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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Rip Tide by Robert F Clifton (best books to read now .txt) 📖

Book online «Rip Tide by Robert F Clifton (best books to read now .txt) 📖». Author Robert F Clifton

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be heard by us and no one else.”

“And what did she say?”, asked Wallace's.

“She said, I understand that you want to make some extra money. I said that I did. Then she said, After the fashion shows some of the clients have private parties. Sometimes they like our models to serve as hostesses, if you know what I mean. A smart woman can make a nice income. At the same time we look for certain information, particularly from corporate types. We would want you to ask about their company. Is it about to merge or sell? Is it prospering or is it in trouble financially? You see this kind of information will get one a nice bonus from time to time”.

Wallace stopped writing. “So, instead of Derrick Butler doing the pimping, it's Martha Hanes as the madam. However, what you've just told us makes sense, that Martha Hanes would be running this kind of operation. If the woman prostitutes herself, the money she receives is really incidental. What she really wants is information, corporate or business information that her husband, the stock broker can use as insider trades”.

“That's the way I see it Captain”, said Qwen.

“Anything else?', asked Wallace.

“I asked if all of the other models did this sort of thing. She said they did. Then I asked if she had a client for me at the time. She said no, but since I was open to her suggestion she would see to it that I have a client or two at the next convention show”.

“When is the next convention?”

“Labor Day weekend”.

“What's coming in?”

“Solar and wind energy companies”.

“Alright. I'll take a room and put an undercover officer in it. Frank, I want you to figure out how to plant the bug on Qwen. What we need is Martha Hanes setting up the trick. In the meantime, I have to do some studying on alternate energy company stocks so we can give a bullshit story to the Hanes. I'll see if Bill O'Neil will play the part of a John. After all he's the head of the vice Squad and this is a prostitution ring”.

“Anybody want to hear what I have to say?”, asked Myers.

“Certainly”, Wallace replied.

“I finally got around to checking on the one shoe we found on Pauline Harris. It's a Vince Camuso, black, kitten heel pump. The shoes sell for sixty dollars”.

Wallace looked at Qwen and then Carol. “Has Erica mentioned the shoes to anyone of you?”, he asked.

“No”, they both answered.

“Well, when you're concerned about a thousand dollar dress and a two thousand dollar pocketbook one might not worry about a pair of sixty dollar shoes. Nonetheless, let's keep the shoes in mind”.

“Anything else?', asked Stiles.

“Yeah, Qwen, either call or go in to see Erica. If and when you get there tell her that you're moving. Your new address is the Chelsea Apartments, apartment 408. The reason you are moving is because you and your room mate don't get along. In talking to your mother you found that a friend of her's, Doctor Emily Wescoat lives in Nautilus Beach. You contacted her and she has invited you to come live with her”.

“Hey Captain, Qwen doesn't have to move on my account”, said Myers.

“Take it easy Carol. You're not the reason I'm moving her. All of us now have a lot of time and effort invested in this case. I don't want to blow it by having anyone of them, models, agency owners or stockbrokers accidentally discovering that Qwen is living with a cop. Even the fact that she will now be living with a pathologist and the Medical Examiner is risky enough, but that's the chance I have to take. Speaking of chances, now that they think that Qwen is a potential member of the hooker stable they might want to come visiting. Qwen, tell Erica that you're moving, but don't know when. Actually it will be this Friday. Doctor Wescoat is in the process of setting up your room. Also, change your address again with the Post Office”.

“No problem. I assume that Doctor Wescoat is agreeable to this move”, said Phillips.

“Yes, she's agreeable”, Wallace answered.

“Well, I'm going to miss you Carol. Thanks for everything”, said Qwen.

“I still wish you could stay”, Myers replied.

The next morning Captain William O'Neil sat in Captain Wallace's office. “So, I've had a bunch of housewives working conventions as hookers for the past couple of years and no one was aware of it”, said O'Neil.

“Hey don't feel bad. They were operating at the same time when

I commanded the vice squad. I didn't know about it then.”, Wallace answered.

“Alright what do you have in mind?”

“I want you to pose as a conventioneer, one that attended the fashion show and after seeing Qwen wants a private showing”.

“Did you get me a room?”

“Yeah, room 708 and 710 at the Sandpiper Hotel. You're registered as a Mister Donald Trainer. Your convention credentials that you will be wearing reads that you work as the vice president of Amalgamated Energy. I want you to wear a wire. Get Martha Hanes to make a move, such as price or anything else she might have in mind. At the same time look out for this guy. This is Derrick butler, AKA Daniel Barns or Dominick Desilvio. He's been busted for pimping and pandering. I could take him right now for failing to register, but that's a chicken shit charge that I'll only use if I have too”, said Wallace as he handed O'Neil the mug shot photo of Butler.

“This Martha Hanes? What does she look like?”

“Blond, very attractive. Here's a press photo of her with her husband”.

“O'Neil studied the black and white press picture. “Good looking woman. Tell you what. Since I'm coming in on this investigation I want to use my own crew”.

“How”, asked Wallace.

“I'll wear the wire, but it will be my wire. My crew will be in the next room taping”.

