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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Mystic Flower by JK irving (carter reed .TXT) 📖

Book online «Mystic Flower by JK irving (carter reed .TXT) 📖». Author JK irving

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time",David said, I just smiled at him and said "you are great every time".The rest of the holiday was fantastic and I never gave Tony a second thought I was enjoying my time with David.

We arrived back home and boy was I pleased I was totally wrecked my mum had got milk and bread in for us and left us a meal ready for the micky, she was so thoughtful at times like this. We had the lovely meal and retired to bed , the next morning we decided to have a lazy day before we went back to work the next day,we both had said we had a fantastic time in Rome a holiday we will not forget. The next day I waved David off to work and got for the office, I was on flexy time so I could please myself when I went in I decided to get in for ten that way I could finish early and catch up with my washing and unpacking.I told all the girls about the holiday they said they were jealous but pleased for me ,David would be away for a couple of days so I had plenty of time to catch up, I was having a couple of minutes on the phone to my mum telling her all about the holiday she was really pleased I had enjoyed it I think she had been a bit worried about me seeing Tony. I had just sat down for a cup of coffee when the doorbell went, I opened the door and standing there was Tony I could not believe it he had took no notice of anything I had said, at the same time I felt sorry for him he had a childlike look on his face I asked him what he wanted he just said "you I want you so much we belong together". I was flabbergasted I had to explain to him I loved David and after the holiday we were closer than ever, the look of pain on his face was awful but there was no other way to tell him, he just looked at me and walked away I got the feeling that was not the last I would see of him

I put Tony out of my mind and got on with a normal life just me and David. Weeks went by and we were both enjoying our time together, going to work and odd days out when Monday morning I did not feel to well I booked an appointment for the doctors and he asked me for a blood test and a water sample. I felt terrible all week on the Friday I phoned the docs and asked for my resulta , she said you have to come down to see the doctor so I popped straight down I sat down and he said" Emma I am pleased to tell you there is nothing wrong with you ,you are pregnant about two months are you pleased". I just stared at him I could not believe it I just told him thank-you and walked out. I went straight round to mums and told her she was thrilled , she kept hugging me and crying. "I will have to start knitting just like grandmas do", I just started to laugh more with excitment I could not wait to tell David,I had to wait a couple of days before he came home. Iwent to see the nurse and she gave me all the details of booking in hospital and appointments to be kept, god I could not stop thinking about it I felt like a real woman, hands were rolling around my stomach, feeling very protective about my tummy.

David came home and I had prepared a meal and a bottle of wine, he came into the dining room and asked what was the occasion, when I told him he stared for a moment then he jumped for joy "I am thrilled to bits how far are you" two months I said ,"god that was just before our holiday or it could have been then"."maybe who cares when and where I am pregnant and I am thrilled to bits.David agreed and said he was thrilled to bits , we decided for me to stop work and concentrate on my pregnancy. I would be a lady of lesiure for the next seven months The months went by. and I got fatter and fatter. I spent the months being pampered by David and my mum, my mates were great they would meet me for a pub lunch and take the micky out of my swollen ankles and my fat belly we always had a good laugh, I always went home feeling loads better. Anyway the time arrived and I had a beautiful baby girl, she was fabulous so small and petite, David was thrilled to bits I just knew she was going to be spoilt by all my friends and family.A few weeks later when the weatherwas fine I decided to take my gorgeous baby girl who we named Emma after me, I was walking through the town and I met loads of people who I had not seen for years they were all gooing over Emma Ifelt so proud ,I know everyone thinks there baby is the best but Emma was so cute she had been born with black curly hair and great big blue eyes, anyway I eventualy got on my way when I got the shock of my life I look up from the pram and standing there was Tony.

I just stood there looking at him and he was doing the same, we eventualy smiled at each other and he said"hello Emma how are you doing are you babysitting for someone" "no this is Emma my baby she is a month old" his expression changed his face went ashen white I did not relizse at the time what was wrong with him, he bent over the pram and said" what do you think Emma she could be mine, and smiled ". Do you know I never gave it a thought, but I know she is David . He just smiled again and walked away, I felt a bit uneasy and could not get it out of my mind all night. I put Emma to bed and sat with a coffee and reflected on when I was with Tony I got out a pencil and paper and worked out the dates of my pregnancy and sure enough it was probaly more Tonys rather than Davids ,I could not believe I had never thought about it before, Tony must never know there is the slightest chance she could be his .

The years just flew by and me and David and of course Emma just got on with family life, I often wondered how we coped wihout haveing Emma she had brought such joy into our life. She was playing in the garden and of course me being the protective mother never let her out of my sight, she was giggling comeing down the slide , just then the phone rang I looked at Emma playing and the phone was only in the hallway I could see Emma so I ran in and took the call ,it was mum asking how Emma was I said she is busy on the slide you bought her and enjoying it , she promised to come over later to let me go shopping. I put down the phone and turned to walk into the garden, I could not hear her laughter. I panicked and ran straight into the garden, she was gone there was noway she could have got out the fence was to tall . Someone must have lifted her over the fence,every thought was passing through my mind. I immediatly rang the police they came straight away, I tokd them what had happened.

They started to write things down and I was screaming "should you not be out looking for her she could be anywhere." he told me to calm down and asked for a photo of her and they would make house to house inquiries someone must have seen something. When I calmed down I rang my mum who came straight over, she kept saying they would find her but deep in the back of my mind I knew they would not , maybe they thought that she had stolen to order.David came straight home and was devasted, I am sure he was blaming me for her being taken.I could not blame him I was in charge of her, never mind I had to concentrate on finding Emma, I would find her if it was the last thing I did. Weeks went by and the police were doing there best but getting nowhere, I decided the next day I would go further afield and try to find her ,someone must know something.

I told David what I was going to do and he said I was wasting my time if the police could not find her what chance have I got.The next day I was bright and early ,the first thing I did was throw the tablets down the loo, the doctor daid I was in a bad way so he gave me tablets to calm me down I needed all my wits about me now .I did not have David on my side so I would go it alone, I thought I would start by asking Ada next door if she had seen anybody, I rang her doorbell and she opened the door "I havent seen you for ages ,I have been away for a month to Spain did you miss me" I explained what had happened to Emma she was devasted ,she asked what day and date it was because just before she had gone away she had noticed a man hanging around the garden, I begged her to remember what he looked like and she started telling me, I must have went a funny colour because she said "you alright Emma" I told her I was ,but I was thinking she was describing Tony, I had never gave him a thought but when I thought about it that time I had met him in town he really believed Emma was his, I had to find him to find Emma, how was I going to explain this to David.

I was walking home trying to think what to say to David he would be heartbroken if I told him the truth, there was no way out of it I would tell him it was something I had regreted and I was so sorry he had to forgive me , I needed his help to find Emma I could not do it on my own. I arrived at home and looked at Davids face and I could see the pain,"the police will find Emma David said you dont have to worry I know that is a lot to ask but they will find her". I nodded and looked at him , how was I going to explain to him what I thought had happened. I sat down beside him and said "I have something to tell you, I think I know who took Emma". He just looked at me and said " spill the beans then tell me what you think you know". I held his hand and told him everything about Tony and everything about the affair, when I had finished he just sat there staring at me in a odd manner.

"Please forgive me it would never happen again I dont know how it happened, please forgive me please", he just looked at me and shook his head and said " I could never forgive you never ever I dont even know if Emma is my
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