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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » The Case Of The Barefoot Boys by Robert F. Clifton (portable ebook reader txt) 📖

Book online «The Case Of The Barefoot Boys by Robert F. Clifton (portable ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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so we can talk.”

“Your place or mine?”

“I'm afraid that since I haven't had time to stock either beverage or refreshments it must be yours.”

“How would you like a cup of tea made by a countryman?”

“Oh, rather.”

Later Alistair placed a cup and saucer on the coffee table and leaned back in the chair. Joyce Hampton sat across the room on the couch. He looked at her and said, “Ah the tea was spot on. Reminds me of the many pots made by my housekeeper.”

“I'm glad you enjoyed it.”

“So, tell me all about yourself,” said Basham.

“Professionally I'm an Paleoanthropologist, but one that subscribes to the Multiregional Concept of the evolution and transformation of the human specie.”

“Forgive me, but already I'm lost.”

“Oh, I'm sorry. Basically, there are those of us who believe that man was not created only in Africa or for that matter did not migrate out of Africa and settle Europe and Asia. Our theory is that early man was created at several places in the world at approximately the same time.”

“Really, I've been under the impression that many finds of

early man have been found in Africa indicating that it is the location of the beginning of the human specie.”

“When one steps back and views the entire picture one finds that Africa was chosen for the place to begin research. Darwin, in his writings stated that man originated and was transformed from monkeys and apes. Where are the most monkeys and apes? Africa.”

“ I see.”

“Another example would be the findings of Neanderthal Man. Neanderthal findings places him in Europe two hundred and fifty thousand years ago. He lived and survived during the ice age. There are those that believe that Neanderthal was driven into extinction by homo-sapiens.”

“Weren't they?”, asked Alistair.

“Some of us believe that the disappearance of Neanderthal was the result of inter-breeding with homo-sapiens.”

“Is there proof supporting this theory?”

“Not yet, but no doubt someday modern science will prove that this did occur and many of us are walking around with the Neanderthal gene.”

“I must admit that it could happen.”

“Of course. Let me give you a few other possibilities. Coal was discovered at the South Pole. Coal is formed from tropical swamps which were in existence between one and three million years ago. Now, it's covered with an ice layer. If there's coal, what else might be there? The remains of early animals or possibly the fossils of early man? What is hidden in the mountains of the world, the depth of the oceans, jungles? Do you see my point?”

“Yes. I assume that this is what you will be teaching this summer,” said Basham.

“Yes, now enough about me and that. What about you?,” she asked.

“I'll be teaching the same old curriculum, mostly about crime and what makes a criminal tick. To tell you the truth, I'd much rather be working a case with some law enforcement agency then be in a stuffy classroom. I've been warned not to get involved in any criminal investigation while here at university.”

“Well, for that matter there's very little crime here on campus. I seem to recall a bicycle being stolen sometime back.

Wait a minute. A few weeks ago I read about a murder down by the seashore. I believe it happened in Atlantic City. A young man was found dead in an alley. Funny, the thing I remember most was that the victim was barefoot.”

“Not unusual, seashore, beach, sand, water and bare feet all go together.”

“I suppose you're right.”

“Well, the hour grows late. Thank you very much for the enjoyable conversation and of course the tea. I'll leave you now

thanks for listening to an old man ramble on.”

“Nonsense. I did most of the talking. Now, if there is anything you need don't be afraid to ask.”

“There is one thing. I need to do a bit of shopping, groceries mostly. Also a bottle of sherry. Can you tell me where the nearest market place is located?”, asked Basham.

“I'll tell you what Alistair. I have a motor car. Why don't you let me drive you into town, show you where the food market is and if you'd like help you shop.”

“That would be wonderful. Thank you. I'll leave the time up to you.”

“Let's say ten or eleven in the morning.”






























Chapter Two

Charles Beckmen


Shortly after nine AM on a warm, Monday morning, Alistair Basham left the place that had been assigned to him as a classroom in Walker Hall. He then walked down to the lower level where a library was located. He opened the door, entered and walked to where a bespectacled, woman with her hair tied back sat using a rubber stamp and ink pad. She looked up at him and said, “May I help you?”

“Yes. Good morning. I'm looking for a newspaper, but one that would possibly contain an article about an incident that happened in Atlantic City. I believe the city is located in New Jersey.”

“Do you have an approximate date?”

“No, I'm afraid not. I would guess it would have happened in the past three weeks or so.”

“Are you a member of the faculty?”

“Yes I am. Doctor Alistair Basham of the Sociology Department. Doctor Shiebel is my superior.”

“I see. It is possible that we might have what you are looking for on micro-fiche. Have you ever used a micro-fiche?”

“About two or three hundred times,” Basham answered sarcastically.

“Fine. Come with me.”

Basham took a seat and inserted a card containing New York City newspapers. He searched page after page but found no mention of any homicide occurring in Atlantic City. Next he viewed news papers from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. While reading the Philadelphia Inquirer he found the page title, “South Jersey News.” then he found what he was looking for when he spotted, Youth Found Dead In Alleyway. He began to read the article. Local Police today reported that the body of a young man was found in an alleyway in the one hundred block of South, Virginia Ave. The victim is identified as Charles Beckmen believed to be seventeen years of age.

