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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Heartfixer, Thank you for liking my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗





Ava's POV:
Wakening to something sloppy moving on my face.  

What’s this?  

Just as I was shoeing it, yesterday’s events came hitting.   

Moving in with Alpha! 

Jessica and Croton tiglium!  


Oh, shoot! Puppies. Opening my eyes, I saw two adorable fur tots, licking my face.  Sitting up, I snuggled them.  

“Sunrise babies! Let me freshen up, then we’ll have our breakfast,” just as I was going to the washroom, I stepped back.  

“We should name you guys,” I sat down on the bed again.  

“How about Mikey and Oceane,”? They barked and lapped at me. Looks like they like it. After playing with them for a while, I did my dawn routine, went to the kitchen for some dog food but there was none.  

It was a little early and everyone was still dozing. Don’t know where everything is so, looks like for now, they have to eat biscuits. Quickly, feeding them, I got ready and went downstairs.  

I went towards the dining room, mumbling a good morning, and sat down. I glance at Alpha Xavier to see, he was sitting at the head of the table with Jessica on his right, engrossed in each other, laughing and eating from one plate. My wolf whimpered, causing Alpha Xavier to look at me. I instantly looked down.  

A plate was placed in front of me. I looked to see an omega, serving everyone. Mumbling, a small thank you, I dug in.  


We looked to see a small mischievous kid, said and titter at Jessica. You can say, he’s a prankster. I looked at Jessica, she was red as a tomato. I felt bad for what I did. I’m usually, not like that, I like to be in my own company. 

After breakfast, everyone went to their respective endeavor. I quickly went to the room, to get my phone and other stuff. I went to the window, after hearing a car starting, only to see Alpha Xavier’s car leaving. Glancing at the clock, I saw it’s 10 minutes till class.  

Coming downstairs, I realized that I don’t have any ride to school. As Cora would think, Alpha Xavier would give me a ride. But he left me and I didn’t see anyone else. So, not having any other option, I started running to the school. 

Huffing, I reached my class, I was exactly 5 minutes and 30 seconds late. The whole class was vociferous when I entered. I looked around, to realize the teacher isn’t in class yet.  

Giving my classmates, a wobbly grin, I scrap my chair and sat down. I looked at him, but he was busy reading a book. 

“Sorry, I had to take that. It was urgent,” Mrs. Cassandra said while entering the class.  

She continued to drone on about robots for an hour. And then the bell rang. I gathered my things to head to the next class. When… 

“Miss Ava, please remember that I don’t tolerate late comers in my class,” she said and winked at me.  

Flushing red with embarrassment, I nodded and fled from there.  

As usual, my stupid friends were waiting for me. Creeping up their back … 


They jumped and looked at me with narrowed eyes.   

“Hey Patti,” Owen cheered squeezing me. Next was Cora and fleur. It was a bit weird for fleur to be with us now, as she has her mate but she said, she can’t leave her friends like that, so. After chatting for some time. We went to our next class.  



“AVA!  CORA”!  

Fleur called from her table. Yes, it’s her table now with all the Al-mighties. She has her class free before lunch, so she spends that with Beta Daniel, who daily bunk his class, just to be with her.  

Looking at Cora, I wondered, where’s her mate? Why did he flee like that, that day? So many questions but no answer.  

Coming to their table, I slipped beside Owen. While Cora sat next to Alpha Xavier. He was busy chatting with Beta Daniel and Gamma about pack borders, while Jessica was playing with his fingers.  

Jessica was talking to one of her friends, Carol, about Robert frost.  Jessica isn’t one of those easy mean girls. She’s classy, and class goes with brain. 

I pursed my lips when they switched from talking about Robert frost to algorithms. 

“So, Sapphire,”  Xavier’s other friend asked.  

“Ava,” I reminded. 

“But isn’t it Ava Sapphire Chantria or something,”? He asked confused. How does he know my full name?  

“Sapp is her wolf’s name,” before I could answer, Alpha Xavier did. I looked at him shocked, to see he was already looking at me. 

“Oh cool! So, you good with Xavier and Jessica still being together,”? he asked, and everyone at the table stop to look at us. 

I flickered my eyes to Jessica, so she knows. Of course, she would know. She clasped Alpha Xavier’s hand tightly, to prove a point. How ironical. I looked at Alpha Xavier to see, his face was blank. Not an ounce of emotion was present.   

I smiled, trying to blink down the tears. Lump forming in my throat. Seeing their hands clasped together is more painful than their kissing, I looked away.  

I look at their clasped hands again, So sweet! I hope ants would crawl to eat their hands off.  

“All good,” I nodded at him. And the girl has the nerve to smile at me. In any other circumstances, I would have found it pretty, but not today though.   

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