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Book online «The gospel of Itchy Wiggle Christ by Gregory-John McCormick, Ralf Dellhofen (books to read for beginners TXT) 📖». Author Gregory-John McCormick, Ralf Dellhofen

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and a vigilante deed at that. fighting against evil, i am condemned to live amongst the evil, shit.


another mindless senseless morning. superman in a wheelchair whining on the TV, although i did not hear what he was saying, i think he was complaining to the US government that some nasty and mean little irish bastard in prison is making bad paintings of him in all his paraplegic glory. another fine example of american one-sided politics: the schwarzes in detroit want to make an area of detroit an exclusive refuge of schwarze-only owned business and use tax dollars to pay for it all. and these idiot schwarzes claim that the usa is prejudiced against them. this is so stupid, i know i need not explain, but i had a little laugh to myself thinking about the kind of business that would be in their "african town". some very dilapidated old buildings, one sells crack cocaine, the next sells prostitutes, the next sells cheap beer and crack-pipe paraphrenalia, the next sells crack-cocaine and prostitutes, and so on. ja, well, i doubt that anyone who reads this has any idea what i am trying to say unless they visited the usa, and especially detroit. it is all a bunch of sick bullshit that shows once again how the usa punishes the white race over and over again. who cares, right? i will move back to europe one day and i sincerely hope i will never hear the word "detroit" or "usa" ever again. i´ll wash my mind of this puke-hole country and hope osama blows it all up to hell.


it is finally getting to freezing at night, zero degrees celsius in the freezing hell of michigan, cold weather, cold hearts. in detroit this fine morning, a 15 year old schwarze mother is arrested for allowing her father to beat and kill her baby, the same baby that was the product of the mother being raped by her father - another blow for evolution, apparently. this is such a sick-fuck world, and so many people cling to life as though it is precious? as my favorite band ever wrote in a song: life is cheap. that is the band "flipper" from san francisco. i really don´t understand how these monsters in the usa can live and breed, and yet nothing is ever done or said about it for fear of being labelled a racist. but this kind of nonsense has been going on for over 30 years in the usa. ignore the problem and hope it goes away. but it never does go away, and it only gets worse. besides the fact that i have to see it and live it, i am still overjoyed to see the usa go down the toilet. the culture is gone, the money is going, the great social experiment has failed, and i could not be happier.


if i could hold you, if i could scold you, if i could mold you i would break you apart. song idea! C D C B C x 2 / C D C B C, ECF - break, CCC - you apart.


as freddy nietzsche said: talking much one´s self can also be a means to concealing one´s self.


my body is an instrument of my mind, not just a vessel for my mind.


as dangerous as what i do not know are the things that i have learned which are not true.


it will not be correct for the lesser humans and monsters to think that the knife can only cut the throats of their betters. those bred to the positions of servitude and slavery must be reminded that no law or piece of paper with scrawling upon it does not elevate them to positions of equality with those of us who have been touched by the gods. nothing is failsafe, everything will go wrong when given the opportunity to succumb to failure. nothing is worth all the pain and irritation that life serves on a silver platter. a steaming bowl of diarrhea soup placed in front of me, life is smiling it´s easy grin and spooning up a particularly stinking and rotten turd for me to eat. this piece of shit is my daily bread. and sometimes i feel guilty because i am guilty. but what sin have i ever committed that compares to those committed by those with pure evil in their hearts? only the outcome is the same, and the righteous nazis are always ready to throw any body, evil or good, pure or corrupted, into the abyss, all together and rotting away. death to the nazis, death to the monsters and retards, pharaoh, let my people go free - or just let my sick and frail body out of this hell, paraoh. please? goddess brighid, hear me, free me, take me away from the clutches of these perverted evil monsters. hear me, brighid, help me.


many days have passed since i´ve written in this journal. weeks actually. writing in this thing is perhaps a little bit like looking into my own personal abyss. it is a scary place, what is me - i doubt i could ever see everything that was, is, will be in me. george bush won the election, he will be president of the fourth reich once again. jassir arafat is dying. ami soldiers are still getting the shit kicked out of them by terrorist armies in iraq. so, not much has changed in the world, not much has changed in me. i do not have to clean the faggot-tainted toilets anymore, the prison has been benevolent in their torture of me and granted me the gift of a job working in the prison library. i should be grateful, yes?


