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Joel, 8

Barnes & Noble, 147

Barry, Hank, 189, 191 BBC, 270

Beatles, 57

Beckett, Thomas, 92

Bell, Alexander Graham, 3 Berlin Act (1908), 327n Berman, Howard L., 322n, 324n Berne Convention (1908), 250, 327 n Bernstein, Leonard, 72

Betamax, 75-76

biomedical research, 262-63

Black, Jane, 70

blogs (Web-logs), 41, 42-45, 310n-11n BMG, 162

BMW, 191

Boies, David, 105

Boland, Lois, 265, 266-68

Bolling, Ruben, 246, 247

Bono, Mary, 215, 326n

Bono, Sonny, 215, 325n


English copyright law developed for,

85-94 free on-line releases of, 72-73, 284-85 on Internet, 143, 144, 148-53

out of print, 72, 113, 134, 299, 317n resales of, 72, 134, 299, 314n

three types of uses of, 141-43

total number of, 114

booksellers, English, 88-94, 316n Boswell, James, 91

bots, 108, 161

Boyle, James, 129

Braithwaite, John, 267

Branagh, Kenneth, 85, 88

Brandeis, Louis, 34

Brazil, free culture in, 270

Breyer, Stephen, 234, 235, 242, 243 Brezhnev, Leonid, 128

British Parliament, 86, 87, 89-90, 91-92,

94 broadcast flag, 193, 324n Bromberg, Dan, 230

Brown, John Seely, 45, 46, 47, 127 browsing, 145, 147, 277-78 Buchanan, James, 232 Bunyan, John, 93

Burdick, Quentin, 60

Bush, George W., 323n

cable television, 59-61, 74-75, 162, 163, 302 camera technology, 32-33, 34, 35, 127 Camp Chaos, 106

CARP (Copyright Arbitration Royalty

Panel), 324n cars, MP3 sound systems in, 191 Carson, Rachel, 129

cartoon films, 21-25

Casablanca, 148

cassette recording, 69-70, 314n

VCRs, 75-76, 77, 158-60, 194, 297, 320n Causby, Thomas Lee, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 256,


Causby, Tinie, 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 256, 307n CBS, 164

CD-ROMs, film clips used in, 100-104 CDs:

copyright marking of, 291

foreign piracy of, 63, 64

mix technology and, 203-4 preference data on, 189-90

prices of, 70, 302

sales levels of, 70-71, 314n

cell phones, music streamed over, 298 chimeras, 178-79

Christensen, Clayton M., 166, 313n, 321n circumvention technologies, 156, 157-60 civil liberties, 205-7

Clark, Kim B., 321n

CNN, 44

Coase, Ronald, 232

Code (Lessig), xiii, xiv, 121, 318n CodePink Women for Peace, xiv, 269 Coe, Brian, 33

Comcast, 321n

comics, Japanese, 25-26, 27-28, 29, 309n commerce, interstate, 219, 236, 326n Commerce, U.S. Department of, 126 commercials, 36, 45-46, 127, 167-68, 321n common law, 86, 90, 91, 92

Commons, John R., 318n Communications Decency Act (1996), 325 n composers, copyright protections of,

55-59, 74

compulsory license, 57-58 computer games, 37

Conger, 85, 87, 88-89, 90, 91 Congress, U.S.:

on cable television, 61, 74-75 challenge of CTEA legislation of,

228-48 constitutional powers of, 215-16,

219-20, 233, 234-35, 238-39, 240 in constitutional Progress Clause,

130-31, 236 on copyright laws, 56-57, 61, 74-75, 76,

77-78, 133, 134-35, 193, 194, 196, 197, 294, 324n

copyright terms extended by, 134-35,

214-18, 219-21, 228, 236 on derivative rights, 294

on digital audio tape, 315n lobbying of, 217-18

on radio, 196, 197

on recording industry, 56-57, 74, 196 Supreme Court restraint on, 218-19,

220, 234 on VCR technology, 76, 77 Conrad, Paul, 158, 159, 160 Constitution, U.S.:

Commerce Clause of, 219, 233, 244,

326n copyright purpose established in, 130-31,

220, 221, 308n, 326n on creative property, 119-20, 130 Fifth Amendment to, 119

First Amendment to, 10, 128, 142, 168,

228, 230, 234, 244, 319n originalist interpretation of, 243 Progress Clause of, 130-31, 215, 218,

232, 236, 243-44 structural checks and balances of, 131 Takings Clause of, 119

Consumer Broadband and Digital

Television Promotion Act, 324n contracts, 320n

Conyers, John, Jr., 322n

cookies, Internet, 278

"copyleft" licenses, 328n


constitutional purpose of, 130-31, 220,

221, 308n, 326n

Creative Commons licenses for material in, 282-86

duration of, 24-25, 86, 89-94, 130, 131,

133-35, 172, 214-18, 220, 221-22,

292-93, 294-95, 309n, 319n

four regulatory modalities on, 124-26,

132 infringement lawsuits on, see copyright infringement lawsuits

marking of, 137, 288, 290-91

as narrow monopoly right, 87-94

of natural authors vs. corporations, 135 no registration of works, 222-23, 249 in perpetuity, 89-90, 91, 92-93, 170,

