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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Born to Lie by Brianna Jones (latest books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Born to Lie by Brianna Jones (latest books to read TXT) 📖». Author Brianna Jones

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knock on the door, or throw windows at Gemma's window. She didn't even know which window was Gemma's. There were so many. She ran a hand through her hair and decided to just wait until Gemma came outside. She was supposed to be headed to a party, so it wouldn't be long. She threw the duffel bag on the ground and was about to sit, when the silent noise of a door closing caused her to turn.

Amber has imagined plenty of times what it would be like to meet her sister. They would both stare at each other for awhile, then they'd start running in slow motion and embrace in a hug. Amber had apparently been watching too many movies, because what happened, was not that. The staring part happened. It was just the embracing part she'd gotten wrong.

Amber didn't have time to cover her ears before Gemma let out a scream. She was proud of her sister. No one would even think of kidnapping a girl that screamed loud enough to damage someone's ear drums. Though Amber wasn't kidnapping anyone, she ran towards her sister and placed a hand over her mouth, dragging her behind a tree.

"Please shut-up." She whispered." I don't wanna hurt you. I just wanna talk." Gemma stopped screaming, but she didn't stop struggling. Amber still took that as a sign of calming down. She let go of Gemma, and stared directly at her big brown eyes. They were Gemma's eyes, but they looked so much like hers. Every part of Gemma looked like her. The hair, the lips, the eye lashed. The only thing that was diffrent were their clothes. Gemma looked hot in a dark red, strapless dress, and Amber looked....Well, Amber looked like Amber.

"Why the hell do you look like me?" Gemma asked. Her voice was almost identical to Ambers, only a bit deeper. Like the sexy kind of deep.

"My name's Amber, and I-I'm your sister. Twin sister." It wasn't after she said it that she realized how crazy it sounded. I'm your twin sister. This plan had sounded so much better in her head.

"Look." Gemma began. She narrowed her eyes at Amber and pointed a finger at her. "I don't know what kind of sick freak you are, but you need to leave. I will call the police, and I will scream again."

"Gemma, please. I know this must sound crazy but think about it. We look way too alike, and we have the same birthday. December fifteenth."

"Ho-How do you my name? Or my birthday ?...I don't even have a sister, how is it that I have a twin?" Amber relaxed a little, glad that Gemma was atleast talking and not screaming. But she needed proof to get Gemma to believe her. The whole thing was hard to believe and Amber admitted she sounded like a loony toon.

"I promise I'm not lying.Just-please meet me at Figg's Cafe tomorow.Please ."  Gemma stayed silent, thinking things over. It was almost midnight and she needed to be at a party. The amount of hate she'd get if she didn't go would be too much for her to handle. The sound of her mother's voice broke the silence and interrupted her thinking.

"Gemma! Are you out here, I heard you scream." Amber stared wide eyed at Gemma, who stared right back. Gemma noticed then how much Amber really did look like her.  They could totally switch places and no one would realize a thing.

"My mom can't see me in this dress." She whispered.

"Your mom can't see us together." The two stayed silent, hoping they wouldn't be seen. But Jane Tamsyn saw her daughter hiding behind a tree. She started walking towards her, wondering when she got that pink tank top. It was as if her daughter had a whole other life. She grabbed Gemma's hand and pulled her out, not bothering to look at who else might have been behind the tree.

Amber looked up at Jane. The woman who was holding her hand right now was her mother. Her mother! She wanted to wrap her arms around her, but thought it would be too immature. Maybe Jane would hug her first. After sixteen years of thinking her daughter was kidnapped, this had to be a happy moment for her.

"Gemma, what the hell are you doing out here?" Amber's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. Her mother didn't realize she wasn't Gemma. Her mother still thought Amber was lost.

"Gem, are you allright ?" Amber stood speechless, hoping the real Gemma would walk out and save her. But her twin sister was too worried about getting grounded. She stood motionless behing the tree, holding her breath, and closing her eyes. If her own mother couldn't tell that Amber wasn't her, then maybe they really were twins. She closed her eyes tighter and remembered the time she'd had a dream about her mom holding two babies in her arms, both wrapped in pink blankets. Maybe that hadn't been a dream. Maybe it had been a sign.

Gemma turned her head around and saw her mom dragging her supposable twin sister in the house. The poor girl looked scared and gave Gemma pleading looks. Gemma just mouthed the word, pretend, and turned her back away. She could go to the party and her mom wouldn't know a thing. It was the perfect plan.

Her 'twin' wouldn't mind being Gemma for a while. Maybe having a clone wouldn't be so bad. Gemma flipped her hair and shrugged her shoulders. She'd be back soon enough to switch places with Amber.

