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Frost, Robert, 214, 216-17, 220

Future of Ideas, The (Lessig), 148, 150, 189,


Garlick, Mia, 284

Gates, Bill, 128, 266

General Film Company, 54 General Public License (GPL), 265, 280 generic drugs, 266

German copyright law, 327n Gershwin, George, 233, 234

Gil, Gilberto, 270

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 234, 235, 242 Girl Scouts, 18

Global Positioning System, 263

GNU/Linux operating system, 65, 232,

264, 280

Godwin, Mike, 40

Goldstein, Paul, 295

Google, 48-49, 50

GPL (General Public License), 265, 280 Gracie Films, 96

Grimm fairy tales, 23, 28, 213-14 Grisham, John, 57, 294-95

Groening, Matt, 96, 97, 98

Grokster, Ltd., 323n

guns, 159-60, 219

hacks, 154

Hal Roach Studios, 223, 232 Hand, Learned, 312n handguns, 159-60

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 213, 214 Henry V, 85

Henry VIII, King of England, 88 Herrera, Rebecca, 96, 97 Heston, Charlton, 60

history, records of, 109

HIV/AIDS therapies, 257-61 Hollings, Fritz, 324n

Hollywood film industry, 53-55 see also film industry

Horovitz, Jed, 187-88

House of Lords, 92-93, 94 Hummer, John, 191

Hummer Winblad, 191

Hyde, Rosel, 60

IBM, 264, 279 "if value, then right" theory, 18-19, 53 images, ownership of, 34, 186 innovation, 67, 313n

copyright profit balanced with, 75, 77-79 industry establishment opposed to, 75-76,

188-99 media conglomeration as disincentive for, 164-66

see also creativity Innovator's Dilemma, The (Christensen),

166, 321n insecticide, environmental consequences of,


Intel, 194, 232 intellectual property rights, 11-12 components of, 309n

of drug patents, 260-61, 328n international organization on issues of,

262-64, 265-67, 328n

U.S. Patent Office on private control of,

266-69 international law, 63-64, 258-59, 313n Internet:

blogs on, 41, 42-45, 310n-11n books on, 72-73, 143-44, 148-53,

284-85 copyright applicability altered by technology of, 141-44 copyright enforced through, 149-57,

161 copyright regulatory balance lost with,

125-26 creative Web sites on, 185 cultural process transformed by, 7-8 development of, 7, 262, 276-77 domain name registration on, 289 efficient content distribution on, 17-18,

193-94 encryption systems designed for, 155-56 initial free character of, 276-77

music files downloaded from, 67, 180-82,

199, 313n, 323n, 324n news events on, 40-41, 43 peer-generated rankings on, 43 peer-to-peer file sharing on, see peer-to- peer (p2p) file sharing pornography on, 325n

privacy protection on, 278-79

public discourse conducted on, 41-45 radio on, 194-99, 324n

search engines used on, 48-50

speed of access to, 297-98

user identities released by service providers of, 186, 205-6, 322n Internet Archive, 108-10, 112, 114, 222, 232 Internet Explorer, 65

interstate commerce, 219, 236, 326n

Iraq war, 44, 310n, 317n

ISPs (Internet service providers), user identities revealed by, 186, 205-6, 322n Iwerks, Ub, 22

Japanese comics, 25-26, 27-28, 29, 309n Jaszi, Peter, 216, 245

Jefferson, Thomas, 84, 120, 284

Johnson, Lyndon, 116 Johnson, Samuel, 93

Jones, Day, Reavis and Pogue ( Jones Day),

229-30, 232, 237

Jonson, Ben, 316n

Jordan, Jesse, 48, 49-52, 185, 200, 206 journalism, 44

jury system, 42

Just Think!, 35-36, 41, 45-46

Kahle, Brewster, 47, 110-15, 222, 226-27,


Kaplan, Benjamin, 294 Kazaa, 67, 71, 179, 180 Keaton, Buster, 22, 23, 28 Kelly, Kevin, 255

Kennedy, Anthony, 234, 239, 244, 248 Kennedy, John F., 116, 195 Kittredge, Alfred, 56

knowledge, freedom of, 89

Kodak cameras, 32-33, 34, 127, 184 Kodak Primer, The (Eastman), 32 Kozinski, Alex, 76

Krim, Jonathan, 265

labor, 308n, 318n land ownership, air traffic and, 1-3, 294 Laurel and Hardy films, 223


citizen respect for, 199-207 common vs. positive, 86, 90

as constraint modality, 121-22, 123-24,

125, 317n on copyrights, see copyright law databases of case reports in, 65,

280-81 federal vs. state, 133 law schools, 201 lawyers:

copyright cultural balance impeded by,

292, 304-6 malpractice suits against, 190-91 Leaphart, Walter, 285

Lear, Norman, 164, 165

legal realist movement, 322

legal system, attorney costs in, 51-52, 185,

186-87, 304-6 Lessig, Lawrence, xiii, xiv, 121, 148, 150,

189, 292, 318n

Eldred case involvement of, 215, 216,

218, 228-48 in international debate on intellectual property, 263-64, 267-68, 328n Lessing, Lawrence, 5-6

