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sensation (When the nerves in his spine were damaged, Mr.
Hollins suffered anesthesia in his legs.)
anguish (n.) extreme sadness, torment (Angelos suffered terrible anguish when he
learned that Buffy had died while combating a strange mystical force of evil.)
animated (adj.) lively (When he begins to talk about drama, which is his true passion, he
becomes very animated.)
annex 1. (v.) to incorporate territory or space (After defeating them in battle, the
Russians annexed Poland.) 2. (n.) a room attached to a larger room or space (He
likes to do his studying in a little annex attached to the main reading room in the
annul (v.) to make void or invalid (After seeing its unforeseen and catastrophic effects,
Congress sought to annul the law.)
anomaly (n.) something that does not fit into the normal order (“That rip in the spacetime
continuum is certainly a spatial anomaly,” said Spock to Captain Kirk.)
anonymous (adj.) being unknown, unrecognized (Mary received a love poem from an
anonymous admirer.)
antagonism (n.) hostility (Superman and Bizarro Superman shared a mutual
antagonism, and often fought.)
antecedent (n.) something that came before (The great tradition of Western culture had
its antecedent in the culture of Ancient Greece.)
antediluvian (adj.) ancient (The antediluvian man still believed that Eisenhower was
president of the United States and that hot dogs cost a nickel.)
anthology (n.) a selected collection of writings, songs, etc. (The new anthology of Bob
Dylan songs contains all his greatest hits and a few songs that you might never have
heard before.)
antipathy (n.) a strong dislike, repugnance (I know you love me, but because you are a
liar and a thief, I feel nothing but antipathy for you.)
antiquated (adj.) old, out of date (That antiquated car has none of the features, like
power windows and steering, that make modern cars so great.)
antiseptic (adj.) clean, sterile (The antiseptic hospital was very bare, but its cleanliness
helped to keep patients healthy.)
SAT Vocabulary
antithesis (n.) the absolute opposite (Your values, which hold war and violence in the
highest esteem, are the antithesis of my pacifist beliefs.)
anxiety (n.) intense uneasiness (When he heard about the car crash, he felt anxiety
because he knew that his girlfriend had been driving on the road where the accident
apathetic (adj.) lacking concern, emotion (Uninterested in politics, Bruno was
apathetic about whether he lived under a capitalist or communist regime.)
apocryphal (adj.) fictitious, false, wrong (Because I am standing before you, it seems
obvious that the stories circulating about my demise were apocryphal.)
appalling (adj.) inspiring shock, horror, disgust (The judge found the murderer’s crimes
and lack of remorse appalling.)
appease (v.) to calm, satisfy (When the child cries, the mother gives him candy to
appease him.)
appraise (v.) to assess the worth or value of (A realtor will come over tonight to
appraise our house.)
apprehend 1. (v.) to seize, arrest (The criminal was apprehended at the scene.) 2. (v.) to
perceive, understand, grasp (The student has trouble apprehending concepts in
math and science.)
approbation (n.) praise (The crowd welcomed the heroes with approbation.)
appropriate (v.) to take, make use of (The government appropriated the farmer’s land
without justification.)
aquatic (adj.) relating to water (The marine biologist studies starfish and other aquatic
arable (adj.) suitable for growing crops (The farmer purchased a plot of arable land on
which he will grow corn and sprouts.)
arbiter (n.) one who can resolve a dispute, make a decision (The divorce court judge
will serve as the arbiter between the estranged husband and wife.)
arbitrary (adj.) based on factors that appear random (The boy’s decision to choose one
college over another seems arbitrary.)
arbitration (n.) the process or act of resolving a dispute (The employee sought official
arbitration when he could not resolve a disagreement with his supervisor.)
arboreal (adj.) of or relating to trees (Leaves, roots, and bark are a few arboreal traits.)
