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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Bitter Affection by Faith Harper, CrystalShane 101 (best ebook reader ubuntu TXT) 📖

Book online «Bitter Affection by Faith Harper, CrystalShane 101 (best ebook reader ubuntu TXT) 📖». Author Faith Harper, CrystalShane 101

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sinks and dryers attached to the walls.


"Hey Paul," a woman with tight, above the knee black skirt and a white blouse. She leaned in and Paul and her kissed each other's cheeks. "Fatima, nice to see you again," they pulled back from each other.


She looked me up and down with a thinking face. "This is her?" the woman said surprised. "Yep, this is it," Paul said and I scowled at him.


"What are you guys talking about that she needs a makeover? She is already gorgeous," she stated, "stop wasting my time." She then slapped Paul's arm.


I felt a strange feeling. My face was heating up and I felt like my face was turning red. Was this what it felt like to blush?


"Sorry to burst your bubble, but we want to go bigger than," he motioned to my face," this." I got so angry that I held his elbow and pinched one of his nerves. He quickly passed out on the clean floor that I wished was dirty to torture him.


The woman laughed so hard that she stumbled in her heels. Her long, golden, blonde hair was bouncing over her shoulders. "I love you already," she was still giggling. I couldn't help, but smile wide.


"So, how are you going to make-me-over," I said emphasizing. After she finished laughing, she came over to me and lifted one strand of my hair and looked at my facial features. She went around me and looked me up and down again. Wow, this didn't feel weird at all. Note the sarcasm.


"Ooo, I know the perfect look. The boys are going to go weak in the knees when the see you walking down the hallway," a bright smile on her face. She grabbed my arm and dragging me to a lady, that I didn't notice before, who was by the hair products. I abruptly stopped in my tracks.


She looked confused. "What's wrong," her voice was concerning. I looked back at the devil spawn that was still face down on the ground. 


"What about him?" I tried to hold in a laugh, but failed. I snorted. Uh. Why did I have to ugly laugh?


Fatima snorted too. Well, at least I wasn't alone. "Oh, Perry!" she yelled and a buff guy with short brown hair came. His black shirt looked like it was about to rip from how muscular he looked.


"Can you, um, take care of that?" she asked him. We both laughed. The guy, Perry, nodded and lifted an unconscious Paul over his shoulder like he weighed nothing. We watched Perry toss Paul on the nearest couch and Paul groaned. 


I learned how to hit a nerve from watching too much Zoey 101 and iCarly. I never knew it would come in handy. I internally smiled.


"Ready?" Fatima asked. I nodded my head, still nervous about what is about to come.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4


After hours of waxing everything (and I mean everything if you know what I mean), manicures and pedicures, hair dyes, and clothes arrangement, my look was done. 


We got her at 9 this morning and now it's 7pm. Wow, time flies by when someone is doing things for you. 


An angry Paul woke up by 5 and it was the most funniest scene I have ever seen. Paul freaked  and fell off the couch to the floor with a thud. The lady doing my hair almost spilled some hair dye on me because I was laughing so hard. After all my protests, though, they still dyed my hair. I'm not saying I jumped for joy. Let's just say I had a sour face when they were styling my hair. Fatima wouldn't let me see myself yet until the 'finishing touches' are done, as she says.


But, I wasn't bored the whole time. After Paul wasn't boiling with anger towards me, he, reluctantly, gave me my first Samsung Galaxy 6, well, my first phone ever. They didn't want me to contact anyone outside of the compound. Besides, who would I talk to?


"You ready to see the new and even more improved you, Celia?" Fatima asked, excitement written all over her face. I was sitting in a black spin chair in the middle of the basement and a huge mirror was behind me.


I wasn't really excited to see my new 'look'. I'm not gonna lie, but I'm scared of how I look. And I don't get scared often. The reason why I'm scared is because I don't know if I will recognize myself. The Celia that I have grown used to over the years, will just be a picture on the wall. She will be gone. I'm afraid that this new self will not want to go back to the old, ordinary Celia. But, if II'm going to do this operation, I'll just have to get used to this 'new and improved' Celia.


