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Shout-out to: ABpopa and Sophia Jones. Thank you for your votes. It means aload to me. Keep supporting and loving ❤️🤗



Ava's POV:

I turned around and saw a big brown wolf, snarling at me. He was huge with big red eyes and saliva dripping from his sharp yellow cannings. He was growling, and ready to pounce on me. 

I took a step back, trying to make a run for my life. Never in my life, I had countered a rouge. He was taking slow, hunting steps towards me. Just as I was making a run, he pounced on me and Digg his sharp claws in my arm, slashing me. I screamed in pain, blood started dripping from my wound, involuntary my hand was placed over my mind to stop the pain and the bleeding.  

The wolf again aimed for a bite but I evaded him. I kicked him in the face, he snarled back, I sprinted towards the woods. I was running as fast as my legs can take me. I tried to shift into my wolf but the pain was too much to bear. I tried mind linking Cora and fleur but I couldn’t.  

I heard snarling, and heavy paws battering on the ground. I speed up, but now, I was deeper in the woods. While running I tripped over a log and rolled over the ground, my dress was a thorn, My knees got scraped.  

All of a sudden everything fell silent, I feel a harsh breath on my neck. I didn’t dare to look back. Snarling and hissing were the only sounds to be heard.  

I reluctantly look over my shoulder, and there was the ugly wolf, ready to attack. I took stagnant steps back not to anger the monster more. Is this my end? I tried to mind link them once again but due to fear I couldn’t. Just as the wolf was about to pounce on me, he was thrown back mercilessly, he collided with a tree with a loud thud.  

A black wolf was standing in front of me. He was gigantic, with glowing red eyes. He was growling at the rogue. He look back at me and his eyes fell on my wound, he growled loudly and charged towards the rogue. 

By now the wolf was standing growling at the black wolf. Both the wolves were encircled each other, looking for any deformity. The black wolf had a powerful aura like someone of high rank. The brown wolf pounce on the black wolf but he was quick to dodge him. The black wolf kicked him, sending him flying across trees. The rogue again rose but the black wolf was quick to attack, he bite the rogue in his neck, cutting his veins, blood started gushing out of his neck like a fountain but the black wolf didn’t let go. There was madness in his eyes, and that shook me to the core, but there was a certain satisfaction and belief in my heat that he won’t hurt me. The wolf eyes were bulged out, he was shaking, after a few moments, his body fell to the ground. He was dead but his eyes were wide open looking straight at me.  

I felt light-headed, and just as I was about to kiss the ground, two strong arms were wrapped around me, bringing me to his warm chest. His scent filled my senses, heaven, that’s what I felt that time, tingles shot through my body. I looked up at the mesmerizing eyes of the person who’s  responsible for my sleepless nights, my mate, but his eyes were a shade dark, glowing. I trembled in his strong hold, his warm breath hitting my temple as I stood frozen, didn’t know what to expect from his wolf. Will he reject me the same way? Tears brimmed my eyes at the thought. Why they can't love me? 

His hands tightened around my waist. I gazed into his glowing eyes, absolutely mesmerized by their wild beauty. His hands went up to my face, and cupped it gently in his calloused hands, eyes running over the length of my face as he came impossibly closer to me. 

“Beautiful,” he spoke softly into the silence, his voice deeper than usual. 

“Al-Alpha Xavier? I stuttered out not knowing what to do. This wasn’t what I expected.  

"Zion, not Xavier,” he said, his stance still not completely broken. He was looking at me as if mesmerizing my every single detail. Like I’m his most precious possession. I shuffled under his intense gaze. 

“Zion loves mate, mate is beautiful,” his eyes glowing. He was still hugging me close to his body. 

His eyes went towards my wound, and it darkened. 

“Mate is hurt? Mats is in pain,” he panicked, seeing my wound. He took my arm, and licked it. 

“I’m fin…, Just as I was saying, I was fine, I heard a tearing sound. He tore his shirt and tied it around my wound.  

My heart swelled, seeing my mate care for me. I've always seen him caring for Jessica but today, his caring nature towards me, I couldn’t controlled my tears. They were flowing freely from my eyes. A sob racked through my body, this caught my mate’s attention, who was glaring at the wound as if threatening it to heal quickly. 

Cupping my face, looked at me worriedly, tears brimmed his eyes. I couldn’t take it anymore and hugged him tightly. I cried on his shoulder. He was rubbing my back gently. I cried for his love, for being deplorable. I cried my heart out. 


(Their pic is in my Wattpad account)

Don’t know for how long we sit there, me crying and him holding me and consoling me. I hugged him more tightly when I felt my fingers wet, I looked down to see blood on my fingers. I backed away a little and took his arm to see a large gash on his arm and chest.  

“You’re hurt,” I said through my tears while holding his hand.  

“Zion isn’t hurt. Zion is big bad alpha,” he said proudly while pulling his chest out. 

I laugh loud, seeing my adorable mate and decided to tease him. I don’t know next time, will I get moments like this with him or not so, I’m gonna make most of it and cherish it forever. 

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