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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » An Awakening Memory by Elle Marie Calhoun (best short books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «An Awakening Memory by Elle Marie Calhoun (best short books to read .txt) 📖». Author Elle Marie Calhoun

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The First Step

I awoke to an unfamiliar face leaning over me. I stared at him, confused; he then spoke to me in a husky unknown voice. “Marianna? Can you hear me?” he said. I stared at him and answered shortly. “Who’s Marianna?” I asked confused. He looked worried, and replied softly, “You’re Marianna.” “Seriously? I’m Marianna?” “Yes.” “Oh. Well, may I ask who you are?” “I’m Joseph, your well” He stuttered then continued. “Boyfriend.” “Boyfriend? Wouldn’t I remember you? Though, I don’t really remember anything. Why is that?” “You have amnesia, Marianna.” “Amnesia? How did this happen?” You were in a car crash.” “Oh my gosh, that’s terrible.” “I know. It’s a miracle you’re alive.” “Can you tell me more about the crash?” “I will, but right now just isn’t the time. I promise I will tell you though.” A doctor came in then, he wore a blue venal shirt under his white doctor’s coat and spoke in a heavy, justified voice. “I heard that Miss Carner has awoken. I need everybody out so I can give her a full rundown.” the doctor said. Joseph, still crouched at my hospital bed, lightly kissed my forehead and told me that he would be back as soon as he could. I watched as he left and just stared because all of the people leaving the room were completely unfamiliar. Having amnesia is going to really stink and already does.

“You’re quite a survivor Miss Carner.”, the doctor said as he examined a huge knot on my head. “As I’ve heard. Do you mind telling me exactly what happened?” “Well, I don’t know everything, but I will tell you what I do know.” “Ok, but I have one more question before you tell me about the accident.” “Yes?” “How old am I?” “Eighteen.” I stared then replied, “Really? It doesn’t seem possible.” I shook my head a couple times with unbelief. A crooked smile appeared on his face as he simply took my blood pressure. “Age is a very unbelievable thing, dear. Something we can never get away from.” I sighed under my breath. “Well, anyhow you want to know about your accident, so I’ll tell you. It was May 27th around 8:00 PM. You were on your way to a friend’s house when you and a truck crashed headfirst. Neither of you saw each other. It was an intense crash. It’s amazing how you came out; only a broken wrist, a huge knot on your head, and scratches and bruises all over your body. The guy in the truck was not as lucky, though.” He looked away, sad. Right when he said, “broken wrist”, I finally noticed my left wrist. It was in a small cast around my whole wrist. “What happened to him?” I asked curiously. “He has a brain tumor, and cuts all over his body from the windows of his truck and parts of your own car. He’s in a coma as we speak. We thought you were in one for the longest time because you would never wake.” “What happened right after the crash?” He was sitting down now. I guess he was done examining me. “Hmmm I think someone saw the crash and called the police and here also. When the ambulance got there, you looked as you had seen a ghost; it was very terrifying. You looked so disturbed, like you had seen something disastrous. It’s a miracle you survived with all that happened. You were so shaken up that we had to give you sleeping pills just so you would lie down and sleep. We thought you might have gone into a coma also because you were so motionless and quiet. It turned out that you just lacked a lot of sleep. You were unconscious for about a day and a half. Today May 29th, it’s 5:30 at night. You woke up not too long ago.” “Wow a lot has happened. Um do you think you can find out who the guy that reported the accident is?” “I can give it a try, but if I don’t have any luck, check with Chief Peters up at the Police Department. He’ll probably be of some help.” “Thanks Doctor- err I don’t know your name.” “It’s Singleton, Thomas Singleton. I thought I had told you.” “Thanks Doc. Singleton.” “You’re welcome, Marianna.” I watched as he walked out the door with his clipboard. Hmmm I probably should find out the name of the guy in the truck that could help also.

