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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Frozen in Time by Radia Al Rashid (the speed reading book .TXT) 📖

Book online «Frozen in Time by Radia Al Rashid (the speed reading book .TXT) 📖». Author Radia Al Rashid

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Chapter One


Evelyn’s POV

Grabbing the vanilla latte hurriedly, I exit the coffee shop trying to straighten my unruly hair with another hand. This is exactly what happens when my damn alarm forgets to go off. I mean, seriously! Why on earth this sort of malfunction has to happen right on the day when I have something super important in work! Groaning at my foot that just got stomped against the car door, I slide into the driver’s seat still half-asleep. Shaking the head vigorously in vain to let go of the grogginess, I start the car.

Is it Sarah? What! It’s Sarah, right? Quickly blinking my eyes twice, I lean forward to look more closely but the lady is already across the street now. Whatever! I need to go to work before 8 by any means or else my presentation will be at stake. More appropriately, the promotion that the presentation will bring is going to be at stake. Whatever Eve! It’s you you’re talking to, no need to correct the glitches. It’s already 7:35. You didn’t forget the crazy traffic of New York City, did you? Holy Moly! Here I come Mr. Rogers. You have to give me the spot today. I pulled three all-nighters at a row to perfect this presentation. NO! not now, you fricking traffic. I throw my head backwards in immense frustration. It really was Sarah huh, wow! It’s been 4 years I’ve last talked to her. She looked like a CEO or something; of course, she’d be one successful corporate lady that I could say from the amount of hard work she began to put in from that early age. Is she working in NYC now? Maybe in the Manhattan. Maybe she already owns a company by now, more like her dad’s White Swan Inc. And yes, after 6 long years of struggles and trying to rebuild my life, that pair of eyes cannot be forgotten. How silly of me! Pfft, he must be crazy rich owning one or two companies, married with 2 kids already. Ouch, thinking about that alone can hurt so bad, I need to get out of the flapdoodles. I need to focus on the new life I’ve promised myself to start here, 4 years ago.

The slam-bang sound of the honking brings me back to reality, thankfully. Every time I want to look back at my old life, something bad happens. It was Julia’s daughter who almost got kidnapped when last time I got back to the neighborhood just to check on the house and everything I miss every night before going to sleep. Yes, you all! Julia is happily married with a beautiful baby girl. I am so glad for her though my own personal life has been one big unsolved maze. I am pretty sure that sick psychopath is already out of the jail and he will keep haunting us no matter what. We’ve almost casted out our old identities more like how a snake sheds its skin and never looks back. I even cut off all the connections with my old friends in the frustration of not being able to settle down in one single place. When last time I talked to Sarah, we were still in LA at some other neighborhood far from the old one. She told me how I should contact Richard, sort things out and start everything anew. She told me I should focus on the present setting aside the worries, misunderstandings, confusions, doubts and fears that invaded my past, his past. I was pretty convinced and even took his number from her. Well then? Then I could not get the chance to call him because Serena was killed on the same day, she was burnt alive in our garden. A fat-ass curse? You could say that cos Police immediately reassured us that the sicko Scott was still behind the bars and Anna was still in the Psychic clinic. Then who else could that be? We never knew and I never got the opportunity to look back or contact Richard. We changed everything about us, even the last name. We didn’t even get to take Mom’s surname as that was related to Kate, meaning another easy access for that psychopath. Now I’m a brand-new girl with a brand-new name, ‘Evelyn Walker’ and totally new appearance with bob cut hair dyed bright red. The inside? that also went through a lot of changes over the past 5 and a half years since Richard happened. I’m much more outspoken, extroverted, nonchalant, less emotional and a little dorky here and there. Who am I to complain? Nobody is perfect. And finally, I’m here at precisely 7:58.

I run my ass off to reach the 7th floor right on time. The moment I slam the door open, it’s 8:02. Not bad Ms. Walker! My subconscious smirks at me. argh!

“Hello, Ms. Walker, now that you’re here 2 minutes later than the scheduled time, shall we begin?” Mr. Rogers’ calm voice pricks right through me. Such a mechanical asshole! What is wrong with being 2 minutes late. What is he? Does he also set alarm while having sex! Jerk.

“Sure, Mr. Rogers. I must apologize first for being well, 2 minutes late. The traffic was really intense.” I nervously chuckle to cover up my anger.

“You get out of your home at least about two hours before the time you plan to reach your office Ms. Walker, this is NYC. Hope you won’t forget that the next time. Now, can you commence the presentation?” his robotic voice ignites another bout of flame inside my head. Taking a deep breath, I give him a tight-lipped smile before stepping towards the projector.

