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Bonucci, L'orientazione psicologica dell' etica e della filosofia del diritto (1907); Bozi, Die Weltanschauung der Jurisprudenz (1907, 2 ed. 1911); Bozi, Die Schule der Jurisprudenz (1910); Cruet, La vie du droit et l'impuissance des lois (1914); Grasserie, Principes sociologiques du droit civil (1906); Jellinek, Die sozialethische Bedeutung von Recht, Unrecht und Strafe (2 ed. 1908, 1st ed. 1878); Lagorgette, Le fondement du droit (1907); Miceli, Le fonti del diritto dal punto di vista psichico-sociale (1905); Miceli, Lezioni di filosofia del diritto (1908).

Holmes, The Path of the Law, 10 Harvard Law Review, 467 (1897); Collected Papers, 167-202.

Ehrlich, Soziologie und Jurisprudenz (1903).

Wurzel, Das juristische Denken, 98-102 (1904). Translated in The Science of Legal Method (Modern Legal Philosophy Series, Vol. 9, 421-428).

Gnaeus Flavius (Kantorowicz), Der Kampf um die Rechtswissenschaft (1906).

Kantorowicz, Rechtswissenschaft und Soziologie (1911).

Kelsen, Ueber Grenzen zwischen juristischer und soziologischer Methode (1911).

Brugeilles, Le droit et la sociologie (1910).

Rolin, Prolégomènes à la science du droit (1911).

Ehrlich, Erforschung des lebenden Rechts, in Schmoller's Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung, XXV, 190 (1911).

----, Grundlegung der Soziologie des Rechts (1913).

----, Das lebende Recht der Völker der Bukowina (1913).

Page, Professor Ehrlich's Czernowitz Seminar of Living Law, Proceedings of Fourteenth Annual Meeting of Association of American Law Schools, 46 (1914).

Cosentini, Filosofia del diritto (1914).

Ehrlich, Die juristische Logik (1918).

Kornfeld, Allgemeine Rechtslehre und Jurisprudenz (1920).

See also Cosentini, La réforme de la législation civile (1913) (revised and augmented translation of La riforma della legislazione civile, 1911); Kornfeld, Soziale Machtverhältnisse, Grundzüge einer allgemeinen Lehre vom positiven Rechte auf soziologischer Grundlage (1911); Levi, La société et l'ordre juridique (1911); Levi, Contributi ad una teoria filosofica dell' ordine giuridico (1914).


Miller, The Data of Jurisprudence, ch. 6.

Salmond, Jurisprudence, § 9.

Pulszky, Theory of Law and Civil Society, § 173.

Bentham, Theory of Legislation, Principles of the Civil Code, pt. I, ch. 1-7.

Holland, Jurisprudence, ch. 6.

Kant, Philosophy of Law (Hastie's translation) 45-46.

Spencer, Justice, ch. 5-6.

Willoughby, Social Justice, ch. 2.

Paulsen, Ethics (Thilly's translation), ch. 9.

Gareis, Vom Begriff Gerechtigkeit.

Demogue, Notions fondamentales de droit privé, 119-135.

Picard, Le droit pur, liv. 9.

Pound, The End of Law as Developed in Legal Rules and Doctrines, 27 Harvard Law Review, 195.

Holmes, Common Law, Lect. 1.

Post, Ethnologische Jurisprudenz, II, §§ 58-59.

Fehr, Hammurapi und das Salische Recht, 135-138.

Ames, Law and Morals, 22 Harvard Law Review, 97.

Voigt, Das Ius naturale, aequum et bonum und Ius Gentium der Römer, I, 321-323.

Stephen, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, 189-255.

Maine, Early History of Institutions (American ed.), 398-400.

Ritchie, Natural Rights, ch. 12.

Demogue, Notions fondamentales de droit privé, 63-110, 136-142.

Jhering, Scherz und Ernst in die Jurisprudenz (10 ed.), 408-425.

Pound, Liberty of Contract, 18 Yale Law Journal, 454.

----, The End of Law as Developed in Juristic Thought, 27 Harvard Law Review, 605, 30 Harvard Law Review, 201.

Berolzheimer, The World's Legal Philosophies, §§ 17-24.

Figgis, Studies of Political Thought from Gerson to Grotius, Lect. 6.

Berolzheimer, The World's Legal Philosophies, §§ 25-27.

Hobbes, Leviathan, ch. 15.

Berolzheimer, The World's Legal Philosophies, § 29.

Korkunov, General Theory of Law (translated by Hastings), § 7.

Ritchie, Natural Rights, ch. 3.

Charmont, La renaissance de droit naturel, 10-43.

Berolzheimer, The World's Legal Philosophies, §§ 35-37.

Korkunov, General Theory of Law (translated by Hastings), 320-322.

Gray, Nature and Sources of the Law, § 58.

Berolzheimer, The World's Legal Philosophies, § 28.

Mill, On Liberty, ch. 4.

Dicey, Law and Public Opinion in England, Lect. 6.