“You don't need to tape a conversation between you and Qwen”.

“You're right, but if things go right I will want to tape a conversation between me and Mrs. Hanes in that room”.

“Good thinking”.

“I had a good teacher, you”.

“O.K. we team up. Together we work the homicide and the prostitution angle”.

“Right, now what can you tell me about this Erica Butler?”

“Bill, at this moment I can't say that she is directly involved. I think she is aware of what's going on, but doesn't want to be involved in it. Not literally anyway”.

“If this guy she says she's married to is a pimp, then I'm guessing she knows more than you're seeing”.

“I thought that too. In fact, I was surprised as hell when the Hanes woman made the proposition to our girl. I was certain that Derrick Butler would have made the move on her”.

“It could be that he's been told to stay out of it as far as making arrangements. A guy like him, a street pimp just might be too crude for this operation. What's his role in the modeling business?”

“He's more or less a go for, a chauffeur, a delivery boy if you will. He drives the girls to the show, packs and unpacks the costumes things like that”.

“It would be interesting to see if he drives the women to their after show meetings. From what you've told me, these gals come from money and local society. The fact that they've been able to function without being detected this long tells me that they don't and won't take a chance with a rough customer. A guy like him would supply the muscle if things went wrong”.

“I agree, except he's a little shit”.

“What I'll do if things go right is use one of my squad to tail him.

If he does what I think he'll do we'll observe and photograph him. We have that new night photography equipment. Might as well use it”.

“If what you're thinking is so, then the women must have a way of contacting him in an emergency”.

“Hey, we bug. What's stopping him from doing the same? Think about it. The guy already knows the room number. All he has to do is sit in the hotel lobby with a small receiver in his ear while he pretends to read a newspaper or magazine. If it's a motel. He sits out front in his automobile, If they're smart they'll already have a room reserved for private showings to be held. That way he's probably right next door”.

“Makes sense”.

“O.K. Wally, keep me advised. I'll start getting things ready”.

“Talk to you later Bill'.


Robert Wallace stood in the doorway of Emily Wescoat's spare bedroom. “You're sure this isn't gong to be an inconvenience?”, he asked.

“No, as a matter of fact I look forward to having company. It gets pretty monotonous looking at four walls and talking to one's self”.

“Well, thanks again Emily. This is a big help. Just remember that you are a friend of Qwen Phillips mother”.

“Where did we meet again?”

“Wildwood. You were thinking of living there and was looking for a place to rent. That's when you met Carol's mother. She's a realtor”.

“What's her name?”

“Shit! I forgot to ask. I'll have to get back to you”.




















Chapter Nine

Amalgamated Energy


Robert Wallace read and then re-read all of the reports submitted in relation to the Pauline Harris homicide case. After reading one of Tom McKenna's reports he called for the young detective to come to his office.

McKenna entered with a worried look on his face. “Yes sir? You want to see me?”, he asked.

Wallace smiled. Have a seat. When you went to the boat works and found out why the U Owe Me was in dry dock, someone told you it was to replace a propeller. Is that correct?”

“Yes sir”.

“Was whoever you talked with co-operative?”

“Yes sir, no problem”.

“Do you think if you went back there, you could get the prop they took off the U Owe Me and take it as evidence?”

“One way or another”.

“Good, do it. I got a feeling that this propeller thing is important”.

“I'm on my way.”


When McKenna left, Wallace dialed Emily Wescoat's home telephone number. After a few minutes she answered. “Hello”.

“It's me”.

“Hello me”.

“Did Qwen get there yet?”

“Yes, she's unpacking right now”.

“Good, is there any problem of me coming there tonight. I want to go over a couple of things with her”.

“No problem at all. As a matter of fact, why don't you come for dinner?”

“Can I bring anything?”

“No, it's spaghetti and meatballs. I have the bread. If you want wine, that's up to you”.

“I don't need it. What time?”

“How about seven thirty again. That seems to work”.

“See you then. Bye”.

At eight o'clock that evening Robert Wallace wiped the red spaghetti sauce from his mouth with a paper napkin. He then spoke to Qwen Phillips. “So what is going to happen is that Captain O'Neil will ask for a special showing by you. We're going to try again to see if Erica Butler is involved one way or another in the prostitution racket. In any event Bill will certainly make contact with Martha Hanes.

Naturally, you will agree and go to his room. After an hour you leave the room. I suggest that you mess up your hair and makeup a bit. We want you to appear that you just got out of bed, if you know what I mean.

I don't think I have to use a bug. O'Neil is using his equipment and two going at the same time could create interference”.

“I can't wear a bug anyway. Erica has me modeling swim wear. That means bikini's”.

“Perfect, that gives Bill reason enough to request your services”.

“You mean besides being a man?”, asked Emily.

“Oh that hurts. However, Bill O'Neil is a happily, Irish Catholic, married man with five children”.

“Do you want me to have any knowledge about the energy company to tell Martha?”

“Yes, but not too much. That way Martha Hanes when invited to Donald trainers room will be there to conduct business as well as trying to find out for herself what the business statistics of Amalgamated Energy are.”.

“Just out of curiosity, what are the statistics?”


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