It was quiet for at least an hour until I heard a soft knocking on the door. Joseph walked straight to bed and just grinned at me. “Hey, I was just talking to Doc. Singleton and he said that you’ll probably be able to go home tomorrow. Isn’t that great?” he said smiling bigger. I smiled back. How could I forget such a wonderful person? “That’s awesome!” I said with excitement. “I was thinking maybe we could hang out tomorrow, what’d you think?” “That’d be great! I can get to know you, again. Maybe bring back some memories?” “And make some new ones.” For a while, we just stared into each other’s eyes. Only if I could remember my memories with him, everything would be better. That is my true desire. This really is terrible, not recognizing the people that love you most. “Oh, I almost forgot. I have something for you, Mari.” He went to a table with several flowers and gifts sat. “Mari?” I questioned as he picked up a small box and a large bouquet of beautiful, red roses. “Yeah, it’s your nickname, a lot of people call you that.” he replied as he walked back over to me. “Here you go.” he said with a smile as he laid the roses on my bed and placed the small box in my right palm. I laid the small box down for a second and picked up the bouquet of roses. “They’re beautiful, Joseph. Thank you.” “You’re welcome.” He smiled brightly as he eyed the small box out of the corner of his eye. I picked the small box up and what I saw surprised me. It was a beautiful emerald stone on one side and a stunning diamond on the other. In the middle hung a single, smoky gray bead; it was breathtaking. It's such a mesmerizing necklace. “Oh, Joseph it’s beautiful. Are the gems real?” “Yes.” “This must have cost you a fortune. You didn’t have to waste your money on me.” “It wasn’t a waste. You’re worth so much more. You can’t be bought. You mean the world to me; Marianna and I want you to always know that. The emerald is your birthstone and the diamond is mine, they symbolize us.” He grabbed my hand and just held it with both of his hands. He brought my hand to his cheek and held it there. I stared curiously like a small child at their first birthday as he closed his eyes and began to speak. “You are everything to me and always will be.” His voice was soft and felt like velvet. I didn’t feel a single urge to pull my hand away; it felt completely safe in his. I felt like I was in one of those vampire novels, what a weird feeling. He steadily moved my hand from his cheek as his eyes flashed open. I stared speechless at him as if he was an angel that had appeared from Heaven. He picked the necklace up and unhooked the latch. “Sit up and turn your back to Me.”, he told me in a low, gentle voice. I sat up and turned as he put the fascinating necklace around my neck. I turned back around so he could see. “Breathtaking.” “The necklace?” “No. You.” I felt my cheeks turn pink and started to look down. Suddenly he raises my chin up so I would be facing him. With one hand now on my back, he reached out with his other hand to lightly brush my cheek. He removed his hand from my cheek as he began to speak. “I have to go. I’ll see you soon”, he said lovingly. His hands moved to my shoulders as he affectionately kisses my cheek. I watch him leave, feeling alone, but I’m not completely alone. I have God watching over me.

“Everything looks good. Miss Carner, you’re free to go.” A bright smile appeared on my face, I noticed a huge smile on Joseph’s face also. “Let us just get you checked out.” “I can take care of things Doc. Singleton.”, Joseph suggested. “Well ok let us get her a wheelchair though.” “Why do I need that, Doc. Singleton?” I asked with confusion. “Well… I guess you wouldn’t need one after all, but you do need this. It’s the papers saying that Marianna is free to go, signed by me.” Doc. Singleton handed papers to Joseph while the nurse came to take the IV out, such searing pain. I bit my lip extremely hard as she took it out and placed a band-aid over the spot. Joseph came to the bed and helped me out. I had lost some balance while being in that hospital bed. I had at first, until I almost fell, but Joseph caught me. Doc. Singleton had left, leaving Joseph and I alone. He walked me to the bathroom and gave me my clothes to change into. I changed quickly, ready to get out of here. I came out of the bathroom and there he was, his bright eyes shining. To love is something that can take time, but to love Joseph isn’t that hard.

Remember Me

“So where are we going?” I questioned as he drove away from the hospital. “To the river, I have a lot down there.” “What are we going to do there?” “You’ll see.” He turned to grin at me then looked back at the road. He drove wonderful, smooth, yet exhilarating. I felt my heart beat heavily in my chest, it rarely happened. I must be anxious for freedom and adventure. I watched Joseph, his eyes fixed on the road. He looked so concentrated, filled with persistence. For him to love me so much, we must have known each other a long time. I must have loved him also by the way he talks. Only if I knew more, maybe I’ll find more information at my house, wherever that is. Memories that are completely hidden in my mind, that urge to leak out, only if they would. It would be such a complicated life if I never do remember, so very dreadful. Living such a jumbled and confusing life that I would never understand. My life would never be the way it was, it would be depressing. That terrible night that changed everything forever. Only if I could go back and stop it from happening, wouldn’t that be wonderful? I sighed under my breath. I turned and realized that Joseph was looking at me. “We’re here.” I

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