SAT Vocabulary
arcane (adj.) obscure, secret, known only by a few (The professor is an expert in arcane
Lithuanian literature.)
archaic (adj.) of or relating to an earlier period in time, outdated (In a few select regions
of Western Mongolian, an archaic Chinese dialect is still spoken.)
archetypal (adj.) the most representative or typical example of something (Some
believe George Washington, with his flowing white hair and commanding stature,
was the archetypal politician.)
ardor (n.) extreme vigor, energy, enthusiasm (The soldiers conveyed their ardor with
impassioned battle cries.)
arid (adj.) excessively dry (Little other than palm trees and cacti grow successfully in
arid environments.)
arrogate (v.) to take without justification (The king arrogated the right to order
executions to himself exclusively.)
artifact (n.) a remaining piece from an extinct culture or place (The scientists spent all
day searching the cave for artifacts from the ancient Mayan civilization.)
artisan (n.) a craftsman (The artisan uses wood to make walking sticks.)
ascertain (v.) to perceive, learn (With a bit of research, the student ascertained that
some plants can live for weeks without water.)
ascetic (adj.) practicing restraint as a means of self-discipline, usually religious (The
priest lives an ascetic life devoid of television, savory foods, and other pleasures.)
ascribe (v.) to assign, credit, attribute to (Some ascribe the invention of fireworks and
dynamite to the Chinese.)
aspersion (n.) a curse, expression of ill-will (The rival politicians repeatedly cast
aspersions on each others’ integrity.)
aspire (v.) to long for, aim toward (The young poet aspires to publish a book of verse
assail (v.) to attack (At dawn, the war planes assailed the boats in the harbor.)
assess (v.) to evaluate (A crew arrived to assess the damage after the crash.)
assiduous (adj.) hard-working, diligent (The construction workers erected the
skyscraper during two years of assiduous labor.)
assuage (v.) to ease, pacify (The mother held the baby to assuage its fears.)
SAT Vocabulary
astute (adj.) very clever, crafty (Much of Roger’s success in politics results from his
ability to provide astute answers to reporters’ questions.)
asylum 1. (n.) a place of refuge, protection, a sanctuary (For Thoreau, the forest served
as an asylum from the pressures of urban life.) 2. (n.) an institution in which the
insane are kept (Once diagnosed by a certified psychiatrist, the man was put in an
atone (v.) to repent, make amends (The man atoned for forgetting his wife’s birthday
by buying her five dozen roses.)
atrophy (v.) to wither away, decay (If muscles do not receive enough blood, they will
soon atrophy and die.)
attain (v.) to achieve, arrive at (The athletes strived to attain their best times in
attribute 1. (v.) to credit, assign (He attributes all of his success to his mother’s undying
encouragement.) 2. (n.) a facet or trait (Among the beetle’s most peculiar attributes is
its thorny protruding eyes.)
atypical (adj.) not typical, unusual (Screaming and crying is atypical adult behavior.)
audacious (adj.) excessively bold (The security guard was shocked by the fan’s
audacious attempt to offer him a bribe.)
audible (adj.) able to be heard (The missing person’s shouts were unfortunately not
augment (v.) to add to, expand (The eager student seeks to augment his knowledge of
French vocabulary by reading French literature.)
auspicious (adj.) favorable, indicative of good things (The tennis player considered the
sunny forecast an auspicious sign that she would win her match.)
austere (adj.) very bare, bleak (The austere furniture inside the abandoned house made
the place feel haunted.)
avarice (n.) excessive greed (The banker’s avarice led him to amass a tremendous
personal fortune.)
avenge (v.) to seek revenge (The victims will take justice into their own hands and
strive to avenge themselves against the men who robbed them.)
aversion (n.) a particular dislike for something (Because he’s from Hawaii, Ben has an
aversion to autumn, winter, and cold climates in general.)
