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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Rip Tide by Robert F Clifton (best books to read now .txt) 📖

Book online «Rip Tide by Robert F Clifton (best books to read now .txt) 📖». Author Robert F Clifton

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you can model swim wear and


Qwen: “Do I pass inspection?”

Erica: “For the moment. How old are you?”

Qwen: I'm thirty five”.

Erica: “I do use female models in their thirties, so in that

regard you will fit in with the others. Now, about

your hair”.

Qwen: “What about it?”

Erica: “This henna color. It can't be real”.

Qwen: “Well, it is. My hairdresser use to tell me that I am

what is called a ginger-blond”.

Erica: “So, you have a hairdresser”.

Qwen: “I said, use to. I do my own now”.

Erica: “Actually, it doesn't matter. If need be wigs can be

worn. Alright, let me get right to the point. I'll hire you

part time. You get between two hundred and four

hundred dollars a day. I then withhold a certain percentage

as my fee. Right now, I have two fashion shows scheduled.

One in August, the other after Labor Day. See my secretary.

She will give you the necessary forms to fill out. Sign them

and I'll be in touch, either by telephone or mail, or both.

Welcome to the agency”.

Qwen: “Thank you very much Mrs. Butler”.

Erica: Call me Erica. All my girls do”.

Stiles stopped the recorder and then pushed REWIND. Looking at Wallace he asked, “Well, what do you think?”

“She's in. Did you notice how Erica tried to trip her up when it came to the Fonter Agency? She inquired about a Shirley, probably knowing no such person existed there”.

“Yeah, but Qwen caught it right a way”, said Stiles.

“Another thing, that new bug she's wearing is putting out a nice, strong signal”, said Wallace as he got up and went to his desk. There he lifted the telephone receiver and dialed Carol Myers number.

“Hello”, answered Myers.

“That's exactly what I was afraid of”, said Wallace.

“What are you talking about?”

“You, answering the telephone?”

“Who else would answer it?”

“Do you have an answering service with your phone?”

“Yes, but I never use it”.

“I want you to use it.


“Because you interviewed Erica Butler. If she calls there wanting to speak to Qwen and you answer there's a chance she'll recognize your voice”.

“Alright. There. I just engaged it”.

“Thank you. How's things going?”

“So far so good. We're not sitting around in our pajamas setting each others hair, but we're getting along”.

“Thanks again for all that you're doing. I appreciate it”.

“You're welcome Cap. Good night”.


The next morning, Wallace met with Detective McKenna. “Alright, what have you got?”, asked the Captain.

“Nothing, not even a sunburn. If the Butler's were on board the U Owe Me then they're hiding in the cabin. I scanned the boat as we followed all through the Inlet to the dock using binoculars Then I went on the dock and watched John Hanes unload his catch. He had some nice tuna, but so far no winner. Anyway I stayed long enough to see that neither Derrick or Erica Butler were there”.

“If anyone of the Butlers will be on board it will be Derrick. O.K. go out again tomorrow. That's the last day. Meanwhile, see Sergeant Stiles. He'll bring you up to date on the Harris case”.

“Yes sir”.

When McKenna left his office Wallace again turned to the news articles and press photo's that Mary had sent him. He then returned to the February 9, 1972 piece about Hanes and insider trading. “Why would a successful stock broker get involved in insider trading? Then again, why wouldn't a successful stock broker get involved in insider trading? In order to buy or sell stock in insider trading, the broker has to have the knowledge of when to buy and sell before all others in the market. If Hanes is or was involved in the illegal transaction of stocks and bonds, then where, how and from whom is he getting the information?”, he asked himself mentally. On his note pad he wrote down, “Talk to Elroy about insider trading case, Hanes”.

He looked up to see Stiles entering the office. “What's up?”, asked Wallace.

“Myers just called in. She said that she'll be late, but she has some information”.

Wallace glanced at his wristwatch. “O.K. Did she say what it was?”


Captain Wallace continued looking through the press clippings. He picked up and examined a press photograph. It showed five women dressed in the latest fashion. They were all standing together, all wearing large wide rimmed hats and they were smiling. Wallace read the caption.

“ Local Models Appeared at Opening Day At The Races. Models from the Nautilus Beach Modeling Agency wore and displayed the latest fall fashions at the opening day festivities at the Atlantic City Race Track. The models from left to right are, Mary Ann Bell, Charlotte Deviny, Hilda Speck, Martha Hanes and Amanda Wells”. He set the photograph aside.

At five minutes past ten in the morning Detective Carol Myers walked into the office of Captain Wallace. When she reached his desk she placed a white bag containing Styrofoam cups of coffee and tea a blueberry muffin and a lemon doughnut. After removing the tea and muffin from the bag she sat down.

“Alright, you've just proved that you know the way to the Captains heart. Thank you. Now, tell me what this information is”, said Wallace.

Qwen and I went out last night. We had dinner than took in a movie.

When we got home there was a message on the answering machine. When I played it back it was Erica Butler. Briefly what she said was, “I need to know your shoe size. Call me at the office I'll be there after eight in the morning.”

“Did Qwen make the call this morning?”, asked Wallace.

“Certainly. I had her wait until eight twenty. When she made the call

I listened in on the telephone in my bedroom”.

“And, what did you hear?”

“Basically that the models will be showing the fashions of Paul Downs from New Zealand. It seems that he's pushing wool this season”.


“That Derrick would be picking her up here at the house. She is to be ready by no later than nine in the morning”.

“Anything else?”

