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Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Bitter Affection by Faith Harper, CrystalShane 101 (best ebook reader ubuntu TXT) 📖

Book online «Bitter Affection by Faith Harper, CrystalShane 101 (best ebook reader ubuntu TXT) 📖». Author Faith Harper, CrystalShane 101

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soft voice disturbed the silence. "I'll be down in a minute," my voice was gruff since I just woke up. She smiled softly and closed the door. Before it was fully closed she said something.


"I love you," she said. I was in a sitting position now. "I love you too, mum," I replied. I saw her smile again and she closed the door. My room was once again filled with darkness. When I heard her scurrying down the stairs, I got up.


 But, too quickly. "Fuck!" I whisper yelled so my mum wouldn't hear me curse. I was now dizzy and stumbled over a book which magically appeared on the floor. 


In an instant, I was on the floor. It sounded like a herd of horses ran in my room. "Shit!" I whisper yelled another curse.


"Beau!" my mum screeched. "Are you okay?" she yelled from downstairs. 


Why am I all of a sudden clumsy?


"I'm good," I groaned. Getting up, I struggled to get to my bathroom. But, I made it.


"Be careful, honey," my mother said and I heard her put something in the sink. I turned on the light and my reflection was horrid. My blonde hair grew down to my shoulders and it was unruly. I have dark bags under my eyes even though I've slept everyday since the funeral. 


I turned away from the mirror, took off my clothes, and hopped in the shower. 


I just remembered that I had school on Monday. Shit.


~I'm sorry this chapter is so short, but I'm making up for it and these next couple of chapters. Don't forget to vote and comment! Have a good day my lovelies!


Chapter 6

Chapter 6


 The house was cute and coomfy. It has creme colored walls, two bedrooms and bathrooms, a kitchen with an island, and a living room that had furniture.


My room had light blue colored walls, a desk with a spinny chair, a king size bed, and my own personal bathroom. 


I was now standing in my new bedroom door with my backpack slung over my shoulder. "Woah," I gasped and walked over to the bed with snow white sheets. I fell face first on the bed and groaned.


Paul dropped me off an hour ago with my new clothes Fatima is making me wear. Most of them are very girly. Yay. 


Now, I have to California my new home. It's not like I'm going to miss Philedelphia, that's where my life began and ended. But, I have to give Paul credit. He was my only friend.


I'm not going to say I'm excited to be in California because I want to see my parents with a bloody nose.


They are supposed to be living in this house with me. Raising me and loving me. My dad keeping the guys away and my mom bringing them in and gossiping. No, that's not real. They don't think I'm worth thinking about, so I'm going to do the same to them. When I do think about them, I see them being shot in the head. 




I have accepted the new me. The me that can take care of herself and not depend on anyone. The violent me.


My stomach grumbled and I just remembered I didn't eat breakfast at the compound. Well, breakfast at the compound was stale bread and clumpy milk. Of course I didn't drink the milk.


I slowly got up and took my phone from my back pocket. I turned it on and the first thing I see isthe game I've been obsessing over for the past two days.


Candy Crush.


I know, I'm going to get a password soon.


After I finished the level I was on, I went to my home screen. "Now, where is the closest breakfast place?" I was still getting acclamated to the world and especially this phone. 


"There you are." I tapped on the Maps app and typed in "breakfast places". Thee fiirst place that popped up was "Angie's Diner", and it was sevenn blocks away. 


I got up from my comfortable bed and went downstairs. I grabbed my purse from the kitchen's island, went outside, and took out my car keys.

Paul gave me a car, but not before he taught me how to drive it. Two fucking weeks of Paul yalling at me to 'hit the brakes' or 'don't you see that stop sign'. I didn't know he could get anymore annoying. Although, I drive like a pro now. 


I was given a gorgeous blue Toyota and I loved it. Starting the car, I buckled my seatbelt and pressed the location of "Angie's Diner".


"Take 43rd in western to 49th in Robin and take a left," they high pitched voice directed.


Pulling out of my driveway, I checked my mirror for any cars to check if the road was clear for me to pull out. When I didn't see anyone, I followed the directions my phone gave me.


