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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@1320@1320-h@1320-h-14.htm.html#page_375" tag="{}a">375.
Sensation, subjective, 191;
and nervous system, 192.
Sense-perception, importance of, 187;
relation to optical and acoustical knowledge, 189;
and social status, 190.
Senses, of children, 367;
vicariousness of the, 193.
Sergi, 319, 350.
Sernoff, 410.
Servants, as sources of information, 63.
Sex, as submerged cause of crime, 322;
as piety, 323;
as ennui, 324;
as conceit, 325.
Sexuality, of women, 320;
as maternal instinct, 320;
in criminal situations, 321.
Shinn, 364.
Sicard, 215.
Side-issues, confused with central ones, 116.
Sidis, 481, 492.
Sighele, 416.
Sight, sense of, important, 196;
tested by touch, 197;
process of, 197.
Sinsteden, 434.
Size of lines influenced by position, 427.
Skepticism, 127;
and habit, 130;
and probability, 131.
Skill and habit, 407.
Skin, transpositions of, and tactile sense, 219.
Skraup, 85.
Slaughter, 40.
Sleep, 481.
Smell, sense of, 213.
Smile, the, 94.
Smith, 302.
Smuggling, and women, 345.
Socrates, 7, 169.
Sommer, 276.
Sources, various, of evidence, 12.
Sound, direction of, 210;
conduction of, 210.
Sparkle, 206;
of the eyes, 96.
Specialist, 125.
Speech, and image, 235.
Speed, a test of knowledge, 231.
Spencer, 44, 46, 74, 102, 360.
Spinoza, 160, 260.
Spite, 94;
how treated, 95.
Statistics, and psychology, 179;
of suicide, 181.
Statutes, aprioristic, 5.
Steinthal, 298.
Stern, 192, 307.
Stölzel, 434.
Storch, 236.
Stricker, 48, 118, 122, 166, 204, 236, 255, 437.
Strindberg, 212.
Struve, 56, 68.
Stupidity, 398, 400.
Style, and character, 58.
Subconscious, the, 245.
Substitutions, and misunderstandings, 470.
Success, conditions of, 14.
Succession, importance of the order of, 13.
Suggestion, 491;
not involved in guidance, 9.
Sully, 138, 259, 276, 451, 456, 464.
Symbol and symbolized, 244.

Taine, 250, 274, 382, 410, 452, 465, 466, 471, 482.
Tarde, 385, 410, 415, 416.
Taste, 212;
illusions of, 452.
Tears, of women, 344.
Temperament, 395.
Temperature, sense of, 217.
Tertullian, 169.
Testimony, blind acceptance of, 8;
contradictions in, 108;
interpretation of, 108;
of women, 310.
Thinking, mechanism of, 243;
and symbol, 244.
Thompson, 433.
Thomson, 2.
Tigerstedt, 192.
Timbre, vocal, 46;
influence of emotions on, 47;
corroborative value of, 47.
Time, and image, 237;
of day and mental processes, 245;
children’s sense of, 368;
influence on conception, 383;
and isolation, 397.
Timidity, 75.
Toes, 104.
Touch, 215;
tests sense of sight, 197;
relation to other senses, 215;
influence of drugs on, 215;
how affected by transpositions of skin, 219;
and wetness, 219;
influence of repetition on, 220;
and form, 220;
bodily sensitiveness to, 220;
illusions of, 449.
Tracy, 364.
Training, of witnesses, 16.
Tramps, 17;
congenital, 18.
Trendelenburg, 146, 160.
Truth, and persuasion, 161;
and manner, 162;
historical and inference, 171;
and knowledge, 184.
Tylor, 288, 290.
Tyndall, 209.

Understanding, 238;
how gauged in witnesses, 239;
and public instruction, 241;
and law, 242.
Uneducated, views of the, 388.
Unit-characters, 46;
variety of recognition of, 46.
Uphues, 260, 267, 472.

Vagabondage, 394.
Valuation, of evidence, 12.
Variation of conditions, 12.
Vaschide, 192.
Venn, 150.
Veracity, egoism a criterion of, 28.
Vicariousness of the senses, 193.
Vierordt, 220.
Views, influence of on evidence, 377;
of the uneducated, 388.
Vincent, 202.
Vischer, 72.
Virchow, 86.
Visual perception, artificial differences in, 202;
binocular, 203;
influence of custom on, 203;
in darkness, 204;
and form, 201;
and muscular innervation, 204.
Voice, relation of to gesture, 48.
Voisin, 370.
Volkmar, 1, 15, 39, 60, 67, 74, 162, 244, 269, 299, 307, 375.
Vurpass, 192.

