look at her tray and the Fajita was in half, her Mountain Fizz had about 5 chugs, and the cookie was on my tray.
I looked at her amazed, “Wow, you could win a pie eating contest.” 
“Hurry, I want to know the surprise. Please hurry,” She says moaning.
“Look, not trying to be rude but I want to finish my food at least decently, unlike you,”I say, looking at her.
Rose was giving me her puppy dog eyes. I took 3 bites of the Fajita and got up to throw my food away. Just to mess with her, I go really slow to the trash. I grab the cookie and the soda and save them from being thrown away. I try to go even slower to the bathroom. She just took my ear and I said OW! all the way to the bathroom. 
“Okay, tell me.” Rose says.
“Wait!” I shout. 
I look under al the stalls, lock the door and I guess the moment is here. Remember, she’ll laugh after. 
“Okay, I’m…,” Not finishing my sentence again, the bell rings. Fate is giving me a chance, maybe.

Chapter 3
Three periods went by. None of those with Rose. I felt bad that I left Rose hanging, well I can’t argue with fate. As I was walking upstairs Justin spotted me and came over. He starts talking about the Technology final. I hate that Final. Well at least it’s the last year for me to take it. I wasn’t listening. I was thinking that I have to tell him too. 
“I can’t,” I say to myself quietly.
“Huh. What you say, Teal,” He says in his seductive voice. 
“Oh, nothing. Talking to myself. Um, go on,”I say quirky like.
“Well, as I was saying, there are three parts. The first is that you need to know the parts of a plane, real easy. Then you need to know the mechanism process, that one was difficult. Lastly, an essay on what you want to do next year. The first two parts go to the state, the third goes to Warty,” Justin says.
We call our Tech teacher Warty because he has warts on his left hand and nose. His real name is Mr. Stewart. I have to ask Warty if I still take the third part of the test because all my teachers know I’m moving. 
“Oh, ELA test, whats that about,” Justin asks.
“Oh, mostly short stories. They are actually kind of, well, a good read. The third story is the best. You’ll see why, the other parts are listening and questions and thats all that I can remember,” I say, trying to sound cool about it.
“Thanks, I’ll catch you later.”
I walk into Technology. Rose is staring at me like I killed a person and she’s cool about it.
“Hey, sorry that I couldn’t tell you, but I do, I do promise right after the test,” I say uneasy. 
Rose nods.
“Everybody have two Number Two pencils,” Warty asks.
Everybody says yes in unison.
“Teal,TEAL. You got a pencil,” Rose whispers.
“Yeah, but only one. Ask Warty,” I say.
Rose raises her hand and asks, “Wart, I mean, Mr. Stewart. I don’t have a pencil, and by the way nice…..uh shirt,” Rose says trying to cover up that she just said something inappropriate.
“Yes, and Rose, you just got yourself detention, for a week, at the beginning of school. Here Rose,” Warty walks towards Rose and hands her a pencil.
“Thanks, Mr. Stewart,” says Rose. She sounds upset.
Warty scurries through some papers and finds the tests. He hands them out and goes back to his desk.
“You may start your tests. You have one full hour to do so, or until 5 minutes before 3. When you’re done you may read a book, but no talking,” Warty exclaims.
Wow, I didn’t know the final was so easy. It took me 10 minutes to do three pages filled with questions. I nailed that. Now halfway through the…. Ugh, I forgot to ask Warty. I raise my hand and Warty looked at me and nodded his head no.

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