215, 243, 246, 318n, 325n-26n as property, 83-84, 172 renewability of, 86, 133-34, 135, 289-90,

293, 309n, 319n scope of, 136-39, 140, 169-72, 295, 320 n usage restrictions attached to, 87-88,

143-44, 146, 320n voluntary reform efforts on, 275, 277-86 see also copyright law

Copyright Act (1790), 133, 137-38, 319n Copyright Arbitration Royalty Panel

(CARP), 324n copyright infringement lawsuits: distribution technology targeted in,

75-77, 190, 191, 323n exaggerated claims of, 51, 180, 185, 187,

190, 206, 322n individual defendants intimidated by,

51-52, 185, 187, 200, 270 in recording industry, 50-52, 180, 185,

190, 200, 270, 322n, 323n statutory damages of, 51 against student file sharing, 50-52, 180,

322n willful infringement findings in, 146 zero tolerance in, 73-74, 180-81 copyright law:

authors vs. composers in, 56-57

on cable television rebroadcasting,

59-61, 74-75 circumvention technology banned by,

156, 157-60 commercial creativity as primary purpose of, 8, 204, 308 n

copyright law (cont.) copies as core issue of, 139-40, 141-44,

146, 171, 319n, 320n creativity impeded by, 19, 184-88, 308n development of, 85-94, 316n

English, 17, 85-94, 316n

European, 137, 250, 327n

as ex post regulation modality, 121-22 fair use and, 95-99, 107, 141-42, 143,

145, 146, 157, 160, 172, 186-87, 283, 292, 316n

felony punishment for infringement of,

180, 215, 223, 322n formalities reinstated in, 287-91, 329n government reforms proposed on,

287-306 history of American, 132-38, 170-71 illegal behavior as broad response to,

199-207 innovation hampered by, 188-99 innovative freedom balanced with fair compensation in, 75, 77-79, 120, 129-30, 172-73

international compliance with, 63-64,


Japanese, 26, 27-28 lawyers as detriment to, 292, 304-6 malpractice lawsuits against lawyers advising on, 190-91

on music recordings, 55-58, 74, 181,

195, 291 privacy interests in, 308n as protection of creators, 10, 131, 204 registration requirement of, 137, 170-71,

248-54, 288, 289-90, 291, 327n on republishing vs. transformation of original work, 19, 136, 138-39, 144-45, 170-72, 294-96, 319n royalty proposal on derivative reuse in, 106 statutory licenses in, 56-58, 64, 74, 194,

295-96, 300

Supreme Court case on term extension of, 218, 228-48

technology as automatic enforcer of, 147,

148-61, 181, 186, 203, 320n, 324n term extensions in, 134-35, 214-18,

219-21, 228-48 two central goals of, 75 Copyright Office, 252-53, 289, 291 corporations:

copyright terms for, 135

in pharmaceutical industry, 260

"Country of the Blind, The" (Wells),


Court of Appeals:

D.C. Circuit, 228-29, 231, 235

Ninth Circuit, 76, 105, 323n cover songs, 57

Creative Commons, 270, 282-86 creative property:

of authors vs. composers, 56-57 common law protections of, 133 constitutional tradition on, 118-20,

130-31 "if value, then right" theory of, 18-19,

53 noncommercial second life of, 112-13,

114-15 other property rights vs., 117-24, 140 see also intellectual property rights creativity:

labor shift to, 308n

legal restrictions on, 19, 184-88, 308n by transforming previous works,

22-24, 25-29 see also innovation

Crichton, Michael, 37 criminal justice system, 167 Crosskey, William W., 318n CTEA, see Sonny Bono Copyright Term

Extension Act culture:

archives of, 108-15, 173, 226-27 commerical vs. noncommercial, 7-8,

170-72, 225 see also free culture

Cyber Rights (Godwin), 40

Daguerre, Louis, 31

Daley, Elizabeth, 36-37, 38, 39-40, 46 DAT (digital audio tape), 315 n, 330n Data General, 279

Day After Trinity, The, 97

D.C. Court of Appeals, 228-29, 231, 235 DDT, 129-30

Dean, Howard, 43

democracy: digital sharing within, 184 media concentration and, 166 public discourse in, 42, 45 semiotic, 301-2

in technologies of expression, 33, 35,

41-42, 43, 44-45

Democratic Party, 249 derivative works, 329n fair use vs., 145

First Amendment and, 319n historical shift in copyright coverage of,

136, 170-72 piracy vs., 22-24, 25-29, 138-39, 141 reform of copyright term and scope on,

