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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » McKenna by Robert F. Clifton (best android ereader TXT) 📖

Book online «McKenna by Robert F. Clifton (best android ereader TXT) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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has to put a damper on any conversation”.

“Tell me about it”.

Kevin got up from behind his desk and walked to the window, He stood and watched the rain beating down on the parking lot below. From time to time the wind blew a torrent of water against the glass pane. “What a miserable day. Another day of waiting. It seems that we spend our time either waiting for something to happen or waiting for something in order to make an arrest. Police work is sixty per cent waiting and forty per cent

doing the job”, he said.

Memorial Day came and went and still the DNA results did not arrive. “Six months! Six months and we're still sitting on our ass knowing who killed Mason and Barnett and we can't make a move because of a back log of evidence in the laboratory. One of these days this city will have to get off of their ass and deal locally for DNA testing instead of waiting for the State of Federal labs to do the examinations”, said McKenna totally frustrated.

“That won't happen Sarge. It's not like we're investigating a homicide every month. Right now there's no call for a local lab”, said Collins.

“They could use the local hospital lab”, Kevin replied.

“Yeah, you're right on that account”, Collins responded.

On Friday, June 6, 2014 the DNA reports arrived indicating positively that the samples taken from the Styrofoam cup and the juice glass matched the DNA found on the plexiglass shards offered as evidence. “Looks like we can serve the warrants”, said Collins.

“Yes, but I'm not quite ready?”, said McKenna.

“Not ready? You've been pacing back and forth, bitching about delays and now, you're not ready?”

“That's right. I want everything to be just right”, Kevin replied as he reached for the telephone and dialed the telephone number of the local weather bureau.

Collins stood with his mouth open, not believing what he was seeing and hearing.

“I see. Then, Tuesday, the tenth is projected to be mild, temperature in the seventies, sunny and wind velocity low or none existent?”

“That's correct”, came the answer.

“Thank you”, said McKenna and he hung up the receiver.

“Looking at Collins he said, “Date the search warrants for Tuesday, June ten. Take them to the judge and have him sign them. Then when that's done we'll go over the search and seizure of the drones and the arrests with Captain Myers. That’s it for now”.

At nine o'clock on the morning of Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Captain Carol Myers, commanding Officer of the Nautilus Beach Police Department's Major Crime Squad ordered the execution of the four search warrants. The Airwing, Radio controlled, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, First Person View, Talon, Drone belonging to Edward Price, James fisher, Howard Simon and Steven Barnett were seized as evidence and transported by police vans to the rear of police headquarters, as was the owners of the model air crafts. Members of the Major Crime Squad and other detectives assigned to the serving of the warrants removed the drone that they had seized then stood beside it, protecting the chain of evidence. All four individuals complained, demanded answers to why they had been served and brought in for questioning.

As Captain Myers explained the action of the police, Kevin McKenna stood looking at Steven Barnett and Howard Simon who like the others stood silently listening standing behind their drone. He noticed that each drone had the clear, plexiglass nose cone attached. While Carol Myers advised the four men of their rights under the law a bright, warm, morning sun beat down on those assembled there warming them and heating the black, tarmac.

When she finished speaking she turned to Sergeant McKenna and said, “ Sergeant.”

Kevin stepped forward and addressed the small group.

“Gentlemen, I apologize for your inconvenience. Hopefully, this won't take too long. At this time I would like you to removed the plexiglass nose cone from in front of your drone please”.

“Why?”, asked Edward Price.

“I'll explain later”, McKenna replied.

Each man stepped forward. Barnett was first. Simon hung back and was the last to act.

“Thank you. And, now if you would please return to your position behind your drone and try to stand still”.

“What kind of games are you playing. It's getting hot and buggy”, said Barnett.

“No game Mr. Barnett and as I said, sorry for the inconvenience. This shouldn't be too much longer”. As he spoke he saw the blue bottle flies begin to circle. Then one after another landed on the front of one particular drone. They landed than slowly moved over, around and under the nose of the Talon drone of Howard Simon. In a matter of minutes the accumulation of insects nearly covered the camera housing area. Kevin stood looking, then turned to members of his unit. “Take a good look, because what you see is evidence that you will testify to in court. Mr. Fisher, Mr. Price, you're free to go. Uniform officers will transport you and you property back to your homes. Mr. Barnett, Reverend Simon, I arrest you for conspiracy to commit murder and for the murder of Harvey Mason and Charles Barnett. Detective Collins will read you your rights. Take them away”.

When the two suspects were led away Captain Myers said, “You're basing your arrest on a bunch of flies?”

“Yes Mam. What happened was the flies detected the smell of blood and they began to land to investigate and feed. Barnett and Simon killed both victims by flying the drone into the heads of Mason and Barnett. Steven Barnett is an experienced pilot owning his own Cessna that he flies quite often. He is the one that could expertly control the drone traveling at two hundred and twenty three miles an hour to fly, gain altitude then dive and strike the victim. If you remember Harvey Mason was found face down with a wood splinter in his nose. That happened as he was walking down the boardwalk, struck in the head by the drone with enough force to have him fall face down and sliding.

