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Book online «His Deplorable Mate by Palos Verdes (desktop ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Palos Verdes

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Shout-out to: Sree Vatnala, Thank you for liking my story. Means aload to me. Keep loving and supporting ❤️🤗




Ava's POV:
I was looking around the room, still couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that Alpha Xavier decorated this room, by himself.  

The interiors, furnishings everything was according to my liking. How does he know this? 

I went to the window, you can see the delightful garden from here. Different, beautiful flowers prancing with the rhythm of the wind. Birds chirping, kids playing, everything is so beautiful.  

A knock on the door broke me out of my observation. Allowing the person, I saw Elizabeth standing there with a warm smile. 

“Ma’am, would you like something? Should I bring something here or you would like to eat in the kitchen,” she inquired. 

“Please call me Ava and I would like to eat-in Kitchen. Please lead the way,” I responded and we started heading towards the kitchen.  

This mansion is gigantic, I don’t wanna get lost. So, going with her is the safest pick. And second, I don’t want to be regaled like royalty.  

We reached the kitchen and Elizabeth went to make something when a girl around my age entered the kitchen with a gloomy face. She didn’t notice me yet and went straight to Elizabeth.  

She hugged Elizabeth and began sobbing, I saw how Elizabeth was trying to soothe her but the girl was having none of it. I was shocked but didn’t say anything. 

Sometimes when we are going through something big all we need is someone to share our feelings with, sometimes when we are feeling broken on the inside all we need is a person who can pick up our broken pieces and put them right in place, like some jigsaw puzzle. 

Elizabeth glanced at me and come towards me with the girl. 

“This is my daughter, Liza, and Liza she’s ava, Alpha's mate,” Elizabeth introduced us, making me freeze on her last statement.  

How the hell does she knows, I’m Alpha Xavier’s mate? 

She laughed, seeing my frozen State.   

“Oh, dear! I haven’t whitened this hair on Sun. I knew the moment Alpha mentioned you. The twinkle in his eyes was unmistakable.  And not to forget, the whole night he was awake, just to decorate your room,” she said while holding my hand. 

“Give him some time dear. He isn't that bad as he comes off,” she bade, leaving me speechless. 

“Wh-Why is she crying,” I asked still stunned, trying to convert the topic.  

“She wants to go to high school. I tried inferring to her that it’s not feasible but she’s not accepting. We are omega’s, the little money we had, spent in her school surcharges. Now we don ‘have anything,” Elizabeth explained heartbrokenly.     

I went towards Liza and hugged her,” Don't worry, I'll talk to Alpha Xavier,”. 

Her eyes lit up hearing this. There’s a ray of hope in her eyes. I should talk to Alpha Xavier, just because she’s an omega doesn’t mean, she can’t have her crucial rights.  

We ate the sandwiches made by Elizabeth and then Liza offered to show me around. She’s a kind-hearted, bubbly girl. I got my new best friend.  

“This is the home theater,” She opened a door, I went inside to see a warm cinema with a huge flat screen In front of which there were comfy davenports along with a popcorn and soft drink station. 

“It’s beautiful,” I admired the theatre, and then she let me go out. 

We took a sharp turn, and she showed me the indoor pool and gym. Everything is so beautiful. I had lived in this pack all my life but never came to the packhouse. My dad wanted his privacy, so we lived in our house. 

“And this is Alpha's study but we can't go inside,” She explained while I nodded. 

Just as we were coming back, my gaze fell on a door.  

“That is Alpha’s room,” Liza answered my unasked question. 

“My zion's room,” My wolf said dreamily making me blush. 

“And also Jessica’s,” Liza added making my smile disappear.  

Funny, how can a person affect someone. Sometimes, only their name is enough to flutter our hearts, and sometimes, the same name is enough to obliterate us.  

Suddenly, I felt choked here. Excusing myself, I went to the garden.  

The sun bathes the garden with a lustrous glow, and the sugar-frosted coating of winter melts from the grass. Bunnies pep in the grass like frogs with fluff. The daffodils look as yolk-yellow as the ducklings in the brine.  There is a baked apple smell in the air. It is the smell of plants growing. Butterflies jogging around.  

There’s a beautiful, pond at the end of the garden, tiny and big fish swimming. Salmon torpedo up in the pond.  

As I was lost in the beauty of the garden, I heard a small outcry. Looking around, I saw no one.  

“From where is it coming from? Who's hurt? 

I heard that sound again, going in that direction, I saw two adorable puppies, huddled up in a basket, whimpering.  

Stepping forward, I saw they were wet and shaking. Looks like they spend the night here in the downpour and found shelter in this basket.  

“Oh my poor babies,” my eyes watered seeing them. Quickly taking them in my arms, I hugged them and brought them inside.  

While going inside, I saw Jessica talking on her phone. I know eavesdropping is bad but sometimes it’s good. 

“Really Ava,” My wolf said amusedly. 

Ignoring her, I went behind the wall to listen.  

“Yes! I’m so excited. My Xavier will be so happy seeing all this. Can't wait for our date,” Jessica squealed.  

“He’s my Xavier,” I let out incited. 

“And Zion is mine, you two-faced bitch,” Sapp yelled in my mind. 

“Don’t curse Sapp, it’s bad,” I let out while she just narrowed her eyes and gave me are-you-serious look.  

Going inside, I bumped into Daniel.  

“Sorry,”! We mumbled at the same time. He looked surprised, seeing me here.  

Hey Luna,” He greeted.  

“I'm not Luna. Please just call me Ava,”.  

He laughed,” You’re our Luna, not anyone else.” He said and looked at the babies in my arms, who were dozing soundly.   

“Hmmm I found them in the garden,” I said. He nodded and I took my leave. 

“Please take some juice and fruits to the game room,” Daniel requested an omega.  

I took the babies to my room and put them in my bed.  

Coming to the kitchen, I saw the omega making juice and taking out fruits from the fridge. Looking around I saw cheery peppers on the kitchen island. Funny tho, how they look exactly like cherries.  

Looking at them, when suddenly I got something in my mind. Smirking evilly to myself, I offered the omega my help.  





I was sitting in the living room when Alpha Xavier came downstairs fuming. His eyes were blood red and smoke came from his ears. He looked exactly like the male character from a comedy show. I giggled at my observation when Alpha Xavier snapped his eyes towards me.  

I quickly looked away, trying to quell my laugh. Beta Daniel came down, also trying to not laugh but failed miserably, and burst out laughing.  

Alpha Xavier, glared at us and took off to the kitchen, probably to get some milk or lemon.  

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