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Book online «The gospel of Itchy Wiggle Christ by Gregory-John McCormick, Ralf Dellhofen (books to read for beginners TXT) 📖». Author Gregory-John McCormick, Ralf Dellhofen

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- if some poor dumb country gets in the way of the usa, the nice ami soldiers will come and blow the heads off of that country´s citizen´s heads. god bless america, god is on the side of the usa, the "new führer" george bush has proclaimed this - so if george bush blows up a third world country or orders his stormtroopers to kill unarmed slobs, it is all okay, because god wants it that way, and jesus needs to piss some more.


dirty day, disease-filled life, love is in the air - bombs falling from american planes to murder the innocent. the nazi state of michigan is closing down 40 schools, the children have no other options so they will not have an education - but michigan is building four new prisons, and had made no plans to change a single thing with the nazi michigan prison system. the annual budget for michigan to maintain their prisons is 1.9 billion dollars. enough money to feed a third-world country for ten years! - and michigan plans to build more prisons and keep the prisons full and make room for new prisoners - and michigan has closed 40 schools in order to maintain their draconian prison system. i do not understand how michigan is able to get away with this. usually in america when there is such a terrible injustice done, it is ended quickly. but much has changed in amiland. this is not the country that i grew up in as a boy. the nazis are in control of the bombs and planes and prisons, and the world just sits by and watches. probably because no other country wants to get the shit blown out of their land by an angry america. and altho i really do not give a flying shit what happens to this nazi america. i am in a prison in nazi america. and it does not seem as tho i will ever get out of this place. if i do get out by some miracle, i hope that this goddamned nazi american with all its schwarze-loving faggots gets the holy wrath of the gods poured down upon it - i hope uncle osama sends a nuclear-bomb-of-allah to blow this entire stinking piece of shit country off the face of the earth.


hunting season started yesterday in michigan thousands of hunters went to northern michigan to kill deers. on the first day of hunting season, there were two accidents, where two hunters were accidently shot and killed by other hunters. when i heard that, my heart was lifted with joy. the "hunters" who go out to kill deers, innocent and gentle deers, are the absolute scum of the earth. well, they are in the same filthy cesspool of immorality as child-fuckers and schwarzes who rape white women - and i sincerely hope that many more hunters are shot dead, either by accident or on purpose. humans, despite the filth that exists like hunters and rapping-schwarzes, are supposed to evolve, to become more than sick violent raping and killing machines. unfortunately there is filth like these hunters to hold back human evolution. someone should hunt the hunters.


it is 06:40 on a cold saturday morning. i woke up angry after having dreams about christmas - i guess the anger just is covering up feelings of despair and hurt. i´m spending yet another christmas in prison, this will be the fourth year. it is not yet december, today is november 20, and the ami television is showing commercials and TV programs all centered around christmas. it reminds me of christmas when i was a boy, happier times than these. when i paint my twisted nasty pictures, i keep the television on and put headphones on my head with the volume turned up very loud, this is to attempt to drown out the 24 hour noise of the faggot schwarzes screaming and rutting for their unnatural acts. so it is quite difficult for me not to notice that so many christmas things are on the TV, altho i hardly ever watch the programs or commercials, i still hear them, and this makes me quite sad, or, more sad than i normally am. hell, i´ve been depressed and sad for over four years, since i was captured by the michigan nazis and put in this pit of human waste. and christmas time is the most difficult time to bear. my catholic upbringing plays a part, altho i do not believe in the whole "jesus christ" issue. it is more that christmas was special when i was a boy - my mom and dad made it special for my brother, sister and me. and now i am stuck in the worst place on earth and i am completely alone. my mom is dead, thank the gods that she is spared from having to live when her son is in prison. my dad and brother do not really care that i am here, i haven´t talked to my sister for eight years, and i have gotten no letters for almost three weeks, it feels as tho everyone has forgotten me. with all that, i watch christmas-happy-time commercials and TV shows, or listen to them more like. and it hurts me so bad i want to cry - and the hurt leaks into my dreams. my existence is a total horror and i really "hope i die tonight, i hope i die, i hope". death is preferable to this pain. last night, "the wizard of oz" was on TV. maybe i should not have even watched it. i´m sure it brought on the emotional turmoil and pain i feel now. when i was a boy, i always saw "the wizard of oz" at my grandma + grandpa´s house around this time of year, it is considered a "holiday" movie. so i have sad memories of my grandparents also. they were so nice to me, i loved them very much. now they are gone the way of my mother. shit, yesterday was an emotional nuclear bomb. i hope i have no more christmas dreams. i much prefer my science-fiction crazy killing dreams, or nasty girly sex dreams. or death.