Lexis and Westlaw, 280-81


archival function of, 109, 111, 113, 114,

173, 227 journals in, 280, 281 privacy rights in use of, 278 of public-domain literature, 213-14 Library of Congress, 110, 111, 198 Licensing Act (1662), 86

Liebowitz, Stan, 313n, 330n

Linux operating system, 65, 232, 264, 280 Litman, Jessica, 194

Lofgren, Zoe, 253

Lott, Trent, 43

Lovett, Lyle, 179, 189

Lucas, George, 98

Lucky Dog, The, 223

McCain, John, 162

Madonna, 59, 121 manga, 25-26, 27-28, 29, 309n Mansfield, William Murray, Lord, 17, 91 Marijuana Policy Project, 321n

market competition, 128, 147

market constraints, 122, 123, 125, 188, 192,


Marx Brothers, 147-48, 152 media:

blog pressure on, 43 commercial imperatives of, 43, 44 ownership concentration in, xiv-xv, 4-6,

44, 162-68, 269-70 media literacy, 35-40

Mehra, Salil, 27, 309n Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. v.

Grokster, Ltd., 323n

MGM, 116

Michigan Technical University, 51 Mickey Mouse, 21-22, 139, 220, 221, 231 Microsoft, 100

competitive strategies of, 65

on free software, 264, 265, 328n government case against, 155 international software piracy of, 65 network file system of, 49 Windows operating system of, 65 WIPO meeting opposed by, 265 Middlemarch (Eliot), 148-50, 151 Mill, John Stuart, 318n

Millar v. Taylor, 91, 92

Milton, John, 89, 93, 316n monopoly, copyright as, 88-94 Monroe, Marilyn, 195

Morrison, Alan, 232

Motion Picture Association of America

(MPAA), 116-17, 119, 218, 253-54, 256

Motion Pictures Patents Company

(MPPC), 53-54, 63

Movie Archive, 112

Moyers, Bill, 165, 189-90

MP3 players, 191

MP3s, 125

see also peer-to-peer (p2p) file sharing Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, 158

MTV, 69-70

Müller, Paul Hermann, 129

Murdoch, Rupert, 163

music publishing, 17, 55-56

music recordings:

total number of, 114

see peer-to-peer (p2p) file sharing; recording industry

MusicStore, 302

Myers, Mike, 106-7, 189-90

Napster, 34, 60, 105 infringing material blocked by, 73-74 number of registrations on, 67 range of content on, 68

recording industry tracking of users of,

206 replacement of, 67 venture capital for, 191 Nashville Songwriters Association, 221 National Writers Union, 232

NBC, 321n

Needleman, Rafe, 191

Nesson, Charlie, 201

NET (No Electronic Theft) Act (1998),


Netanel, Neil Weinstock, 10, 329n Netscape, 65

New Hampshire (Frost), 214 News Corp., 163

news coverage, 40-41, 43, 44, 110-12 newspapers:

archives of, 109, 110

ownership consolidation of, 163 Nick and Norm anti-drug campaign, 167,


Nimmer, David, 105

Nimmer, Melville, 304 1984 (Orwell), 108-9 Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, 76, 105,


Nixon, Richard, 293

No Electronic Theft (NET) Act (1998),

215 norms, regulatory influence of, 122, 123,


O'Connor, Sandra Day, 234, 238 Olafson, Steve, 310n-11n Olson, Theodore B., 240

open-source software, see free software/ open-source software

Oppenheimer, Matt, 51

originalism, 243

Orwell, George, 108-9

parallel importation, 258

Paramount Pictures, 116 Patent and Trademark Office, U.S., 265-69 patents:

duration of, 54-55, 242, 292

on film technology, 53-55

on pharmaceuticals, 258-61, 266, 328n in public domain, 135, 214

Patterson, Raymond, 90

peer-to-peer (p2p) file sharing:

benefits of, 71-73, 79

of books, 72-73

efficiency of, 17-18

felony punishments for, 180, 215, 322n

peer-to-peer file sharing (cont.) four types of, 68-69, 296-97 infringement protections in, 73-74,