"What the hell," I told her. While she was turning my chair around, I was trying to prepare myself. Breathe in, breathe out. I was soon staring at another girl in the mirror, who looked kind of like me.


My once dark brown hair was now dark red along with my eyebrows. My hazel eyes were transformed into a dark green. Something else was different on my face. My eyelashes were darker than usual.


My hand went to touch my eyelashes, but it was quickly slapped away. Fatima was now standing next to me. "NO! That's just makeup. Oh, and I have to teach you how to put makeup on," she couldn't keep the smile off her face. "This is going to be so much fun!" she said.


"Not bad," Paul said and came behind my chair. I was too busy examining my new appearance that I didn't hear Paul's question. "Celia, we have to come up with a new name," Paul said annoyed that he repeated himself like five times already.


"Oh yeah, so I wouldn't be recognized. It's not like people are going to recognize me. I haven't been outside of this compound. Ever," I angrily said. "Celia, don't be angry," he put a hand on my back.


"Sorry," I mumbled. "Any name ideas?" he asked again. I was in thinking mode now. "What about Renee Patit?" I asked him. "Cute, but I think we should use an American name instead of a French one. You have to hide your identity, remember?" he said.


Right. I should pick a girl name because of how much a tomboy I am. But, that would be offensive to the name. Eh. Who cares?


I thought back to when my parents abandoned me. They didn't leave me alone though. The police found a stuffed bunny rabbit in the basket they left me in. The police gave it back to me when they were done finding what store it came from. They did that so they can track the receipt the person who bought it. 


Soon, I was in my third orphanage and was four years old. I had grown close to a girl who was my age. Jules. We became best friends. One day, she asked what was my bunny's name. I never really thought of a name for it because I didn't really care.


Later that day, she was adopted. A beautiful family took her in. She would soon have two brothers, a mother, and a father. We said our goodbyes, but neither of us could let each other go. When she was gone, I finally named my bunny. Jules. That's because Jules was the only person who I would call family.


"What about Jules?" I asked. Paul and Fatima looked at each other and nodded in agreement. "Perfect. How did you come up with that?" Paul asked. 


"Just a childhood friend," I told them. "Huh. Now we just need a last name for you," he lastly said. I knew the perfect one.


"Tyler," I said. You wonder why? That was the name of Jules' father. The one who adopted her that day. Why do I know that? Let's just say I was a rugrat when I was younger. Still am now.


"Jules Tyler, I love it!" Fatima exclaimed. 


                                                 (above picture of Celia after makover)

                                                  Celia Durand/Jules Tyler: Phoebe Tonkin

                                                   Paul: Ryan Reynolds

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 


~ DO NOT SKIP Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a while, but I was getting ideas for the book. This chapter is on someone else's POV, so I hope you enjoy! Yesterday, I finished a book called 'Sink or Swim' and I loved it!! I recommend it for you guys who haven't read it. It will change your life! So, without further a do, Chapter 6 of Kill or Kiss is presented!


Beau's POV


My sister's death was a surprise to everyone. Nobody saw it coming because it was so sudden. No offense to my sister, but I saw it coming. 


If she would have never been associated with those people, she would still be alive today. But, I can't blame it on her. It's my fault. 


I'm her big brother and I could have done more than beating those guys up. No, I should have fucking killed them. 


I thought I could protect her. I promised my dad I would protect her. I failed her, and I'm going to pay for her death. 


Sitting in the second pew in the church was the closest I've ever been in a church. My twin brother was sitting next to me. When I looked over at him, I saw a tear going down his face. My face showed no emotion when they were lowering my sister in the ground. Showed no emotion when they covered up her grave. Showed no emotion when my mother was bawling like a baby in my dad's arms. Still showing no emotion as I am laying in my bed. In the dark.


I don't deserve to mourn over her. I don't deserve to cry over someone that I basically let die. I am her killer.


My door slowly opened and the hallway light filled the room. Squinting my eyes, I saw that my mom was in the doorway with her 'Best Mom Ever' apron on. It had what looked like tomato sauce on it so she must cooking.


"Honey, dinner's almost ready," her

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