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Given an attractive philosophical theory of enforcement of promises, our courts in a new period of growth will begin to shape the law thereby and judicial empiricism and legal reason will bring about a workable system along new lines. The possibilities involved may be measured if we compare our old law of torts with its hard and fast series of nominate wrongs, its distinctions growing out of procedural requirements of trespass and trespass on the case and its crude idea of liability, flowing solely from causation, with the law of torts at the end of the nineteenth century after it had been molded by the theory of liability as a corollary of fault. Even if we must discard the conception that tort liability may flow only from fault, the generalization did a service of the first magnitude not only to legal theory but to the actual administration of justice. No less service will be rendered by the twentieth-century philosophical theory, whatever it is, which puts the jural postulate of civilized society in our day and place with respect to good faith, and its corollary as to promises, in acceptable form, and furnishes jurist and judge and lawmaker with a logical critique, a workable measure of decision and an ideal of what the law seeks to do, whereby to carry forward the process of enlarging the domain of legally enforceable promises and thus enlarging on this side the domain of legal satisfaction of human claims.

Bibliography LECTURE I

Plato (B. C. 427-347), Republic.

----, Laws.

Translations in Jowett's Plato. The translation of the Republic is published separately.

Pseudo-Plato, Minos.

Now generally considered not to be a genuine work of Plato's and variously dated from as early as c. 337 B. C. to as late as c. 250 B. C. There is a convenient translation in Bohn's Libraries.

Aristotle (B. C. 384-322), Nicomachean Ethics.

Convenient translation by Browne in Bohn's Libraries.

----, Politics.

Translation by Jowett should be used.

Reference may be made to Berolzheimer, System der Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, II, §§ 13-16 (World's Legal Philosophies, 46-77); Hildenbrand, Geschichte und System der Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie, §§ 1-121.

Cicero (B. C. 106-43), De Legibus.

Reference may be made to Berolzheimer, System der Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, II, §§ 17-20 (World's Legal Philosophies, 78-92); Hildenbrand, Geschichte und System der Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie, §§ 131-135, 143-147; Voigt, Das Ius Naturale, aequum et bonum und Ius Gentium der Römer, I, §§ 16, 35-41, 44-64, 89-96.

Thomas Aquinas (1225 or 1227-1274), Summa Theologiae.

Convenient translation of the parts relating to law in Aquinas Ethicus.

Reference may be made to Berolzheimer, System der Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, II, §§ 21-23 (World's Legal Philosophies, 93-111).

Oldendorp, Iuris naturalis gentium et ciuilis εισαγώγη (1539).

Hemmingius (Henemingsen) De Iure naturale apodictica methodus (1562).

Winckler, Principiorum iuris libri V (1615).

These are collected conveniently in Kaltenborn, Die Vorläufer des Hugo Grotius.

Reference may be made to Berolzheimer, System der Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, II, § 24 (World's Legal Philosophies, 112-114); Hinrichs, Geschichte der Rechts- und Staatsprincipien seit der Reformation, I, 1-60; Gierke, Johannes Althusius, 2 ed., 18-49, 142-162, 321.

Soto, De justitia et iure (1589).

Suarez, De legibus ac deo legislatore (1619).

Reference may be made to Figgis, Studies of Political Thought from Gerson to Grotius, Lect. V.

Grotius, De iure belli et pacis (1625).

Whewell's edition with an abridged translation is convenient.

Pufendorf, De jure naturae et gentium (1672).

Kennet's translation (1703) may be found in several editions.

Burlamaqui, Principes du droit naturel (1747).

Nugent's translation is convenient.

Wolff, Institutiones juris naturae et gentium (1750).

Rutherforth, Institutes of Natural Law (1754-1756).

Vattel, Le droit des gens, Préliminaires (1758).

There are many translations of Vattel.

Rousseau, Contrat social (1762).

Tozer's translation is convenient.

Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, Introduction, sect. II (1765).

Reference may be made to Berolzheimer, System der Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, II, §§ 25-27, 29 (World's Legal Philosophies, 115-134, 141-156); Hinrichs, Geschichte der Rechts- und Staatsprincipien seit der Reformation, I, 60-274, II, III, 1-318; Korkunov, General Theory of Law, transl. by Hastings, § 7; Charmont, La renaissance du droit naturel, 10-43.

Hobbes, Leviathan (1651).

Spinoza, Ethica (1674).

----, Tractatus theologico-politicas (1670).

Elwes' translation of the two last in Bohn's Libraries must be used with caution.

Bentham, Principles of Morals and Legislation (1780).

A convenient reprint is published by the Clarendon Press.

----, Theory of Legislation. (Originally published in French, 1820). Translated by Hildreth (1864), and in many editions.

Mill, On Liberty (1859).

Courtney's edition (1892) is convenient.