Wild Child

Amber walked inside the big mansion like house, feeling hatred for her sister. She met Gemma for only ten minutes, and still, she wasn't feeling a twin connection. She knew the whole 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' quote, and usually she obeyed it. But after talking with Gemma, that quote was dead to her.

"Okay, Gem..I'm making hot chocolate, you want some?" Amber walked around the room like a zombie, who was following orders. She nodded at her mother, and went back to looking at the picture's on the walls. They were all of the same four people. Gemma, her mother, her father, and and some boy. Amber guessed the boy to be her brother. She had a brother. Amber wondered if maybe her brother was at the party too.

"Why are you so quiet? And what was with that scream?" Jane asked. Amber searched for a quick answer and her memory went to Gemma's facebook post from this morning.

Party tonight at Sasha's. Losers not invited. Amber tried to remember what else was in that status. A girl had commented on it. Her name was....

"I thought I saw Krissa." she smiled, being thankful for her strong memory.

"You saw Krissa, and you screamed?" Jane stopped pouring hot water inside a cup, and stared at her daughter. Technically, Amber was her daughter.

"Mom, do you really care about what happened? I just thought I saw Krissa, okay?" Amber menatally appluaded for calling Jane mom, and for totally nailing the Gemma attitude. Hopefully, it was something Gemma would say. By the calm expression of Jane's face, Amber knew she was passing as her sister. Who at the time, was probably having a blast at the party.

"I just worried about you. If I hear my daughter scream, I'm not just gonna roll my eyes and ignore it." Jane handed a cup of steaming coca to Amber, and pushed a strand of her hair behind an ear. Amber smiled, thinking how awesome it felt. To finally have someone treat her like a daughter. She knew it wouldn't last long, though.

Before she disapeared, Gemma had mouthed the word, pretend to her. So even though the girl had left her, she probably had a plan. A plan that would get both girls back to the places they belonged.

"Mom-Uh, I think I'll drink this up in my room." Jane nodded and sat on the couch, watching Amber disapear up the steps.

"Seriously." She whispered. "When did she get that shirt?"

Amber heard it and realized gemma had to come back soon, or something really bad would happen. Holding the cup firmly between her hands, she ran up the stairs and was greeted by rows of doors. Their were are about three on each side of the hall, but to Amber, it looked liked three hundred. She didn't even know which room was supposed to be hers. What if she accidently stumbled inside her brother's room?

That would be too embarassing.

Finally, she found a door at the end of the hallway. It had to be Gemma's because of all the pink glitter over it. It must have been decorated when Gemma was younger. Amber reached out a hand and slowly opened the door. She gasped and almost dropped her hot cocoa.

Back at her old house, her room was simple. A bed. A desk and a closet. Gemma's room? It was the complete opposite. The walls were covered with pictures of celebrities and photos of friends. Apart from the pictures, it was painted a bright pink. Even the ceiling was pink. The bed was..large, a queen size maybe. Amber stood across from the closet door, too scared to open it. When she did, she gasped some more.

Gemma's closet was a walk in. As in, you could literally have a party in their. A party of maybe five, but still..A party. Every inch of space was filled with clothes. Dresses, skirts, pants, and the shoes. Boots, heels, sandals. Things Amber hadn't even seen in magazines were in the closet. It truly was like the girl had her own mini mall.

She walked out of the closet, her jealousy for Gemma growing more and more. Amber Set the cocoa down on Gemma's vanity mirror which was  covered with jewelry. She sat down on the bed, getting lost in the softness of it all. It smelled sweet. Everything about this house was amazing. Even the people.

Amber closed her eyes, still thinking Gemma could be back any minute. Ten minutes later her sister still hadn't arrived. She thought about calling her but she didn't have a phone 'nor did she know Gemma's phone number. Without even realizing it, Amber fell fast asleep.


A shrieking sound filled Amber's ears and she struggled to keep her eyes open. She was greeted by a large wonderland, something you'd find in a Katy Perry video. She rubbed her eyes and stretched, thinking she was still half asleep. When she saw the glittery Gemma, written across the wall, she quickly sat up. She wasn't supposed to be here. She was supposed to be at Ivan's cabin.

The sound filled her ears again and she pulled a pillow over her head, and fell back.

"Gemma." A male voice. Something young, adventurous, totally hot. Amber removed the pillow from her head, and peeked at the boy standing at her doorway.

"Wake up- Mom says to wake you for school." Mom? Amber continued to stare at the boy until it hit her. He was her brother. Her seventeen year old brother called Nick. Nick didn't look like a regular brother. For one thing, he didn't look at all pervy.

Amber had read about him on Gemma's facebook page. From the way her sister had described Nick, she imagined him as a troll faced-nose-picking-butt scratching asshole.

Nick walked into her room, looking tired and

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