181-82 participation levels of, 67, 313n piracy vs., 66-79

reform proposals of copyright restraints on, 296-304

regulatory balance lost in, 125, 206-7 shoplifting vs., 179-80

total legalization of, 180

zero-tolerance of, 180-82

Peer-to-Peer Piracy Prevention Act,

324n permission culture: free culture vs., xiv, 8, 173 transaction burdens of, 192-93 permissions:

coded controls vs., 149-53 photography exempted from, 33-35 for use of film clips, 100-107

see also copyright

pharmaceutical patents, 258-61, 328n phonograph, 55

photocopying machines, 171 photography, 31-35

Picker, Randal C., 324n


in Asia, 63, 64, 65, 302 commercial, 62-66, 313n derivative work vs., 22-24, 25-29,

138-39, 141 in development of content industry,

53-61, 312n of intangible property, 64, 71, 179-80 international, 63-64

profit reduction as criterion of, 66-71, 73 p2p file sharing vs., 66-79

uncritical rejection of, 183-84

player pianos, 55, 56, 75

PLoS (Public Library of Science), 262,


Pogue, David, xiii political discourse, 41, 42-45 Politics (Aristotle), 150 Porgy and Bess, 233 pornography, 233, 325n positive law, 86, 90 power, concentration of, xv, 12

Prelinger, Rick, 112

Princeton University, 51 privacy rights, 205, 277-79 Progress Clause, 130-31, 215, 218, 232,

236, 243-44 prohibition, citizen rebellion against,


Promises to Keep (Fisher), 301 property rights:

air traffic vs., 1-3, 294

as balance of public good vs. private interests, 172-73, 322n copyright vs., 83-84, 172-73 feudal system of, 267

formalities associated with, 287-88 intangibility of, 84, 315n

Takings Clause on, 119

see also copyright; creative property; intellectual property rights proprietary code, 279-80 protectionism, of artists vs. business interests, 9

p2p file sharing, see peer-to-peer (p2p) file sharing

Public Citizen, 232

public domain:

access fees for material in, 281 balance of U.S. content in, 133, 170-72,

318n-19n content industry opposition to, 253-56 defined, 24

e-book restrictions on, 148-50, 152-53 English legal establishment of, 93 films in, 223-25, 254

future patents vs. future copyrights in,

134-35, 214 legal murkiness on, 185-86 library of works derived from, 213-14 license system for rebuilding of, 281-86 protection of, 220-21

p2p sharing of work in, 73

public projects in, 262-63

traditional term for conversion to,


Public Enemy, 285

Public Library of Science (PloS), 262,


Quayle, Dan, 110


FM spectrum of, 3-6, 128, 196, 256 on Internet, 194-99

music recordings played on, 58-59, 74,

195, 312n ownership consolidation in, 162-63 railroad industry, 127

rap music, 107

RCA, 4-5, 6, 7, 128, 184, 256, 275 Reagan, Ronald, 233, 237, 263

Real Networks, 302

recording industry:

artist remuneration in, 52, 58-59, 74,

195, 196-97, 199, 301, 329n-30n CD sales levels in, 70-71, 314n composers' rights vs. producers' rights in,

56-58, 74 copyright infringement lawsuits of,

50-52, 180, 185, 190, 200, 270, 322n, 323n

copyright protections in, 55-58, 74, 181,

195, 291 international piracy in, 63 Internet radio hampered by, 196-99,

324n new recording technology opposed by,

69-70, 314n out-of-print music of, 68, 71-72, 314n ownership concentration in, 162 piracy in, 55-58

radio broadcast and, 58-59, 74, 196, 312n statutory license system in, 56-58 Recording Industry Association of America

(RIAA): on CD sales decline, 70, 71 on circumvention technology, 158, 160 copyright infringement lawsuits filed by,

50-52, 180, 185, 190, 200, 270, 322n on encryption system critique, 156-57 on Internet radio fees, 197, 198-99 intimidation tactics of, 51-52, 200, 206 ISP user identities sought by, 205-6, 322 n lobbying power of, 52, 197, 218 Recording Industry Association of America

(RIAA) v. Diamond Multimedia Systems, 323n Recording Industry Association of America v. Verizon Internet Services, 322n regulation:

as establishment protectionism, 126-28,

188-99 four modalities of, 121-26, 317n, 318n outsize penalties of, 190, 192

rule of law degraded by excess of,


Rehnquist, William H., 219, 234, 239-40 remote channel changers, 127 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 48 computer network search engine of,


Republican Party, 104, 249

"Rhapsody in Blue" (Gershwin), 221 RIAA, see Recording Industry Association of America

"Rip, Mix, Burn" technologies, 203

Rise of the Creative Class, The (Florida), 20,


Roberts, Michael, 189 robotic dog, 153-55, 156, 157, 160 Rogers, Fred, 158, 320n

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 85-86, 87,


Rose, Mark, 91

RPI, see Rensselaer Polytechnic


Rubenfeld, Jed, 319n

Russel, Phil, 55

Saferstein, Harvey, 104-5

Safire, William, xiv-xv, 269 San Francisco Muni,

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