Reference may be made to Duff, Spinoza's Political and Ethical Philosophy; Berolzheimer, System der Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, II, § 28 (World's Legal Philosophies, 134-141); Dicey, Law and Public Opinion in England, Lect. 6; Albee, History of English Utilitarianism; Stephen, The English Utilitarians; Solari, L'idea individuale e l'idea sociale nel diritto privato, §§ 31-36.

Kant, Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre (2 ed. 1798). Translated by Hastie as "Kant's Philosophy of Law" (1887).

Fichte, Grundlage des Naturrechts (1796, new ed. by Medicus, 1908). Translated by Kroeger as "Fichte's Science of Rights" (1889).

Hegel, Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (1821), ed. by Gans (1840), new ed. by Lasson (1911). Translated by Dyde as "Hegel's Philosophy of Right" (1896). This translation must be used cautiously.

Krause, Abriss des Systemes der Philosophie des Rechtes (1828).

Ahrens, Cours de droit naturel (1837, 8 ed. 1892). Twenty-four editions in seven languages. The German 6th edition (Naturrecht, 1870-1871) contains important matter not in the French editions.

Green, Principles of Political Obligation. Lectures delivered in 1879-1880. Reprinted from his Complete Works (1911).

Lorimer, Institutes of Law (2 ed. 1880).

Lasson, Lehrbuch der Rechtsphilosophie (1882).

Miller, Lectures on the Philosophy of Law (1884).

Boistel, Cours de philosophie du droit (1870, new ed. 1899).

Herkless, Lectures on Jurisprudence (1901).

Brown, The Underlying Principles of Modern Legislation (1912).

Mention may be made of Beaussire, Les principes du droit (1888); Beudant, Le droit individuel et l'état (1891); Carle, La vita del diritto (2 ed. 1890); Dahn, Rechtsphilosophische Studien (1883); Giner y Calderon, Filosofia del derecho (1898); Harms, Begriff, Formen und Grundlegung der Rechtsphilosophie (1889); Hennebicq, Philosophie de droit et droit naturel (1897); Herbart, Analytische Beleuchtung des Naturrechts und der Moral (1836); Jouffroy, Cours de droit naturel (5 ed. 1876); Kirchmann, Grundbegriffe des Rechts und der Moral (2 ed. 1873); Krause, Das System der Rechtsphilosophie (posthumous, ed. by Röder, 1874); Miraglia, Filosofia del diritto (3 ed. 1903, transl. in Modern Legal Philosophy Series, 1912); Röder, Grundzüge des Naturrechts oder der Rechtsphilosophie (2 ed. 1860); Rosmini, Filosofia del diritto (2 ed. 1865); Rothe, Traité de droit naturel, théorique et appliqué (1884); Schuppe, Grundzüge der Ethik und Rechtsphilosophie (1881); Stahl, Philosophie des Rechts (5 ed. 1878); Tissot, Introduction historique et philosophique à l'étude du droit (1875); Trendelenburg, Naturrecht auf dem Grunde der Ethik (1868); Vareilles-Sommières, Les principes fondamentaux du droit (1889); Wallaschek, Studien zur Rechtsphilosophie (1889).

Reference may be made to Gray, Nature and Sources of the Law, §§ 7-9; Bryce, Studies in History and Jurisprudence, Essay 12; Pollock, Essays in Jurisprudence and Ethics, 1-30; Korkunov, General Theory of Law, translated by Hastings, § 4; Bergbohm, Jurisprudenz und Rechtsphilosophie, §§ 6-15; Pound, The Scope and Purpose of Sociological Jurisprudence, 24 Harvard Law Rev., 501; Pound, the Philosophy of Law in America, Archiv für Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, VII, 213, 285.

Jhering, Der Zweck im Recht (1877-1883, 4 ed. 1904). The first volume is translated by Husik under the title "Law as a Means to an End" (1913).

Jhering, Scherz und Ernst in die Jurisprudenz (1884, 9 ed. 1904).

Reference may be made to the appendices to Jhering, Law as a Means to an End, transl. by Husik; Berolzheimer, System der Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, II, § 43 (World's Legal Philosophies, 327-351); Korkunov, General Theory of Law, translated by Hastings, §§ 13-14; Tanon, L'évolution du droit et la conscience sociale (3 ed. 1911), pt. I, ch. 3.

Stammler, Ueber die Methode der geschichtlichen Rechtstheorie (1888).

----, Wirthschaft und Recht (1896, 2 ed. 1905).

----, Die Gesetzmässigkeit in Rechtsordnung und Volkswirthschaft (1902).

----, Lehre von dem rechtigen Rechte (1902).

----, Systematische Theorie der Rechtswissenschaft (1911).

----, Rechts- und Staatstheorien der Neuzeit (1917).

Del Vecchio, The Formal Bases of Law, translated by Lisle (1914). A translation of I presupposti filosofici della nozione del diritto (1905), Il concetto del diritto (1906, reprinted 1912), Il concetto della natura e il principio del diritto (1908).

