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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Gifts From The Kasbah by Robert F. Clifton (speed reading book txt) 📖

Book online «Gifts From The Kasbah by Robert F. Clifton (speed reading book txt) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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as I join the best,

Play the pipes for me as they carry me along,

Play the pipes for me, it's my farewell song.


Play the pipes for me and the others

Play the pipes for me and our brothers


Play the pipes for me as I go on my way, There's

nothing left to do, nothing more to say. My patrol

is over at last, and I've finished the task, One can

plainly see, so just play the pipes for me


And, as we move slowly through the streets, always

remember, these were my beats. Remember me as

I go on my way, and just stand and listen as the

40. bagpipes play,


And, when I'm buried near sand and sea, My

record will be left for all to see, all I ask in

return of thee, is play the pipes for me


“Amazing. Absolutely amazing”, said Jane.

“Hey, it's not that good”, Wally replied.

“I don't mean the poem, although it is sound and effective.

I mean you. You are amazing. You sit there a tough cop, or at least you want to appear to be, yet deep inside you is the ability to appreciate the beauty of art and music and at the same time you care about and for the unfortunate.”

“And, just where did you come up with that opinion?”

“As you know Donald Kerr intends to run for City Commissioner. Since he has met you he has been impressed, so impressed that he has had you investigated”, said Jane.

“Investigated for what?”

“When he is elected, he intends to promote you to Deputy Chief and when Monahan retires next year promote you to the position”.

“That's what he thinks. I have no interest in being Chief”

“Why not?”

“Just for that reason. I got my rank and promotions by taking the Civil Service exam. I will never kiss some politician's ass for any job”.

“I expected that would be your reaction”.

“Then, you're not disappointed”.

“Hey, don't get mad at me. I'm only the girl telling you what I know”.

“You're right. I'm sorry. What else do you know about this investigation?”

“Not much more. Mr. Kerr finds you honest, and dedicated to your profession”.

“Forget Mr. Kerr. How does Miss Jane Chambers find me?”

“Do you really want to know?”


“Miss Jane Chambers finds you deep, very deep, so deep that you are very interesting. You being interesting makes me want to know more about you. For some reason I feel safe with you. I guess the safety device is your reputation of honesty. Somehow I don't think that you would hurt me or deceive me. I hope that I'm right”.

“You are. Let's dance”, Wallace answered.

Robert and Jane passed the remaining hours of 1973, talking, and dancing. As it neared midnight the patrons of the Glass Menagerie crowded on


to the dance floor and as the second hand on the large clock moved towards midnight they counted with a loud voice. Finally, the orchestra leader shouted, “Happy New Year and the musicians began to play Old Lang Syne. Wally stood with his arms still around her as she looked up at him. “It's customary to kiss the girl you're with when the New Year enters”, he said.

“Then what are you waiting for?”, she asked.

He lowered his head and kissed her and was pleasantly surprised when she placed her hands behind his head and held him, allowing the kiss to linger and be long. Finally, when the kiss was over, Robert said, “Happy New Year”.

“It is now”, said Jane with a smile.











































Chapter Seven


Wallace stood placing the new calendar on the nail that projected from the sea foam green painted wall of his office. Finished, he turned to walk back to his desk and when he did he saw the young woman standing in the doorway. “You must be Miss Emma Prescott. Thank you for coming in. Please come in and have a seat”, he said.

“Thank you. I assume that you want to talk to me about Betty.

I was in Spain at the time of her death, so I'm afraid I can't tell you too much that you don't already know”, she responded as she sat down.

“Well, suppose I just ask you a few questions anyway. We'll see how it goes, OK?”


“It's my understanding that you and Elizabeth were the best of friends”.

“We were friends, good friends, but not the kind that spent all our time together. She had her life and I have mine”.

“Good, please tell me what you know about her life”.

“I'd say that she was a party girl. Fun, fun, fun. That's all she wanted to do. Have fun.”

“When you say fun, how did she go about having fun?”

“You name it, she would try it or do it?”




“Of course”.

“How about drugs?”

“I know that she smoked marijuana from time to time”.

“How about heroin?”

“I never saw her use it and she never told me she was using it”.

“How about her personal health? Did she ever complain to you about a skin problem, such as hives or a rash of some kind?”


“OK. Do you know or know of a female named Gloria?”

“I know that Betty had contacted a dance instructor and that the woman's name was Gloria”.

“Any last name that you might recall?”

“No, I'm sorry”.

“This dance instructor, what kind of dance does she teach?”

“I think it's belly dancing”.

“Belly dancing? Why would a girl like Elizabeth want to learn belly dancing?”

“I told you. With Betty everything was fun, fun, fun”.

“Do you recall where this Gloria lives or does business?”

“No, I'm sorry.”

“Do you know where or how Elizabeth would come in contact with flower petals?”

“Flower petals? I have no idea”.

“We found flower petals inside her vehicle and also in the trunk of her car”.

“Sorry, I can't help you with that”.

“Alright Miss Prescott. Once again I want to thank you for coming in. If I have any further questions I'll let you know”, said Wallace.

“I'll be returning to school next week', said Emma.

“I know where Princeton is. We can talk there or you could come home on the weekends. That would be up to you”.

“I've already told you everything you wanted to know”.

“Yes you have, but maybe together we'll think of something else. Meanwhile have a nice day”.

After Emma Prescott left his office Wallace picked up the receiver on his telephone and dialed the number for the laboratory. “Lab, Sergeant Campo”.

