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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Born to Lie by Brianna Jones (latest books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «Born to Lie by Brianna Jones (latest books to read TXT) 📖». Author Brianna Jones

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Amber walked out of the cafe, taking a deep breath. She looked around the parking  lot in search of Krissa or even Gemma. Amber didn't find Gemma, but she spotted Krissa sitting alone in a shiny black hybrid, talking rapidly on the phone. Amber took another deep breath and walked towards the car, still roaming around for Gemma. Her twin was no where to be found by the time she reached Krissa, who had her eyes shut tight, and was still talking on the phone. Amber was considering leaving and going on search for Gemma, when Krissa opened her eyes and smiled up at her.

"Hey, doll. I'm surprised to see you still alive."

Krissa whispered something into her phone, turned it off, and opened the car door to step out. "Are you here to save me from the hell hole?"

Amber laughed. "Actually, your mom said I needed to save her from death." Krissa crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at her.

"My mom ?.....By the way, what the hell are you doing at this place-You can literally see slime on their allready nasty walls." Krissa shut the car door and looked over Amber's shoulder at the cafe. The walls weren't as dirty as she said, but they weren't as clean as the other buildings in Monterey. It was so small, it shouldn't even be considered a building. I

"Uh, I prefer coming here than going to school extra early like all the rejects."

"I get that." Krissa said. "But can't you go somewhere better? this place is just a disaster waiting to happen."

"Yes." amber said, trying to hide back a smile. "I'll make sure never to come here again."

They walked towards Amber/ Gemma's car and got in, Amber taking in the smell of perfume and smoke. Amber coughed, wondering how anyone could ever stand the smell.

"Ugh." Krissa said, picking up the Gucci bag. "I can not believe you still have this, I thought I told you to get rid of it."

Amber shrugged and started the car. "I kinda like it." She could not believe how strange these people were. Back in Fresno, she could barely afford the cheapest bag, and here, not even the most expensive things were good enough. Gemma or any of her friends would probably never survive a day back in Lincoln, Amber's school in Fresno. She sighed and pulled out of the cafe's parking lot. It wasn't until she arrived at the stop light, that she realized she hd no idea where Gemma's school was. She needed to do a lot more research if she was to pass off as Gemma.

"Could you drive? My head is still hammering after last night."

"I was wonderng when you'd ask." Amber smiled and pulled over at a gas station, before getting out and switching places with Krissa. She relaxed and settled into the passenger seat, keeping her eyes peeled for any sign of Gemma.

"So?" Krissa asked, speeding down the street. "Where the hell did you leave off to last night? Susan said she saw you get into some random guy's car without telling anyone you left."

Amber didn't know what to say. She wasn't the one at the party last night. Gemma was. Plus, who had her twin been with last night. Was she in trouble? Maybe that was the reason she hadn't been at the cafe. Then again, if Gemma had been there, then Krissa's mom would've seen and Amber's whole plan would be ruined. Not that it was going so smoothly at this point.

"Gemma?" Krissa put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Oh-my-god, is it a boyfriend? Gemma!! How did you get a boy toy and not tell me?"

"I didn't get a boy toy. I don't even remember half of what happened last night."

Krissa laughed and turned a corner, causing the school to come into full view. It was a large cream colored school with clean, glass doors. There was not a single gang sign anywhere on the walls, and Amber could see neat classrooms through the window. Around them, kids were driving into parking spaces, all with cars as cool as the Kia. She watched as people stepped out of their cars-students and teachers- wearing elegant or sexy clothes, sometimes elegant and sexy.

Amber really couldn't believe her eyes. The school was filled with different clone versions of Gemma and Krissa. Blond ones with shorts so short, they passed as belts. Girly ones who screeched when a nerdy looking boy glanced their way. Or incredibly good looking boys, wrapping their arms around the waists of equally good looking girls. Amber sqeezed the bag tighter, twisting her arms, wondering if she'd wake up and find out it was all a dream. Luckily, she was still in the silver Kia and not at her old foster home, sleeping in her pint sized room.

She was too busy day-dreaming and almost didn't notice a boy leaning his head into the window, and pressing his lips to hers. Amber would have slapped him if she hadn't remebered that she was playing Gemma. Maybe this was her boyfriend. Then again, if it was Gemma's boyfriend, then Krissa would have been a lot more surprised finding out about Gemma's 'boy toy'. So Amber raised her hand and was about to make contact with the boy's cheek, when his hand reached down and wrapped around her wrist, stopping her mid-air.

"I thought we'd gotten past that part."

 Amber's eyes widened at the god that stared down at her. His curly blond hair was blocking the sun from entering Amber's eyes, so she could see his face perfectly. And his face really was perfect. Especially those icy blue eyes that were coming closer to Amber. She got ready for another kiss, and ended up disapointed.

