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It was an average day. I got up, took a shower, got dressed, and then ate breakfast. And since I lived with my older sister, I had to get a job to help pay for the bills. I mean there wasn’t much to pay for. I had to pay half the rent, half the light bill, half the phone bill, and had to buy groceries every other week. It wasn’t like I had to spend every waking moment working; I still had a life to live.
When I got done eating breakfast, I went to the living room. I found my sister Coco sitting there watching ‘Life as we know it’. I thought the movie was a little sad. But only because the little girl’s parents both died in the beginning. I went to the door and put my shoes on. Before I left I called out to my sister. “I’m going to work. Be back later.”
She didn’t reply, so I just left. Since I we didn’t have a car, I had to walk to work everyday. Today was a beautiful day. The sun was out and shining. You could hear the birds chirping away, making a beautiful song that filled the air. On the way to work I passed by a small park. You could hear the children laugh as they went sliding down the slide. You could hear the occasional dog bark when they saw a squirrel. And the wind just gave this day a little bit more freshness.
I loved my job because at the end of the day I came home smelling like coffee. And working at Star Bucks had its perks to, because a lot of cute guys came in. It’s not like I was out looking for a boyfriend, but I wouldn’t mind if one of these nice young asked me out on a date. But lately there has been one guy that has caught my eye. I know this will sound kind of cliché but the best way to describe him is tall dark and handsome. Usually I don’t go for these kind of guys, but there was something about him that made my heart skip a few beats whenever I saw him.
When I walked into work I went to the back room and put my stuff away. I put on my apron and went to the counter. I started up the machines and waited for my best friend Shelly to get here. A few minutes later she finally arrived.
“Hey Shelly, do you want to come over for dinner tonight. Were having pasta?” Now let me tell you about Shelly. We had met in the fourth grade. One day I was out on the play ground playing, and these boys came over and pushed me to the ground. They started making fun of me for the way I dressed, and that my parents were dead. The next thing you know a little girl in pink pigtails comes running over and beats up the boys for me. And since that day we were as close as could be.
“Sure. I’ll make sure that I bring something to drink. So do you think that cute guy is going to come today?” When Shelly found out that I like this mysterious person, she kinda teased me. But she didn’t mean anything by it.
“I hope so. Today I think that I might actually ask for his name.”
“You better before one of these other woman snatch him from under your nose. That would be a great tragedy.” The customers had started to come in and we were busy for the next hour. It was nine a clock before I got to speak to Shelly again.
“It’s not like I would be able to compete with any of these women. They all drive Porsches and boob jobs. And all I have is you and my dog.” It’s kinda funny because I considered this stranger to be mine and mine alone. It angered me at the thought that one of these women would take him away from me.
“That may be true. But I bet none of these women paid for their Porsche’s or there boob jobs. Or ever earned money on their own. That’s what makes you better than them, you know what it’s like to have nothing and not wish for more. And you deserve more than this.” What she said was true. But life had never given me anything since the day my parents died.
“I know I do. But I have too many responsibilities to worry about. And I have no time to be worrying about things I deserve. And I highly doubt Mr. Mysterious would ask me out on a date. He would look better with one of these women. I’m to plain and ordinary to be with someone like him. Now you on the other hand would be perfect for him.”
“I don’t go for guys like that. I like boys that skate board. And I very highly doubt that he does.” The way she said that made me laugh.
“Well whenever he comes in to today I’ll make my move.” I silently thought to myself that I was going to chicken out.
I faithfully waited for him to show up. But I never saw him. He never came in. And by 1 pm it was time for my shift to end. I was disappointed that he didn’t show up, I was really hoping to introduce myself to him. “Well Shelly, he didn’t show up today. And it’s time for me to go home. I’ll see you at dinner tonight.”
“I’m sorry Aspen. Maybe he’ll come tomorrow. I hope you get home safely.” I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door. The weather seemed pretty nice today. And I was happy about that.
