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Insiders Voice
March 2012

Hello Readers, are you ready for a new monthly event? Iā€™m talking about Insiders Voice, my new way of getting my word out to the world. Iā€™m thirteen years old, and Iā€™m about to give you an inside look at some of the things that we think about and go through. When I say we, Iā€™m talking about the worldā€™s population of teenagers. Now, donā€™t get me wrong, this isnā€™t a guide for adults to understanding us, itā€™s a way for everyone to speak up, to hear each otherā€™s voices on things going on in our lives. This monthā€™s topic, labels. The things we label each other as, the groups that we divide into.

Goths, Emos, Scenes, Freaks, Nerds, Jocks, Norms, Geeks, Preps, and so on. These are some of the things we call each other. Whatā€™s your label? Personally, I donā€™t believe in labels, but I have been labeled. A few years ago before I left public school, I stood up for a friend of mine against the most popular girl in school, before I knew it, no one liked me. I stayed by myself, a loner they called me. My friend stabbed me in the back and I was left all alone. I became that weird girl who sits by herself by the tetherball pole fighting back the tears silently until lunch was over. Iā€™ll get more into this story in the issue about the bullying problems we face. The point is, I was labeled as a loner, and the weird girl whos only friend was a tetherball pole. I was ten at the time but I still am haunted by the memories, the names I was called. Have you ever felt completely alone? Friendless? How do you think that girl or that guy who no one talks to feels? Imagine, youā€™re scared, youā€™re alone, youā€™re lost, and youā€™re friendless. How would you feel if that was you? How would you cope? Donā€™t say ā€œthatā€™ll never happen to meā€ because guess what, I was once the popular girl, two years of not going to that school and suddenly I was the new girl even if Iā€™d been there before and they all knew me. I never imagined that that would happen to me, not in a million years. Reader Iā€™m asking you this, are you the freak? Are you the popular girl? Are you the loner? The loser of the school? The nerd? What label have you been branded with? Leave a comment telling me. Tell me reader, I want to know, let it out, vent, whatā€™s your label and how does it make you feel? How does it affect you? How do you get treated because you have that label? Tell me reader, whatā€™s your story about labels? I want to hear your voice! Thatā€™s what this is about, to tell the world, to tell you, I care about your thoughts and opinions. I want you to speak your mind, scream it out loud! Donā€™t be held down by labels; donā€™t embrace a label, fight and stand up against them. Itā€™s hard not to get sucked into the whole thing but just know this; your beautiful because of who you are. It may sound cheesy but hey, I speak only of the truth to you reader.
I am the voice of a thirteen year old girl whos to afraid of embarrassing herself, Iā€™m scared to stand up in front of the world and say my opinion because of the things Iā€™ve been through but you know what reader, Iā€™m tired of it. Iā€™m ready to stand up and speak. Iā€™m not going to be the girl with her head down in the back of the class who never raises her hand in fear of humiliating herself and sounding like an idiot. Iā€™ve been branded shy my whole life and Iā€™m not. Everyone just assumes because I think through what I want to say that they need to jump to answer for me. Iā€™m not who they tell me to be, I wonā€™t be that anymore, will you? Iā€™m going to be who I am, I challenge you reader, show the world who you are. Iā€™ll be right here cheering you on. Letā€™s show everyone that labels are a deadly weapon, itā€™s a form of bullying. Your casting someone out because of who they are, and you know what, when someone feels too aloneā€¦ they resort to harmful things; drugs, alcohol, cutting, killing themselves, murder (yes, itā€™s happened), and so much more. Is a label really worth peopleā€™s lives?
Alright reader, thatā€™s all for this month, next month will be on another topic, and who knows how long itā€™ll be. I want to hear your voice readers! Leave a comment telling me youā€™re Label, your story, and your reposes to the fallowing questions (at the end). Look for next monthā€™s issue, your comment or story may be included at the end. Iā€™ll share your voice; Iā€™ll listen if you speak. I want to know your opinions, Iā€™ve shared mine, itā€™s your turn now. Keep looking for issues, every month has a new topic! Stay true to yourself and stay beautiful. ā€“ Your new friend and voice.
Questions (I want your story for next monthā€™s issue!):
1. Whatā€™s your Label?
2. Whatā€™s your opinion on labels?
3. How do you feel about your label?
4. Whatā€™s your story about how you got your label?
5. Would you like your story to be featured in next monthā€™s issue?
6. Will you complete this monthā€™s challenge?

Alright reader, keep it up, thanks for reading! ļŠ
Monthly challenge: This month we have a two part challenge; one, befriend or hang out with a kid that has no friends or isnā€™t popular, in a different clique, or is the new kid. Make him or her feel better, you could be saving a life. Part two; try listening to a new type of music or expressing a new style. Give something new a chance, donā€™t change who you are just, try something new.
Suggested things for trying something new:
Music: if you listen to metal, try listening to a pop or country song (just sit through one song, you donā€™t have to listen all month if you donā€™t like it). If you listen to softer music, try some metal or louder music (I personally am a fan of Black Veil Brides, they are about being who you are and theyā€™re not judge mental. Please if you want to listen to them, watch a lyric video on YouTube BEFORE an actual video. They can seem intimidating to some or the lead singer can attract girls because of his looks not the music. The point of the challenge is to try new music or a new style, not check out any guys.) Please and also have a favor to ask, donā€™t leave a dirty or rude comment on any of the videos you may watch. We are trying to end judgment, not spread it. If you donā€™t like them, leave a polite comment or donā€™t leave one at all. Thanks!

- Good luck on your journey to changing the world and being yourself along the way.


Text: Amber Hulbert
Publication Date: 03-05-2012

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