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Shout-out to: Sunana Ahmad, thank you love for voting on my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗








Xavier ran and ran. He ran deeper into the woods. Today, he not only was running from his pack but also his demons. He always wanted to be free from their cruel crutches but never in his wildest dreams thought that he will pay with Dina's life for his freedom. His knees gave up and he fell to the ground. Lack of breath can be felt in his body as he took deep breaths. His chest heaving heavily. The feeling of somnolence and lassitude washed over his body. He felt like he was dousing. Black dots danced before his eyes and he succumbed to his darkness.






The man hugged his crying wife and wiped away his own tears. Alpha Nicholas Romano and Luna Aurora have been mated for 10 years and they still have no child. They did everything they could do, but nothing worked. Today, the doctor told them that they can never be pregnant as Luna's tubes were severely damaged. Alpha Nicholas rubbed his wife's shoulder and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. Coming out of the hospital, they started their journey.



"Can we please go through the forest,"? Aurora asked Nicholas. Nicholas looked at his wife, who was gazing outside the window. He sighed and changed the route.



"Why do you want to go through the forest,"? Alpha Nicholas asked.



"I don't know. I just feel like something is going to happen," Luna Aurora whispered.



"What,"? Alpha Nicholas asked.



"Something good. I can feel it," Luna Aurora whispered. They were driving through the forest, both deep in their thoughts when suddenly Alpha Nicholas applied the brake and the car stopped with a loud screech. Luna Aurora looked at him confused but he signaled her to stay quiet.


"There is something," Alpha Nicholas said and they both got out of the car. They slowly went ahead but stopped in their tracks when they saw Xavier laying on the ground. Luna Aurora gasped and ran towards him. She crouched down and ran her fingers through his hair. Xavier has cuts and bruises on his face and hands. A sense of happiness and protectiveness washed over her body.  She felt like she has finally found her peace.



"We are taking him home with us," Luna Aurora said still not taking her eyes off Xavier.


"But...," Alpha Nicholas said but Luna Aurora didn't let him.


"Please," Luna Aurora whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. Alpha Nicholas went towards them and sat next to Xavier. He gazed at Xavier and a sense of serenity filled his heart. He didn't know what was happening to him but he was drowned by the little boy. Taking him in his arms, he went towards his car.


Arriving at the pack house, everyone greeted them with wide smiles, but soon the smile turned into confusion. Alpha Nicholas was known for his kindness and the pack members adored their Alpha and Luna.


Alpha Nicholas took Xavier to a guest room and asked for a pack doctor. After his check-up, they all went outside to let him rest.


Xavier woke up with a gasp. Another sleepless night. Cold sweat glistened on his forehead. His chest was heaving heavily. The door burst open and Alpha Nicholas and Aurora came inside. Luna Aurora ran and tried to hug Xavier but he pushed her away. Xavier looked away and then slowly started looking around the room. He looked at Luna Aurora in question and she explained how they found him.


"I have to go," Xavier mumbled getting out of bed. Luna Aurora looked at Alpha Nickolas in panic.


"Hey hey Champ, why don't you spend the night here, and then you can go tomorrow," Alpha Nicholas crouched down and held Xavier's hand. Xavier was shocked as no one has ever talked to him this gently. Xavier tried taking his hand but Alpha Nicholas held them tightly. Xavier looked at him and then at Luna Aurora who was looking at him with soft eyes.



A thunder resonated in the sky and Xavier gazed outside the window to see it was pouring. He reluctantly nodded.



One day changed into one week and then one month. Alpha Nicholas and Luna Aurora took care of Xavier like their own and adopted him. Everyone in the pack adored him. From that day, nobody talked about him being adopted. Alpha Nicholas and Luna Aurora were on cloud nine, the day Xavier accepted him. That day, they felt like new parents.



Alpha Nicholas pointed to a nanny for Xavier as they were always traveling. Although, Xavier was 9 nine old but with his horrible past and constant nightmares, they decided it was best for someone to be with him.



One day Xavier was painting in the garden when he felt a presence behind him. He looked up to see an adorable girl smiling at him. She came towards him and forward her hand.



"Hello, I'm Jessica," she said with a bright smile. Xavier shook her hand and from that day they became inseparable. When their friendship turned into love, they didn't know. Xavier spend most of his time with Jessica as his parents were always traveling. Xavier vowed to love and cherish her forever.


He knew that one day he would find his mate but he didn't want that day to come. His parents were also true mates but they always cheated on each other. For Xavier love meant Jessica. He planned on rejecting his mate at the first sight. But little did he know it was easy then done.



His whole world changed the day he gazed at the teary eyes of his mate.

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