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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » McKenna by Robert F. Clifton (best android ereader TXT) 📖

Book online «McKenna by Robert F. Clifton (best android ereader TXT) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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it's still too cold for a walk on the boardwalk”.

“It sounds to me that you're making excuses. It also sounds as though you don't want to be with me”.

“ And it appears to me that your idea of a good time is looking over your shoulder making sure I'm washing the pots and pans while you cater to the poor”.

“If that's what you think, then I suggest that you don't work at the mission any more”.

“And that my dear is probably one of the best suggestions that you've had in weeks”.

“Good by”.

Kevin shook his head, hung up the receiver and walked into his living room. He took a seat in the leather covered recliner, picked up the book that was on the table and finished reading Song Ci's writings about forensic science. By one o'clock that afternoon he closed the book got up out of the chair and returned it to its place in the book case. He spent the rest of the day writing checks and paying bills.

On Monday, April 28, 2014 at eleven sixteen in the morning Kevin looked up from the paper work on his desk seeing a member of Crime Scene Investigative Unit entering the office. The man walked up to McKenna's desk and said, “Ive got something for you Sarge”.

“Whatever it is it had better be good”, Kevin replied.

“It's the report you've been waiting for from the F.B.I. lab”.

“No shit? You mean to tell me that they finally sent it?”

“Yep, seems that what you found was a nose cone off of a Airwing, radio controlled UAV, Talon Drone. That's about all they had to say. I suggest that if you want more info on it you use the internet”.

“Thanks I just might do that”.

Kevin turned his head a looked at Collins who was at his computer. “I'm already on it Sarge”.

About an hour and a half later McKenna and Collins sat waiting for the printer attached to a computer to finish printing the information found in reference to the Talon Drone. Collins stood impatiently and when the last page slid onto the other pages he quickly gathered them up and walked to his desk.

“Do you want these Sarge or do you want me to tell you what we have?”, asked Collins.

“Read it to me. I'll check it before I put it in my report and then the file”.

“O.K. It says here that the Airwing Talon Drone is manufactured by a company called Nitroplanes. They're headquarters is in Los Angeles. The Drone is what they call a RC-UAV-FPV type with an exceptional payload capability”.

“What do those letters mean?”

“RC, is radio controlled. UAV means Unmanned Ariel Vehicle. FPV defined is First Person View. Right now I'm thinking that means it can carry a T.V. camera”.

“Interesting. Continue”.

“It has a wingspan of sixty seven and a half inches and it's flying weight, depended on the size of the camera is approximately seven pounds”.

“Is that it?”

“No sir it's speed is listed at 360 kph. I did the math that translates into two hundred and twenty three miles per hour”.


“Yeah, damn”.

“Wait a minute, how does it fly? IF it can carry a camera in the nose, where's the propeller?”

“It's mounted in the rear of the drone, there by protecting the propeller. At the same time the landing gear is reinforced.

This thing can travel a distance of ten miles and can maintain flight from between thirty five and forty five minutes on a fully charged battery. Seems that they thought of everything”.

“So did the killer”.

“Then you think the Talon Drone is the murder weapon?”, asked Collins”.

“What else could it be? We found plexiglass shards at both crime scenes. The F.B.I. identified our first findings as the nose cone of a Talon Drone. That's good enough for me”.

“Then our next step is who owns it, who flew it and why did whoever it was kill two men?”

“Right now let's start with who owns it. I want you to contact Nitroplanes. See who they have sold to in the past year in this area. That includes hobby shops or individuals”.

“Got it. The company has a video on line about the Talon Drone if you want to see it”.

“Later John. Right now I want to see the Captain”.

Captain Myers turned in her high back black leather covered desk chair at the sound of someone knocking on her open office door. When she did she saw Sergeant McKenna standing with a smile on his face. “Looks like you've got some good news”, she said.

“Yes Mam. I believe we've identified the murder weapon used in the Mason and Barnett murders”, Kevin replied.

“Really? Have a seat and let me hear what you've got”.

McKenna sat down and said, “The F.B.I. has identified those plexiglass shards we collected as evidence as being from the nose cone of a Talon Drone. I'll keep it short Captain. This drone weighs seven pounds and can travel at the speed of two hundred and twenty three miles an hour. Picture this thing coming at you at that velocity and striking you in the rear of your head. What do you think the injury would be?”

“ I see, but wouldn't the impact cause the drone to stop and fall to the ground?”, she asked.

“Not in the hands of a skilled operator or pilot”.

“Do you have anyone particular in mind?”

“Yes Mam. Steven Barnett”.


“He has the Motive and the capability of flying the drone in the manner needed to kill his brother”.

“I see, but what about Harvey Mason?”

“I think Harvey Mason was used as practice, just to see if using the drone in that manner would work”.

“That's damn cruel”.

“Yes Mam, it is”.

“Anything else?”

“Yes. There is a video of the Talon Drone on line. John Collins and I are going to look at it when I go back to the office”.

“You say it's on line. Can I see it on my computer?”

“Yes, I think so”.

Captain Myers picked up the telephone on her desk and dialed the number for the Major Crime Squad Office. “Major Crime Squad. Detective Collins Speaking. How may I help you?”, he asked.

