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Book online «Facebook Status Shuffles by Forest Ostrander (adult books to read .txt) 📖». Author Forest Ostrander

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wondering when trips to Heaven will be available, because I would be first in line if it meant I could see you one more time.. I miss you xxx.

A grieving person is almost like you're in a completely different world.When you lose someone so close,you become a different person, part of you dies with them.

help me get through this day, this day that i lost you on, give me strength and courage to move on. I miss you R.I.P.

You never said you're leaving You never said goodbye You were gone before I knew it, And only God knew why.

What a beautiful difference one single life made!!

If our tears could build a stairway, and our memories a lane, I would walk right up to heaven and bring you home once again.

Normally, life is good, bur right now, I feel like I am missing a Piece of who I am.

No words can say what you meant to me, and no shooting star could bring you back so I could give you a hug and a kiss, and tell you how very much you are missed.

god knew u were suffering and knew u needed rest she broke our hearts to prove she only takes the best <3 RIP love u always xxxxxxxx.

<3 ::God Took you away to ease your pain, yet she left us crying .. but now the right thing to do is think about all the great memories we had with you:: <3

Are you looking down upon me are you proud of who I am there's nothing I wouldn't do to have just one more chance to look in2 your eyes and see you looking back.

you never ever know how much someone means until u loose them forever in the arms of god. loving them is easy. hating them is hard. loosing them is the hardest.

every day was a blessing in my life when you were here, every moment is cherished in my thoughts, you are loved, you are missed, you are remembered...

Do you talk to Jesus daily,or only when you need something?

Don't ever give up on life. Go out and make mistakes, make a mess, make a fuss, make a noise, but most of all make the most of your life!

remembering someone special...Heaven gained an angel. :(

Dear cancer...I hope you die!

some days all I wish is that heaven had a phone

you may have left this world, but you will never leave my heart...R.I.P

You taught me how to love, you taught me how to trust, you taught me how to believe. The only thing you didn't teach me was how to live without you..X

Always tell people when you love them. You never know when your last chance will be.

A million times I've needed you, a million times I've cried, if love could have saved you, you never would have died.

to us u were so special, what more is there to say? the pain is still within our hearts as we think of you each day xx

"Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can't speak."

I would of loved to give you my last breath if it meant that you could of stayed. I miss you so much and i wish you could come back again. You are in my heart x

Some people come into our lives and quickly go; move our soul to dance; leave footprints in our hearts, and we are never ever the same. Flavia Weedn.

The day you left, I lost a part of me. I still can't believe your gone. I Hope God Knows, he has an amazing angel i know your looking down on me. r.i.p Mom.

A heart of gold stopped beating, two shining eyes at rest, God broke our hearts to prove, he only takes the best. Rest in Peace. <3

the daughter of the brightest star in the you mom xxxx

These tears don't make me weak, they mean I still love you, that I remember you, and I wish you were still here. I will gladly cry forever to never forget.

Grief is an emotion like no other. You think it's gone away.. think you're doing SO good, and then it taps you on the shoulder when you least expect it..

...If I scream, would you listen? If I cry, would you offer a shoulder? If I died tonight, would you miss me? Would your life be better if I were not in it???

I cried the day you died, and i still cry. Everyone told me that it will just take time...well what i wanna know is how much time? I miss u and love u forever!

Sometime I'm driving down the road, staring out the window when I heard a song come on and I know its you telling me everything is going to be alright.

Life is not about extravagance, materialism, or money. Its about loving the people that matter most because you will never know if you will see them tomorrow.

"When I die, I give my best friend permission to go onto my Facebook and put my status as 'Chilling with Jesus' just to creep people out" (:

I thought of you today. I think of you everyday. So many things remind me of you. People say it gets better, but I'm still waiting :(

It's lonely here without you dad, we miss you more each day, for life is not the same to us, since you were called away.

can not hear you,can not c you + i can not touch u, but i feel u round me always, i know you are there, deep inside hidden in my heart , this is where u r.

wishing to have a last conversation I wasn't able to have...

I know your watching over me, and i hope your proud! all i want you to know is what i miss you & think about you each and every day, i love you, r.i.p <3 :'(

no farewell words were spoken no time to say good-bye you were gone before we knew it & only God knows why* love & miss you* sometimes i wonder why she took you.

Life without you is immensely painful. Just to think about you, talk about you, dream about you, makes tears stream down my face.

My secret? I wish I could rewrite my life. Get the boy I truly want, escape from the death and pain I've seen... Get the happy ending everyone deserves to have.

I remember Ur laugh your smile your voice. Every time i think of how amazing you were i shed a tear. I try to stay strong you would not want us to cry for you.

When none of it made any sense and just as I was about to lose Faith, GOD whispered in my ear "Heaven needed a hero"

All I can do is think about the happy times we shared together. In my head your smiling and laughing. That's how I will always remember you. RIP

I look to the sky and see the biggest star shinning so brightly and i know, i just know its you smiling at me ...R.I.P (name) xx

a smile can hide the tears, a laugh can hide the pain, but nothing stops the longing to have you back again xx

thinks for some things there are no words, only shoulders to lean on, hands to hold and hugs to comfort.

Someone said "they walk with the angels now" and all I could think was.. but,she was my angel and now I walk alone.

today is harder than most...tears are heavy today. I miss you Dad!

Angels,angels up above take care of _ _ _ _ _ and treat her/him good,when you lay her/him down at night tell her/him we love her/him and that we said goodnight <3 x <3

:~Some people walk in our lives for just a moment, but stay in our hearts forever:~

I miss someone who is in heaven.. "LIKE" if you do too..

Always tell the people you love how much you do, because in the blink of an eye, they could be gone, and you never want them to have to wonder if anyone cared.

I'm trying to find the stairway to Heaven, so I can come get you and bring you back home to us.

I remember your last breath, and I remember what I heard, It was God whispering in my ear "I need another star in the sky" I love you I miss you! R.I.P. (name)

today should be your birthday, but you're not here so today i remember all that you were, my daddy, my guardian, my friend... i miss you more each day RIP <3

We should always take the time to remember the ones we've lost! They're the ones who have changed our lives and made us who we are today! <3

looking outside and thinking about you... a tear slides down my cheek... i miss u!! but i know God wanted another angel in heaven...xx

God only takes the best!.The hard working hands!..The ones who did amazing things for their family!

You only live once. So celebrate your life while you can. It is too short to make enemies. Keep your loved ones close. Be slow to anger. Say I Love You often (:

The price to pay for having someone special touch your life is the sadness you feel when they're gone.Even though it cost me tears the memories were a bargain.

Every day passes when you are not in my life But not a moment passes when you are not in my heart <3

remembering someone special today. You fly with the angels now but part of you will always be with us.

our loved ones never truly die; you see them in the glimmer of others smiles or hear them in others laughter;love never dies;love lives on.<3

if there were visits to Heaven I would be first in line if it meant I got to see you one more time. I miss you more everyday, continue to rest in paradise.<3

In the arms of the angel, fly away from here. I know you are in good hands now. I love and miss you! Rest in Peace.

Today is the day that you left and went to heaven above, I know your looking down on us, protecting us with your love. We love and miss you very much!

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike, And today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight.

You may have lost your battle to cancer, but you're still my hero...

Tears are shed, Beside my bed. Time stops, As the rain drops. But the Earth still turns, While my stomach churns. And the reason I cried, Is because you died.

you don't have forever..but you have right now tell your friends and family you love um' you never know when Ur last breathe is!

I can't accept the reality that you're gone. That I won't hear your voice again. That I won't see your smile. I miss you.

i truly believe that people are

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