Read books online ยป Letters ยป A Love Letter by Sir Thomas (best novels to read for beginners .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA Love Letter by Sir Thomas (best novels to read for beginners .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Sir Thomas


February 25, 1869

Dearest Lady:
I had never been very fond of this family gatherings at our country home in Essex, I feel I do not belong here with all this nonsense about parties and social events. Is also very frivolous, I had never been a frivolous man, I rather use my time in some other way but as part of this family one most take part in such things. I hope that very soon everything would change for myself, I shall ask you a very important question as soon as I go back to London and we get together again. I feel is about time I do so for is the correct time for such question and I pray that your answer would be the one that would change our lives forever. One thing I would like to make clear is that you would follow your heart and I hope you will do that in this important matter.
This morning I took a swim at the lake, I spend so many hours lost that mother thought I had gone back to London without informing them but I would never do such thing, I think is my duty to tell them I am leaving if I am doing so, donโ€™t you think?. Father is very happy about our courtship and that makes me smile in delight, I think he understands me better than anyone else in this household, he is not the frivolous type and I do not understand how his marriage to mother had lasted so many years, I think he gave up on her a long time ago for he knows she would never change her ways. After supper I turned to my room to write this letter to you so I can send off tomorrow morning. You are probably tire of my letters, if you are say so, I would never want to bore you but inside my heart I feel you truly enjoy my words for your replies are always fast and that makes me see you miss me too.

If you are not up to attending Jamesโ€™s wedding I would understand but if at this moment you feel strong enough I would escort you and never leave your side during the ceremony and festivities. Tell me he has left your heart, if he still there I would persist until your affections are all mine for I feel love can conquer anything at all. Maybe I had never been to war or fight a battle like James but that does not make me weak and I know that if I had to fight courage would be by my side, I hate wars and I think they are indeed a waste of time, money and lives. I do realize that sometimes a battle is needed but I do not favor ongoing wars, maybe is that I am a peaceful man. Sometimes I feel that women never found me interested because I was not a man of uniform like James, I lacked the charm. My only hope is that you will find me charming enough and that you love our times together as much as I do.
It was very nice of Charlotte to take you in her house, she is a kind person and you had been good friends for a very long time. The Harrisons loved you as a daughter but I know you did not want to impose any more on them but believe me they do miss you terribly for I had heard them taking to my parents of how much they miss you at their home, you are the daughter they never had. I must tell you Charlotte is a prime example of how good love endures, she has been a widow for a long time and had never accepted the courting of another man, many people know how in love she was with Captain Wellington, their marriage was indeed a strong one even though they never had children. I send my regards to her, would you make sure she receives them?.
I would be back in a week for father has required me to stay longer to help him with some paper work and the translation of some important documents, I count the days to see you again. I wanted to get back sooner but he needs my assistance and is my duty to give it to him but more than that I love my father dearly for he had always seen clearly who I was and never ever push me to be like James, for that I am grateful.
I carry you in my heart, I think of you too much;



Publication Date: 03-16-2012

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