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Marion, 301.
Marro, 2.
Martinak, 410.
Masaryk, 130.
Maschka, 2.
Master-lawyer, the, 9.
Material, source of, 4.
Maternal instinct, 321.
Maudsley, 2, 48, 185, 237, 260, 264, 276, 368, 393, 465, 481.
Mayer, Max, 117.
Mayer, von, 184, 255.
Maxims, about women, dangerous, 308.
Meinong, 119, 188, 459, 471.
Memory, 258;
and reproduction, 261;
and time, 261;
theories of, 262;
proportionate to activity, 263;
Kant on, 263;
of pain, 264;
and fancy, 265;
of the dying, 274;
of the senile, 375;
anomalies of, 272;
and wounds in the head, 273;
illusions of, 275.
Men of power as witnesses, 66.
Menger, 5.
Meno, 7.
Menstruation, facts of, 312;
effects of beginning of, 313;
modifies perception, 314;
and sensibility, 315;
causes theft, 316.
Method, defined, 3;
of drawing out witnesses, 20.
Metzger, 1.
Meyer, L., 53.
Meyer, M., 448.
Meynert, 52, 85, 86.
Michel, 85.
Michelet, 307.
Mill, 121, 123, 138, 153, 154, 155, 156, 173, 176, 178, 181, 223, 290, 388.
Mistakes, of inference, 176;
aprioristic, 177;
of observation, 177, 222;
of generalization, 177;
of confusion, 177;
of the senses, 422;
in practical affairs, 423.
Misunderstandings, verbal, 467;
through verbal substitutions, 470;
through fatigue, 473.
Mitchell, 77.
Mittermaier, 32, 106, 149, 161, 175, 188, 303, 368, 389, 398, 492.
Mnemotechnique, 279;
dangers of, 280.
Mobius, 307.
Moll, 477.
Money, and women, 338.
Mönnigshoff, 484.
Moral perversions associated with pathological phenomena, 45.
More, 236.
Moreau, 369.
Mosso, 85, 458.
Motives, apparent and real, 68.
Mouth, closing of, 90.
Movement, illusions of, 435;
and image, 236.
Müller, J., 84, 86, 465.
Münch, 1.
Münsterberg, 174, 179, 210, 259, 283, 469, 491.

Näcke, 45, 71, 77, 180, 181, 238, 300, 478.
Naïveté, 402.
Names, memory of, 268.
Nasse, 369.
Natorp, 259.
Natural science, method of, in daily routine, 9.
Nature, and nurture, 384.
Need, and crime, 57.
Neumann, 319.
Newton, 101, 251.
Nexus, causal, and observation, 120.
Noel, 84, 252.
Normal people, auditory illusions of, 446.
Nostalgia, 77.
Number, and judgment, 174.
Nurture, and nature, 384;
influence of, 385.

Objectivity, feminine lack of, 334.
Observation, as corroboration, 55;
differences in, 376.
Obstinacy a form of egoism, 27.
Occupation, and inference, 167.
“Occurrence,” 256.
Officials, impose on witnesses, 8.
Old maid, the, 329.
Olfactory illusions, 453.
Olzelt-Newin, 385.
Oppenheim, 364.
Opportunity, 57.
Organisation, of case, 12.
Orientation, 230.
Orifice, influences size of object seen through it, 430.
Orth, 255.
Ostwald, W., 243.
Öttingen, 137.
Ottolenghi, 195, 215.