I hated walking home this time of day because all of the creepy guys seemed to be out and about. They would whistle at me as I walked by, and say rude and sexist things. And there was always this one guy that would mess with me. “Hey baby. Why don’t you come over here and shake that pretty little body of yours for me?”
I out my head down and tried to walk by quickly. But I wasn’t so lucky. “Didn’t you hear me? I told you to do something.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. I was so close I could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“Randy let me go, you’re hurting me.” I said while trying to pull me arm away. And get away from him completely.
“Not until you do what I tell you.” He put a hand over my mouth and began pulling me towards a alleyway. I kicked and bit him, but it was all useless. I was no match for him. “Now if you don’t dance for me, then I’m going to mess you up.” He said after throwing me to the ground.
I got on my knees like I was about to stand up, but I stead I tried to make a mad dash for it. I had only gotten a few feet before Randy grabbed me by the hair, and pulled me back to him. “Now you’re going to pay for it.” He swung his fist back in a wide ark, and let it go.
But I never felt the blow. Instead I was dropped to the ground. At the moment I was to worried about getting away, then seeing why the blow hadn’t happened.
I crawled behind a dumpster a tried to hide myself as best as possible. The smell of the dumpster and everything around it was almost unbearable, but I could live with it. All I could hear from behind the dumpster was the groaning and creaking of the stairwell from above. I silently cried. I had come this close to being raped, and I was too terrified to leave this stinky fort. It felt like minutes before I heard footsteps. And these footsteps were coming closer and closer to me. I prayed that they weren’t Randy’s, and that it was some person coming to rescue me.
Finally the footsteps stopped and so did my breathing. I heard some trash cans being scrapped against the ground; I covered my head, waiting to be dragged away. “It’s alright; I’m not going to hurt you.” Said a warm and sexy voice.
In an instant I knew that voice didn’t belong to Randy. It must have belonged to the person that saved me. I was at war with myself, if I didn’t look up then who knows what this man would do? But if I did look up, then I could see the man that saved me. Something in the back of my mind told me that it was alright to look up. And so I did.
I was starring into a beautiful set of blue eyes. It was a wonder that I had stopped breathing, because along with his eyes, the rest of his body was just as good. He was stocky; a very well built upper and lower body. And he dressed in a way that would just let him blend into the back ground if he wished. And it took me this long to realize that this was the man from the coffee shop. I felt this was a very odd way of meeting.
“Do you think you’ll be able to walk?” I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded my head. I stood as carefully as could. Once standing, it felt like my legs were about to collapse from under me. I didn’t want to show any weakness in front of this man, he had already done so much for me. So I didn’t say anything. He must have sensed my weakness because he took hold of my arm, and led me out of the alley way.
He kept hold of me as we walked down the sidewalk. For some odd reason I thought he knew where I lived. But we stopped at a car. I would try to describe the car, but it was like no car I had ever seen before. All I knew was that it was black and sexy. He opened the door for me and sat me down.
Instantly I melted into the seat. The whole inside of the car was warm and relaxing. I never knew a car could be like this.
It wasn’t till now that I noticed I was shaking. The shock was just now beginning to creep in. “Thank you for saving me. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t showed up.”
“I’m happy that I was able to get there in time. I would hate to think what would have happened if I hadn’t. Is there anyone that I can call to tell them what happened?” I thought about it for a moment and shook my head. He looked over at me and saw me shacking. “You’re going into shock. That’s not good. Now look into my eyes.” I did as he said. “You’re about to get very tired and sleepy. I want you to close your eyes and go to sleep.”
In a matter of seconds I had become very tired and sleepy, just like he said. The next thing I know I’m closing my eyes and falling asleep.
I woke up to darkness. At first I thought my eyes were still closed, but then I realized that it wasn’t. I got up off of whatever I had been sleeping on and went to search for a light switch. I couldn’t find one anywhere.
I began

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