“John. This is Captain Myers. Come to my office please”.

“Yes Mam”.

When John Collins entered Captain Myers office she met him with, “Sergeant McKenna has told me that there is a video of the drone you two found on the internet. I want you to bring it up on my desk computer so I can also see it”, she said.

“Yes Mam”. In a few minutes Collins brought up, Airwing Talon UAV Quick flight on YouTube .com. “There it is. Tell me when you are ready”, he said.

“I'm ready now”, said Carol Myers.

“Collins using the computer mouse pushed the play arrow.

Together the three of them watched the demonstration video.

When the video was finished. Captain Myers said, “I see what you mean about it being used as a murder weapon. My question to you now is where do you go from here?”

“Actually Captain, by watching this demonstration I just learned that flying this drone on take off requires a two man operation. This means when I'm ready I'll need two search warrants. One for Steven Barnett and one for Howard Simon”.

“When do you think you'll be ready?”, asked the Captain.

“Soon. I still have a few loose ends to take care of. I'll let you know when I'm ready to move”.

“What kind of loose ends?”, asked Captain Myers.

“Naturally they found DNA samples on the plexiglass shards.

I want to match that DNA with samples from Steven Barnett and

the good Reverend Simon.”

“Can you get them?”, she asked.

“I think so”, McKenna answered.



On Saturday, May 2, 2014, Kevin Mckenna donned a black apron in the kitchen of the Mission House. “Nice to see that you changed your mind. We can use your help”, said Whitney.

After smiling at Whitney he glanced at his wristwatch then ran hot water into the deep sink. There he would wash the pots and pans that were used to make the breakfast meal for the homeless. At seven thirty eight Reverend Howard Simon came out of his office carrying a tray. On the tray was the remains of scrambled eggs, a piece of buttered toast and most important a Styrofoam cup that once held coffee. “Good morning Reverend. Good to see you. How have you been?”, asked Kevin.

“Fine Sergeant, just fine. How nice of you to continue our work here”, Simon replied.

“Let me take your tray and you can do whatever you have to do”, said Kevin taking the tray from Simon.

“Thank you”, Simon responded.

When no one was watching Sergeant Mckenna Slipped out the back door of the kitchen. In his hand was the Styrofoam cup used by Howard Simon at breakfast. Waiting in the parking lot

was Detective Collins who took the cup from Kevin and preserved it as evidence and at the same time kept the chain of evidence.

At approximately the same time Sheila McCormick made her way along the top floor of the Regal Hotel. She walked softly to the door of the suite used by Steven Barnett. Outside the door was a cart holding the used cup, glass and dishes used by Steven at this mornings breakfast. Sheila picking up the small, juice glass with the Regal logo and placed it in her pocket book. That afternoon she gave it to Kevin, who placed it in evidence against Steven Barnett.


















Chapter Ten

Song Ci


On Monday, May 12, 2014 heavy rain blew in from the ocean and large drops carried on the wind beat against the window panes of the Major Crime Squad Office. McKenna sat at his desk tapping the eraser end of a pencil on his desk top while deep in thought and frustrated. “I've got just about everything I need to make an arrest in these two cases, but I have to wait for a lab report. I know that at most it takes a lab technician fifty four hours to conduct a DNA examination. Yet, we have to wait about six weeks because of the back load of requests sent in from everywhere. There has to be a better way”,he thought to himself.

John Collins walked into the office his shoes, wet from the rain making squishing sounds as he walked across the linoleum cover floor. His hair was wet as was his shirt collar. “I've got a wet ass. Got caught in the rain, no umbrella or raincoat”, said Collins.

“They issued you a raincoat when you came out of the academy”, Mckenna replied.

“Yeah, but that was for those in uniform. It's reversible, black on one side, orange on the other. It doesn't go with someone in plainclothes. It's bad for appearances”.

“But, looking like a drowned rat doesn’t?

“I suppose that you still have yours, right?”, asked Collins.

“It's over there hanging on the rack”, Kevin answered.

“Yeah, yeah. Anything new this morning Sarge?”

“Nope, just sitting here waiting for the DNA reports to arrive. We've got the search warrants typed up except for the date we need and the judge's signature.”


“Are you still going to serve warrants on Fisher and Price?”

“Yes. Don't forget it was you who learned from the company that the drones are sent unassembled to the buyers in boxes. So, according to their records four drones were shipped to James Fisher, Edward Price, Howard Simon and Steven Barnett, all members of the Nautilus Beach Flyers. Now, at this time I don't suspect Fisher or Price to be involved in this case. However, there is a slim possibility that one or the others drone might have been used in the murders. I doubt it, but we have to be sure”.

“Are you still working at the Mission House”, asked Collins.

“Yeah. Right now is not the time to leave. The good Reverend might get suspicious. I've caught him a couple of times watching me, kind of studying me”.

“How about your teacher friend does she suspect anything?”

“No and she has no reason to suspect anything. When we talk, police work is not the general subject”.

Collins laughed. “Then what is?”

“Mostly it's about the poor, the homeless, children arriving in school hungry having nothing to eat for breakfast”.

“Damn, that

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