Berolzheimer, The World's Legal Philosophies, §§ 43-48, 52.

Stammler, Wesen des Rechts und der Rechtswissenschaft (in Systematische Rechtswissenschaft, i-lix).

Kohler, Rechtsphilosophie und Universalrechtsgeschichte, §§ 13-16, 33-34, 51.


Geny, Méthode d'interprétation et sources en droit privé positif (2 ed. 1919).

Vander Eycken, Méthode positive de l'interprétation juridique (1907).

Mallieux, L'Exégèse des codes (1908).

Ransson, Essai sur l'art de juger (1912).

See Wigmore, Problems of Law, 65-101; Pound, The Enforcement of Law, 20 Green Bag, 401; Pound, Courts and Legislation, 7 American Political Science Review, 361-383.

Science of Legal Method, Modern Legal Philosophy Series, Vol. 9 (1917).

Gnaeus Flavius (Kantorowicz), Der Kampf um die Rechtswissenschaft (1906).

Fuchs, Recht und Wahrheit in unserer heutigen Justiz (1908).

----, Die gemeinschädlichkeit der konstruktiven Jurisprudenz (1909).

Oertmann, Gesetzeszwang und Richterfreiheit (1909).

Rumpf, Gesetz und Richter (1906).

Brütt, Die Kunst der Rechtsanwendung (1907).

Gmelin, Quousque? Beiträge zur soziologischen Rechtsfindung (1910).

Reichel, Gesetz und Richterspruch (1915).

Jellinek, Gesetz, Gesetzesanwendung und Zweckmässigkeitserwägung (1913).

Kübl, Das Rechtsgefühl (1913).

Heck, Gesetzesauslegung und Interessenjurisprudenz (1914).

Stampe, Grundriss der Wertbewegungslehre (1912, 1919).

See Kohler, Lehrbuch des bürgerlichen Rechts, I, §§ 38-40; Austin, Jurisprudence (3 ed.), 1023-1036; Pound, Spurious Interpretation, 7 Columbia Law Review, 379; Gray, Nature and Sources of the Law, §§ 370-399; Somlo, Juristische Grundlehre, §§ 110-122; Stammler, Rechts- und Staatstheorien der Neuzeit, § 18; Pound, Introduction to English Translation of Saleilles, Individualization of Punishment; Saleilles, Individualization of Punishment, translated by Jastrow, ch. 9; Pound, Administrative Applications of Legal Standards, 44 Rep. American Bar Assn., 445; Laun, Das freie Ermessen und seine Grenzen (1910).


Holmes, Collected Papers, 49-116 (1920).

Baty, Vicarious Liability (1916).

Hasse, Die Culpa des römischen Rechts (2 ed. 1838).

Jhering, Der Schuldmoment im römischen Privatrecht (1867).

Rümelin, Schadensersatz ohne Verschulden (1910).

Triandafil, L'Idée de faute et l'idée de risque comme fondement de la responsabilité (1914).

See Binding, Die Normen und ihre Uebertretung, I, §§ 50-51; Meumann, Prolegomena zu einem System des Vermögensrechts, 80 ff. (1903); Duguit in Progress of Continental Law in the Nineteenth Century (Continental Legal History Series, Vol. XI), 124-128; Geny, Risque et responsabilité, Revue trimestrielle de droit civil, I, 812; Rolin, Responsabilité sans faute, Revue de droit international et legislation comparée, XXXVIII, 64; Demogue, Fault, Risk and Apportionment of Risk in Responsibility, 15 Illinois Law Review, 369; Thayer, Liability Without Fault, 29 Harvard Law Review, 801; Smith, Tort and Absolute Liability, 30 Harvard Law Review, 241, 319, 409; Bohlen, The Rule in Rylands v. Fletcher, 59 University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 298, 373, 423; Isaacs, Fault and Liability, 31 Harvard Law Review, 954.


Ely, Property and Contract in Their Relation to the Distribution of Wealth, I, 51-93, 132-258, 295-443, II, 475-549.

Hobson and Others, Property, Its Rights and Duties, Historically, Philosophically and Religiously Considered (2 ed.), essays 1-3, 5-8.

Green, Principles of Political Obligation, §§ 211-231.

Miller, Lectures on the Philosophy of Law, Lect. 5.

Herkless, Jurisprudence, ch. 10.

Russell, Social Reconstruction, ch. 4.

Spencer, Justice, ch. 12.

Kohler, Philosophy of Law, Albrecht's translation, 120-133.

Maine, Ancient Law, ch. 8.

----, Early History of Institutions (American ed.), 98-118.

----, Early Law and Custom (American ed.), 335-361.

Duguit, in Progress of the Law in the Nineteenth Century (Continental Legal History Series, Vol. XI), 129-146.

Wagner, Volkswirthschaft und Recht, besonders Vermögensrecht (1894).

Perreau, Cours d'économie politique, II, §§ 623-695 (1916).

