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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
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The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » The Case Of The Barefoot Boys by Robert F. Clifton (portable ebook reader txt) 📖

Book online «The Case Of The Barefoot Boys by Robert F. Clifton (portable ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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to these recent homicides?”

“Possibly. It depends on what you want to know and why.”

“I assure you that it's nothing that would jeopardize your investigation. Nonetheless, I must say that my professional curiosity forces me to ask a few questions.”.

“Let me hear them”.

“I am interested in knowing if you have any idea what the murder weapon was that was used to kill the two lads?”

“No. not at this time.”

“I see. Then could you tell me the location of the wound or wounds on the victims head?”

“Let's see. I only have one report back from the medical examiner. That one is the autopsy done on Beckmen. Is there something in particular you are looking for?”

“Yes. There should be listed in medical terms the anatomy of the victims skull. If so, would you kindly read it to me?”

“Just a moment. “Yes, here it is. Death was caused by trauma to the brain as a result of blow to Parietal bone of the skull, “ said Baxter reading the report.

“I see. And, is there any mention of sutures?”, asked Basham.


“Yes, not the needle and thread type. Sutures are the thin fibrous joints in the skull where all the bones come together. Are they mentioned?”


“Very well. Thank you Sergeant for your time”, said Basham.

“Wait a minute. If this information you want is important to the case I should have the right to know what it is,” said Baxter.

“Of course old chap. I'm merely trying to determine the physical appearance of the killer. For instance if he or she is short then the blow to Beckmen's skull should have been to between the Occipital and Parietal bones with suture separating them. From what you have told me I believe that the suspect is of between five feet eight inches to five feet ten inches tall. Keep in mind that this is merely conjecture on my part. If the killer were any taller say, six feet on more the blow to the skull might have been located at or near the top of the Parietal bone.”

“Anything else?”, asked Baxter.

“No. that's about it. Thank you.”

After he was finished speaking on the telephone Joyce turned to him and said. “Now that you have figured out the approximate height of the killer perhaps you might figure out what and where we are having dinner”

“Oh. I say. Now that you mention it while walking on the boardwalk we passed a restaurant that has large portions of beef roasting in the window.”

“Yes, Child's.”

“Whatever. Are you up for beef tonight?”

“Sounds good.”
















Chapter Five

Harry Lodell


Alistair Basham cleared his throat as he looked over the group of students sitting in front of him. “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Today, I will be offering you one of the many schools of thought related to what I call, the science of criminology. Actually, I should begin with explaining the Classical School. However, that means me standing on my feet and all of you sitting on your ass for an entire, boring, period. Therefore, I will begin today's lecture by explaining the Positive School. For those of you who wonder why I am straying off of the scheduled lesson plan the answer is academic. It's because I want to. Now, that you know what's coming I shall begin. Take notes.

Keep in mind that I consider the fact that there are even more than one theory related to the Positive School. For instance, there is sociological positivism. This suggests that social factors, such as poverty, membership in subcultures or low levels of education can lead people into crime. To this I say, rubbish! Why do I take this position you may ask? The answer is simple. There are thousands of people born and raised into poverty. Forced to go to work often doing manual labor in order to survive. In doing so they give up the opportunity for an education. Yet, they become model citizens in the same squalor neighborhoods they were born into and continued to live.

Allow me now to interject subcultures. This is the theory that crime is learned through association. Here it is believed the criminal acts are condoned under certain conditions. Can anyone give me a situation where a crime can be condoned or justified?”

“Yes sir.”

“Ah. Excellent. And you are?”

“Morton Ramsey.”

“Alright Mr. Ramsey, give me your thought on this matter.”

“ I believe a starving, or hungry man stealing a loaf of bread could be although considered a crime could be condoned or justified”.

“A superior observation Mr. Ramsey. It is also nice to know that at sometime in your young life you have read Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. Nonetheless, in continuing on about the connection of crime and subcultures, like the example of lack of education, for every criminal who is excused because of lack of education, a run down neighborhood, and poverty keep this in mind. No one keeps numbers of those who succeeded in life living under and in the same conditions.

The do goodies in this world and I am sure there are some of you in this class, otherwise you wouldn't be enrolled in taking sociology classes. The do goodies use all of those things mentioned in the sociological positivism theory as mere excuses for criminal behavior. Let me say this to those who are filled with thoughts of improving society and conditions. There are many. I repeat, there are many, lousy, lazy, evil son of bitches out there who no matter what their background get up each and every day looking for a victim. The crimes they commit could be, rape, robbery, larceny, assault, battery, arson and on and on. Then, the question rises. Are these criminal acts the result of environment, poverty, lack of education or the mental state of the criminal?

