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Genre MYSTERY & CRIME what is it?

Reading books MYSTERY & CRIMEHowever, all readers - sooner or later - find for themselves a literary genre that is fundamentally different from all others.
An astonishing number of readers read mystery and crime.
The peculiarities of such constant attention to mystery and crime by the most diverse readership has been and remains the subject of numerous studies.
But seriously, a detective mystery should matted the reader. However, readers are very different: some try to guess who the killer is, others try to figure out the killer using mathematical methods, and others prefer to get pleasure only by turning the last page.
On the other hand, the law of the genre requires that a mystery and crime doesn’t cover all areas of a person's life at once. A crime puzzle should not be likened to love or historical novels. Only full concentration on the plot! In the same way, the atmosphere of fear, anxiety and horror gradually thickens in the thriller.
The cornerstone of the reader's well-deserved interest mystery and crime is that the criminal is doomed to suffer the punishment he deserves. This is the logic of the detective form. Otherwise, the reader will be dissatisfied and even annoyed.
Naturally, you can’t create a perfect story of mystery and crime . The author must inevitably sacrifice something of his own, but he must have some higher value that would fundamentally distinguish him from other authors. The works of Hammett, Chandler, McDonald, Cain, Stout, containing such peculiar "Emeralds", from generation to generation remain interesting for millions of fans, young and old.

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Read books online » Mystery & Crime » Gifts From The Kasbah by Robert F. Clifton (speed reading book txt) 📖

Book online «Gifts From The Kasbah by Robert F. Clifton (speed reading book txt) 📖». Author Robert F. Clifton

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This is a big help. You know if you need anything on our end, all you have to do is ask”.

“I will, good by”.

Wallace glanced at his wristwatch noticing the time was just after one P.M. He hadn't had lunch yet, but neither did Stiles. Standing up he walked to the clothes tree in the corner and removed his coat.” Alright, let's go”, he said.

“Where to?”, asked Stiles.

“First, to the community college. We'll pick up McKenna. Then we'll stop at the diner across from the county court house and have lunch. Then we'll pay a visit to the Sheriff.”

“I hope you're buying”. Said Stiles.

“I though I got rid of O'Neil. You're just like him, another cheap bastard”.

After lunch the three men sat in the office of the County Sheriff.

Mario Florio puffed on a long, fat, cigar as he looked at Robert

Wallace. “I know this is not a social visit, so get to the point, what do you want?”

“ I'm investigating a murder. The investigation is going to take me out of Nautilus Beach and my jurisdiction. As a matter of fact it may take me all over


the county. What I want is for you to deputize me and my men. This gives me jurisdiction anywhere in the area,” Wallace answered.

“Why should I?”, asked Florio.

“Because when I solve this Case and I will solve this case, the newspapers will run the story of how the County Sheriff used his office to aid the Nautilus Beach Police Department in solving the Kerr homicide case”.

“And, if I don't?”

“I solve the case by going over and around you and afterward telling the press how you refused to aid the Nautilus beach Police Department. And, as the former chief of the Nautilus Beach Police Department how do you think that would look to the voters?”, Wallace responded.

“You son of a bitch”, uttered Florio”

“Yep, I am. I had a good teacher. You. Hey, you could have stayed as Chief of Police. As a matter of fact you probably would have been the best if not the most famous Chief in the entire state of New Jersey. But, you wanted to be a politician. So, you attended fifty chicken dinners saying the same old bull shit to the voters and got elected. Now, you're in charge of the County Jail. The rest of the time you make sure your deputies serve papers for the courts. Right now I'm offering you the chance to be a cop again. People will remember just how good a police officer you were and they'll think that again. All you have to do is swear us in”.

Florio flicked the long white ash that had grown on the end of his cigar making sure it hit the ashtray on his desk”. “Alright. You've convinced me. All of you stand up and raise your right hand”.

In a matter of minutes, Wallace, Stiles, and McKenna were sworn in as County Deputy Sheriff's. On the way out of the building the three men stopped and picked up their county badges and identification cards. “I'm amazed at the way you spoke to him”, said Stiles.

“Wallace smiled. “Mario? He owes me. What's nice is the fact that he knows he owes me. I pulled his ass out of a lot of fires when he was chief.

Besides he was always a news hound and will always be a news hound. Give him an opportunity to have his name or photograph in the papers and he'll jump at it'.

“Alright, what do we do now?”, asked Stiles.

“Well, since we're here close by let's drive out to Lenape Village”

“Do you know where it is?”, asked Stiles.

“No. Pull into the next gas station you see”, Wallace answered.

“You could have asked the Sheriff”, Stiles replied.

“Just go to the next gasoline station you see”, Wallace responded.

47. Twenty minutes later, after getting lost twice Stiles pulled up to the security gate of Lenape Village. A uniformed guard stuck his head out of the booth that served as his post and said, “ Who do you wish to see?”.

“Gloria Esposito in 1270A”, said Stiles.

“Is she expecting you?” asked the guard.


“Please wait while I call her”.

Stiles watched the guard look at the list of residents with their telephone numbers then dialed the number. After a few minutes he hung up, stuck his head out of the booth again and said, “There's no answer. I'll open the gate. Pull through, make a U turn and exit the other side”.

Wallace got out of the unmarked car and walked up to the guard. He showed his badge and credentials. “Police. We're here on official police business. Now, if you don't mind I want you to open the gate and let us through. We will be going to 1270A. Once there we will determine whether or not Gloria Esposito is at home or not. If she is we'll conduct our business. If she isn't we'll conduct our business. One way or another we will do what we came here for. I hope you understand. By the way. Her telephone is disconnected. Don't try and bull shit me again. Got It?”