De la Grasserie, Les principes sociologiques du droit civil, ch. 3.

Cosentini, La réforme de la législation civile, 371-422 (1913).

Fouillée, La propriété sociale et la democratie (1884).

Landry, L'Utilité sociale de la propriété individuelle (1901).

Meyer, L'Utilité publique et la propriété privée (1893).

Thézard, La propriété individuelle: Étude de philosophie historique du droit (1872).

Thomas, L'Utilité publique et la propriété privée (1904).

Berolzheimer, System der Rechts- und Wirthschaftsphilosophie, IV, §§ 1-13.

Felix, Entwickelungsgeschichte des Eigenthums (1883-1899).

Karner, Die sociale Funktion der Rechtsinstitute, besonders des Eigenthums (1904).

Conti, La proprietà fondiaria nel passato e nel presente (1905).

Cosentini, Filosofia del diritto, 250-279 (1914).

Fadda, Teoria della proprietà (1907).

Labriola, Sul fondamento della proprietà privata (1900).

Loria, La proprietà fondiaria e la questione sociale (1897).

Piccione, Concetto positivo del diritto di proprietà (1890).

Velardita, La proprietà secondo la sociologia (1898).

Grotius, De jure belli et pacis, II, 3, 1-5, II, 6, 1 and 14, § 1.

Pufendorf, De jure naturae et gentium, IV, 4, §§ 2-6, 14.

Locke, On Government, ch. 5.

Blackstone, Commentaries, II, 3-10.

Kant, Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre (2 ed.), §§ 1, 6-7, 8, 10, 18-21.

Hegel, Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, §§ 44, 46, 49.

Lorimer, Institutes of Law (2 ed.), 215 ff.


Ely, Property and Contract in Their Relation to the Distribution of Wealth, II, 576-751.

Amos, Systematic View of the Science of Jurisprudence, ch. 11.

Herkless, Jurisprudence, ch. 12.

Kohler, Philosophy of Law, Albrecht's translation, 134-191.

De la Grasserie, Les principes sociologiques du droit civil, ch. 6.

Duguit, in Progress of the Law in the Nineteenth Century (Continental Legal History Series, Vol. XI), 100-124.

Kant, Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre (2 ed.), §§ 18-21.

Hegel, Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, §§ 71-81.

Richte, Grundlage des Naturrechts, §§ 18-20.

Williston, Contracts, I, §§ 99-204.

Ames, The History of Assumpsit, 2 Harvard Law Review, 1, 53.

----, Two Theories of Consideration, 12 Harvard Law Review, 515; 13 Harvard Law Review, 29.

Beale, Notes on Consideration, 17 Harvard Law Review, 71.

Langdell, Mutual Promises as a Consideration for Each Other, 14 Harvard Law Review, 496.

Pollock, Afterthoughts on Consideration, 17 Law Quarterly Review, 415.

Hershey, Letters of Credit, 32 Harvard Law Review, 1.

Lorenzen, Causa and Consideration in the Law of Contracts, 28 Yale Law Journal, 621.

Pound, Consideration in Equity, 13 Illinois Law Review, 667 (Wigmore Celebration Essays, 435).


Abstract promise 262, 263

by creation 195
by discovery 195, 201
by occupation 196, 211
civil 196-197
derivative 207
in Roman law 194-200
Kant's theory of 210-213
natural 195
things not subject to 197

Act, as basis of liability 158

Acting at one's peril 167, 178

de deiectis et diffusis 162
de recepto 162
in factum 160
in personam 151
noxal 162

administrative element in 122-123
steps in 100

Administration 108
adjustment with law 137

Administrative tribunals 130, 136

Ames, James Barr 178

Analogy, reasoning by 32

Analysis 53

Analytical application 123-125
reasoning 105
theory 53-54

Anglo-Saxon Law 148

Application of Law 100 ff.
agencies of individualizing 129-138
analytical 123-125
equitable 122, 126-129
historical 125-126
latitude of 120, 129
margin of 112
rules 142
theories of 123-129

Aquilian culpa 156, 159, 162

Aquinas, St. Thomas 25-26

Aristotle 25, 38, 76, 82, 138
on application of law 109-110
threefold classification of governmental powers 15

Austin, John 172-174, 259

Bacon 258

Bailment 170, 270, 275

Bartolus 37

Baty, T. 166

Bentham 54, 84

Bergson 141

Bills of Rights 43, 53, 216

Binding 164

Blackstone 26, 180, 208, 268, 278

Buckland, W. W. 161

Callings, restrictions on engaging in 88

Camden, Lord 119

Canon law 252, 254

Carrier, liability of 186

Casuists 254

Catholic jurist-theologians 39

Causa 259
civilis 248, 250, 251
debendi 251, 254, 255

Causation 162, 164

Certainty 142-143

Change, reconciliation with stability 30, 38

Cicero 27, 30, 31, 117

Civilization, as a measure of value 98
jural postulates of, 56, 169-179, 284

Civil law, 237-240

Classes, social, 91


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