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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
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The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » The Beast by Scotty Hicks (best biographies to read .txt) 📖

Book online «The Beast by Scotty Hicks (best biographies to read .txt) 📖». Author Scotty Hicks

The Beast
Written By: Scotty Hicks

We have all heard of the stories in the Holy Bible about the end of time and the best that is to come but if it is already here. Living among us in the shadows waiting until his time comes to control and rule this world with an iron rod. I know that what I'm writing seems like something that could never happen but thank about it. Have you ever been out late at night alone or even with someone for that matter and felt like someone or something was watching you. Now you mom and dad will tell you growing up that there is nothing in the dark that is going to hurt you or there is nothing in the dark that you can not see in the day. What if there really is something watching you in the deep dark shadows, waiting and watching seeing with ones it wants to kill and give power to. I have had that feeling that something is watching and what is strange about it is when I pull out my Bible or hold me cross that I carry around my neck that feeling goes away. I know that sounds like a bunch of non scene and that it is all in my head. I have seen things in the dark and light that would make most people loose their minds. I feel that I have a gift, or something else that allows me to see things that not many or no one else can. I have tried for years to forget about it or just blow it off as it is not true and it's all in my mind. I have not been able to shake this gift or curse depending on how you would look at it. Every time I would just about forget about it something else happens in my life or around me that reminds me that it's very real. I have seen angels and demons a like, most people say that they believe in the Bible and they are Christians but they not believe or want to admit that they are demons walking this world all around us just like angels are. It tell us in the Bible that they are here, through out Jesus Life and Preaching he cast out demons from men and women many times. How do we know that every demon he cast out went straight to hell. I thank some got stuck in the middle, I place where they can see and walk with us. Now I am not saying that they will hurt us, like you see in the movies like they are hitting and throwing stuff at us. I thank that they can whisper things into our ears just like angels can. When we have bad thoughts about hurting someone or something that is them telling us to do that. On the other hand when we are about to do something bad or hurt someone and we hear a voice in the back of our heads that tell us not to do it, that is the angels telling us the right thing to do. I am not telling everyone that reads this book to believe like me or even finish reading it but simply to stop and thank about what I have written here in and ask your self. could this really be true. I thank that there are demon or demonic sprites that hide with in the elements of this earth.Fire,Wind,Water,Ice. They are the most powerful of the sprites waiting and watching until their times comes that they my once again roam over this world and make havoc over everything. Now as for the Antichrist that the Bible speaks of I feel that he is already here living among us just like us, but he is picking out his people that will rule with him and picking out the people he is going to kill or imprison first. He is living a normal life as we do but he knows what is going to happen, how this earth is going to end. Rather by our own hands, by a more powerful being, or by God's own hand as he did when he flooded this earth years ago. That Bible tells us that this world will come to an end by hell fire and brimstone, but it does not tell us how. Hell fire and brimstone could be taken as a nuclear war, global warming,the earth moving closer to the sun and burning us all alive. How are we to know how our world is going to end all we know and can agree on is that it is in fact going to end. Witch one of these events I have written is going to end our lives, my be all of them will happen but then again my be none of them will be the cause of our destruction. The last book in the Bible is one of the hardest to read and understand it because most tend to look at it as they do not have anything to worry about because they will be long gone,dead be for any of this takes place. That is wrong who is to say when you are going to die and when the end of the world is coming to end. We are not promised tomorrow or even our very next breath for that matter. I would say that the end is at hand and closer than anyone else knows or wants to admit. A lot of people say that the years 2012 will be when this world comes to an end. What they are not taking in is that the Bible tells us that Jesus will come as a thief in the night, I take that as no one will know he is coming and no one will be watching for him. I know this world is in very bad shape but I do not thank that it is the end just yet. We have not had our seven years of peace yet. Also we have not seen anyone of the end time events like seeing the best or the horsemen nothing like that. I do thank that the the hurricane was a sign of the end of time but things have been happening like this for a long time through out the whole world. I thank that Jesus and the end of time will come when we are not thanking about it or looking for it. The Bible tells us the he will come with the clouds and every eye will see him, every ear would hear him, that everyone through out the whole world would weep because of seeing him. The Bible also tells us that in the end of time that everyone would run to a mountain and beg it to fall upon them and hide them, but people are doing wrong things right out in the open. Every time anymore it seems that you turn on the news something else bad has happened and a lot of it was done or being done right out in the open. As for the demons of this earth I don't that they can hurt you by hitting you or anything like that yet. I thank that they only whisper things into our ears as do angels it is up to us to make the chose of witch one to listen to. Now in the end of time when the Antichrist shows his true self I do thank that his demons or army will be able to hurt us physically. What is to happen in the end of time is not for anyone to know right now but I have a very strong feeling that it is just around the corner and then we all will know what is going to happen to us. Our fate is already sealed and the fact still remains the same this world will end and we will have to chose witch side we want to "fight on" short of speak. The Bible goes one to say that in the end of time there will be one final battle and we will see Jesus coming in a white rode with a piece of wool or some other type of clothing covered in blood. Jesus and the Devil will one last battle where Jesus will defeat the Devil and cast him and his army into hell one last time. After this event takes place I Feel that event will destroy this world or after that God himself will destroy it. What is to come is not yet for us to know and no matter how hard we try we will not find out what is to happen until it is time for us to know. No matter what happens we must pick a side and depending on what side we chose I feel our fate will come from that very chose. The chose to serve with the Devil will give you power and glory until the battle takes place and then you will burn in hell with you king or ruler for all time. The chose to serve the almighty God will cause you pain and suffering until the battle takes place and Jesus destroys the devil one and for all, then we will be in a place where we will know no pain and be happy forever. I do not know about you but the second chose sounds like a winner to me. I mean if you chose the second one your family and you alike will go through pain and heartaches like never be for but it will be worth it in the end. The second chose might cause you or your family to be killed in cold blood but if they follow Jesus ways and have a pure heart they will meet you in the sky and be just as happy as you are. I would like to invite everyone that reads this book to take a little while and thank over everything I have just written and ask yourself what would my chose be, would I really want to chose the first or second chose. Also ask yourself is there really demons on this world and can they see me.
The End
"One day is of a thousand years and a thousands years is of one day to the Lord"


Publication Date: 12-01-2009

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