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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Gaddam LakshmiPriya and ADRIAN KING, thank you guys for your votes. Means a lot to me. Keep supporting and loving.


(Music video is in my Wattpad account)



Ava's POV:

3:00 AM! But still, there was not an ounce of sleep in my eyes. Another sleepless night, I sighed and changed my side. It's been a week since that day. Agony-filled heart, sleepless nights, and thousands of questions in my mind. Staring at the ceiling, I wondered, how will it be to be loved by him? There are so many things that I want to tell him, so many questions, I want answers from him. I wanna hug him tightly and ask, why he's doing this to me? When will he free me from this agony? How ironic, sometimes our salvation is the person who's responsible for our agony. How do we find comfort in the person, that broke us. A lone tear escaped my eyes. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to take over me.


The alarm went off at 7 AM. I lazily opened my eyes and shut it off. Pulling the duvet off my body, I dragged myself towards the bathroom. After doing my morning ritual, I went towards the closest to get ready for another dreadful day, But something on the bed caught my eye. I went towards my bed to see a beautiful red dress. I touched it, it was so soft, I wondered why mom bought it but then it clicked today's valentine's day. I slumped on the bed, thinking how fate is playing a cruel game on me. A silent tear left my eye, thinking about my mate, wiping it, I stood up to get ready.


I know dad must have planned something for a mom like always. I don't want to spoil that for them and I also won't give my mate and Jessica the satisfaction of seeing me weak and broken.


I changed into that beautiful dress, it reached above my knees. So beautiful! I did my hair in loose waves and light makeup.

(The picture of her dress is in my Wattpad account)


Walking down the stairs, the first thing I noticed was the bouquet of beautiful red and pink roses lying in the vase on the kitchen island. Mom was dressed in a beautiful, Burgundy color dress, and dad was admiring her with a look that made me wonder if I'll ever be looked at like that but I discarded the thought as quickly as it came.


"Oh my! You look, gorgeous sweetie", mom said while hugging me.


"Thank you, mom" I hugged her back.


"Yes, sweetheart! You're looking lovely, come and have breakfast, dad said lovingly meanwhile, mom placed my breakfast in front of me, heart-shaped pancakes.


I slowly ate my breakfast as if I have all the time in the world. I'm stalling I know, it's just that I don't know how to face him just yet.


Mom noticed this and just as she was about to ask something, a car honk was heard.


"They're here, Bye mom, Bye dad"! I quickly showed the breakfast down my throat, took my phone, hugged my parents, and fled from the kitchen to give my parents their privacy because the constant looks my dad was giving to mom were enough to terrorize any daughter.


"Good dawning", greeted my friends as sliding in the car but got no answer. That's strange, turning to them, only to see Cora lost in her thoughts. Well, that's new, Cora wasn't someone to stay quiet. Fleur had a worried expression on her face.


I jostled fleur and asked, what happened to her. " Don't know she's been this gloomy all morning," Fleur replied.


"Are you okay, cor"? I placed my hand on her shoulder and inquired gently but she didn't answer and was looking outside absentmindedly. I glanced towards fleur worriedly.


I shook Cora a little hard. " Huh"! She asked perplexed. "Are you alright, what happened? I asked.


" I don't know sapp, lately my wolf has been behaving strangely. She's been restless, but today she's much worse, I don't know what's happening." She said worriedly.


I froze for a juncture, her wolf has been restless, which means... I didn't say anything as I don't want to conclude anything. But deep down I prayed for her. The rest of the ride was silent.


We came to our destination aka hell. Never thought one day, that my favorite place will be dreadful. 


The whole school was festoon beautifully, with flowers and balloons. All the trees were decorated with red, pink, and white fairy lights, creating a romantic atmosphere. Heart-shaped balloons were making a beautiful heart-shaped booth, where couples would get their sweet moments captured. Girls were dressed beautifully in red while guys were wearing tuxedos and a matching tie with their ladylove's dress.


"Woah"! Fleur let out, amazed by the beautiful scenery.


My eyes on their own accord were digging through the sea of people for certain someone. Fleur looked at me silently, understanding, and took my hand. Just as she was about to say something, someone collided with us due to which fleur was knocked to the ground. 


" What the,  just as fleur was saying something, she got quiet and was looking at something rather someone. I followed her line of sight to saw, that guy and Cora were looking at each other, with a certain look. It was the world was disappeared and it was just the two of them. Fleur was about to say something but I stopped her because I know that look.


"MATE", they both said at the same time. 


Cora took a step forward towards her mate but what next he did, shocked us. He took off running outside the school  premises towards the wood, without looking back. Cora was hot on his tail, silent tears falling for her eyes meanwhile, I and Fleur were too stunned to do anything. This wasn't how Valentine's day was supposed to be.

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