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as a great circle, called the ecliptic. It must be remembered further that the celestial sphere, on which the sun appears to lie, is a mere geometrical fiction introduced for convenience; all that direct observation gives is the change in the sun’s direction, and therefore the sun may consistently be supposed to move in such a way as to vary its distance from the earth in any arbitrary manner, provided only that the alterations in the apparent size of the sun, caused by the variations in its distance, agree with those observed, or that at any rate the differences are not great enough to be perceptible. It was, moreover, known (probably long before the time of Hipparchus) that the sun’s apparent motion in the ecliptic is not quite uniform, the motion at some times of the year being slightly more rapid than at others.

Supposing that we had such a complete set of observations of the motion of the sun, that we knew its position from day to day, how should we set to work to record and describe its motion? For practical purposes nothing could be more satisfactory than the method adopted in our almanacks, of giving from day to day the position of the sun; after observations extending over a few years it would not be difficult to verify that the motion of the sun is (after allowing for the irregularities of our calendar) from year to year the same, and to predict in this way the place of the sun from day to day in future years.

But it is clear that such a description would not only be long, but would be felt as unsatisfactory by any one who approached the question from the point of view of intellectual curiosity or scientific interest. Such a person would feel that these detailed facts ought to be capable of being exhibited as consequences of some simpler general statement.

A modern astronomer would effect this by expressing the motion of the sun by means of an algebraical formula, i.e. he would represent the velocity of the sun or its distance from some fixed point in its path by some symbolic expression representing a quantity undergoing changes with the time in a certain definite way, and enabling an expert to compute with ease the required position of the sun at any assigned instant.22

The Greeks, however, had not the requisite algebraical knowledge for such a method of representation, and Hipparchus, like his predecessors, made use of a geometrical representation of the required variations in the sun’s motion in the ecliptic, a method of representation which is in some respects more intelligible and vivid than the use of algebra, but which becomes unmanageable in complicated cases. It runs moreover the risk of being taken for a mechanism. The circle, being the simplest curve known, would naturally be thought of, and as any motion other than a uniform motion would itself require a special representation, the idea of Apollonius, adopted by Hipparchus, was to devise a proper combination of uniform circular motions.

39. The simplest device that was found to be satisfactory in the case of the sun was the use of the eccentric, i.e. a circle the centre of which (C) does not coincide with the position of the observer on the earth (E). If in fig. 17 a point, S, describes the eccentric circle A F G B uniformly, so that it always passes over equal arcs of the circle in equal times and the angle A C S increases uniformly, then it is evident that the angle A E S, or the apparent distance of S from A, does not increase uniformly. When S is near the point A, which is farthest from the earth and hence called the apogee, it appears on account of its greater distance from the observer to move more slowly than when near F or G; and it appears to move fastest when near B, the point nearest to E, hence called the perigee. Thus the motion of S varies in the same sort of way as the motion of the sun as actually observed. Before, however, the eccentric could be considered as satisfactory, it was necessary to show that it was possible to choose the direction of the line B E C A (the line of apses) which determines the positions of the sun when moving fastest and when moving most slowly, and the magnitude of the ratio of E C to the radius C A of the circle (the eccentricity), so as to make the calculated positions of the sun in various parts of its path differ from the observed positions at the corresponding times of year by quantities so small that they might fairly be attributed to errors of observation.

Fig. 17.—The eccentric.

This problem was much more difficult than might at first sight appear, on account of the great difficulty experienced in Greek times and long afterwards in getting satisfactory observations of the sun. As the sun and stars are not visible at the same time, it is not possible to measure directly the distance of the sun from neighbouring stars and so to fix its place on the celestial sphere. But it is possible, by measuring the length of the shadow cast by a rod at midday, to ascertain with fair accuracy the height of the sun above the horizon, and hence to deduce its distance from the equator, or the declination (figs. 3, 14). This one quantity does not suffice to fix the sun’s position, but if also the sun’s right ascension (§ 33), or its distance east and west from the stars, can be accurately ascertained, its place on the celestial sphere is completely determined. The methods available for determining this second quantity were, however, very imperfect. One method was to note the time between the passage of the sun across some fixed position in the sky (e.g. the meridian), and the passage of a star across the same place, and thus to ascertain the angular distance between them (the celestial sphere being known to turn through 15° in an hour), a method which with modern clocks is extremely accurate, but with the rough water-clocks or sand-glasses of former times was very uncertain. In another method the moon was used as a connecting link between sun and stars, her position relative to the latter being observed by night, and with respect to the former by day; but owing to the rapid motion of the moon in the interval between the two observations, this method also was not susceptible of much accuracy.