"Stop this love fest before I throw up." Krissa tossed the keys to Amber, and got out of the car, leaving her alone with a boy she'd never met. The door was opened for her, and she stepped out, suddenly wishing for a Gemma manuel.

"Where were you yesterday?" The boy asked, lacing his fingers through Amber's, while they both walked through the parking lot. He focused his blue eyes on her eyes, and waited for a reply.

Amber didn't know what to say, thinking that it was a trick question. Obviously, this guy had sen Gemma at the party. So why was he now asking where she had been yesterday. She decided to go with her first answer and say that she had been at the party.

"The party." She said. "Where else?" She stared up at his face that had gone from sweet to terrifying. His eyes were narrowed and his jaw repeatedly clenched and unclenched. It scared Amber more than being kidnapped. She didn't exactly know the feeling of being kidnapped, since she had been a baby the day it happened to her. But it fit the situation so she went with it

"Obviously you were at the party. What I meant was why did you leave me there all alone? You embarressed me, Gemma. Especially after people saw you getting into some stranger's car."

"I'm sorr-" A text from the boy's phone saved Amber. She didn't even know this guy's name and she was being chewed out by him. Did Gemma have to go through this every day? If so, Amber felt really sorry for her. But other than the angry boyfriend, there was no reason for Gemma to be pitied. She had the world's best life. And Amber hadn't even seen everything yet.

"I've gotta go. But I'm still talking to you, later." Amber watched the boy walk away, and she felt a strange urge to stick her tongue out. But she resisted the urge, and walked on. She spotted Krissa by the lockers and quickly walked up to her. She was going to have to stick to the girl like glue if she was going to be Gemma.

"You finally ditched Connor. I should give you a round of applause." Krissa joked. She opened her locker and shoved in all her books, still keeping her eyes on Amber.

"Is he my boyfriend?" Amber asked.

"You tell me." Krissa said. "You two have been on again, off agin for what-three years now?" She put one hand on her hip and used the other to slip her bag over her shoulder.  When Amber didn't say anything, she sighed and turned around, knowing her friend would folow.

"It's not that I don't like you two together. I just don't want you to get hurt again." Again? Exactly how many times did Gemma date that guy? And did Krissa mean that literally or not. Because Connor looked like the type of guy who wouldn't be afraid to slap a girl. The whole thing was kind of strange. Almost as strange as her life. Amber hoped she'd atleast get to see Gemma tomorrow, so that they could get both of their lives back on track. she needed to figure this mystery out before things got out of hand. And by out of hand, she meant Preston finding out where she was.

Amber knew her foster family would never tell the police about her disapearance. They would just search for her themselves and punished her severly after she was found. She knows, because it's happened before. The one time she slept over at Evan's house. It had barely been two days before Preston knocked down the door, and dragged Amber home. Which was why she had to hurry up with this investigation. She didn't know how long it would before they found her again. And she didn't want to think about it. Instead, she thought about Gemma's 'wild friend', Hayli.

"Where's Hayli?" She asked.

"She stayed over at Susan's after the party. You would've known if you had bothered to stay."

Amber smiled and appologized for something she didn't do. Krissa smiled back and told Amber she'd see her in an hour after first period.

Amber nodded and watched Krissa walk away. Minutes later, she was in the bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror. Her brown hair fell in waves down her shoulder. She had those big brown eyes and shaped lips that Gemma had. But for some reason, she couldn't see herself as her twin. She blinked and opened her eyes again, but was disapointed to see Amber.

Everyone so far had fallen for the trick. Even she had yesterday. But after finding out about Gemma's personality, and the cruel thing she did to her brother.... She realized the two were more different than a cartoon character and a porn star.

She set down the Gucci bag and heard the bell ring for a good five seconds. She didn't even know what classes she was supposed to take. What if she walked into the wrong one? Amber sighed and made the decision to stay in the bathroom and skip school for the day. Or maybe she'd just run out the door. From everything that Gemma's making her go through, her sister deseerved to get in a little trouble. And ditching school was probably just an ant in New York for Gemma. It was something so small, it didn't even matter.

Amber ran a hand through her hair, and jumped at the sound coming from her bag. Or Gemma's bag.

Pick up the phone, loser. You got a text message. Pick up the phone, loser. You got a text message.

Amber searched through the bag, not knowing Gemma's phone had been in there all along. She slowly reached in, and pulled out the bedazzled Iphone from the bag. Pink rhinestones decorated the entire thing, and the single spot that didn't have jewels, spelled out Gemma's name in pink glitter. Amber turned the phone around to see that she had six missed messages, and a few missed calls.

She clicked on the 'open' to read the newest message.

You're not fooling anyone. Convince me or else. See you soon...Amber.

Amber quickly shut off the phone,

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