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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Shadowless by Kareca (interesting books to read in english .txt) 📖

Book online «Shadowless by Kareca (interesting books to read in english .txt) 📖». Author Kareca

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me growing. Before I can find anything the bell rings. It startles me and makes me jump a little. The students start flowing out into the halls. You know I am never dating anyone ever again if it turns out like this all the time. Next time it could end up being a ax-murderer, instead of a homicidal maniac. I keep trying to think on the positive side, that I am still alive.
You know he use to be sweet. We use to talk all the time and we had so much in common. I wonder if it was all a front. We never fought, so I guess I should have expected something was up. I should have saw all the pointers.
I am guessing it all started the day I stayed after school. Autumn went to the bathroom and came back crying. She kept mumbling "he is so scary". I just thought she meant she saw a weird guy. I asked her what was wrong but she always said "nothing". Although every time I would say me and Alex were going on a date she would cringe and look as though she were going to cry. When he would pick me up from school she made excuses saying she needed to something else. I thought she was giving us privacy. I worried about her wondering what was the matter. I thought maybe she was feeling left out. Yet no matter how many times I invited her on a double date with us she never went. If it was just me and her it was okay. I was being nosy one day and watched her house. Alex walked in ten minutes later he would walk out. I know it must sound weird saying this. I finally decided to go in also as a surprise visit. Yet they were just studying. So I figured maybe the reason why she never went with us was because she needed to study or she actually had other plans. How could I have overlooked all those signs. I should have known something weird was going on.
I walk down the hallway slowly in my own little world. I am heading to Chemistry now.

'Miss me sweetie?'

I turn around to see Alex. Why is he following me now? He is getting annoying. I wonder what his problem is. Does he have multiple personality disorder or something. One of them is nice, the other mean, the other a murderer?

'No not now, not ever.'

'Oh harsh, so listen I just wondered when the best time to kill you would be?'

I turn to see his face. He is smiling a big cheesy smile. I can not tell anymore if he is joking or not.

'Right now.'

I look him straight in the eyes. I am serious and I want him to know that. He found that funny and started laughing. I kept walking, there is somethign seriously messed up with this. My fear for him has started to go away, in its place has grown anger towards him.

'Don't forget you would be nothing without me.'

He whispers that in my ear.

'Yeah your wrong, I would be better than nothing.'

I mostly just shot that out without thinking. I was hoping for a strong finish. So as to say I don't care. I do not care if he kills me, if he does then good. As long as he does not hurt my family.

'There you are Cherel I was just looking for you.'

'Sorry I was busy talking.'

'What were you talking about, you know becasue I just heard the most amazing rumor.'

'It is hard to explain Jessica.'

'I understand.'

I look back to glare at Alex. I can not wait until she leaves... Why could he not kill her, I mean it would be a better choice. Also more believable that she seduced him. I start walking and Jessica walks beside me babbling on about some new rumor going around. I pay about three seconds worth of attention and zone out. I am leaving Alex behind, he must have understood he did not belong here. I hope he falls into a well and Lassie never comes. That was a strange reference but still.
I wonder if I can act like normal. Notice the word act... which is precisely what I would do. I coiudl get close to him make him believe I am his friend, get some good evidence against him. Then I can ruin his plans, and turn him in. He could kill me beforehand though. There is one place I must go after school. The one place I have been trying to avoid for a few weeks now.

'SO Jessica how have you been?'

'Good oh you so missed it the other day in Math. Chris stood up and stared mooning the teacher. Oh and I would have told you but I could not get ahold of you. Jerry finally asked me out. I thought it was a miracle.'

'Aw I can not believe I missed that.'

I half am hearing what she is saying but some of it seems to be blah, blah, blah, blah... Most of what Jessica relies on is rumors so it is hard to listen to her seriously.

'Oh and speaking of missing things. I forgot to ask who was that cute guy and what's his name?'

'That is Alex, he is my on again off again boyfriend.'