Fig. 18.—The position of the sun’s apogee.

In the case of the particular problem of the determination of the line of apses, Hipparchus made use of another method, and his skill is shewn in a striking manner by his recognition that both the eccentricity and position of the apse line could be determined from a knowledge of the lengths of two of the seasons of the year, i.e. of the intervals into which the year is divided by the solstices and the equinoxes (§ 11). By means of his own observations, and of others made by his predecessors, he ascertained the length of the spring (from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice) to be 94 days, and that of the summer (summer solstice to autumnal equinox) to be 92-1∕2 days, the length of the year being 365-1∕4 days. As the sun moves in each season through the same angular distance, a right angle, and as the spring and summer make together more than half the year, and the spring is longer than the summer, it follows that the sun must, on the whole, be moving more slowly during the spring than in any other season, and that it must therefore pass through the apogee in the spring. If, therefore, in fig. 18, we draw two perpendicular lines Q E S, P E R to represent the directions of the sun at the solstices and equinoxes, P corresponding to the vernal equinox and R to the autumnal equinox, the apogee must lie at some point A between P and Q. So much can be seen without any mathematics: the actual calculation of the position of A and of the eccentricity is a matter of some complexity. The angle P E A was found to be about 65°, so that the sun would pass through its apogee about the beginning of June; and the eccentricity was estimated at 1∕24.

The motion being thus represented geometrically, it became merely a matter of not very difficult calculation to construct a table from which the position of the sun for any day in the year could be easily deduced. This was done by computing the so-called equation of the centre, the angle C S E of fig. 17, which is the excess of the actual longitude of the sun over the longitude which it would have had if moving uniformly.

Owing to the imperfection of the observations used (Hipparchus estimated that the times of the equinoxes and solstices could only be relied upon to within about half a day), the actual results obtained were not, according to modern ideas, very accurate, but the theory represented the sun’s motion with an accuracy about as great as that of the observations. It is worth noticing that with the same theory, but with an improved value of the eccentricity, the motion of the sun can be represented so accurately that the error never exceeds about 1′, a quantity insensible to the naked eye.

The theory of Hipparchus represents the variations in the distance of the sun with much less accuracy, and whereas in fact the angular diameter of the sun varies by about 1∕30th part of itself, or by about 1′ in the course of the year, this variation according to Hipparchus should be about twice as great. But this error would also have been quite imperceptible with his instruments.

Fig. 19.—The epicycle and the deferent.

Hipparchus saw that the motion of the sun could equally well be represented by the other device suggested by Apollonius, the epicycle. The body the motion of which is to be represented is supposed to move uniformly round the circumference of one circle, called the epicycle, the centre of which in turn moves on another circle called the deferent. It is in fact evident that if a circle equal to the eccentric, but with its centre at E (fig. 19), be taken as the deferent, and if S′ be taken on this so that E S′ is parallel to C S, then S′ S is parallel and equal to E C; and that therefore the sun S, moving uniformly on the eccentric, may equally well be regarded as lying on a circle of radius S′ S, the centre S′ of which moves on the deferent. The two constructions lead in fact in this particular problem to exactly the same result, and Hipparchus chose the eccentric as being the simpler.

40. The motion of the moon being much more complicated than that of the sun has always presented difficulties to astronomers,23 and Hipparchus required for it a more elaborate construction. Some further description of the moon’s motion is, however, necessary before discussing his theory.

We have already spoken

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