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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Every Hundred Years by Mackenzie Herrst (old books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Every Hundred Years by Mackenzie Herrst (old books to read .txt) 📖». Author Mackenzie Herrst

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I looked in her eyes and remembered all the time we had spent together and the times we laughed the love the hate then, she pulled the trigger, there was a loud bang, then nothing. Then a wave of came over me a scream pierced the silence, only after I collapsed to the ground did I realize that the scream was my own. I shut my moth to silence the scream, I touched my chest were I had been hit the pain throbbing through me and I knew it would end soon, then i saw nothing i knew my eyes were open because i blinked and opened them again, but everything was red, Blood Red, then I began to feel light as a feather, i began floating away, the pain gone and so was all the red everything was now Wight it was amazing then i saw something walking towards me, it was a person, a man, he had Wight tightly fitted clothing on, and on his back these amazing things, pure Wight, feathery, they were magnificent they spread wide and amazing and then he folded the magnificent wings to his back, and spoke...

The only ones...


(5’3, Blond hair, choppy medium length, skinny and confident, but full of deep dark secrets.)
“Order up!” the rough familiar voice of Michael chimed as he set a platter of his world famous food in the order window ledge still stemming, just waiting for pick up. His food always smelled great and having to work in a small dinner just full of all the aromas it was like torture in itself, but I don't mind I’m not the type of person to eat out much.
“Mk thanks Michael you’re the best.” I told Michael in my usual cheerful tone, I swept fluently past the order window grabbed the platter and brushed by tables four and five and set the 3 platters down in front of Mr. and Mrs. Weber an elderly couple and their granddaughter, Anna. “Here you go Mr. and Mrs. Weber, hi Anna.” I told the three of them. I used to work up at the nursing home that they live at, and I see them every Sunday for breakfast with their granddaughter, Anna, she has always been a sweet girl and I loved taking care of her grandparents before I got framed for stealing Advil, and then they fired me.
“Thank you Alex you’ve always been so sweet we are terrible sorry about the incident with the Advil from Jinee,” Mrs. Weber’s frail voice so familiar she said in an apologetic tone, then she lowered her voice ”Personally we don’t believe for a second that it was you.” She winked her wrinkled eye at me.
“Thank you I’m glad someone believes me.” I said with a smile and brushed my bangs off my face. I turned and walked back to the order window picking up the next order for table six. Ding the bell hanging frailly to the ceiling above the door so it would ring when the door swung open. I turned to see two men I had never seen in the dinner before; she went over to seat them at table 1 that had just become vacant. They were both tall but one was still taller than the other and it felt like they were the only ones in the dinner, the shorter of the two was good looking had a buzz cut, long arms and legs but I couldn’t tell much else about him he was wearing baggy clothes. The taller one was a beautiful, he had blue eyes like the sea that could go on forever and never find the end it was impossible to describe just how beautiful they were, he chocolate colored hair in a bowl cut, he wore a weight hoody, jeans, and a DC hat. When he noticed I was looking at him he turned toward me an smiled a bright weight smile, ashamed I dropped my gaze and got the menus from beneath the podium, I peeked through my eyelashes and he was still smiling but he had turned to his friend. Pull it together Alex, I looked at them squared my shoulders and said…
“Hello, my name is Alex; I will be your waitress today.” At least I remembered that much of what I was supposed to say.
“Hello, Alex.” The taller one said with a smile.
“Right this way to your table, please.” I said waving my hand towards the corner where table one stood and the three old chairs that always sat almost always empty. When we reached the table, I had them sit down I set the menus in front of them.
“All right what can I get you two to drink?” I asked them.
“I’ll take a Dr. Pepper, thanks.” The taller of the two said.
“Make it two.” The shorter one said with a halfhearted smile.
I came around the corner to the soda fountains, I grabbed two glasses off the rack were they had been placed just a few minutes ago with a few water droplets still clinging to them. I filled them with 4 ice cubes each and added soda, then Jamey did the last thing I had expected.
