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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Mystic Flower by JK irving (carter reed .TXT) 📖

Book online «Mystic Flower by JK irving (carter reed .TXT) 📖». Author JK irving

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child its more likely to be this Tonys". I could not believe what he was saying "I need you to help me find her please help me ,he just shrugged his shoulders and said leave it to the police", I just looked at him and said I would find her myself, how I was going to find her, where to begin. I knew he had owned a couple of night clubs in the town I would start there, I went round to mums and explained everything she just sat and looked at me" I just knew no good would become of this I knew he was a bad sort the minute I saw him"."O mam please dont say I told you so I could not bear it".

I was determined to find her without anybodys help it would probably be easier and quicker. I thought I would stay at mums that night and start fresh in the morning also I dont think I could have faced David just yet. I got up nice and early deterined to get some answers at the night club. I got the taxi down town and found the nightclub was shut it didnot open till night -time I thought I would busy myself in the town to kill a bit time. I went to the pub and had lunch and a couple of coffees.I was sitting at the table just thinking about Emma she would be missing me , she would be with strangers not knowing anybody she would be scared ,my heart was breaking I needed her back now, just then sitting next to me were a couple of girls talking about her shift on the night it was the same club I was going to that night.

I leaned over and said "excuse me I could not help but overhear you saying where you worked I was wondering if there was any jobs going ", she said ther might be she was in charge and asked me to pop down that night for a interview I said I would be there and thanked her. Iwas getting closer to Tony if I got the job, luky for me I did a stint of bar work in my uncles pub when we went there on holiday. I went for the interview and got the job I told her I could start straight away in fact that night, I thought I could find out about Tony from the girls I would be working with,I had put a few weeks holiday in with my job I was pleased to have them in hand I went to work the next day I had to go in early to get to know the pub ,Tracy was there to greet me and show me the ropes .I looked around the pub and it was very trendy, everything was marble and gold the cleaners must have done a great job it was spotless. I started getting the knack of the till it was a piece of cake it was the same one I had been useing in my uncles pub.I was introduced to Lorna and Debbie they were great so helpful.

Deb brought out a uniform and said I could change in the back room, I changed and looked at myself in the mirror it was a bit skimpy. short black skirt and white shirt it did not leave much to the imagination but this was a means to an end. I started to ask deb about Tony where he lived a nd did he have a partner, she said "Tony lives a coulple of miles away in that posh place where all the footballers live, he is living with a girl called Lindahe is such a nice lady she often pops i she is absolutely gorgeous, tall and slim, fantastic figure, he has been with her for a long time they are not married but I think they will eventually. She is a great lady she often pops in to make sure we are coping, the only problem she has is she cant havk and make him suffe any children but I heard they are ready to adopt a little girl at any time. I could not believe what I was hearing he just used me to have a child , God was I going to make him pay I dont care how it gets done but I will get my child back and make him suffer.

How could a man take away another persons child, granted he might think its his but I would have made sure first and gone through the right channels., anyway getting back to the job in hand how was I going to do this. I had got into the pub now I had to find a way through his minders to get to him. I started work that night and it was very busy , mind I liked it like that it kept my mind occupied, just as I was serving I heard two men talking about Tony, he was expected to be in that night , I could not let him see me that would give the game away. I got much closer to those two men and found out that they were a sort of minders men who looked after Tony, he must be much bigger than I thought, from what I could gather from listening to them Tony was here for a meeting with the brewery, they were going to extend his lease on the pub,

I kept thinking about David ,how he had changed about me ,he never had two words to say to me , granted I had an affair but I thought we could get through this, Emma could still be his how was he going to react when I got back Emma, would he resent her, I would have to prove she was his.Just as I was serving a drink I glanced at the door and in walked Tony, he was still as handsome, looking at him this time he looked very sure of himself, he walked with a swagger and really thought a lot of himself.Iwent to the end of the bar and tried to hide myself, I was just waiting for my chance to approach him on his own , he sat down at a table with some men and they looked deep in conversation, I sat in the corner hopeing no one would want serving. I sat there for a while and saw Tony stand up and go towards the toilet, this was my chance to catch him , I followed him in hopeing no one would come in .When he came out I was standing there,right in front of him.

I just stood there looking at him and words would not come out of my mouth , I noticed Tony face was a picture he looked quite put out I was standing there,"I want my daughter backTony or I go to the police and let them deal with you, you will be charged with kidnapping my daughter and god knows what else", he looked at me and said" she is my daughter and I have every right to have her I will fight you in the courts, she is well looked after by my patner and me , dont cause any trouble or you will regret it.". "I am taking her back Tony", just then the door opened and in walked the two men who were his minders, he walked over to them and said something to them and they immediately turned around and one of them put his hand over my mouth and the other one grabbed my hands and carried me ot of the pub out the back way, I rember hearing Tonys last words ringing in my ears " I did warn you".

I was bound and gagged and bundled in the back of a car and they drove away ,I could hear one of them on the phone I presume to Tony, I did not relise how important he was amongest people you dont want to know.We drove for quite a long time and eventually stopped, I presumed they were just going to drop me off in the middle of nowhere how wrong I was, me they dragged me out of the car into a large building which looked like a wharehouse, they pulled me into an office type building and pushed me onto a sofa type thing. Theypulled of my gag and I shouted" you have had your fun now lads its time to let me go, The biggest of the blokes turned and looked at me , next thing I knew his fist was across my face, I screamed and fell back. The other one shouted" okay thats enough we were told to rough her up and thats all", "Tony told us to make sure she did not bother him anymore she does not look very scared to me".

The other bloke grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me, I felt as if my head was falling off. I felt as if I was going to pass out, I did the next thing I saw was the door closeing and the key going in the lock. I kept thinking this is serious they are going to teach me a lesson, funny enough I was not scared, I should have been but I just kept thinking how desperate Tony must feel to do this to me. I was going to show him I could beat him at his own game, I could look after myself and get Emma back and teach him a lesson he would never forget, I was going to hurt his family and see what he felt like. It felt like days I was stuck there I lost all track of time, I was beginning to despair when aia heard noises comeing from the other side of the door I had managed to loosen the rope around my hands but kept them behind me.

The door opened and two different men came in and they just kept smiling,they were looking at me really weird and I must admit I was not scared before but these two were making me feel uneasy. the tallest one and looked meanest walked over to me and said "would you like a bit fun before you go, I certainly. would, lets have a bit of fun hey darling". He started stroking my hair and he slid his hands down my neck, he was grinning all the time he was doing it. his mate was behind him laughing and egging him on. I knew what was going to happen but I just wished they would do it and get it over with, there was no way I could fight the two of them, the best way to go was to let it happen . They looked the type that enjoy a struggle, they were not going to enjoy it that much. He Started to unfasten his fly, he bent over me and ripped open my blouse, of came my bra, he was breathing really heavy and the smell of body odour was terrible.

He slid down his pants and lay on top of me, he was sqeezing my breasts hard and slipped his hands down below, he kept saying "are you enjoying this as much as me darling". I could have been sick, he put in his penis and started moving up and down on me, his breath was heavy, I thought he would pass out before he was finished but he managed to the end , he just flopped on top of me, all this time his mate was dribbling from the mouth and asking when was his turn. I tryed to push him off but he was
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