You future sociologists have your work cut out for you. One last thing. Since the time man began to walk the face of the earth he had to kill. He had to kill to eat. Later he had to kill other men in order to survive. Man is believed to be descended from the animal kingdom by the same process that caused animals to evolve. However, this means that man and animal are only different by only a degree, but Man has only developed to a higher degree. A wolf, lion, or a wolverine can be considered a predator. Unfortunately, there are some members of the human race who could also be labeled, predator. At the same time chimpanzees, who some believe we are genetically attached to come together as an army to attack other groups of chimpanzees. What they do then can be described as war, usually over territorial rights. Now, I ask you, does that sound familiar? I want each of you to put your thoughts of today's lecture on paper and submit your ideas to me tomorrow.”

At four o'clock PM Alistair sat at the desk in the bedroom as he worked on the lesson plan for his next lecture. He was interrupted by the ringing telephone on the desk. “Hello?”

he said when he answered the ring.

“Hello Pa Pa”, said Joyce with a giggle.

“Really, did you call just to make me feel my age?”

“Not really. I was wondering f you'd like to sit down to a meal of fish and chips for dinner this evening. Let me warn you. I couldn't find sole, but I did get flounder which I was assured by the monger that is closely related to sole.”

“Sounds jolly good. What time should I be there?”

“I still have to make a spotted dick for dessert. I learned to make it with my Mom at my side. I must say that her custard was always spot on. Let's say any time between six and seven.”

“Spotted dick? Where on earth did you find suet?”

“One just has to ask around until you find the bloke with the right information. Now, I must ring off. Cheerio”.

Five minutes later the telephone rang again. “Blimey!

Interruption after interruption”, Alistair said aloud. Picking up the receiver he said, “Hello.”

“Doctor Basham? This is Sergeant Baxter in Atlantic City. I hope that I'm not disturbing you.”

“You might as well join the others,” Basham replied.

“I'm sorry. If this is a bad time when may I call you later?”

“Pardon my attitude Sergeant. What can I do for you?”

“There's been another murder, just like the other two?”

“Exactly like the other two?”

“Yes sir. I haven't got the official cause of death yet, but everything points to a blow to the head. Before you ask, the victim was found barefoot.”

“Was the victim found in an alleyway?”, asked Basham.

“No, not this time. It appears the murder was committed in the vestibule of the apartment building where the young man lived.”

“So another young lad. A pity. Oh well, why have you called me?”

“I was wondering if you could come down to Atlantic City?

That way I can show you what I have so far in my investigation. At the same time I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have”, said Baxter.

“I'm afraid that at the moment my visit to you is out of the question. Currently I'm under contract to Princeton University to teach a summer course. Professionally, I'm obligated to give the university my full attention.”

“I understand and I must admit disappointed,” Baxter responded.

“I say, is it possible for you to come here?, asked Basham.

“Yes of course. I was hoping to be able to show you the crime scene, but I can drive up to meet with you.”

“I assume that you have reports and photographs. I should like to go over them with you if it is at all possible.”

“I'll bring everything I have.”

“Fine, if practicable I would suggest that you stay overnight at a hotel. I'd invite you to stay with me, but unfortunately my living accommodations here at the university is, how should I say it? The word small comes no where near in describing it”.

“No problem. I'll make reservations. I should be there either Friday night or Saturday morning. See you then”, said Baxter.

“A few things before you go. What is the name of the latest victim?”

“Harry Lodell, Caucasian ,age seventeen.”

“And the date and time he was killed?”

“Wednesday, July 19, 1950 about between ten and eleven at night.”

“Thank you. Oh, and one more thing.”


“The fact that the lad was found inside a building, barefoot and missing shoes in my way of thinking does away with the speculation that the murdered individuals were walking home from the beach on bare feet. I look forward to our meeting on the twenty second.”

That evening Alistair wiped his lips with a cloth napkin, leaned back in the kitchen chair and said, “That my dear was a meal from home. The fish and chips were excellent and I must admit that your spotted dick puts Mrs. Helms pudding to shame. Of course I'd never tell her that.”

“Thank you Alistair. So, the detective chap is coming all the way up here to the university to meet with you”.

“Yes and as I understand it he'll be staying overnight somewhere.”

“Still, if he goes to your apartment he might asked about you're daughter.”

“True, but since my imaginary daughter is of the age where she needs her privacy it will be safe to say that my daughter, Joyce Hampton has her own quarters here on campus.”

“And, if he asked about the difference in the names, Basham and Hampton?”

“Unfortunately you were the person involved in a tragic marriage necessitating divorce.”

“You think of everything, don't you?”

“Not always. In this case I find it necessary to protect a very close friend.”

“Good night Alistair”, said Joyce as she kissed him on the cheek.

At eleven ten on the Saturday morning of July 22, 1950 Alistair Basham answered the knock on his apartment door. Opening it he said, “Ah, good morning Sergeant. I see you found my abode. Did you have any problem locating the apartment complex?”

“No, not at all. Your directions were excellent and the fact that the hotel is only a few blocks away saved me having to drive here.”

“Jolly good. Come. Have a seat in the living room. Could I offer

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