When a red light came up, I slowed down and took a second to look around. The California air was comforable, but a little cool. I was living in the forest area of California. It was beautiful, though, if I see a bear trying to be 'friends' with my car, I'm not going t promise I won't hurt it.

The truth is I love animals, but that still doesn't mean they have permission to destroy my property.




I heard a loud horn and I noticed the green Jeep behind me was honking at me like crazy. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't know the light turned green again. 

Sitting up in my seat, I pressed on the gas pedal and continued the route to the diner.


In less than 10 minutes, I was in the half vacant parking lot of "Angie's Diner". I took my key out of the ignition and stepped out the car.


As soon as I did, the cool air hit my bare arms which immediately caused goosebumps to form. What the hell? I was just saying how the weather was comfortable, but when I looked up the sjy was turning gray.

War started when the first rain drop plopped on my forehead. Then, in seconds, it started pouring.


Quickly, I to the double doors of the diner.  I pressed the button on my keys to lock my car doors and I was shivering from the cold rain.


Whistles were being thrown my way so I turned to see three guys sitting in a booth looking at me with perverted smiles on their faces. Though, their eyes weren't on my face. Looking down, I saw that my black tank top was soaking wet and my boobs were being pushed out the top of my shirt. 

I walked over to their booth with my fist balled to my sides and I felt like dteam was coming out of my ears.


"Hey is your little friend over their giving you a blow job?" I asked the guy who sat in the middle. "Is that why you are smiling so hard?" I gave a tight lipped smile.


The guy looked like he was about to explode. "Listen you whore-" his nose was flaring unitl I interupted him. "I'm sorry, but that's clearly only the name you will be called when you go to prison," my smile grew wider and I moved closer to his face across the table. "I heard the men like the pretty ones," I gave them one last smile, turned around, and began walking to the counter where on of the workers were.


"We're not done here slut!" he exclaimed and I heard him and his crew get up. "Anytime bitch," I waved backwards because I wasn't facing them.


I heard one last growl from the little man and the diner's doors were opening then closing. 


When that was over, I sat in one of the stools at the counter and took out my phone. I pulled up Paul's number and texted him.


At Angie's Diner and I feel like punching a wall.


While I was writing this messaage I felt a pair of eyes on me. Sending the text, I look up twice to see who was watching me. 


Behind the counter was one of the workers and she had dark black hair which was in a pony tail. Her loud blue eyes were creeping me out as she watched me intently. 

"Can I help you?" I asked a little annoyed and awkward as this girl kept staring at me.


"I should be asking you the same thing," she said with a little attitude, but I saw the smile she was trying to hold back.


"Whatever," I mumbled and ran my fingers through my damp hair. The color, though, was still foreign to me. I looked back down at my phone and saw Paul texted me back.


Mad already? Control your temper tiger, it's just your first day.


Rolling my eyes, I replied to his text.


Yea, yea, I'll save it for school.


Still feeling eyes on me, I, once again, looked up to see the girl staring at me. "What?!" I exclaimed getting annoyed that this girl keeps staring at me. 


She put up her hands in surrender and smiled. "Are you new here? I've never seen you before. What school do you go to? I like your accent. How old are yo-" I stopped he mid-sentence. 


"NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUISNESS!" I shouted at her because I was getting so irratated. "Fille taire," I mumbled running my hands through my hair again. 


I couldn't give this giel my identity. Not yet, at least.


"What would you like to eat?" she asked with the same pep she had since she started talking to me. I groaned and picked up the menu that was behind the counter. 


Honestly, I didn't know what I wanted. Looking through the menu, I had never tried an omlette or french toast. I can't believe I was asking her this.


"What do you suggest?" I asked bored, but faking ethusiasm. 

Her face lit up and a huge smile appeared on her face.


Hey guys, I'm back! I made this chapter SUPER long because I haven't been posting like I should and I wanted to make it up to the people who have been asking for this chapter. I'm thinking about changing the book cover, but I need you guys' help! I will have ideas when I am done writing the nect chapter which is coming out soon! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, favorite it and ad it to your library! Have a great day!





Publication Date: 12-31-2016

All Rights Reserved

Dedication to my

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