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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: IIhan Ismail, BALUSU PRANPRANEETHA, Arvika Singh, and, Rinki Sachdeva, thank you sweethearts for voting on my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗










Xavier's Age- 4 years old.


Little Xavier was playing with his toy car near the stairs, waiting for Dina to tuck him in. He was busy playing when two slender feet came into his view. He slowly lifts his gaze only to meet with the cold gaze of his mother.



"Mama," He whispered slowly. Xavier couldn't believe his mother was standing before him. Phyllis was shocked, that all these years she never saw him and still he recognized her. Little Xavier smiled sweetly at his mother. His little heart burst into happiness when his mother's scent reached his nostrils. He excitedly got up leaving his toy and hugged her legs. Phyllis Caressed his hair gently.


"I Mish you mama," Xavier said, longing dripping from each word.


"How are you, my boy,"? Phyllis asked.



"Xavier is dood," he smiled innocently and hugged her legs tightly. Phyllis chuckled at his response.


"Wanna play with mama,"? Phyllis asked and Xavier nodded enthusiastically. He was so happy that his mama was playing with him. This means she loves him. All the mean kids told him lies that his mama doesn't love him. He will tell all of them that his mama loves him and that she also played with him. He giggled innocently at his planning.


Phyllis smirked evilly and give him her hand. Xavier hold her finger and together they started descending the stairs. Just as little Xavier decent one step, Phyllis took back her hand. Xavier looked at her confused but before he can say anything, Phyllis pushed him down the stairs. Xavier's body rolled down the stairs and he screamed in pain. The rolling gashed his skin. His whole body was numb due to pain. He couldn't feel his body anymore. But most importantly, his mind was numb with shock. How can his own mother do this to him?



Dina was working in the kitchen when she heard Xavier screaming.  She quickly ran outside and broke down seeing Xavier's little body near the stairs withering in pain. Xavier clutched his chest and head tightly. He was in immense pain. Dina rushed towards him and was about to pick him up when a voice stopped her.



"Don't you dare, Omega," Dina quickly stood straight. She looked up to see Alpha Melvin glaring at her.


"Bu-But Alpha...," She started but Alpha Melvin raised his hand stopping her. He slowly started coming downstairs elegantly. He stopped near Xavier's head who was crying and clutching his wounds.


"He's my son. He can't be a weakling. This pain is the starting of his training," Alpha Melvin sneered at Dina. She lowered her gaze. She was terrified for the poor soul but she knew she can't say anything about it. In the past years, she has attached so much to him that now she can't imagine her life without him. That night, they didn't tend to little Xavier's wounds and left him in pain on the floor.


And that's how it became his life. Getting beaten by his parents and pack warriors, if he didn't do any of his training properly. One thing his little mind always fails to understand is how can his parents be like this. He has seen in the pack house how children run to their mothers, whenever they're hurt. But, do whom should he go, to when his mother is responsible for many scars on his little body?



Xavier's Age- 6 years old. 



The past years for Xavier were hell. He was beaten, starved, and tortured mentally. They even forbid him to see Dina. His whole body was covered in bruises and cuts. Silent tears were raining from his eyes, as he ran his eyes on the dark basement. He was locked here for three days, without food and water.


He was training with the pack warriors when they call it a break. They all went to eat something but, as Xavier was not allowed something, he went under a tree and sat down. His little body was exhausted from training 8 hours non-stop. He closed his eyes and put his head back on the tree when a strong force collided with him. He groaned in pain and open his eyes to see that the kids of the warriors were circling him. They hit him again with their wooden bat.



"Look who's here," one of them yelled.



"Oh here's the freak," another voice said and they all burst out laughing. Xavier ignored them and looked away. In the pack house everyone hates Alpha Melvin and Luna Phyllis, as they have made their lives a living hell so, they take out all their anger on innocent Xavier. Xavier didn't say anything and that piss them off. They all started beating him. They kicked, punched, and slapped his little body. Xavier tried to shield his face and tried to scurry away but they were stronger than him.



"Hey, what's happening here,"? Someone yelled. They all stopped and looked up to see a warrior running toward them.



"Dad, he started it. He pushed me and kicked me," a boy lied and all the kids nodded their heads in affirmation. The warrior kicked Xavier making him whimper in pain. He took his hand and started dragging him towards the pack house.



Alpha Melvin was in his office doing pack work when they entered his office. He raised his brows and the warrior narrated everything to him. Alpha Melvin glared at Xavier, who was trembling violently. His little heart was beating wildly. Alpha Melvin didn't even let him explain himself and locked him in the dark basement.

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