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Another way of expressing the amount of the precession is to say that the equinoctial point will describe the complete circuit of the ecliptic and return to the same position after about 26,000 years.

The length of each kind of year was also fixed by Hipparchus with considerable accuracy. That of the tropical year was obtained by comparing the times of solstices and equinoxes observed by earlier astronomers with those observed by himself. He found, for example, by comparison of the date of the summer solstice of 280 B.C., observed by Aristarchus of Samos, with that of the year 135 B.C., that the current estimate of 365-1∕4 days for the length of the year had to be diminished by 1∕300th of a day or about five minutes, an estimate confirmed roughly by other cases. It is interesting to note as an illustration of his scientific method that he discusses with some care the possible error of the observations, and concludes that the time of a solstice may be erroneous to the extent of about 3∕4 day, while that of an equinox may be expected to be within 1∕4 day of the truth. In the illustration given, this would indicate a possible error of 1-1∕2 days in a period of 145 years, or about 15 minutes in a year. Actually his estimate of the length of the year is about six minutes too great, and the error is thus much less than that which he indicated as possible. In the course of this work he considered also the possibility of a change in the length of the year, and arrived at the conclusion that, although his observations were not precise enough to show definitely the invariability of the year, there was no evidence to suppose that it had changed.

The length of the tropical year being thus evaluated at 365 days 5 hours 55 minutes, and the difference between the two kinds of year being given by the observations of precession, the sidereal year was ascertained to exceed 365-1∕4 days by about 10 minutes, a result agreeing almost exactly with modern estimates. That the addition of two erroneous quantities, the length of the tropical year and the amount of the precession, gave such an accurate result was not, as at first sight appears, a mere accident. The chief source of error in each case being the erroneous times of the several equinoxes and solstices employed, the errors in them would tend to produce errors of opposite kinds in the tropical year and in precession, so that they would in part compensate one another. This estimate of the length of the sidereal year was probably also to some extent verified by Hipparchus by comparing eclipse observations made at different epochs.

43. The great improvements which Hipparchus effected in the theories of the sun and moon naturally enabled him to deal more successfully than any of his predecessors with a problem which in all ages has been of the greatest interest, the prediction of eclipses of the sun and moon.

That eclipses of the moon were caused by the passage of the moon through the shadow of the earth thrown by the sun, or, in other words, by the interposition of the earth between the sun and moon, and eclipses of the sun by the passage of the moon between the sun and the observer, was perfectly well known to Greek astronomers in the time of Aristotle (§ 29), and probably much earlier (chapter I., § 17), though the knowledge was probably confined to comparatively few people and superstitious terrors were long associated with eclipses.

The chief difficulty in dealing with eclipses depends on the fact that the moon’s path does not coincide with the ecliptic. If the moon’s path on the celestial sphere were identical with the ecliptic, then, once every month, at new moon, the moon (M) would pass exactly between the earth and the sun, and the latter would be eclipsed, and once every month also, at full moon, the moon (M′) would be in the opposite direction to the sun as seen from the earth, and would consequently be obscured by the shadow of the earth.

Fig. 25.—The earth’s shadow.
Fig. 26.—The ecliptic and the moon’s path.

As, however, the moon’s path is inclined to the ecliptic (§ 40), the latitudes of the sun and moon may differ by as much as 5°, either when they are in conjunction, i.e. when they have the same longitudes, or when they are in opposition, i.e. when their longitudes differ by 180°, and they will then in either case be too far apart for an eclipse to occur. Whether then at any full or new moon an eclipse will occur or not, will depend primarily on the latitude of the moon at the time, and hence upon her position with respect to the nodes of her orbit (§ 40). If conjunction takes place when the sun and moon happen to be near one of the nodes (N), as at S M in fig. 26, the sun and moon will be so close together that an eclipse will occur; but if it occurs at a considerable distance from a node, as at S′ M′, their centres are so far apart that no eclipse takes place.