294-96 royalty system proposed for, 106 technological developments and, 144, 171 developing countries, foreign patent costs in, 63, 257-61, 313n

Diamond Multimedia Systems, 323n digital audio tape (DAT), 315 n, 330n digital cameras, 35, 127

Digital Copyright (Litman), 194

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

(DMCA), 156, 157, 159, 160, 181 Diller, Barry, 165-66

DirecTV, 163

Dirty Harry, 101

Disney, Inc., 23-24, 116, 145-46, 218, 231

Sony Betamax technology opposed by,


Disney, Walt, 21-24, 25, 26, 28-29, 33-34,

78, 115, 139, 213, 220, 309n

DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright

Act), 156, 157, 159, 160, 181

Doctorow, Cory, 72-73, 284 doctors, malpractice claims against, 185,

323n documentary film, 95-99 domain names, 289

Donaldson, Alexander, 90-91, 92 Donaldson v. Beckett, 92-94 Douglas, William O., 2-3 doujinshi comics, 25-26, 27-28, 29 Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom

(Doctorow), 72-73, 284

Drahos, Peter, 267 DreamWorks, 106-7

Dreyfuss, Rochelle, 18 driving speed, constraints on, 123-24, 207 Drucker, Peter, 103


illegal, 166-67, 201, 207, 321n pharmaceutical, 257-61, 266, 327n,


Dryden, John, 316n

"Duck and Cover" film, 112 DVDs:

piracy of, 64

price of, 70

Dylan, Bob, 270

Eagle Forum, 231, 232

Eastman, George, 31-34 Eastwood, Clint, 100-103, 295 e-books, 144, 148-53

Edison, Thomas, 3, 53-54, 55, 69, 78 education:

in media literacy, 35-40 tinkering as means of, 45-47, 50 Eldred, Eric, 213-15, 218, 220, 221, 229,

249, 325n

Eldred Act, 249-54, 255 Eldred v. Ashcroft, 220, 228-48, 292 elections, 41-42, 43

electoral college, 120, 131 Electronic Frontier Foundation, 205 Else, Jon, 95-99, 186

e-mail, 42

EMI, 162, 191

Eminem, 270, 181-82

encryption systems, 155-56 England, copyright laws developed in,


Enlightenment, 89 environmentalism, 129-30 ephemeral films, 112

Errors and Omissions insurance, 98 Erskine, Andrew, 91

ethics, 201

expression, technologies of: democratic, 33, 35, 41-42, 43,

44-45 media literacy and, 35-40

Fairbank, Robert, 105 fair use, 141-43 circumvention technology ban and,


Creative Commons license vs., 283 in documentary film, 95-99, 316n fuzziness of, 292

Internet burdens on, 143, 145 legal intimidation tactics against, 98-99,

146, 172, 186-87 in sampling works, 107 technological restriction of, 160 Fallows, James, 163-64

Fanning, Shawn, 67

Faraday, Michael, 3

farming, 127, 129


on FM radio, 5-6

on media bias, 321n

media ownership regulated by, xiv-xv,

162, 269 on television production studios, 165 Felton, Ed, 47, 155-57, 158, 160 feudal system, 267

Fifth Amendment, 119

film industry:

consolidation of, 163

luxury theaters vs. video piracy in, 302 patent piracy at inception of, 53-55 rating system of, 117

trade association of, 116-17, 119, 218,

253-54, 256 trailer advertisements of, 145-46 VCR taping facility opposed by,

75-76 films: animated, 21-24 archive of, 111, 112 clips and collages of, 100-107 digital copies of, 324n

fair use of copyrighted material in,

95-99 multiple copyrights associated with, 95,

101-3, 224 in public domain, 223-25, 254 restoration of, 224, 226

total number of, 114

film sampling, 107 First Amendment, 10, 128, 142, 168, 319n copyright extension as violation of, 228,

230, 234, 244 first-sale doctrine, 146 Fisher, William, 197, 301, 324 n, 330n Florida, Richard, 20, 308n

FM radio, 4-6, 128, 196, 256 Forbes, Steve, 249, 253

formalities, 137, 287-91

Fourneaux, Henri, 55

Fox, William, 54

Fox (film company), 96, 97, 98, 163 free culture:

Creative Commons licenses for recreation of, 282-86 defined, xvi

derivative works based on, 29-30 English legal establishment of, 94 four modalities of constraint on, 121-26,

317n, 318n permission culture vs., xiv, 8, 173 restoration efforts on previous aspects of,


Free for All (Wayner), 285 free market, technological changes in, 127-28 Free Software Foundation, xv, 231-32, 280 free software/open-source software (FS/

OSS), 45, 65, 264-66, 279-80, 328n French copyright law, 327 n

Fried, Charles, 233, 237

Friedman, Milton,

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