“Hey I’m taking table 1 so I’ll just take those.” She said walking up hands out stretched for the glasses of soda in my hands, Jamey had always been so shy never out spoke never did anything wrong and here she was trying to steal the table of hot guys from me! This wasn’t like Jamey at all.
“No, that’s ok I’ve got it, thanks anyway.” I told her turning to deliver the sodas looking down at myself as I walked I looked great for someone who had been working in a dinner all day. When I reached the table the taller one looked up and smiled at me, his smile was beautiful it made me lose my breath every time, the shorter one quickly followed his friends example, I set down the two glasses and said “All right, two Dr. Peppers and a side of smiles” all three of us laughed at my joke they knew what I was talking about.
“Hey I’m Mason, Kurt here calls me Mas though because-” he stopped mid-sentence and looked straight at me “you don’t care do you?” he said looking down and then peeking through his lashes.
“No I mean Yes I mean I don’t mind.” I said feeling my cheeks getting warmer and even pinker.
“Ok well he calls me Mas because of how often I get pepper sprayed and pepper spray is also called-” he began and I interrupted.
“Mas, oh” I laughed at the stupid joke that I still didn’t really get. “I get it” I lied.
“Yeah.” Mason said then took a swallow of his soda.
“We were both just out at a party one night-” Kurt began then Mason interrupted.
“Do want to sit down” Mason asked waving to the empty seat next to him.
“Sure just let me go talk to Jamey” I said pointing over my shoulder not knowing if she was really there. I turned and walked up to Jamey sure enough she was right around the corner spying on us. “Jamey cover me on tables four, eight, seven, and one, please, Thanks” I said grabbing myself a soda and walking back over to the table sitting down and settling in.
“Ok so we were at a party one night and we were all messing around in the front yard of a friend’s house when a girl came walking by, we had a contest of who could freak her out first I went first nothing Mas went up to her grabbed her shoulders turned her around and went ‘BOO’ and she Pepper Sprayed him” they both cracked up I finally got the name joke and started laughing with them. Mason leaned back in his chair and stretched when we had finished laughing and then he took in a deep breath and then took another drink of his soda.
“So what are you doing this weekend?” Mason asked when he had set down his glass again.
“Well Friday I have work, then Saturday I have to go to the jeweler my ring is in and I have to go grocery shopping in the morning, and Sunday I have to open up the dinner.” I told him thinking about what I really did need to do this weekend.
“Okay would you like to come to this party with us Saturday night?” Mason asked eyeing me carefully.
“Um what time does it start and end?” I asked curious to know then Jamey came over to take their orders all too excited to serve this table she was smiling really big right up till the moment when she saw that I was sitting with them, she instantly put two and two together and she looked a little peeved that I had asked her to cover tables for me while I sat and talked with the two hot guys from table one.
“Hello I’m Jamey and I’m filling in for your waitress she is being lazy, so what can I get you two to eat?” she asked Mason and Kurt totally ignoring me.
“Actually I’m eating too you can just put it down as my one meal here today” I told her and she looked furious but she took a deep breath and put on a halfhearted smile just for the boys.
“Ok so what can I get you three?” she said a little frustrated, gritting her teeth.
“Um I’ll have the French toast” Mason said looking over the menu quickly and then folding it once more and handing it to her, she took it brushing his hand you could tell she was happy about that.
“I will too.” Kurt told her folding his menu and handing it to her also.
“Make it three French toasts.” I told Jamey, she glared at me quickly then snatched the menu from me and stormed off to the kitchen to place the orders I wouldn’t be surprised if she spit in my food.
“Where were we? Oh right the party is from 7-10 Saturday night.” Mason continued our previous conversation about the party before Jamey had come over to flirt with my game.
“Okay think I can make it but where is it?” I asked unsure.
“Grand Rapids. Why?” Mason asked though I wish he hadn’t for I dreaded that questioned every time people wondered why it mattered where the event would be taking place.
“Well I don’t have a car so I walk and I can’t walk that far sorry.” I told him solemnly.
“Oh don’t worry about it, we’ll pick you up.” Kurt told me relieving my fears.
"Oh okay, thanks" i said taking another sip of soda.

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