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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Soul Mates by Melissa Willingham (important books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Soul Mates by Melissa Willingham (important books to read TXT) 📖». Author Melissa Willingham

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Carson and Amaryllis Rose

Carson Greenley paused briefly at the first step leading up the grand staircase. He found himself wandering and roaming freely about the old Collins estate. Darkness had settled over the place, so he clicked on his flashlight. As he swept the beam in a wide arc, eerie shadows were cast upon the walls. He shivered, in spite of his determination to see this mission through.

   Earlier that evening, he and his friend, Ernie, had gotten into a discussion concerning the history of the Victorian-style mansion. Built in the late 1800’s, Collinmore was a massive structure, elegant and solidly constructed. It had since been turned into a famous showplace. Generation after generation of the Collins’ direct lineage once received the inherent right to reside there. Although made comfortable by considerable wealth, hardships had befallen a number of the occupants.

   For such reasons, it seemed only natural that Ernie and Carson’s conversation would drift to well-known rumors. One such item of gossip involved a teenage girl dying during childbirth. Another pertained to a man who was poisoned by his mother-in-law. Ernie had mentioned many other incidents. But the story that fascinated Carson the most was the one about Amaryllis Rose Collins. She’d mysteriously disappeared over one-hundred years ago.

He’d pressed Ernie, who worked as a custodian at Collinmore, for more details. “Please, tell me about her. Who was she? She sounds very intriguing.”

His friend had only shrugged and replied matter-of-factly, “I hear a lot of gossip. From what I gather, she was the daughter of a Collins patriarch. She was last seen at a masquerade party, held in the fancy ballroom. No one ever learned what became of her. But, they say she now haunts the secret passageways of the manor.”

His curiosity fueled even further, Carson had begged Ernie to let him into the estate after hours. He wanted to explore without restrictions, to see for himself what might happen. If Amaryllis Rose’s spirit did appear, he hoped to catch sight of her. Ever since he’d first gazed upon her portrait and peered into her eyes, he’d become enchanted by her mysterious beauty.

Returning to the present, Carson slowly ascended the stairs leading up to the main hallway. He could hardly wait for the moment when he’d be face-to-face with her image. He intended to figure out the intrigue surrounding her. To that end, he planned to consider every angle. He’d brought along a mini-recorder to share his thoughts. Maybe if he solved her disappearance, she could rest in peace, if she truly did haunt the place.

As he walked along the large hallway, he admired the rich tapestries and extravagant designs. Delicate crystal vases filled with lovely flower arrangements, offered their intoxicating aroma. Golden lamps encased in decorative sconces greeted him as he passed by.

Finally arriving at the wall of family portraits, he fetched a matchbox from a nearby table and lit a couple of gas lamps. Clicking off the flashlight, he settled his gaze upon the alluring vision that always captured his imagination. He was convinced the portrait held the key to solving a cold case. He took out the mini-recorder. For several minutes, he brainstormed, hoping to come up with answers.

Carson Envisions Amaryllis

Carson considered the portrait before him.

“I envision a young woman in the prime of her life. She is wealthy and sought after by many suitors. But her parents have arranged for her to wed a young man from another wealthy family. The images I see are of them pretending to be in love in front of other people. However, when alone, they do not embrace or kiss as lovers do.” 

Carson began to visualize a scenario taking place.

“Amaryllis Rose asked, “What are we going to do? We are bound by family loyalty and societal expectations. Yet we are miserable, because we both love another.”

“Her fiancé, Lawrence, replied, “All of our lives, we’ve always done what our parents wanted. Perhaps now, we should dare to be selfish, for once. Maybe we should run away with our lovers.”

“Amaryllis smiled and threw her arms around Lawrence’s neck. “That sounds like the most crazy, spontaneous, impulsive thing I’ve ever heard. But I love it. Let’s do it!”

Carson shook his head in confusion, to clear the thoughts clouding his brain. He had no clue where the dialogue and images were coming from. Nevertheless, he couldn’t stop the flow as he concentrated. He offered a deduction of events.

“I think what might have occurred before their meeting was Amaryllis fell for someone other than her fiancé. She confronted Lawrence with the truth and he confessed that he, too, had someone else he adored instead.”

“I believe what happened after their meeting was that Lawrence changed his mind. Or someone else overheard the conversation. Then that person decided to prevent Amaryllis from running away with the man she loved.” 

Carson considered the era in which the events took place.

