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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Halloween Story Pt. 1 by Tara Krueger (books for students to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «Halloween Story Pt. 1 by Tara Krueger (books for students to read .TXT) 📖». Author Tara Krueger

The Beginning

Once upon a time there was a group of friends on Halloween who were trick-or-treating with one of their friends little cousins. So lets meet our characters you have Alex, Jenna, Ashley, Courtney, and Max then you have Max’s little cousins Grant and Hayden.

            So this story begins with everyone taking Grant and Hayden around to houses to get candy

            “Okay guys here’s the next house” Max said as they stop in front of a house

            “It’s okay you guys can go up by yourselves can’t you?” Alex asked looking at them

            “No” Hayden said in a quiet voice

            “Okay I’ll go with you” Alex said as they walk up and Max smiled and Jenna saw

            “You like Alex!” Jenna said smiling

            “I do not” Max said blushing and looked away

            “Girl you totally do” Ashley said looking at Max’s flushing face

            “How about we leave her alone? But, yeah she totally does” Courtney said as she texted someone then Alex, Grant and Hayden came back

            “Okay ready to move on to the next house?” Alex asked looking at them

            “Yeah. Everyone else ready?” Max asked looking at them

            “Yeah let’s go” Ashley said as they walk past an alley way and Max gets the weirdest feeling so she stops

            “You okay?” Alex asked looking at her

            “Yeah I just…I don’t know” Max said as they walk on but she keeps looking over her  shoulder then finally just shook it off and they stop in front of a house

            “Okay guys can you go to this one by yourself?” Jenna asked

            “I can but I don’t know about Hayden” Grant said pointing to her

            “Hayden why don’t you become less scared?” Ashley asked looking down at her

            “How about this if you two can go to one house by yourselves I’ll buy you anything you want deal?” Max asked looking at them

            “Deal” they said as they looked at the house and Max smiled

            “The next house?” Max asked looking at them

            “Yeah” Hayden said

            “Okay I’ll go with you” Max said as they walk up to the house and knock on the door and it opens

            “Trick-or-treat!” Grant and Hayden said but Max gets a feeling of uneasy and pulls Grant and Hayden back

            “Hey mister are you okay?” Max asked putting her hands on Grant and Hayden’s shoulders then all of a sudden the man falls down and there is a knife in his back with a note attached and Max screams and everyone came running up

            “Max! What’s wrong?” Alex asked coming up behind her

            “That!” Max said pointing to the dead man and Max pulls Grant and Hayden back with Jenna, Ashley and Courtney

            “Maybe we should read it?” Jenna asked looking at them

            “Okay I’ll do it” Max said bending over and picked it up

            “Be careful, Max” Alex said looking at her as she read the note

            “Look at this man. Does he look familiar? He should because he was your old babysitter Max. If you don’t want anyone else getting then” Max said as she stopped reading

            “What? What does it say next?” Courtney asked looking at her

            “Nothing it just ends” Max said looking at them

            “Max? I wanna go home” Grant said

            “Okay, I know” Max said picking up Hayden and grabbed his hand and looked at everyone else

            “We have to go to the police and we just can’t leave him here” Ashley said looking at everyone

            “Okay, you guys go to the police and I’m going to go get them home” she said nodding to Grant and Hayden

            “Okay, I’m going to go with Max” Alex said and everyone nodded in agreement

            “Okay, we’ll stay here and wait for the police. Hurry back guys” Jenna said then she called the police and Alex and Max started to walk back to her house

            “When we get back home I want you guys to get ready for bed okay?” she asked looking at them

            “Okay” Hayden said yawning almost falling asleep in her arms. When they got to Max’s house she sent them to get ready for bed and sent them to bed when they were in bed, Max and Alex walked downstairs ready to meet up with everyone else when Alex stopped her

            “Are you gonna be okay?” he asked looking at her concerned

            “I don’t really know, Alex after what happened and what I saw tonight I don’t know” she said looking at him looking into those eyes she loved so much

            “Hey, don’t worry you have Ashley, Courtney, Jenna and more importantly you have me” he told her as he rubbed her arms

            “Thanks, Alex I don’t know what I’d do without you” she said hugging him close and tight

            “Anytime, Max. I’m not going anywhere any time soon” he said as she pulled away from him and he leaned in and she got up on her tiptoes and kissed him, her first kiss with anyone since Danny when they break apart she leans her head against the crook of his neck

            “We should go meet up with the others” she whispered not wanting to leave his embrace

            “Yeah we really should” he agreed as she finally let go and her cell phone rang

            “Hello?” she said answering it was Jenna

            “Hey, it’s Jenna the police are here and they need to ask you some questions.” Jenna said and Max turned around and faced the door and she felt Alex slip his arms around her waist

            “Okay, I can’t really leave Grant and Hayden alone” she said leaning into Alex

            “Right, well we’ll come up there then” she said as she talked to the police man “okay we’ll be up there soon” she said and she was about to hang up when Max asked

            “Jenna? Can you stay on the phone with me until you get here?” she asked as she turned around and faced Alex then she heard a noise

            “Of course I will, honey” she said and everyone else starts walking to Max’s house

            “Alex? Did you hear that?” she asked looking at him

            “No? What?” he asked then he heard it “come on. Keep talking to Jenna” he said as he grabbed her hand and together they went up stairs

            “Max? Are you still there?” Jenna asked concerned

            “Yeah, sorry, Jenna. I think there is someone in my house” she said as she stayed behind Alex

            “What?! Max we’re almost there hold on!” she said as she told everyone and they all started running

            “Hurry, Jenna!” she said as she hung up and her and Alex walked to Grant and Hayden’s room when they opened the door they found Danny, Max’s ex-boyfriend trying to kidnap Hayden

            “Danny!” Max shouted

            “Hey!” Alex shouted and Danny looked up at them then Alex tackled him and they began to wrestle and Max pulled Grant and Hayden away from them as they fight then she heard footsteps on the porch then downstairs

            “Guys! Up here!” she shouted down to them and they came running up the stairs and into her room

            “Max! Are you okay?” Courtney asked as she, Jenna and Ashley hugged her

            “Yeah I’m fine” she said looking at them then Danny punched Alex one more and caused him to stagger over to Max

            “Alex!” she said running over to him and supported his weight with her own and Danny grabbed Hayden and jumped out the window “Hayden!” Max screamed looking out the window

To be continued…

The End. Or is it?


Publication Date: 06-22-2014

All Rights Reserved

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