who would have thought that a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickness? a heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much people love you. you are an awful man, not well bred. no respect for anyone, not even the dead. respect is never given, respect is earned. life is not a spectator sport. i am barely existing on this side of understanding. never question the treachery of a human being, expect it and you will never be surprised - smile when faith is kept, but never allow your eyes to close when you smile. i need an ice-pick lobotomy, a psychological surrender. don´t let my baby wait no more, doomsday is knocking at my door. recognize the obvious - bow to the inevitable. the blood of the martyrs compels you. lugh lamhfada: celtic god of sunlight, shine your light upon my tortured soul, protect me from evil. ho-ho-ho! ha-ha-ha! and a couple of tra-la-las! that´s how we laugh the day away in the merry old land of oz! SURRENDER DOROTHY!


what will you risk for what you believe? and what is your belief worth if you will not risk anything in its defense? do not expect to be applauded when you do the right thing, and do not except to be forgiven when you err - but even your enemies will respect commitment - and a conscience at peace is worth more than a thousand tainted victories. nothing but commitment is absolute.


one cannot refuse a goddess when she offers to take you into her bed. to be angry is easy, but to be angry at the right man, at the right time, for the right reason, is difficult. i am a toilet of sadness. the sorrow of my solitude is sweet. may the blessings of the almighty bomb be upon us, and the heavenly fallout, now and forever, in a world without end, amen. resist temptation, or suffer the consequences. my life was on the line and they saved it, thank god for life alert, i owe my life to it. the thrill is gone, the thrill is gone away - you know you hurt me, baby - and you´ll be sorry someday. love hurts, love wounds and harms, love hurts.


stout fills the belly when there´s no food to be had, and it dulls the pain of living.


a sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye. through fire, with wrath, for our homeland éire, to the death.


thinking about what you can´t control only wastes energy and creates its own enemy. only fools admit to being afraid of nothing. today is a good day to die, yes, but today is a better day to take revenge. lay me down in the cold cold ground, where before, many men have gone. what a wicked thing to say, that you never felt this way, what a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you. in the end, all that matters is what you have accomplished. the bigger the smile, the sharper the knife. conquer your fears and you will conquer death. worry about your miracles and i´ll worry about mine.


life is just a dream on the way to death. happiness in 9/10´s perception and 1/10´s reality. it is time to sleep, the murderers have won, death is near, death is welcome, to sleep forever, death is welcome. when words fail, place your faith in deeds. i didn´t hear you leave, but i wonder how it is that i am still here. i cannot breathe until you´re resting here with me. be ashamed to die until you have won some kind of victory for humanity. the reason we fear the unknown, is because we are afraid of what we will find in ourselves. a rose must be made with the sun and the rain.


for it is written: touch neither my servants or my property. all i want is to find my way home. look down into the abyss and experience the hell that i live everyday. what´s the difference between a job and my life? after ten years my job still sucks! there is no guilt, there is no blame, there is only what is meant to be. peace of mind, peace of spirit, peace of soul, goodbye my love.


there is no right, there is no wrong, there is only popular opinion. i have the agony of foreknowledge and the impotence to do nothing about it. the pervert in the park has a present in his pants. the second i committed murder i gave up my right to exist. free your mind, surrender your dreams, for i have many more to replace them.


sometimes your heart takes you places that can only have a bad ending, but if you follow your heart, you also go into the unknown, and you can never go back once you go. you can´t become something until you dream it first. in times of trouble some people find comfort in hate and fear. i am the angel of death, the time of purification is at hand. at least i know who my father is, you pig-eating son of a whore. the road to hell is paved with good intentions. i can see everything. fear profits a man nothing.


the night is alway darkest just before down. burning the soul in a greasy fire with onions and garlic. death to all sick pieces of shit, death to the unenlighted and less-evolved. just as those who fucked monkeys up the ass and caught a deadly disease which spread the disease among the other sick pieces of shit, so should go the rest of the rabble - OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! LET THEM EAT CAKE! where is my spear? the spear i thrust into the

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