death to all artichoke hearts. freedom for the animal care-givers. sprinkles of female urine upon my lips. disappear into the fog, all you missing people. do not report into work. pray for nothing, it makes it much easier on jeebus. keep a clear head, destroy your destiny, history is bunk, i´ve got no past. infected workers attacking freedom. goodbye yellow-brick road. take a bite of the shit sandwich, greggy. pour three glasses of whiskey while you watch the chinese girls bring each other to climax. they want to know how open i am to "water sports", i almost spill the bushmills laughing. one performs cunnilingus and gets urine let loose into her mouth. the whole moral of the experience, is that bushmills, when being drank quickly, can make girls go pee-pee.


crazy horse, the great american indian chief, fed from the breast of every woman in his tribe when he was a baby. every woman in his tribe was called "mother", every older man was called "grandfather". altho this story is supposed to elicit some idea of the family mentality that was once present in american indian tribes, i found myself wonderingif óle crazy horse continued to feed from all the women´s breats into his adulthood? i am constantly plagued with filthy sexual thoughts. it never really has changed - one would think because i have been denied sex for four years and counting, that i would be understandably obsessed with women and sex. well, i am in a way, other ways not. there´s nothing i can do about it, so i do not obsess. i think about it, and often quite ridiculous thoughts come to mind. but in reality, memories i have of my bizarre and disturbing sexual past are quite enough, i need not make up or imagine anything more. except maybe that if i were crazy horse, i would have been quite happy to feed and suck on the prettier indian women´s tits. american indian or indian indian, don´t matter much to me. tho i had an american indian half-breed as a girlfriend long ago, i never was with an indian girl from india. maybe someday - tho i did have a very fine and wonderful girlfriend in berlin when i lived there, she was german but she had lived for a long time in india. she was a bit spooky, and she came over to my apartment at 04:30 in the morning on the same night i first met her, she made me a tea from magic-mushrooms - we were both very high and toasty. she was beautiful to me, but i lost touch with her and i´m quite sorry that i did. i have friends trying to find her to this day, ten years after this happened, but no luck yet. maybe she will read this and find me? stranger things have happened.


a wild cougar feeds on the carcass of a dead mule, but greggy failed to make it to breakfast to eat his bran flakes. i ran two miles and shaved my head and showered, so i don´t feel like such an animal, but i´m hungry like the cougar. many ami soldiers were killed as well as 40 iraqi civilians, the amis are trying to take over some city in iraq, and they are failing, so it seems. some mel gibson vietnam movie was on last night - the amis got their asses kicked in that war, too. i truly believe that the usa will forever suffer failure until america finally falls for good, just as rome did. the usa is an evil horrible place, and the gods will punish it to death. or just bad karma will bring it down, it doesn´t matter and i am quite unsure of what to believe anymore. gods, devils, karma, buddha, who the fuck knows? ramses the pharaoh had 200 wives and 100 children. maybe one day i can procure my island on the irish coast and declare myself king or pharaoh - i´ll have 300 wives and 1000 children. i´ll build a spaceship and fly my hoard to mars. or to vulcan - i´d like to get myself a few of them sexy vulcan wives. or maybe i will die in my sleep tonight - some kind of brain embelism, some such shit like that - what the fuck does any of this matter anymore anyway?


christmas time again - only seven weeks away and then the world will celebrate the birthday of jesus of nazareth. well, the muslims getting blown up in the mideast won´t be celebrating, nor will the jesus - but they are celebrating the death of arafat, so it is something like christmas time for israel. and i certainly will not be having a grand christmas, it is only another goddamned godforsaken day in here - for me at least. perhaps the dirty faggot schwarzes celebrate the birthday of jesus by performing an extra amount of unnatural acts on each other - since it is fall time, going on winter, the homos are starting to rut in the toilet stalls, being animals and sick monsters that they are. thank the gods for the AIDS virus that is wiping these predator monsters off the face of the earth. AIDS first appeared in schwarze faggots in africa that were raping monkeys in the ass - maybe jesus decided to create the AIDS virus to pay back the predator schwarze homos - or maybe the CIA in amiland decided that those monsters are too vile to live. who knows, who cares, everybody dies eventually anyway. christmas time, AIDS, jesus, death, war, raping monkeys up the poop-chute. and i say to myself, what a wonderful world. the three wise kings from the orient no longer bring gifts of frankincense and myrrh and gold to the manger where the baby jesus rests. the three wise kings now bring crack-cocaine rocks, dirty injection needles, and vials full of the AIDS virus. one of the kings has a second job at night, he pimps his mother and brother off to the citizens of bethlehem. this world should be destroyed, kill the sick, perverted and diseased.


i did not shit for five days - i went to run this morning, got thru two miles, then nearly doubled over in agony, my

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