“Yes, I found this interesting. Erica said, “Martha Hanes will talk to you at the convention center. She is responsible for all of the girls in general and you in particular. Listen to her and you could go a long way”.

“That can be interpreted in all kinds of ways”, said Wallace.


“Well, for now, let's keep an open mind. When is this fashion show?”

“August the third”.

“Where in the convention center?”

“The ballroom. The main floor of the center is being used for display and information booths”.

“Who are the conventioneers?”

“Drilling companies from Canada. I didn't get the name. United something or other”, said Myers.

“Good. Anything else?”

“Yes sir and I don't mean to be a pain in the ass but if this arrangement is going to be long term certain things have to be considered”.

“Such as?”

“Such as groceries, water and electric. With Qwen in with me living expenses have doubled. I hate to bring it up, but no one figured the expenses on my part”.

“How's the pantry right now?”

“Running low”.

Wallace turned the swivel chair toward the safe on the floor. He leaned over, dialed numbers then opened the heavy steel door. He took out a hundred dollars and handed it Myers. “Here, go shopping. If you need more let me know. Right now go to your desk and type me up a report indicating that you received a hundred from me and what it is for.

You said you both went out to dinner last night. I bet you didn't get a receipt”.

“No I didn't”.

“Where did you eat?'

“MacDonald s”.

“Sorry, I can't help you. No tickee, no washee”.

“Doesn’t matter, we each paid for our own burger”.

When Myers left Wallace leaned back in the high back chair and began thinking and re-thinking the Harris case. “O.K. what do we have?

The Harris girl was strangled. Her body was dropped into the waters of Great Bay. How do we know this? Because the dress she was wearing picked up bethenic algae a blue-green algae that grows on the bottom in the shallow waters of the bay. As a result of this we know that Pauline Harris was on board a boat. Which boat? Was it the “Model Life or the U Owe Me?

Who ever dropped her body into the water did so on the out going tide. That somebody is familiar with boats, local waters and tides with the full moon. A rip tide. They also know that that rip tide is capable of taking objects like a dead body out to sea.

The Harris girl was wearing a thousand dollar designer dress. She also wore a seven thousand dollar Rolex wristwatch. Robbery was not the motive. At the same time her pocketbook has not turned up. Where is it?

Was it tossed over the side of the boat at the same time or is it somewhere else?”

Was the girl killed on land or on a boat? If on land, where? If on a boat which one? Why was she killed? When I examine the statements made by Rodman and Baker there is evidence of them being propositioned into being employed by Butler as prostitutes. They refused. They're still alive. The medical examiner stated in her report that there was no sign of vaginal sexual activity. Pauline Harris was therefore not promiscuous. If she was propositioned and if she refused just like the other two girls then, why was she killed?

The Butler Agency models are mature, married women. They are the society types. They belong to the same clubs and charity organizations. The live the same life style. They live in the same affluent neighborhoods.

Why does a banker who would have no trouble acquiring a mortgage owe

Mariner Trust?

Why would someone like John Hanes, a stock broker associate with the likes of Derrick Butler, a pimp? What is their connection?

Wallace leaned forward in the chair, picked up a ballpoint pen and wrote down several notes on the yellow, blue lined pad on his desk. Just as he finished, the telephone rang.

“Major Crime Squad, Captain Wallace”, he answered.

“Hi, this is Emily”.

“Well, hello.Is this call professional related or personal related?”


“You have my complete attention”.

“How would you like to have dinner tonight at my place?”

“I think I would like it very much”.

“I'm thinking a filet mignon, baked potato, a salad and desert”.

“Sounds great”.

“How do you like your filet?”

“Medium well”.

“That's pink, right?”


“Say we eat around eight?”

“I'll be there at seven thirty”.

“No earlier. I have a lot of things to do”.

“See you then”.


After Emily hung up, Wallace dialed another number.

“Harry's Liquors”, said a man.


“Yeah, that you Wally?'

“Harry, pick me out a nice bottle of Cabernet Savignon. I'll pick it up on my way home”.

“I suggest Ingelnook “.

“How much?”

“Fifty six dollars”.

“Got anything else?'

“Sure, a hundred and twenty nine dollars”.

“I'll take your first offer”.

“Shall I wrap it?”

“For fifty six dollars you should chill it, uncork it, and serve it. Just put it in a brown paper bag”.

“Anything else?”

“Not right now Harry. Bye”.

































Chapter Eight



On Monday morning, as usual the members of the Major Crime Squad sat drinking coffee waiting for Captain Wallace to start the conversation. When he did he directed his attention to Detective Myers.

“How's it going Carol?”

“Do you mean with my room mate?'


“Good. So far she's not in my way. Both of us in the same line of work makes for some interesting conversations.”

“What about finances?”

“Right now things are good. If I need more money I'll let you know”.

“No problem, just remember receipts”.

“Yes sir'.

“Now, for the rest of you. Before I left here on Friday night I sat here and brainstormed this case. When I was finished if I could have stood up and kicked myself in the ass I would have. I and we, that means all of us missed one very important fact and necessary piece of information”.

“Are you going to tell us what we missed or are we going to have to guess?”, asked Stiles.

“Erica Butler has called here twice bitching and raising hell about the Kalinka dress”.

“Yeah so?”, said Mckenna.

“She's never inquired about a pocketbook”.

“Maybe the Harris girl didn't have one”, said Stiles.

“Carol? What do you think?”

“I can't say for certain. However, it seems to me that if Pauline Harris wore a

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