Pain, reaction-time to, 218;
memory of, 264.
Paling, 50.
Panum, 483.
Paramnesia, 275;
causes of, 276.
Parish, 427.
Passion, and affection, 417;
in judges, 417;
in witnesses, 418;
and hatred, 418;
process of, 420.
Pathetic fallacy, the, 398.
Patience, importance of, 18.
Peculiarities of recollection, 268.
Perception, purity of, 190;
visual, 198;
and size, 199;
relation to consciousness, etc., 221;
limitations of, 225, 226;
influence of environment and training on, 227;
“dark,” 228;
how to test differences in, 229;
of experts, 229;
subconscious, 230;
and orientation, 230.
Perez, 369.
Personal equation, the, 376.
Perspective, 430.
Perversions, moral, associated with pathological phenomena, 45.
Perversity of the inanimate, 72.
Pesch, 189.
Petronievics, 147.
Petruskewisch, 410.
Phenomenology, defined, 41.
Phrenology, relation to physiognomics, 85.
Photographs, judgment of the uneducated on, 390.
Physiognomics, bibliography of, 84;
defined, 85;
basis of, 86;
best studied in children and simple people, 87.
Piderit, 84, 87, 99.
Piesbergen, 484.
Piety, as submerged sexuality, 323.
Plateau, 443.
Platner, 1.
Plato, 3, 4, 259.
Plüschke, 364.
Poets, the, on woman, 305.
Poisoning, a feminine crime, 356.
Porta, 83.
Position, of lines influences size, 427.
Possibility, 157;
and inference, 170.
Potet, Du, 269.
Pouchet, 9, 73.
Practicality of scientific method, 11.
Pregnancy, 317.
Prejudices, 177, 412;
and egoism, 413;
and names, 414.
Premonitions, 466.
Prepossession, 412;
and egoism, 413;
and names, 414.
Preyer, 210, 368.
Principle, the fundamental, 4.
Probability, 131;
and skepticism, 131;
increases through repetition, 132;
and equal distribution, 133;
value of, 148;
conditioned and unconditioned, 151;
Kirchmann on, 152;
and criminal procedure, 157;
and rule, 158.
Promises, and character, 58.
Promoters as witnesses, 66.
Proof, irrelevant circumstances to, 114.
Propaedeutic, philosophical, 1.
Property, woman’s sense of, 346.
“Proved,” 147.
Psychological handling, correct and incorrect, 15.
Psychology, criminal, of law, 1;
a bone of contention, 2;
as psychiatry, 2;
as anthropology, 2;
form of, 2;
and statistics, 179.
Puberty, influence of, on juvenile delinquency, 370.
Punctuality, feminine, 340.

Qualities, how related, 61.
Quantz, 206.
Quarrels with women, 338.
Questions, positive and negative, 139.
Quetelet, 160.

Rage, 96.
Recognition, 221, 260.
Reflex actions, 79;
how caused, 79;
distinguished from habit, 80;
not inevitable, 81;
require coöperation of brain, 82.
Regnault, 2, 292.
Reich, 85, 307.
Reichenbach, 76, 313.
Reid, 89, 130, 188, 259, 430.
Religion, and character, 387.
Renooz, 307.
Repetition and probability, 132;
and touch, 220;
influences perception, 228.
Reproduction, and memory, 261;
forms of, 263;

rules for helping, 265;
and locality, 266;
peculiarities of, 268;
field of, 269;
of idiots, 270;
of children, 270;
of the aged, 272.
Resignation, 96.
Resolution, importance as sign, 91;
in jurymen, 92.
Responsibility, and intoxication, 485.
Ribot, 259, 385, 411.
Richardson, 410.
Roncoroni, 215.
Rosegger, 63.
Rosenkranz, 160.
Rule, 158;
and exceptions, 134;
and probability, 158;
for helping recollection, 265.
Rykère, 307.

Sadism, 77.
Sand, 352.
Sander, 259, 275.
Saulle, Du, 316.
Schack, 84.
Schaumann, 2.
Schebest, 85.
Schiel, 109, 147, 159, 160, 174, 222, 376, 381.
Schmidt, 54.
Schneickert, 266.
Schneider, 85.
Schopenhauer, 56, 128, 343, 359, 384, 396, 464.
Schrenck-Notzing, 77, 115.
Schultze, 79.
Schuppe, 237.
Schwartz, 120, 192.
Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, 307.
Schwob, 317.
Scorn, 93;
in witnesses, 94.
Secrets, 28;
hard to keep, 29;
judge’s duty toward, 29;
as confession, 31;
damage through revelation of, 30;
how discovered, 31;
and women, 364.
Self, as centre of reference, 248.
Self-knowledge, a guide, 58.
Senility, 372;
in witnesses, 374;
types of, 374;
memory in,

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