SAT Vocabulary
balk (v.) to stop, block abruptly (Edna’s boss balked at her request for another raise.)
ballad (n.) a love song (Greta’s boyfriend played her a ballad on the guitar during their
walk through the dark woods.)
banal (adj.) dull, commonplace (The client rejected our proposal because they found
our presentation banal and unimpressive.)
bane (n.) a burden (Advanced physics is the bane of many students’ academic lives.)
bard (n.) a poet, often a singer as well (Shakespeare is often considered the greatest bard
in the history of the English language.)
bashful (adj.) shy, excessively timid (Frankie’s mother told him not to be bashful when
he refused to attend the birthday party.)
battery 1.(n.) a device that supplies power (Most cars run on a combination of power
from a battery and gasoline.) 2. (n.)assault, beating (Her husband was accused of
assault and battery after he attacked a man on the sidewalk.)
beguile (v.) to trick, deceive (The thief beguiled his partners into surrendering all of
their money to him.)
behemoth (n.) something of tremendous power or size (The new aircraft carrier is
among several behemoths that the Air Force has added to its fleet.)
benevolent (adj.) marked by goodness or doing good (Police officers should be
commended for their benevolent service to the community.)
benign (adj.) favorable, not threatening, mild (We were all relieved to hear that the
medical tests determined her tumor to be benign.)
bequeath (v.) to pass on, give (Jon’s father bequeathed his entire estate to his mother.)
berate (v.) to scold vehemently (The angry boss berated his employees for failing to
meet their deadline.)
bereft (adj.) devoid of, without (His family was bereft of food and shelter following the
beseech (v.) to beg, plead, implore (The servant beseeched the king for food to feed his
starving family.)
bias (n.) a tendency, inclination, prejudice (The judge’s hidden bias against smokers led
him to make an unfair decision.)
SAT Vocabulary
bilk (v.) cheat, defraud (The lawyer discovered that this firm had bilked several clients
out of thousands of dollars.)
blandish (v.) to coax by using flattery (Rachel’s assistant tried to blandish her into
accepting the deal.)
blemish (n.) an imperfection, flaw (The dealer agreed to lower the price because of the
many blemishes on the surface of the wooden furniture.)
blight 1. (n.) a plague, disease (The potato blight destroyed the harvest and bankrupted
many families.) 2. (n.) something that destroys hope (His bad morale is a blight
upon this entire operation.)
boisterous (adj.) loud and full of energy (The candidate won the vote after giving
several boisterous speeches on television.)
bombastic (adj.) excessively confident, pompous (The singer’s bombastic performance
disgusted the crowd.)
boon (n.) a gift or blessing (The good weather has been a boon for many businesses
located near the beach.)
bourgeois (n.) a middle-class person, capitalist (Many businessmen receive criticism for
their bourgeois approach to life.)
brazen (adj.) excessively bold, brash (Critics condemned the novelist’s brazen attempt
to plagiarize Hemingway’s story.)
brusque (adj.) short, abrupt, dismissive (The captain’s brusque manner offended the
buffet 1. (v.) to strike with force (The strong winds buffeted the ships, threatening to
capsize them.) 2. (n.) an arrangement of food set out on a table (Rather than sitting
around a table, the guests took food from our buffet and ate standing up.)
burnish (v.) to polish, shine (His mother asked him to burnish the silverware before
setting the table.)
buttress 1. (v.) to support, hold up (The column buttresses the roof above the statue.) 2.
(n.) something that offers support (The buttress supports the roof above the statues.)
cacophony (n.) tremendous noise, disharmonious sound (The elementary school
orchestra created a cacophony at the recital.)
SAT Vocabulary
cadence (n.) a rhythm, progression of sound (The pianist used the foot pedal to
emphasize the cadence of the sonata.)
cajole (v.) to urge, coax (Fred’s buddies cajoled him into attending the bachelor party.)
calamity (n.) an event with disastrous consequences (The earthquake in San Francisco
was a calamity worse than any other natural disaster in history.)
calibrate (v.) to set, standardize (The mechanic calibrated the car’s transmission to
make the
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