Wagner, 180, 181, 385.
Waitz, 51, 85.
Warnkönig, 10.
We, as a character-mark, 60.
Weakness, of women, 362.
Weaknesses, shown to inferiors and servants, 62.
Weber, 188, 217, 220, 441.
Weber’s law, 188.
Wernicke, 455.
Wetness, and touch, 219.
Whately, 147.
Wiener, 85.
Wiersma, 39.
Will, 281.
Windelband, 160, 161, 233.
Winkelmann, 102.
Wisdom, 403.
Witasek, 464.
Witnesses, do not know what they know, 8;
imposed on by officials, 8;
wandering of, 17;
wordy, 18;
laconic, 19;
method of drawing out, 20;
difficulty with educated, 23.
Woman, 300;
basis of judging, 302;
status of, 302;
defined by her function, 304;
poet on, 305;
difference from man, 307;
danger of maxims about, 308;
and love, 309, 350;
crimes of, 310;
testimony of, 310;
quarrels with, 338;
and money, 338;
punctuality of, 340;
conservatism of, 340;
dishonesty in, 341;
hypocrisy in, 344;
tears of, 344;
fainting of, 344;
and smuggling, 345;
and property, 346;
loyalty of, 347;
jealousy of, 351;
friendships of, 353;
hatred in, 354;
cruelty in, 355;
emotionalism of, 359;
weakness of, 362;
and secrets, 364.
Words, and conception, 290;
influence on conception, 381.
Writing, like gesticulation, 49.
Wundt, 85, 210, 260.

Zöllner, 433.


[1] W. Volkmann v. Volkmar: Lehrbuch der Psychologic (2 vols.). Cöthen 1875.

[2] J. Metzger: “Gerichtlich-medizinische Abhandlungen.” Königsberg 1803.

[3] Ernst Plainer: Questiones medicinae forensis, tr. German by Hederich. Leipzig 1820.

[4] J. C. Hoffbauer: Die Psychologic in ihren Hauptanwendungen auf die Rechtspflege. Halle 1823.

[5] G. A. Grohmann: Ideen zu einer physiognomischen Anthropologie. Leipzig 1791.

[6] Johann Heinroth: Grundzüge der Kriminalpsychologie. Berlin 1833.

[7] Schaumann: Ideen zu einer Kriminalpsychologie. Halle 1792.

[8] Münch: Über den Einfluss der Kriminalpsychologie auf ein System der Kriminal-Rechts. Nürnberg 1790.

[9] Eckartshausen: Über die Notwendigkeit psychologischer Kenntnisse bei Beurteilung von Verbrechern. München, 1791.

[10] J. Fries: Handbuch der psychologischer Anthropologie. Jena, 1820.

[11] E. Regnault: Das gerichtliche Urteil der Ärzte über psychologische Zustände. Cöln, 1830.

[12] J. B. Friedreich: System der gerichtlichen Psychologie. Regensburg 1832.

[13] Wilbrand: Gerichtliche Psychologie. 1858.

[14] Kraus: Die Psychologie des Verbrechens. Tübingen, 1884.

[15] v. Krafft-Ebing: Die zweifelhaften Geisteszustände. Erlangen 1873.

[16] Maudsley: Physiology and Pathology of the Mind.

[17] v. Holtzendorff—articles in “Rechtslexikon.”

[18] Lombroso: L’uomo delinquente, etc.

[19] Aschaffenburg: Articles in Zeitscheift f. d. gesamten Strafrechtwissenschaften, especially in XX, 201.

[20] Dr. P. Näcke: Über Kriminal Psychologie, in the above-mentioned Zeitschrift, Vol. XVII. Verbrechen und Wahnsinn beim Weibe. Vienna, Leipsig, 1884. Moral Insanity: Ärztliche Sachverständigen-Zeitung, 1895; Neurologisches Zentralblatt, Nos. 11 and 16. 1896.

[21] Kurella: Naturgeschichte des Verbrechers. Stuttgart 1893.

[22] Bleuler: Der geborene Verbrecher. München 1896.

[23] Dallemagne: Kriminalanthropologie. Paris 1896.

[24] Marro: I caratteri dei deliquenti. Turin 1887. I carcerati. Turin 1885.

[25] Havelock Ellis: The Criminal. London 1890.

[26] A. Baer: Der Verbrecher Leipzig 1893.

[27] Koch: Die Frage nach dem geborenen Verbrecher. Ravensberg 1894.

[28] Maschka: Handbuch der Gerichtlichen Medisin (vol. IV). Tübingen 1883.

[29] Thomson: Psychologie der Verbrecher.

[30] Ferri: Gerichtl. Psychologie. Mailand 1893.

[31] Bonfigli: Die Natugeschichte des Verbrechers. Mailand 1892.

[32] Corre: Les Criminels. Paris 1889.

[33] P. Jessen: Versuch einer wissenechaftlichen Begründung der Psychologie. Berlin 1855.

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