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A Thank You


Thank you for all those BookRix members who help me improve my story and other stories I've written. It has been a wonderful experience being here on BookRix because of the amazing people who teach me more about writing.


Thank you also to the ones who is going to read the story I've written. I hope you'd like this story and enjoy reading it. If there are any mistakes and suggestions you can tell me. I will really work into it and edit it again.

 Good day and Take care!



Valerie Evening



Two Beautiful Princesses

Once upon a time there live two beautiful princesses named, Jessica and Valerie.

They live in two different castles. One day Jessica decided to stay at Valerie’s castle.

Well, they actually didn’t live in a huge castle. They live in two nice houses. Even if they didn’t live in a castle, they still had a nice life with their families.

This story is about their priceless friendship.

Jessica and Valerie had been best friends since the day they were born.

Valerie will never forget what Jessica said to her because those words were so unforgettable.

“Valerie, you know since we were in the womb of our mothers, we are already best friends.”

Valerie’s mother and Jessica’s had been best friends since college, graduated, worked, and had their own families.

Yes, they are exactly what they call, 'best friends forever.'

Jessica decided to stay at Valerie’s house for a while.

They had done many great things together.

One morning they went outside the house and to the most top land.

Valerie proudly said to her, “Jessica let’s do the extreme scooter technique. Watch me!”

Valerie confidently scooter down the most top land and it was too fast.

For her it was too extreme that she shouted overjoyed, “Woohooh!” Did she die? Of course not.

“Now it’s your turn Jessica!” She shouted.

Jessica nervously tried it and she screamed, “This is so extreme! I love it!”

They do it all over and over again. They never get tired of it. They were in grade 3.

One time, they watched this horror film called House of Wax. Once the guy did something really scary. Jessica and Valerie screamed together. Valerie was super scared that she ran in circles for like 100 times around the big table with Jessica following her. Both of them were screaming.

In the night, Jessica told her, “Valerie, let us not sleep for the whole night. This will be so much fun!” She giggles.

“Okay Jessica that’s a good idea.”

They were awake for like 10 seconds and the next thing you know both of them fell asleep.

One day the two princesses fought. Valerie who was furious told her beautiful cousins to be the judge on who made a mistake.

They acted that they were in the court.“Order! Order! Order!” said Gayselle.

Valerie told her, “Please do it like a real judge with a small hammer. Please repeat it again.” 

Gayselle laughed but when she saw Valerie’s and Jessica’s face frowning, she stopped.

“Ahem! Ahem! Order in the court! Order!” She said with the little hammer.

After some heated discussion without a final decision from the court, suddenly all of them laughed.

Jessica and Valerie looked at each other with a smile on their lips and they embraced each other.

Without words, both of them went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, took their favorite chocolates, and they happily ran out of the house with the bicycle and scooter.

The next day Jessica, Valerie and her mom decided to go shopping. They went from one shop to another shop. They were busy trying to wear different types of lovely sandals, flip flops, high heels, and shoes.

Jessica and Valerie felt like real princesses when they wore those super cute amazing high heels. They did some 'modeling effect’ while they walked around the shop. From time to time they whispered to one another and giggled.

Finally, they went to this one shop and both of them took the same style of sandals but with different colors.Both of them gasped, “Wow! These sandals are so cute.”

Jessica agreed, “Mine is yellow and yours is pink.

This is totally cute!” Valerie’s mom noticed that both these girls were awestruck by those sandals.

She felt so happy for these two little princesses.

She approached them and said, “Did you finally decided what to buy?”

Both of them looked happily at her, “Yes!” in chorus.

Valerie's mom bought the sandals they chose.

They went out of the shop joyfully and decided to eat their lunch in one of the famous restaurants in the mall. Both of them were busy talking and Valerie’s mom took a picture of them.

Like magic Valerie’s hair became shorter. Her child figure changed into a teen one. Jessica’s hair had side bangs. Like Valerie her figure changed into a teenager too.

Just like the old days when they were kids they went to the mall and ate together with their moms. It was even better than magic because they were still best friends.

They both never forget the days they shared when they were still kids.

Jessica and Valerie still talked a lot in the room at Valerie’s house. Jessica was so happy telling Valerie,

“Do you still remember that day when we were still kids? When we fight but in seconds we became friends again?”

Valerie smiles, “Of course Jessica, I won’t forget about it.”

Valerie never told her that she has never forgotten those unforgettable words Jessica said, “Valerie, you know since we were in our mothers’ wombs we are already best friends.”

And the two teen princesses live happily ever after. Whatever happens always remember that you are my true friend and nothing can change it...ever.

Your childhood best friend,




Text: Please do not copy my story
Publication Date: 02-17-2012

All Rights Reserved

This story is dedicated to my childhood best friend, Jessica who will never let me forget what happened when we were still young kids. Now, that we are teenagers I am still your best friend, Jessica. ^_^

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