For critiques of Stammler, see Berolzheimer, System der Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, II, § 48 (World's Legal Philosophies, 398-422); Kantorowicz, Zur Lehre vom richtigen Recht; Croce, Historical Materialism and the Economics of Karl Marx, ch. 2; Geny, Science et technique en droit privé positif, II, 127-130; Binder, Rechtsbegriff und Rechtsidee (1915); Binder, Kritische und metaphysische Rechtsphilosophie, Archiv für Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, IX, 142, 267; Vinogradoff, Common Sense in Law, ch. 9.

Kohler, Rechtsphilosophie und Universalrechtsgeschichte, in Holtzendorff, Enzyklopädie der Rechtswissenschaft, I (6 ed. 1904, 7 ed. 1913). (Not in prior editions.)

Kohler, Lehrbuch der Rechtsphilosophie (1909, 2 ed. 1917). Translated by Albrecht as "Philosophy of Law" (1914).

Kohler, Moderne Rechtsprobleme (1907, 2 ed. 1913).

Berolzheimer, System der Rechts-und Wirthschaftsphilosophie (1904-1907). Vol. II, history of juristic thought, translated by Jastrow (somewhat abridged) under the title "The World's Legal Philosophies" (1912), Vol. III, general system of legal and economic philosophy, Vol. IV, philosophy of interests of substance, Vol. V, philosophy of criminal law, are important for our purposes.

See also Berolzheimer, Rechtsphilosophische Studien (1903); Barillari, Diritto e filosofia (1910-1912); Kohler, Das Recht (1909); Kohler, Recht und Persönlichkeit in die Kultur der Gegenwart (1914).

Radbruch, Grundzüge der Rechtsphilosophie (1914).

Miceli, Principii di filosofia del diritto (1914).

Tourtoulon, Principes philosophiques de l'histoire du droit (1908-1920).

Demogue, Notions fondamentales du droit privé (1911).

Geny, Méthode d'interprétation et sources en droit privé positif (1899, 2 ed. 1919). A book of the first importance.

----, Science et technique en droit privé positif (1913).

Duguit, L'état, le droit objectif et la loi positive (1901).

----, Le droit social, le droit individuel et la transformation de l'état (2 ed. 1911).

----, Les transformations générales du droit privé (1912). Translated in Continental Legal History Series, Vol. XI, ch. 3.

----, Law and the State (1917).

Reference may be made to Modern French Legal Philosophy (1916) in the Modern Legal Philosophy Series; Jung, Das Problem des natürlichen Rechts (1912).

See also Boucaud, Qu'est-ce que le droit naturel (1906); Charmont, La renaissance du droit naturel (1910); Charmont, Le droit et l'esprit democratique (1908); Djuvara, Le fondement du phénomène juridique (1913); Fabreguettes, La logique judiciaire et l'art de juger (1914); Leroy, La loi (1908).

Compare Cathrein, Recht, Naturrecht und Positives Recht (1901).

See also Cohen, Jus naturale redivivum, Philosophical Rev., XXV, 761 (1916).

Spencer, Justice (1891).

See also Anzilotti, La filosofia del diritto e la sociologia (1907); Brugi, Introduzione enciclopedica alle scienze giuridiche e sociale (4 ed. 1907, 1 ed. 1890); Cosentini, Filosofia del diritto e sociologia (1905); Cosentini, Criticismo e positivismo nella filosofia del diritto (1912); Daguanno, La genesi e l'evoluzione del diritto civile (1890); Eleutheropoulos, Rechtsphilosophie, Sociologie und Politik (1908); Fragapane, Obbietto e limiti della filosofia del diritto (1897); Levi, Il diritto naturale nella filosofia di R. Ardigo (1904); Nardi Greco, Sociologia giuridica (1906); Porchat, Sociologia e direito (1902); Ratto, Sociologia e filosofia del diritto (1894); Vadale Papale, La filosofia del diritto a base sociologica (1885); Vander Eycken, Méthode positive de l'interprétation juridique (1907).

Post, Der Ursprung des Rechts (1876).

----, Bausteine für eine allgemeine Rechtswissenschaft (1880).

----, Die Grundlagen des Rechts und die Grundzüge seiner Entwickelungsgeschichte (1884).

Kuhlenbeck, Natürliche Grundlagen des Rechts (1905).

A discussion of fundamental problems of jurisprudence from the Darwinian standpoint.

Richard, Origine de l'idée de droit (1892).

Vaccaro, Les bases sociologiques du droit et de l'état (1898). Translation of Le basi del diritto e dello stato (1893). A theory of law as the outcome of class struggles.

For critiques of the foregoing, see Tanon, L'évolution du droit et la conscience sociale (3 ed. 1911); Tourtoulon, Principes philosophiques de l'histoire du droit (1908-1920); Charmont, La renaissance du droit naturel (1910).

Tarde, Les transformations du droit (6 ed. 1909). First published in 1894.

Vanni, Lezioni di filosofia del diritto (3 ed. 1908). First published in 1901-1902.

See also

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