Now the apparent diameter of either sun or moon is, as we have seen (§ 32), about 1∕2°; consequently when their discs just touch, as in fig. 27, the distance between their centres is also about 1∕2°. If then at conjunction the distance between their centres is less than this amount, an eclipse of the sun will take place; if not, there will be no eclipse. It is an easy calculation to determine (in fig. 26) the length of the side N S or N M of the triangle N M S, when S M has this value, and hence to determine the greatest distance from the node at which conjunction can take place if an eclipse is to occur. An eclipse of the moon can be treated in the same way, except that we there have to deal with the moon and the shadow of the earth at the distance of the moon. The apparent size of the shadow is, however, considerably greater than the apparent size of the moon, and an eclipse of the moon takes place if the distance between the centre of the moon and the centre of the shadow is less than about 1°. As before, it is easy to compute the distance of the moon or of the centre of the shadow from the node when opposition occurs, if an eclipse just takes place. As, however, the apparent sizes of both sun and moon, and consequently also that of the earth’s shadow, vary according to the distances of the sun and moon, a variation of which Hipparchus had no accurate knowledge, the calculation becomes really a good deal more complicated than at first sight appears, and was only dealt with imperfectly by him.

Fig. 27.—The sun and moon.
Fig. 28.—Partial eclipse
of the moon.
Fig. 29.—Total eclipse of
the moon.

Eclipses of the moon are divided into partial or total, the former occurring when the moon and the earth’s shadow only overlap partially (as in fig. 28), the latter when the moon’s disc is completely immersed in the shadow (fig. 29). In the same way an eclipse of the sun may be partial or total; but as the sun’s disc may be at times slightly larger than that of the moon, it sometimes happens also that the whole disc of the sun is hidden by the moon, except a narrow ring round the edge (as in fig. 30): such an eclipse is called annular. As the earth’s shadow at the distance of the moon is always larger than the moon’s disc, annular eclipses of the moon cannot occur.

Fig. 30.—Annular eclipse of the sun.

Thus eclipses take place if, and only if, the distance of the moon from a node at the time of conjunction or opposition lies within certain limits approximately known; and the problem of predicting eclipses could be roughly solved by such knowledge of the motion of the moon and of the nodes as Hipparchus possessed. Moreover, the length of the synodic and draconitic months (§ 40) being once ascertained, it became merely a matter of arithmetic to compute one or more periods after which eclipses would recur nearly in the same manner. For if any period of time contains an exact number of each kind of month, and if at any time an eclipse occurs, then after the lapse of the period, conjunction (or opposition) again takes place, and the moon is at the same distance as before from the node and the eclipse recurs very much as before. The saros, for example (chapter I., § 17), contained very nearly 223 synodic or 242 draconitic months, differing from either by less than an hour. Hipparchus saw that this period was not completely reliable as a means of predicting eclipses, and showed how to allow for the irregularities in the moon’s and sun’s motion (§§ 39, 40) which were ignored by it, but was unable to deal fully with the difficulties arising from the variations in the apparent diameters of the sun or moon.

An important complication, however, arises in the case of eclipses of the sun, which had been noticed by earlier writers, but which Hipparchus was the first to deal with. Since an eclipse of the moon is an actual darkening of the moon, it is visible to anybody, wherever situated, who can see the moon at all; for example, to possible inhabitants of other planets, just as we on the earth can see precisely similar eclipses of Jupiter’s moons. An eclipse of the sun is, however, merely the screening off of the sun’s light from a particular observer, and the sun may therefore be eclipsed to one observer while to another elsewhere it is visible as usual. Hence in computing an eclipse of the sun it is necessary to take into account the position of the observer on the earth. The simplest way of doing this is to make allowance for the difference of direction of the moon as seen by an observer at the place in question, and by an observer in some standard position on the earth, preferably an ideal observer at the centre of the earth. If, in fig. 31, M denote the moon, C the centre of the earth, A a point on the earth between C and M (at which therefore the moon is overhead), and B any other point on the earth, then observers at C (or A) and B see the moon in slightly different directions, C M, B M, the difference between which is an angle known as the parallax, which is equal to the angle B M C and depends on the distance of the moon, the size of the earth, and the position of the observer at B. In the case of the sun, owing to its great distance, even as estimated by the Greeks, the parallax was in all cases too small to be taken into account, but in the case of the moon the parallax might be as much as 1° and could not be neglected.

Fig. 31.—Parallax.

If then the path of the moon,

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