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I quickly went towards the other girls. Alpha Xavier and Beta Daniel are looking wild. Fleur called Beta Daniel, but he is having none of it. Soon, some guards came and tried to pull Alpha Xavier and Beta Daniel. 


“You fool, You know who he is,”? The manager asked the guy, who was harassing me. 


“But dad he started it,” he said wiping the blood off his lip, only to get a slap from his dad. 


“Sorry, Alpha Xavier. He is just a boy. Please forgive him. He didn’t know she was your GF.  He’s a fool,” his dad pleaded. 


Alpha Xavier nodded and turned in our direction. Just as he was coming our way… 


“Sorry Alpha, I didn’t know she was your GF but I must say the one blue dress is hotter. I won't mind banging her,” just as he completed his sentence, Alpha Xavier loudly growled and lunged at him. 


He was throwing punch after punch at him. People tried to pull him back, but no one was the match of an angry Alpha. His eyes were pitch black. His whole body was shaking in furry. I have never seen him this mad. By now, the boy was barely conscious. Beta Daniel tried to pull him back, but it was like Alpha Xavier was possessed. 


“Ma’am please, stop the Alpha. He will kill my son,” the manager pleaded Jessica. She nodded and went towards him. 


“Baby,” she called and stroked his back. Alpha Xavier halted and looked at her. She smiled and my heart broke. Did he stop just because she asked? But what he did next aghast me. 


He jerked his hand from her hold and pushed her. She stumbled a little but composed herself. He looked at me, and his eyes softened. Glancing at me one last night, he fled from there. 


I looked around to see Beta Daniel was hugging fleur like a koala and Cora and Jessica were frozen from what just ensued. 


Don’t go, Ava! 
Don’t Ava! 


I fled from the club, in search of my mate. He wasn’t in the parking lot. Where is he? 


“Forest,” Sapphire replied. 


Without another second, I ran towards the woodland. I called him, but no answer. 


I went deeper and called him, but no alibi. I started searching for him desperately but he was nowhere. Where is he? 


Just as I was going to the deepest part, I heard twisting of branches and loud snarling.   


I hesitantly turned around to see, ten rogues ready to rip me. What should I do? They are ten, how will I take them down? 


Think Ava! 
Fuck it just Run! 


I took a step back and sprinted in the opposite direction. They were hot on my tail, snarling. 


As I was running, I saw Little light coming from a path. I ran in that way to see a small cabin. I banged on the door but no one answered. 


“Come on, open it,” I banged but no one unlocked the door. I looked in the window, to see, the cabin was empty. 




I was looking around when I saw a car standing a little far. Quickly running towards it. I prayed for the car to be unlocked and like the moon goddess answered my prayers, the car was unlocked. 


Hastily, buckling the seat belt, I roared the engine. I can still hear their snarling but now I was far away. 


I was on the road, and thank the moon goddess for helping me when I saw a huge wolf standing in the middle of the highway, lips swiveled back over his teeth. I swore and let my reflexes take over, swerving away in front of the huge, ominous figure. The realm around me was a haze, as tires screeched and metal crunched. 


Everything went black, as riot stemmed. The corvette hurled, rolling to a lull on its back. I was dangling from my seat. 


Sharp pain flared in my body, I turned my face to see the huge ugly creature from before, coming my way. 


My heart throbbed in my chest, as he neared me. A predator slowly prowled its prey, until I could see its paws on the window. I began to fumble with my seat belt, I will not let this ugly beast win. He was pounding on the window with his heavy paws. 


I saw a small crack in the window, and my heart stopped.



Please, remember one of my lovely reader, Azghagi in your prayers. She lives on a small island in Mauritius, and heavy rain and thunderstorms are striking there.



Please vote, follow, comment and share. I'd appreciate it. Love Y'all's ❤️🤗 


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