The guard didn't answer as he pushed the button that raised the barricade. Wallace got back in the car and Stiles drove through following the signs showing the twelve hundred block of Lenape Village. Five minutes later he stopped in front of 1270A. Wallace stepped out of the car and walked up on to the porch of a duplex. After knocking on the door he stood waiting. As he did he looked around the porch area. He noticed that while most duplex apartments had furniture on the porch, this one did not. While others had flower boxes, or hanging baskets 1270A was not adorned. The porch was bare except for a large spiders nest that had been built in a corner. Wallace knocked on the door again and waited.

“She ain't home”.

Wallace turned to see an elderly man holding a leash attached to a mongrel dog. “How do you know?”, he asked.

“Saw her leave yesterday. She ain't been back since. I know cause I keep a check on her place like she asked me. Since I do, mind telling me who you are and what you want?”

“Certainly, I'm Captain Robert Wallace of the Nautilus Beach Police Department. I'm looking for a Gloria Esposito. I was told that she lives here'.

“She does, but like I said, she ain't home”.

“Do you happen to know where she is?”

“Hard to say. She's a dancer, works supper and night clubs.


Sometimes she's in Philadelphia or New York. Right now I don't know where she might be”.

“You say that she is a dancer. My information is that she is a belly dancer, Is that correct?”, asked Wallace.

“Yeah, she is and a damn good one they say”.

“Funny, I never heard of a belly dancer named Gloria working in the area”, said Wallace searching for information.

“Of course not. Gloria's professional name is Fatima”

“Fatima, I never heard of her either”.

“Well, that's her dancer name. Now, what do you want to see her about?”

“That's personal, but thanks for letting me know that she's not home”.

“You're welcome.”, said the old man as he walked away.

Wallace walked back to the unmarked radio car, opened the passenger side door, entered and sat down. Looking at Stiles he said,” Well, it's not a total loss. She uses the name Fatima as a dancer. When we get back to the office call some theatrical agents Frank. Start locally, then try Philly and New york. Someone should be able to find out if she's listed and in what agency. If so we should be able to see where she's working”.

Stiles nodded his head put the car in drive and headed out of the complex. “Where to now?”, he asked.

“Headquarters”, Wallace answered.


Jane Chambers stood in the combination living-room, den and office of Robert Wallace's condominium looking at the various framed certificates and awards that hung on the walls. “You must be proud of all these accomplishments Robert”, she called to him as he worked in the kitchen.

“Proud? May be one or two of them. The rest, well let's just say I appreciate them”, he answered as he took time to check on the potato's boiling in a pot on the stove”.

“ Can I ask you about Elizabeth?”


“Are you making any progress in your investigation?”

“A little bit. Today we found out more about Gloria Esposito.

Her stage name is Fatima. Hopefully we'll find out where she's working. When we do we'll question her about her relationship with Elizabeth and what she knows about her using heroin”.

49. “It must be fascinating to do what you do. Looking for clues, searching for information”.

“Fascinating? No. Interesting, at times yes. Actually most police work is very boring. However, that's a good thing. When an officer has little or nothing to do it indicates that there is little or no crime. Nonetheless, the public then takes the position that policemen are lazy and either sit at their desks or in their patrol cars doing nothing and getting paid for it”.

“Surely not everyone thinks that way”, said Jane.

“No, only most everyone”.

“How is dinner coming? Do you need any help?”

“No. I'm getting ready to beat the hell out of these cuts of beef. Tell you what. You can set the table if you don't mind”.

“I don't mind. Just tell me where everything is”.

“Plates in this cupboard. Glasses right above the plates. Silverware in this drawer next to me. Do you want wine?”

“I don't think so”.

“Alright, ice water is in the refrigerator”, he said as he began tenderizing the beef using a rolling pin.

As she waited for him to finish with the meat she carefully set the table. Then after placing ice cubes in the glasses poured the water. When the pounding stopped she looked over at him and said, “I have something to tell you”.

“You want us to see other people”, said Wallace laughing.

“No, silly. Mr. and Mrs Kerr are flying to Mexico”.

“And you are going with them”.

“No. Will you stop interrupting me and let me speak?”

“Sorry. Go ahead”.

“They are flying down to Mexico on business. Mr. Kerr was in Florida when Elizabeth died. At that time he was making a transaction where he could buy sugar not only from the producer, but right from the fields”.

“Smart move, him being in the fudge business”.

“Exactly. Now he's going to Mexico looking for the same kind of

Arrangement with the cocoa growers. Once the business end is completed they will spend a couple of weeks there for a winter vacation”.

“That leaves you and the butler”, said Wallace.

“Williams is going on vacation. I'm staying to handle any correspondence or anything else of importance to Doris”.

“Good”, said Wallace as he made a caramel glaze for the potato’s.

“That's it? That's all you have to say?”, she asked.

50. “What do you want me to say?”

“I'm trying to tell you that I'll have the house all to myself.

You and I can look for anything you want that will help solve Elizabeth's murder”.

“Wallace shook his head. “No we can't. I only search with the proper warrants. If I asked you to search for anything you then become an instrument of and for the police. A good defense lawyer would destroy both of us on the stand. Even now, the fact that we've had two dinners together would be enough to disqualify any evidence or testimony you might be able to produce”.

“But, I've already given you information'.

“Yes, before the fact. Since then our relationship has changed.”

“Are you sorry?”

“Of course not”.

“I thought that I could help”.

“You are helping. You're allowing me to function in another world. One without killings, and mayhem. Just stay as sweet as you are. OK? “


“Good, now before I go to a lot of trouble, do you like braised celery?”


“Excellent, your menu this evening my lady is Stake Diane, sugar brown potato's and braised celery. Madam has expressed that she does not desire a wine, therefore coffee can be served with or after the meal. What is your choice?”

“After the meal”, `she replied, laughing.

“Fine, now

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