“The culture of the time was the early 1900s. Masquerade parties were quite popular. In the portrait, Amaryllis is wearing a mask around her eyes. This adds to the air of mystique surrounding her. Her world was filled with privilege, prestige, and the elite. Yet she sought to separate herself from the environment in which she was born.”

Carson studied the artwork itself and speculated on what Amaryllis may have been thinking about.

“The main object is a stunningly beautiful female, who clearly exudes confidence. Her eyes are a deep, sky-blue. Her red lips are lush and full. Her mane of hair is silky, with a reddish-brown hue. The purpose of the image is to mesmerize the viewer by drawing them in to those eyes. They are meant to hypnotize the person who looks into their indigo pools. The person in the portrait is thinking that she has finally found the man of her dreams. She can’t wait to feel his arms around her. She knows he loves her intensely, as no one else ever has.”

Carson blinked, sorting through the foggy sensations settling over him. He instinctively knew these things were true, but he wasn’t sure how he knew. 

He pondered over why the piece was created and the artist's perspective.

“This piece was created to forever immortalize the woman on canvas. It was two days before the masquerade ball and Amaryllis wanted a portrait of herself in costume. The artist, Garrison, paints with the utmost admiration. His perspective is one of devotion to his subject. He is a man who is in love with the lady who poses for him.”

Carson allowed himself to experience the sensations which overcame him.

“As I view this piece, I am struck by the realization of the great romance that existed between Garrison and Amaryllis. I remember that they were planning to elope together. My heart is filled with multiple emotions at the thought of their tragic lost love. My immediate reaction is one of pain and anger at the one who shattered their dreams.”

Carson Meets Amaryllis

Carson shut off the recorder and slipped it into his pocket. His head swam with the volumes of information that had barraged him. He wished he could go back in time to meet the woman whose life he’d just had a glimpse into.

“If only you were here,” he murmured aloud, to no one in particular.

As he studied the painting, he heard a feminine voice ask, “Looking for me?”

He glanced beside him to take in her sea-green eyes and flaming, auburn hair. A royal-blue evening gown surrounded her slender form.

“Yes, Amaryllis Rose, “he whispered. He stared in awe at the lovely vision before him.  

“I’ve been waiting for you,” she replied. “I’ve been anticipating your return for one-hundred years and you’ve finally come to me.”

Carson felt taken aback by her statement. “What do you mean, waiting for me?”

She smiled wanly. “You still don’t know, do you? Well then, I’ll tell you. You used to be my lover, Garrison. Mother and Father commissioned you to paint a series of portraits of me. During our sessions, we fell desperately in love.”

Carson felt shocked by her words. Yet somehow, he believed it was true. He could sense it in his inner being. “Please, tell me what happened to you all those years ago,” he pleaded.

“After my fiancĂ© and I agreed to release one another from our engagement, I went to pack. You and I were going to leave that very night, but someone overhead my conversation with Lawrence. That person came into my room and pulled a pistol on me.”

“Who was it? What did he do to you?” Carson had to know the truth.

Amaryllis shook her head sadly. She appeared to be crying. “It was my first cousin, Terrance. He made me go into the secret passageways with him. There, he confessed that he wanted me for himself. When I refused to be with him, he shot me and left me to die all alone.”

“I’m so sorry for what you went through, Amaryllis. You deserved a better life than you had.”

The ghostly woman ceased weeping and peered intensely into his eyes. “Thank you. We were robbed of our first opportunity at happiness. But now, we have a second chance.”

“How is this possible? Tell me and I’ll do it.”

“Just as you have returned in a different body, so have I. Yet, we’re the same two people; soul mates bound by time. Please, go find me in my earthbound body, so we can be together again.”

“Yes, I will do that and I will never stop looking until I locate you,” he promised.


One week later, Carson was walking downtown when he absentmindedly bumped into a lady walking out of a store.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve been watching where I was going,” he apologized.

“That’s okay,” the lady said, smiling.

He gasped in surprise as he got a good look at her. She had deep blue eyes, full lips, and auburn hair.

“Amaryllis Rose?” he asked hopefully.

Her eyes widened. “Yes, but how did you know my name?”

“Uh, it’s a long story. I realize you don’t know me from Adam. But if you’d let me buy you a cup of coffee, I’d be happy to explain it to you,” he offered with a grin.

“Sure, I’m intrigued when a man I’ve never seen before calls me by first name. Let’s go.”

Carson led the way, elated that the search for his soul mate was now complete and they would embrace a new beginning for their future.


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