Death has been determined to be the result of blunt force trauma to the head.

The victim was found attired in a white Tee shirt, blue jeans and was barefoot. Anyone having any information is requested to notify the Atlantic City Police


Basham noticed the date of the article, May 31, 1950.

He made handwritten notes on the small note pad he carried in his jacket pocket. After turning off the micro-fiche he neatly stacked the micro-film cards together, got up, walked back to where the librarian sat and said. “Thank you very much”, as he handed the cards to her.

In the mood for a cup of coffee or tea Basham made the long walk to the cafeteria. After entering and moving through the empty line he selected a scone, empty mug, poured himself a cup of coffee and proceeded to pay the cashier. As he was walking to a table he heard, “Alistair”. Hearing his name he turned his head and saw Joyce Hampton seated at a table alone. He walked to where she sat. “Good morning, Doctor Hampton”, he said.

“Call me Joyce. How are you this morning Alistair?”

“Tip top, I'd say. I found that news article you were telling me about.”


“Oh, yes. I must say that after reading it I find it most intriguing”.

“How so?”

“At the moment I can't actually put my finger on it. Perhaps it has something to do with the age of the victim. Whatever. What can you tell me about this place called Atlantic City?”

“It is a seaside resort city, similar to Brighton, England.

I was there recently. I walked the boardwalk, sat on the beach, went into the ocean up to my ankles. The water was much too cold for bathing, but it was last month, May. I'm told the water is ideal by July. It's approximately seventy miles from here.”

“Really. I should like to go there. I assume there is public transportation available.

“Let me suggest that since I have a motor car and it is a short drive to get there that I take you, “Down to the shore,”

As they say. We could leave early, spend the day and you can do what ever it is you do, or care to do.”

“That would be smashing. Are you sure that I'm not imposing?”

“Of course not. Is today your first day of teaching?”

“Yes, at two this afternoon. Actually, it is more orientation then teaching, the first day.”

“Well I'm sure things will go well. You'll find American students are more lay back then English students. I believe the term Liaise-fare, or “Let Us Do What We Want To Do, would describe them.”

“I see that's nice to know.”

“Excuse me Alistair, is a cup of coffee and a scone all you're going to eat for breakfast?”

“Yes, why?”

“None of my business, but you should have more.”

“I make it up during lunch, tea time and supper.”

“If you say so. Now, I'm afraid I must leave you. I have a class at eleven. If you need anything give me a ring. Cheerio.”

At two o'clock that afternoon. Professor Basham gazed upon twenty students seated in the classroom looking at him and waiting for him to speak. He cleared his throat and asked, “Is there anyone here knowledgeable in just how a thermostat works?”

One young man raised his hand.

“I see and your name sir?”

“Adam Mosley.”

“Mr. Mosley would you please find the thermostat for this room, tell me the temperature which I'm sure all of us gathered here consider it to be too bloody hot and then set it for seventy six degrees.”

“Yes sir.”

“Good, now while Mr. Mosley allows us to become comfortable let's begin. I am Doctor Alistair Basham. Professionally, I am a tenured member of the faculty at Harrow College which is located just outside of London, England. Currently, as you can see, I'm standing before you as a guest professor teaching a course which is rightfully titled, “Introduction to Criminology, or if you like, “Criminology, One O One.”

“You will find ladies and gentlemen, that although I will be

using my book, “Criminology And The Mental State”, as a teaching aid no one is required to either purchase it or for that matter to read it. I do and let me emphasize, I do expect all of you to take copious notes. There will be an exam. Also, a paper written by you and only you is required. Ah, Excellent Mr. Mosley I feel the cool air already. Now, let's begin.

Criminology is the scientific study of the nature, extent,

management, causes, control, consequences and prevention of criminal behavior, both on the individual and social levels. Criminology is an interdisciplinary field in both behavioral and

social sciences, especially drawing upon the research of sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, social anthropologists

as well as scholars of law.”

“Excuse me Doctor Basham. Is it true that you worked with Scotland Yard on several murder cases?”, asked a young woman with her hand up in the air.”

“No. What is true is the fact that I did work with the Metropolitan Police of London and the police in neighboring, Kent County, Basham answered.

“It's being said that you solved several murders in England”, said the young woman.

“Again, an exaggeration by someone. I merely formed a personality profile from which the police were able to select a suspect from other individuals. May I say at this time that this has only happened by invitation. I never place law enforcement agencies in a position where I force myself upon them.”

“Still, some say that you are more a detective rather than a criminologist”, said a young man from the rear of the classroom.

“And I say that it's rubbish. By providing a personality profile I do what any psychologist or psychiatrist can do. Nothing more. True, in order to do so it is necessary for me to

Look at physical evidence as well as the statements, habits and movements of suspects. The investigation conducted in all cases is done by detectives, not by me.”

“Is it true that you walk with a limp because you were shot investigating a robbery?”, asked a female student seated

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