Remember, an object in motion tends to remain in motion. Unfortunately, as I've already stated in my written reports, Harvey Mason was used as a guinea pig while Barnett and Simon experimented. Charles Barnett is who they really wanted to kill. And, they did.”

“Alright, you said that Steven was the expert operator of Simon's drone. Other than providing the weapon how can you connect him with Steven?”, asked Captain Myers.

“Two ways. Remember when you viewed the operation video of the Talon Drone in your office?”


“Then you should have noticed that in order to get the drone into the air it is a two man operation. One holds the aircraft while the other mans the radio operated controls. Simon held the drone and launched it into the air on Steven's orders.”

“You said two ways. What's the other?”

“A video tape recorded the night of Charles Barnett's murder. The tape shows Simon carrying a black bag. I'm betting that it contained the First Person View, the radio control and an extra fully charged battery”.

“Then, how did they get the drone with a wing span of nearly sixty eight inches into the hotel and on to the sun deck?”

“That's easy. They flew it at night and landed it on the deck”.

“I have another question. In the video the Talon drone makes a rather loud noise. Why didn't either victim turn, look up and move out of the way?”

“In the case with Mason he was half drunk. The autopsy showed that his blood alcohol was high enough to impair all or nearly all of his faculties. With Charles Barnett it was New Years Eve. Fireworks were exploding in the air. People on the boardwalk were looking out towards the ocean and up into the sky. No one heard or saw the drone. Steven Barnett and the good Reverend were counting on that”.

“Now one more question”.

“Yes Mam?”

“How did you know the flies would go after that drone?”

“I didn't know for sure. As you know I live in Captain Wallace's condo. Over the years he collected and read volumes of books relating to crime and criminal investigations. One such book is, “The Collected Cases Of Injustice Rectified', by Song Ci. Song Ci is thought to be the father of forensic medicine and served as a presiding judge in the Chinese high courts for many terms. One of the cases he was involved in was the murder of a farmer back in the thirteenth century. Song Ci examined the body and determined that the man was killed when struck several times with a sickle. He ordered that every sickle in the village be brought to court and laid out in the sun. When this was done flies detected blood on one particular sickle. The owner was arrested and charged. A common mistake many murderers make is thinking that because they thought they washed away blood or mopped up blood stains, often minute traces remain. I took a chance that history might repeat itself. Fortunately it did”.

“And what would you have done if no flies were present?

“The same thing I'm going to do now. We'll send the drone for blood and DNA analysis that should cement the drone as being the murder weapon”.

“Very good Kevin. Your father and Captain Wallace should be very proud of you. I am”.

“Thank you Captain.”

Later, Kevin sifted through the stack of envelopes he held in his hands. As he did the elevator he was in ascended to the sixth floor. When the doors opened he stepped forward into the hallway still engrossed with reading the correspondence, trying to separate bills from advertisements. Reaching his door he unlocked it, walked into the condo and tossed everything but the electric bill into the wastepaper basket. The electric bill he placed on the desk top. As he stood removing his dark, blue blazer he saw that the red light on his telephone was blinking, alerting him that he had recorded messages. He pushed the play back button and heard Whitney Nelsons voice. “Kevin, this is Whitney, I've been trying to reach you. Please call me at home”.

Another message and another familiar voice was heard, that of Mary Wagner Wallace. “Hello Kevin. I know you must be busy, but I have news about Robert. Call me when you can dear. Oh, by the way, congratulations on the arrests in the two murders. Bye”.

He walked into the kitchen wanting a glass of ice tea. He saw a note taped to the refrigerator door. “made you a sweet potato pie. You're welcome. Friday I'll be changing the linen, so don't make your bed,


Opening the refrigerator he saw the pie, smiled, then removed the pitcher of ice tea and carried it to the kitchen table.

He poured himself a glass removed the receiver from the wall telephone took a seat and dialed Mary's number.

“Hello?”, said Mary answering the call.

“Aunt Mary, this is Kevin. How are you?”

“Wonderful, just wonderful. I received a telegram from Sharon in Australia. She says that Robert is flying home, home to the United States. Isn't that marvelous?”

“ Yes, yes it is. Did she say when he'll be arriving?”

“The first week in July”.

“Good, that gives me time to pack”.

“Pack? He's not going back to the condominium. He's coming here. Here with me. He's in a wheel chair and needs someone to see that he takes his medicine and insulin injections.”

“Has he agreed to live with you?”

“Yes and surprisingly he didn't argue the point”.

“Great. I'm happy for you Aunt Mary. I know how much you love him. Call me if you need anything and especially when Uncle Bob gets home”.

“I will Kevin. Thank you and good by”.

Mckenna took a sip of ice tea then dialed Whitney's number.

Her telephone rang twice then she answered it. Hello?”, she said.

“Hello yourself. How are you?”

“How am I? Not too good at the moment”.

“Something wrong?”

“Wrong can't describe what I feel. I hope that you're satisfied now. By arresting Reverend Simon the Mission House will undoubtedly close. Ask yourself Kevin. Ask yourself just what happens to the

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