I have to at least try pretending that I like him. He may be listening or watching. Which if I can act good enough then I can get more evidence.

'Wow I can not believe you have a boyfriend, how come I never knew? Oh his hair is so pretty how does he get it so shiny and dark black? He seems like a bad boy.'

She has no idea how right she is about that last part. Other than that I am not sure how to respond.

'Well no one ever asked me.'


'As well I figured people might get crazy if they found out, you know the rumor mill.'

Half truth.

'He is just so cute I did not want anyone else to steal him away as well.'


'That is so true, you know how the girls around here can be. Once they see a guy they try to set their fangs into him.'

I think I might be sick. I can not believe I have to go along with this. Well if I want it to work. Oh and if you are wondering why I never told anyone that I was going out with him. It was becasue I did not want anyone to find out. There that simple, of course I told Autumn. She was my best friend and I could trust her. Only two other people knew, I just never liked Jessica that much enough to tell her. As well he is older than me and I knew it would set a riot out if they found out.
At that moment someone walked over to where we were standing. It was a guy about three inches taller than me. He had dirty blonde hair and his eyes were a stone gray color. He looked very serious.

'Are you Cherel?'

'Yes I am, why do you ask?'

'Um some guy told me to tell you that he will be waiting.'

I can already imagine who he was talking about. Why did he not tell me himself. Sending some poor messenger. I take a deep breath and shake my head.

'Are you okay?'


In a way I want to curl up inside myself and go to sleep. Or disappear.

'You need to talk?'

'No I will be okay.'

'Kay bye then.'

The guy turns around and walks away. He seemed very concerned, I was surprised. I look over at Jessica but she is picking at her nails. I should explain that Jessica is a very self-centered person. She prides herself in her beauty. i am not sure whether this is bad. In some instances it is, other times I just overlook it. She does not care for anyone but herself... I wish she could learn some compassion.

'Do you know who he was?'

'Who, who was?'

'Really you are that unobservant?'

'I did not see anyone of importance.'

When she said this I knew why she was acting like this. She thought he was cute. She always tries to hide her feelings behind her snobbiness. What probably happened she asked him out, he turned her down and now he is her enemy. Or at least that it what I am guessing. She may just like him, like a normal person I guess.

'So... when did you start liking him? I thought you liked Jerry?'

'Well I guess around last week. How did you know I liked him?'

'I could tell by how you were acting. It was completely obvious.'

'Oh hm... Don't tell Jerry...'

I shake my head at her disappointed. I can not believe I was right. She turns her head to the side and pouts a little. I shake my head even more. She will eventually get over herself. If she stands there forever then I guess there is a new statue at the school, called con artist in action. I do not need this extra drama. One day back and this is what happens.
I can not even remember where I am going. What class I have right now or anything has fled my mind.


The next thing I know I see an arm flash around me. I try to squirm out of the way but the person has a tight grip.I try to keep breathing. Sometimes I have problems with confined areas. It just depends... which right now my breathing is hitching in my throat. So I may pass out in about five minutes if the person does not let go. I bet I know who it is as well...

Chapter 4: Switch of Perspective

There is no solution to my insanity. Most would disagree saying it sprouts from serious trauma. I guess they may be right there is no cure. I do not want to change because this is who I am. I have been this way since the beginning. My love of the hunt is what keeps me going. It is a game of survival. Maybe it is the adrenaline that I crave... or maybe it is them in general. Whenever I see something I want I always get it. Except for one person... who seems to defy me even though I threat to kill. It would be easier to kill her if she would be angry. Of course no it does not go that way.
I could blame her death on suicide. She was so upset over her friends death that she could handle it. I have been working on this for a few weeks now. There are multiple scenarios that it could be. I just have to plant evidence where they will find it, of course not obvious. Then I sit back and watch as it unravels. I should buy some popcorn it may get interesting.
There are other solutions to this. I could work her over to my side. That may take to long... all I need is someone to be the frontman. That way I am not caught. This is where some person stupid enough to listen to my lies comes into
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