“Sergeant?...Captain Wallace. Do you have any information on the flower petals found in the Kerr girl's automobile?”

“Yes sir. Let me get the official report”.

“Take your time”.

After a few minutes the Sergeant came back on line. “Captain, the report states that the dried flower petals are from the hibiscus plant, squash plant and pumpkin plant. They are estimated to be four to six months old in the state they are in”.

“I see, thank you Sergeant”, said Wallace.

“You're welcome sir”.

43. Wallace placed the receiver in the cradle and wrote down the information. As he did Detectives Stiles and McKenna entered the office.

“Have a seat”, said Wallace.

As they did the Captain took a good look at Thomas McKenna.

“Welcome to the Major Crime Squad Tom. There's no need to tell you what I expect from my officers. Besides, I taught you at the academy, so you know where I'm coming from and how I operate. As I 'm sure that Frank here has filled you in on the Kerr homicide investigation. What I want you to do is go out to the Community College. Hang out in the cafeteria, student lounge and the library. Talk to the students. See if anyone knew Elizabeth Kerr. If so, where was she getting her supply of heroin. Also, see if anyone is familiar with a dance instructor or belly dancer named Gloria. If anyone sees you as a cop admit it. There are plenty of policemen taking college courses out there. Nonetheless don't mention it unless your made. Understand?”

“Yes sir”

“At the same time, any information about drugs, particularly in relation to Nautilus Beach is to be given to Lieutenant O'Neil as soon as possible. However, as far as I'm concerned I'm not really interested in users unless they know something about the Kerr case”.

“Got it”, said McKenna.

Turning to Stiles Wallace said. “Frank, I take it you still haven't come up with anything on Gloria. Therefore, the only lead I have now is that she might be a belly dancer and or a dance instructor. I want you to go to the newspaper morgue. Look through the back issues in the classified's. There might be an ad placed by a Gloria listing her name, or a telephone number. Hopefully you'll get lucky”.

“No problem. If that's it I'm on my way”, said Stiles.

“Same with me”, McKenna replied.

“See you both later”,said Wallace.

After the two detectives left Wallace used the telephone again dialing the number for the Kerr residence. After three rings the butler answered. “Kerr residence”.

“This is Captain Wallace Williams. I'd like to speak to Miss

Chambers if she is free please”.

“One moment sir”

As he waited Wallace moved pencils, papers and a paper weight

On his desk. Finally, Jane came on the line. “Hello, how are you?”, she asked.

“Fine. However. I'm calling as an investigator, not as a friend”.

“I see. And, what does the investigator need to know?”

“Did you know that Elisabeth was taking belly dancing lessons?”


“No. Where did you get that idea?”

“The subject came up today. I got it first hand in an interview”.

“Well, if she did then she kept it a secret, because no one here including me ever suspected her doing such a thing”.

“Keep in mind that none of you suspected her of using heroin”.

“Sadly that's true. Is there anything that you need?”

“Remember the name Gloria?”

“Yes, but I still don't remember the last name”.

“Gloria is the dance instructor that Elizabeth contacted for lessons”.

“It still doesn't ring a bell”.

“Alright, if you can and if you have time look in her room for anything that might have a name or telephone number, such as an address book, business card, hell, even a scrap of paper”.

“I'll see what I can find. Call me tonight and not as an investigator.

“How about we have dinner tonight”.


“My place.”

“Is this the time I get to taste your gourmet cooking?”


“And, just what is the Chef preparing?”

“How about steak Diane?”

“Alright, pick me up at seven”.

“I'll be there”.

At one o'clock in the afternoon Frank Stiles entered Captain Wallace's office and placed a torn page from his notebook on the desk.

“What's this?”, asked Wallace.

“You were right. I found an ad placed in the Nautilus Beach Press about a year ago advertising belly dancing lessons. Basically it said, “Learn Belly Dancing. Contact Gloria at 592 0097”.

“Excellent!...Good job Frank. Let's see what we get”, said Wallace as he reached for the telephone and dialed the number. He was disappointed when a

voice came on the line and reported, “I'm sorry. The number you have dialed is no longer in service”.

Hanging up, Wallace then dialed another number and waited.

“Douglas Miller, Security”, a voice answered.

“Doug? Bob Wallace. How are you?”

“Wally just great. What do you need?”


“Well since you are the head investigator for Bell Telephone in this area I need a name and address that goes with a telephone number”.

“That should be easy. However, I have to know why for my report”.

“No problem. It is in relation to a homicide investigation”.

“OK. What's the number?”

“592 0097”.

“Give me an hour. I'll call you back”.

“I'll be waiting”.

During the hour wait Wallace and Stiles went over the few facts that they had in the Kerr homicide. They didn't have much. As a matter of fact they still did not know what kind of poison killed the girl. Doctor Edwards was still waiting for the State Laboratory to send him their findings until then it was just one of many missing pieces of information that hindered the investigation. Finally, the telephone on the desk rang. “Major Crime Squad, Captain Wallace”, he answered.

Wally? Doug. Write this down. The number was listed to a Gloria

Esposito. The number has been disconnected for almost two weeks. The address we have is 1270A Lenape Village, Lenape Lakes, New Jersey”.

“That's in the Western edge of the county, isn't it?”, asked Wallace.

“Yep, out in the woods, so to speak”, Miller replied.

“OK Doug, thanks a lot.

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