Nope, it’s not a Romcom, nor is it a fairy tale and I could not magically impress Mr. Rogers AKA the biggest jerk I’ve ever seen in my life through my oh-so-flawless presentation. Instead, I forgot bits and pieces of the most important information regarding the project. Yes, I got turned down and yes, I’m now stuffing my face with chocolate ice cream in my office. I messed up the only opportunity I got after joining this company. I could secure the chief designer post only if I could concentrate more on the goal. How worthless of a person I’ve been! Ugh! Oh! I forgot to mention, I switched my department to fashion designing and now I’m working as a junior designer in Starlight Clothing. In this past 2 years, I did shit in terms of progress. I growl plopping my head on the table. Ouch!

“Evelyn, you there?”

“Who is this?” I ask without lifting my head.

“It’s me, Drake. I can come back if you’re busy or something.”

“Yes, I’m busy, really busy cursing my luck. Come on in.” I look at the door.

Drake is the only human working here who do not set alarm for everything. All other employers literally run marathons while working, that jerk Rogers must have injected them all with some black-magic potion before hiring. Somehow, me and Drake got missed out on the mission, lucky us.

“Hey, I’m sorry for whatever happened over there.” He settles down on a chair facing me.

“O God! that bad? I knew I was going to mess up. Do you think I stopped all possible opportunities that could come my way maybe after 100 years? I’m such a pathetic loserrrr.” I plop my head again, “Ouch! The table is too hard.”

“Relax, Evelyn. I’m not saying it was bad or anything. You know, it’s just you worked so hard for this project and you really wanted the post.”

“It’s okay Drake, I messed it up, nobody else told me to pull all-nighters and sleep like a koala when it came to get out of my apartment ‘at least two hours earlier’”. I air-quote mimicking Mr. Rogers’ voice.

“He’s such a mechanical jerk.” Drake chuckles, “Do you think he even sets alarm while…”

“While having sex? Yes, I do.” I complete his sentence for the 100th time after joining the office. We both start laughing at the nasty thought that hits both of us almost at the same time. We can read each other’s mind like magic and of course, we hate the same people. Can a friendship be any stronger after this? No, if you guys think we are having some lovey-dovey stuff going on here, you’re dead wrong. Drake is super handsome and his sense of humor is straight to die for but I honestly do not find him anything more than a friend, a good friend.

“Any plans for the weekend?” he pumps his eye brows.

“Yeah, Samara’s birthday is holy shit, it’s tomorrow. I haven’t bought anything for her yet. Argh! I was so hooked up on this fricking project.”

“Samara, your niece? How old is she now? that cute little brat.” He beams.

“She’s going to be two this year. What do you think I should get for her?”

“Um, what does she like?”

“Aside from smashing stuff and staining walls with her not-at-all-creative artworks? I don’t know. Maybe I should get her more stuff to smash.” I laugh.

“I think we are almost done for today. Let’s go together, I know a toy shop my friend owns. We can figure something out for her.”

“Yeah, sounds good. Wait, let me send the documents to the a-hole before wrapping up. I cannot afford to get fired.”

“You bet.” He smirks, “I’m waiting outside then.”

“Kay, cool.”

Few hours later, I’m driving towards my apartment with a big colorful pony sitting on the passenger seat. Not a real one though, a toy we could finally single out as the birthday gift for my diva niece. I am so tired and barely making any time for self-care that I can feel the exhaustion showering across my body. I feel sick in my bones. Good thing I’ll have two days to rest, at least.

“Wow! Such a pretty pony! Where did you get it?” Mrs. Parker the neighbor gives her signature smile.

“Ow! It’s I’m sorry I forgot the name of the toy store.” I grin like a fool, “One of my friends’ friend owns the place and so, he took me there. It’s for my niece, she’s turning 2 tomorrow.”

“Aw! What a cute and responsible aunt she got. That looks just great. So, is this friend someone significant?” she playfully winks.

“What? Drake? No, he is a friend, you know a good friend only. Not actually seeing anyone at this moment.” I shrug.

“That’s not so good to hear. I mean, look at you, such a sweet girl. You know what? I have a nephew, he’s an architect. I think you guys would go together just fine. You see, you’re a designer, he’s an architect... you see the connection?”

Here goes her matchmaking lecture!

“It’s so sweet of you, Mrs. Parker but I’m currently focusing on my career and stuff. You know, when I’ll set my mind up for dating, I’ll absolutely let you know, cool?” grinning generously I start walking to the elevator as soon as possible.

“Alright! Don’t forget to inform me then. You’ll love Mike, he’s a great guy.”

I give her another sweet smile before stepping inside the elevator. Phew! She must be really depressed seeing my so single life! funny! I silently laugh to myself.


Chapter Two
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